Gleina na Agar: LOTR story (R...

By Aranel-en-aino

149K 4.2K 1.6K

You are sucked into the Realm of Middle Earth accidentally, and are bound to the ring! If you don't find a wa... More

Intro: Author's Note
The Finding of The One
Shortcut to Mushrooms
The Prancing Pony
Into the Wild and Weathertop
The Valley of Imladris
The Fellowship of The Ring
The Pass of Caradhras
The Mines of Moria
A Great Loss
The River Anduin and Amon Hen
The Breaking of The Fellowship
Uruk-Hai Captives
The Enemy Within
Rider's of Rohan
The White Stranger
Wizardry in Melduseld
The King's Decision
Journey To Helm's Deep
Deeper And Deeper
Tennalda Firië Foa (Until Your Dying Breath)
Dealings Inside Orthanc
The Last of All Good Things
Novaer (Farewell)
The Race Into Mordor
The Crack of Doom
Of Dreams And Fables
*Author's Note*

Conversations In Bag End

6.5K 191 76
By Aranel-en-aino

Despite your utter confusion about being lost in a strange world, Gandalf did his best to make you relax. He'd try to keep lively conversation going as you wheeled your way up to a small home dug into the earth. You were grateful for his calming nature, and uplifting spirit. Before you entered the dwelling though, Gandalf made it strictly obvious to you just who these little people were. They were not dwarves or midgets, but a different race you've never heard of before. They were called hobbits. 'Halflings' to people of normal size. Besides being very short and having unnaturally large leathery feet, they would've been considered very normal in our world. Maybe a bit reclusive when it came to harsh realities, but all in all, a very pleasant people.

Bag End, as Bilbo had called it when he welcomed you, was a cozy estate dug deep into the earth. Made up of a maze of circular tunnels, you were quite surprised at how much sunlight the place got despite being underground. It would have been much more pleasant for you if everything had been just a hair taller! More than once you hit your head on a doorway or the chandelier, leaving a nasty memory. Your pain tended to interrupted by questions about your schooling from Gandalf just before he left to gather some reasonable garments for you.

In truth, most of what you knew was elementary stuff, but they seemed highly impressed with your level of knowledge. And occasionally when you wanted to really impress them, you'd break out the hardest class you knew and tested yourself in it. Most of the time Bilbo stared at you like you were speaking another language, except for Gandalf. Who stood there with a very surprised look on his face. Actually it bloated your confidence to new levels with the thought of being highly intelligent... But the truth was you weren't really... You were considered average among your peers at school. This just tested how much of that information you had retained. It still had you mightily encouraged.

Though it took a while for your current embarrassment to be cured, Bilbo was kind enough to lend you a blanket to at least cover yourself until Gandalf returned. To your surprise Bilbo was much kinder than Gandalf had made him sound. Apparently he wasn't normally like this, but for some reason he took an immediate liking to you. His unnatural curiosity got the better of him when he had heard you had absolutely no idea where you were, and nobody knew where you were from. You tried to describe your home in the best way possible, making it sound entirely boring for yourself, but for someone like Bilbo the adventure bug started nipping at his heels again.

His excitement carried him on this rampage about his old adventures which ended in him digging up old maps and trinkets. He showed you a map of middle earth, which was worn with age and use. As far as you could tell the land mass still continued onto the west... How big was this place? Was it possible you were still on earth after all? No... Judging by how many miles was in between each country, you knew it wasn't possible. But you were still curious, "So, has anyone explored beyond the map? I mean taken a cartographer and mapped out the rest of the world? Beyond... Rhûn, is it?"

Bilbo shook his head, "Not that I've heard of! Though that would be quite the adventure!"

You studied the map in hopes of some sign of earth. Some way you might be able to get home, but could find none, dragging your hopes through the dirt. You were quickly distracted by a new voice, cheery and full of life, "Uncle, your guests are waiting. The party is about to start!"

You turned to see a younger hobbit, very handsome for his stature with the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen. They grew wide at the sight of you sitting wrapped in a blanket near the fireplace, "Oh, hello! I don't mean to interrupt..."

Bilbo's smile grew at the sight of the hobbit, "Oh, ___! This is my nephew, Frodo Baggins."

He sort of skipped in stride to reach out for your hand with a bright smile, making his eyes twinkle, "I'm very pleased to meet you miss ____! I hope my uncle has been sociable."

You couldn't help but return the smile. At least one person wasn't staring at you like an alien from outer space, "Nice to meet you too, Frodo, and yes, he has."

Frodo snorted in unbelief, "Huh, that's a miracle in itself. Ever since he came back from slaying that dragon he hasn't quite been himself."

At the mention of the mythical creature your eyes grew as big as watermelons, "Dragon!? A real dragon? Like huge, fire breathing, lizard?"

Bilbo smiled at your reaction, only a bit perturbed, "Yes! But I didn't kill the beast. No, that was Bard... Oh, Is there any other kind? Don't you have dragons in (country)?"

"No! There's no such thing were I come from!" You could still hardly believe your ears at the conversation you were having.

"Really? From what you've told me about your world, it sounds fascinating! But no dragons!?"

"It's not as incredible as you may think... And it's completely devoid of magic, so... it's not really..." You tried to think of the right words for earth... boring maybe? No, that didn't seem right. Earth had it's fine points.

"Devoid of magic? Oh dear I don't understand at all! In a world where music is summoned from the air, carriages don't need horses and people can fly I think there would be a lot of magic!?"

You shook your head, "Well there isn't... It's more of an illusion. Science not magic."

After a bit of silence while both you and Bilbo tried desperately to understand each other's worlds, Frodo bit his lip, "Um... Pardon me, but Uncle your neglecting your guests. Everything is ready down near Bywater."

Bilbo's face crumpled into a frown at the reminder, "Oh, dash it all! Just when the conversation was getting interesting again," He turned back to you, "I say, my dear. Do you mind waiting here for a bit? I'm sure Gandalf will be back shortly with something for you to wear."

"He is already here." A deep and familiar voice interjected. You turned just as Gandalf ducked to avoid the rafters, new clothes in hand, "Go meet your guests Bilbo, I'll tend to ___ and be down shortly." He nodded and Frodo took Bilbo out the door with a cheery glance back at you. Gandalf offered up some new clothes for you, which were old fashioned but comfortable. Shoes were provided, but declined when you knew the sharpest thing you'd walk on was a dirt road and the party was all on grass. Besides it might give you a better chance of fitting in with the halflings.

Once you had changed, already feeling much better, you hesitantly asked, "I hate to be a nag, but when can I find some answers to my... 'problem?'"

"All in good time my dear. We'll need to have a decent talk after Bilbo's party tonight, but for now I dare say you could use a bit of cheer. Worry does not bode well on a pretty face, and it's best to relax. It's not often we get a decent amount of peace in this life."

Though his response frustrated the logical side of you, the other half sounded very inviting. Taking Gandalf's word you followed him down to the field of bright lights and colorful tents. To your surprise no one gawked at you like before. Since you always felt more comfortable around Gandalf everyone assumed you were some sort of assistant to the old wizard. It took a while for you to start to enjoy the cheery celebration, but Bilbo'd nephew Frodo seemed to notice your worry and decided to show you around. The hobbit's casual and fun-loving demeanor quickly enveloped you as you tried new foods, drink and even danced under the magical spectacