Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

5K 125 35
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

The letter left me thinking a lot last night. Obviously Vero and I had to talk things over again; this time I had to make it very clear that I had no romantic feelings for her. And that I wasn't going to have them for her. To me, she was just a best friend. Vero had to understand, for the good of our friendship.

As I planned last night, I was waiting for Vero outside of her classroom. People were passing by me, but Vero was nowhere in sight. Of course, class hadn't started yet, therefore, I don't think that Vero was planning to show up at the moment. Either way, it was best to wait here, than go looking around campus for her.

I leaned against the wall, starting to get impatient. It was irritating me, especially when a group of guys started to spray water everywhere. I had to stand in the corner to protect myself from getting wet.

Finally the bell rang. I stood up straight, and looked out for Vero. Others were heading to class and I had to move out of the way. Still standing close to her classroom, I looked in all directions, wondering where she was going to come from.

Fortunately, I caught a glimpse of Vero. She was walking behind two other girls. When the girls moved to the side, I was able to see Vero clearly. She was looking down at her phone, texting.

I moved towards her, "Vero," I called for her attention.

She looked up, seeming surprised. "Hey," she sounded caught off guard. Her eyes glanced at her classroom, "What are you doing here?" her eyebrows connected in confusion.

"I need to talk to you," I stated. "My mom told me that you were looking for me yesterday, and she gave me the letter you left." I added.

"Oh," she seemed awkward. "I understand, but class is about to start," it looked like she was just brushing this off, and she was looking for an excuse to get out of this conversation.  

"But we really need to talk," I insisted.

"What do you want us to do? Ditch first period?" she questioned skeptically. I nodded my head. She looked the other way, thinking about it, I'm guessing. Doubtful though. "Camila, you're crazy, but okay," she accepted.

We walked the other direction, away from her classroom. We were walking down the halls, down the one where Lauren's classroom was. The final bell hadn't rung yet. While we walked down the hall, we stayed quiet. I looked straight forward, trying to see if Lauren was standing outside the classroom as the students walked in.

When we had reached the classroom, indeed, Lauren was right by the door.

She saw me immediately, "Camila, aren't you going to come into class?" she stood aside, expecting me to walk in. Her eyes shifted to Vero for a second, then back to me. She maintained a firm and professional pose.

"No, I have to go to the library to work on something," I tried hinting otherwise with my eyes.

"Ohh. Oh, okay," she caught on.

Vero and I kept walking, heading to the library. I actually still had the hall pass that Lauren gave me the last time she let us go to the library. That was going to be useful in this situation.

Once we were in a different hallway, Vero spoke up.

"Wow, Miss Jauregui really is the cool teacher," she commented. "Any other teacher would've made you get to class," she explained her opinion, which for me, was a fact.

"Yeah, she's awesome," I couldn't contain the smile from gracing my lips. "She teaches really well; I've never had such an amazing teacher before her," I couldn't help myself from bragging about how amazing my girlfriend was. Even if Vero didn't know, I still wanted to brag about having the 'cool' teacher, as everyone calls her. Talking about Lauren made me feel great. "She's perfect," I blurted out.

"Um okay?" Vero stare was on me. "Camila, she's just a teacher; who by the way, is too old for you," she laughed it off.

Sure Lauren was twenty-six, and I was only seventeen, but that didn't matter. Besides, like I said before, it only seemed like there was a four year difference instead of nine. That was good in our case.

"Whatever," I wasn't going to get into that with her. Anyways,I didn't want to risk getting caught by Vero. "Let's just go to the library," I instructed.

"With what pass?" she questioned. I took out the that Lauren gave me last time. "Cool," was all she said, unenthused.

When we arrived to the library, the librarian checked out pass and allowed us to stay. Vero and I looked for the furthest table away from everyone else who was in here. We needed some privacy.

We sat across from each other.

"So I read your letter," I started off, not really knowing what to say. I thought I did, but being here with her, made the environment feel awkward. The tension was definitely thick.

"And what did you think?" her hands folded on the table, but then unfolded, and she started playing with her earing. That was a nervous tick of hers.

"I... uh... to be honest, it made me uncomfortable," I admitted. "Vero, please understand me, you're my best friend." I started again. "Reading the letter was like reading a love letter from a sister," I stated, hopefully that was going to set the point. Although the incest comparison made it even more awkward.

"I'm sorry Camila, but I don't see you as a sister," she retorted.

That hurt me. I wanted her to see me as a sister, like she used to. I didn't want her to have any romantic feelings towards me. It gave me the chills just thinking about it.

"I used to be," I reminded.

She sighed. "But that never changed," she stated. "I'm in love with you, and that won't ever change," she assured. I wish that was said by Lauren instead.

"It has to," I was staying calm. She shook her head. Vero wasn't understanding, and I didn't know what to say to her anymore. She probably needed half of the truth. "Vero, I'm already dating someone," I informed.

Her eyes flickered, "What?" she gulped. "You're lying," she refused to believe the truth. She was hoping for it to be a lie, I could see it in her eyes. 

I shook my head, "I'm not lying," I replied. "I already have a girlfriend, and I'm in love with her," I reassured. Telling her that I was in love with someone else, seemed to affect her a lot. Her eyes got watery.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" she questioned. She inhaled and exhaled, trying to stop her tears.

"Because I wanted to keep it a secret, and not jinx it," I excused, hmm, that made sense, right? I sure hoped so.

"You couldn't trust me enough?" she chuckled skeptically, as if she were offended.

"I just didn't want to jinx it," I repeated. "Besides, it's a good thing that I didn't tell you, you wouldn't have liked it either way," I explained. Vero looked the other way, her brown hair covered part of her face, not allowing me to see if she was crying or not. A finger slid underneath her eyes; she was crying. I felt terrible. I even got a sick feeling in my stomach. "Vero, I'm sorry," I had to apologize.

Her face fell into her hands as she lightly cried. I stayed quiet, allowing her to have her moment.

She looked up, wiping her tears, "Who is she?" she asked.

Well I obviously couldn't tell her that it was Lauren. I had to think of something else to say. Of another lie. But what? If had to be believable and non complicated. There were two other high schools in this town, maybe I could say that my girlfriend went to one of the two. And that's why she didn't know her. That could make sense.

"You don't know her. She's goes to a different school," I went with the lie.

"What's her name though?"

She wasn't dropping it.

"You don't need to know that. I'd rather not talk about her with you," I excused. "I don't want to rub it in your face," I added, I really didn't. I knew this was hurting her, I could see it.

"I want to meet her," she stated.

Shit, I had to keep thinking. Now what? Well I had to come up with another excuse. Maybe I just had to stick with the not bragging excuse. Though, maybe that wasn't going to be enough for Vero. She was probably going to insist.

"You can't," I shook my head. "I know you Vero, I know that you'd be rude to her," I stated. Honestly, I really thought so.Vero had so much attitude when it came to people she didn't like, and well, obviously, she was hating my girlfriend; even if she didn't know her. Vero's tears had disappeared, but now an angered expression appeared on her face.

"I just want to meet her," she raised her hands in defense. "Don't worry, I won't beat her up," she retorted.

Well even if she tried, I'm pretty sure that Lauren would win. I had seen Vero fight before, she wasn't the best. The past experiences, well, she got her ass beat. I had to get in there to defend her. If Lauren and Vero ever fought, I wouldn't be able to defend Vero. I would be able to stop the fight... possibly, but I wouldn't beat Laure nup. I loved her. Anyways, I would mainly stop the fight, so that Lauren wouldn't get hurt, and so that her gorgeous face wouldn't be mistreated.

"Whatever, I just don't want you making her feel bad," I replied. "I don't want you insulting her," I added. She sighed. "And stop wanting to meet her, it'll never happen," I finalized. Vero was starting to give attitude and it was upsetting me. "I just want you to understand that I don't like you," I stated firmly this time. "We could still be friends, but nothing more," I added.

"Wow Camila, you're seriously giving me attitude just because of that girl," Vero's head shook in disbelief. "You'd choose her over me," her eyes squinted skeptically. "That girl is already changing you," she claimed.

What the hell was her problem? Changing me? Lauren wasn't changing me. No, wait, yeah she was, but it was a good change. Lauren was making me happy. Maybe Vero didn't know me after all. She was just butthurt, I wasn't going to put up with all her bullshit.

"You're right, she's making me a better person," with that said, I stood from my chair. Vero's jaw clenched in anger. "If you're willing to be just friends then cool, but if you're not, then oh well," I grabbed my bag and hung it over my shoulders. "Just know that I'm in love with her." I said before walking away.

Now I rubbed it in. Only because her comment bothered me. I tried being mature about it, but I couldn't help it. Yeah, it hurt me to cause Vero pain, but I couldn't contain that last remark. 

Of course I was going to choose Lauren over her. I would choose Lauren over anyone.


During brunch, I went looking for Lauren in the classroom. I just needed her embrace, her comfort. Only she could make me forget about everything. Only she could make everything right. Just with her hugs and kisses.

Without even knocking on the door, I opened it and walked in. I closed the door and walked to Lauren's desk, where she was working.

"I really need you,"I was heading towards her.

"Um, Miss Cabello," huh, why was she calling me by my last name? Her eyebrows arched, signaling behind me. I looked over my shoulder, realizing that there was a student in here, working on some work.

If I wasn't mistaken, it was Austin. It had to be him, he was hunched over his desk.

"Miss Jauregui," I was aware now. "I need to talk about the work from this morning. I need to make it up." I added, just in case Austin was listening.

Lauren looked past me, checking on Austin. She looked back at me, "Not right now," she whispered, giving an apologetic expression.

Well too bad because I really wanted some alone time with her. Too bad Austin was here. Wondering how much work Austin had left, I walked over to him. Looking over at his desk, I saw that there were only three problems left. Though, he was struggling with one of them, which was keeping him from moving on.

"You know, if you start simplifying on this side of the equation, it'll be easier," I spoke over him, making him jump. "Sorry," I chuckled. I looked at Lauren, who was smiling and heading our way. "If you start here, then you'll have less complications and less fractions," I explained.

"I'll try it," Austin began working on it. Lauren and I watched, although that was making him nervous. Instead of watching him, I looked elsewhere while waiting. He put his pencil down and looked up at me. "You were right," he looked relieved.

"Always glad to help," I smiled.

"Camila, would you do me favor of helping Austin understand the lesson after school?" Lauren asked. Ugh, she was putting me on the spot here. I shouldn't have said always glad to help, I spoke too soon. I wanted to spend time with Lauren after school today. "I would, but I have a meeting after school today, therefore, I can't," Lauren added, in a way explaining and hinting that either way, we wouldn't be able to hang out.

In that case, "Okay," I accepted.

"Really?" Austin's eyes lit up. Creepy.

"Yeah," I smiled anyways.

"Well I'll get going," with that said, Austin stood and started to pack up his things.

Since I was standing close to Lauren, my hand brushed on hers, causing her to smile. I wanted Austin to run out of here, so I could finally kiss Lauren. Unfortunately, Austin was taking forever to throw everything into his backpack. He was actually neatly placing everything inside.

Finally, he stood and was about to walk away.

I grabbed his textbook, "Here, can't forget this," I handed it to him.

"Thank you Camila," he grinned. "Bye," he waved to me. Wow, he was almost like a child. He was definitely different from all the other guys. "Bye Miss Jauregui," he waved to her and finally left the classroom.

I ran to the door and locked it.

"Finally," I smirked, now turning around to face Lauren.

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Come here," she signaled me over with a seductive finger.

Not being able to control my urges, I hurried to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. Her lips were calling out to me. My lips opened and pressed on hers, finally getting a feel of those pink and delicate lips of hers. Her full lips were great to kiss. I felt a smile form on her lips throughout the kiss. Her hands rested on my hips, gripping. Releasing them, her hands then roamed up my back.

My body was pressed against hers, making her walk backwards until she hit the wall. My arms slipped off her neck, I held onto her hands and pinned her arms above her head, while my body pressed more firmly into hers.

I had to stop for a moment, "Getting this close to you makes it nearly impossible for me to control myself," I breathed heavily on her lips and pecked them.

"I know," her eyes shifted down to my lips. "It's difficult for me too," she admitted.

"Lauren, do we really have to wait?" I was barely able to control myself. Desperately, I wanted to rip Lauren's clothes off, kiss and caress every in of her body. "I don't think I'll be able to," I nibbled on her neck while my hands now rested on her waist.

Her hands held mine, over her waist.

"I can tell," she chuckled, sounding like she actually wanted to moan though. This was weakening her. My teeth nibbled on her skin. "Camz," she gasped a moan out. Her hands tightly held my hands, while I tightened my grip on her waist. "We're at school," she tried excusing. My urges were too strong though, I couldn't stop myself. I trailed kisses to her Adam's apple.

"I love this spot," I said as I sucked on it lightly.

Her head tilted back, "Camz, baby, you're making it very difficult to stop," she stated. I looked up at her face to see her biting on her lower lip. Then, I felt her hand behind my neck, holding on. Her nails dug into my skin while I kept sucking and nibbling at her Adam's apple.

Although there was slight pain, for the most part, I thought it was pretty hot.

I stopped, and she released me. I took a step away from her, to control myself. I even turned around, to not look at her while I inhaled and exhaled. I had to gather myself.

I felt Lauren's hands on my waist again, she pulled me back against her. She was still against the wall, but sort of slouching. Her arms wrapped around my waist while my back was against her. She kissed my cheek before resting her chin on my shoulder.   

"Lo, I was serious about the question, do we really have to wait until I turn eighteen?" I restated the question, this time, really wanting her to answer it.

"I don't know," she breathed out, as if still thinking it through. I liked the sound of that. At least she was considering it. There were chances! I sure hoped so, because I really wanted to be in bed with her. Just looking at her made me weak in the knees. She was like a gift sent from heaven. An angel, no, a goddess. Her beauty was incomparable. 

"Will this help you make up your mind," I turned around and cupped her face. I kissed her passionately, trying to persuade her answer. I stepped back and looked into her eyes, her pupils were dilated. "What do you have to say now?"

She turned me again and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"Honestly, I won't be able to wait until you turn eighteen," she admitted. Her breath was felt on my ear, giving me the chills, the good ones. "We don't have to wait," she whispered sensually into my ear.

Oh my god, yes! Ugh, too bad that we were at school. Brunch was about to end too, we didn't have enough time to do anything right now. Either way, I didn't want our first time to be here, and I especially didn't want it to be a quickie. This was excellent new though. Too bad Lauren had a meeting after school. It's not like she was able to ditch it, it was her responsibility to show up.

My head tilted back, as much as my shoulder allowed me to.

"Finally," I grinned, feeling really excited about this.

"Camz, have you already been with someone?" she popped the question. Oh god, I didn't like where this was going now.

"We don't have to talk about that," I laughed it off.

"Camila?" she questioned, insisting.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter now," I wasn't comfortable talking about this with her, my girlfriend. Besides, any old flings didn't matter anymore, only Lauren mattered to me. To change the conversation, I asked, "So what's the meeting about?"

"About some issues with a few students apparently," she answered, letting the subject go. Thank god. "Hey, thank you for agreeing to help Austin out today," she kissed my temple, causing me to smile.

"No problem," I replied. "I would do anything for you," I added. Feeling her warmth really relaxed me. I fit perfectly in her arms. I wanted so badly to fall asleep. Unfortunately, the bell ended up ringing.

"Awe," I saw her pouting when I looked up. I pushed off her and turned around to see her completely. "There wasn't enough time for you to tell me what happened with Vero this morning," she reminded.

"I'll tell you later on Lo," I held her hands. "So we'll meet after your meeting?" I settled. She nodded."Awesome," I leaned in and waited for her to connect our lips. Her hands let go of mine and cupped my face, keeping me from parting our lips. Oh well, our lips still parted because I giggled. "See you later," I pecked her lips one last time and gathered myself before walking away.

"I'll miss you," she said behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw her blow me a kiss.

"Me too," I blew her a kiss back.


The school day ended and I had to make my way to the library. I was beginning to regret this. As I was entering the library, I saw Lauren along with the other teachers, entering another room. A room right next to the library.

Lauren caught me looking at her and smiled. Discreetly, she waved cutely at me, then walked into the room.

Now I entered the library and started looking for Austin. He was probably already here. I thought it was going to be easy to find him since no one else was in here, just the librarian. I looked at where the study tables were, but he wasn't there. I would've shouted his name, but eh librarian looked to be in a bad mood, so I didn't. I don't want to have problems with her

Still looking for him, I looked through the rows of the book shelves, which was basically useless since he wasn't there either. I was truly becoming frustrated. Austin should have made himself visible. Where the hell was he?

"Have you seen Camila walk in here?" I heard someone ask by the entrance of the library. I hurried over there.

It was Austin. Wow, and I had been looking for him this whole time. Did he just get here or what? I thought it was funny how he was asking the librarian for me, using my name. The librarian already knew who I was though.

"That girl, of course, she's been walking around like crazy," the librarian informed Austin.

"Austin," I called after him. He turned around with a smile plastered on his face. "Where have you been?" I asked when I reached him.

"I was in the far end corner, reading a book," he answered. "I wasn't hiding or anything," he was quick to clarify, as if afraid that I would think so. I wasn't even going to accuse him of anything.

"It's fine," I laughed, demonstrating that I had no problem with it. "At least we found each other now."

"Yes, that's great," he smiled from ear to ear. He was creeping me out, like seriously. There was something strange about his stare, something that I didn't like. It made the hair on the back of my neck, stand up.

"Okay, well let's get to work," I shook off the strange feeling.

As we walked to where he had been sitting, he wanted to continue explaining himself.

"Sorry once again, I was really into this book, and I didn't realize that you were looking for me," he explained.

"It's fine," I gave a small smile.

Austin directed me to a table, it was away from everywhere else in the library. It was really private, I had never even been to this part of the library. This was total privacy It made me wonder, how many have had sex back here? I bet many did, well at least those who knew about it.

Now I understood why Austin didn't notice when I was looking for him, especially when I couldn't find him.

His math textbook was out already. That was good.

"You know, I'm very happy that Miss Jauregui asked you to help me," he commented.

"Really? I thought you would have preferred her to help you," I assumed.

"No, most the students want Miss Jauregui's help, but only because they fantasize about her," he informed. "They always check her out, and try and flirt with her," he added. Hmm, I didn't like hearing about that.

"Oh yeah?" I tried to sound interested.

"Yes, but Miss Jauregui's very professional, to her they're just students," okay, now that, I liked. "I admit, she's beyond gorgeous, but she's not my type, she's way out of my league," he joked, though his little laugh sounded awkward, as if he didn't know how to joke around.

Lauren was way out of everyone's league, but also out of adults leagues. I was so lucky to actually be with her. It was all still like a dream to me, which I never wanted to wake up from.

"Don't worry, she's out of my league too," I joked, to ease the tension that filled the room.

Austin laughed, "No, you're the only one who could actually have a chance with her," he replied. "Well not literally because you're her student, but if you weren't, she would've probably liked you," he chuckled. "Which means that you're out of my league too," it seemed like he dreaded saying that.


"Um, let's get started on the work," I changed the subject.

"Camila, do you think I could ever have a chance with a girl like you?" he asked, sounding serious about it. I gave a puzzled expression, where was this coming from? "Miss Jauregui isn't my type because my type are girls my age, like you," he stated.

"Austin, I'm sure there girls who would like to date you," I answered as nice as I possibly could. To be honest, Austin didn't really have any chance with girls here. Not because of his appearance, but because he came off creepy at times. Other times, he seemed like a nice guy though. "I can't though because I only like girls," I explained, in case he didn't know.

"I know, but maybe you can like me," it sounded like he was compromising. Sexuality can't be compromised.

"No, I'm sorry," I gave him an apologetic expression.

Then the main door was heard, I got up and saw the librarian had left the library. The clear glass doors allowed me the vision to see her leave.

I went back to the table with Austin, who was creeping me out. As I was sitting, I noticed a magazine by his other books. It was a playboy magazine. Oh my god, was he looking through that before I found him?

"Did the librarian leave?" he asked. I nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"You know, I have to go," the fact that we were here alone, really freaked me out. I just couldn't be here with him.

I stood up.

"Why?" he questioned, now standing up too. "You can't leave, we haven't even started the tutoring. He stepped closer to me.

I took a step back, "Some other time," I was about to walk away.

He gripped my arm, "Why are you leaving me?" he was overreacting. His expression and demeanor was scaring me. "Don't you love me?" What the hell? Okay, I was definitely freaked out. He had the crazy eye.

"I-I-I... d-don't know wh-what you're talking a-a-about," I stuttered. My heart was racing. Goosebumps formed. A hot and cold feeling washed over me, I hated that feeling, it always made my lips feel dry. "Can you please let go?" I tried pulling out of his grip.

"Promise not to leave me," it seemed like he wanted to cry, but he still looked scary. Something was wrong with him, he was not in his right state of mind.

"You're scaring me," my voice trembled.

"I can see the fear in your eyes," he looked directly into my eyes. Not being able to stand it, I looked elsewhere. "Look at me!" he demanded, now gripping both of my arms, tightly.

"Austin, you're hurting me," I tried yanking away, but it was useless.

"You're hurting me more though," he stated. He was crazy. "Make it better, kiss me," his face got closer to mine.

"No!" I shouted, feeling like I was going to cry.

"I said kiss me!" he yelled and harshly pressed his lips on mine. I moved my face, trying to get his nasty lips off of mine.

"I said no!" I shouted, my body trembling. "Please let me go," I cried.

"Today you will be mine, today you will love me," with that said, he picked me up and tossed me onto the table, he then climbed over me. He startled me, keeping me from getting up. His hand held my wrists and pinned them over my head with one of his hands. With his free hand, he ripped my shirt straight down the middle. He could clearly see my bra and stomach. "Finally, someone will love me, and won't just make fun of me. Everyone makes fun of me, but never loves me," a tear of anger rolled down his cheek.

I cried and trembled heavily, "Please let me go," I pleaded.

"NO! Just love me!" he said with rage, while fondling with my boobs.

"No, you fuckin' prick!" I insulted.

"Shut up you bitch!" the back of his hand slapped my face. The sting was felt immediately, but I couldn't rub the sore spot since he was still pinning me down. I cried more, not just because of the pain, but mainly because of how terrified I was feeling. Austin had gone insane. "Oh no baby girl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," now his whole attitude changed. He was gentle, but he was still forcing me down. "I love you," his lips pressed onto my cheek, giving disgusting and unwanted kisses.

He laid on top of me. One hand held to both of my wrists, as his other hand roamed my leg, caressing it. I hated his touch, it disgusted me.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I cried, desperately wanting to escape his grip. Both my legs were between his. There wasn't much of a gap between us, so I couldn't even attempt to kick him.

I had the huge urge of throwing up when his hips started moving up and down. I could feel him in his jeans. I couldn't take it, I didn't want to be raped.

"Just enjoy it and let me love you," he started nibbling on my neck. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt him wiggling out of his pants, the more he wiggled, the more I felt  him on me. I looked down and saw that he didn't have boxers or briefs on, just kids underwear.

"NO!" I screamed. "Somebody help me! NO! Help!" I shouted from the top of my lungs.

He started moving in a circular motion on me again. I couldn't believe that this was happening. He was actually going to rape. Lauren then came to mind. I called for her in my head. Lauren I thought of her while crying. I didn't even want to move anymore, it was just going to make my body rub more against his.

I was about ready to just give up and cry my eyes out while having to suffer through this.

"Austin!" that voice, I knew that voice! The next thing I know is Austin is yanked off of me. "What the hell are you doing?" Lauren threw him to the ground harshly.

"Miss Jauregui calm down," the principal got in between them.

I quickly got off the table and ran into Lauren's arms. I didn't care who was in the room, I needed her comfort. I cried into her neck as she caressed my head, while running her fingers through my hair.

"Lolo," I whimpered in a whisper.

"It's okay. Shh. It's okay, you're safe. You're okay." she said as hugged me tightly.

"You're coming with me," the principal grabbed Austin's arm. He made him pull his pants up and then he pretty much dragged Austin out.

"I'm so sorry, I only stepped out to look for a few documents in the office," the librarian explained herself. "I'll go get you some water, okay sweetheart?" she excused herself, and walked away.

"I heard you scream and immediately came running," Lauren kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry Camz, it's my fault for asking you to help that prick," she blamed herself for this situation.

It wasn't her fault though. She had no idea what kind of guy Austin was. He tricked everyone into believing that he was a nice, innocent guy; in reality, he was insane and abusive.

She pulled me out of her embrace to look at me. "Your cheek..." she said quietly, bringing her hand to cup it lightly. There must have been a handprint from Austin. Tears brimmed her eyes. "And your shirt... Baby," she said trying not to cry herself.

I just wrapped my arms around her waist and held on tighter than before, as I continued to cry.

A/N: Hi loves! So this chapter is SUPER important. Rape is not something that should be blown over like it usually is. Rape happens and it's horrible! Just remember if you're ever out and about with friends/family, or by yourself, always look for what and who is around you. Always pay attention to your surroundings.

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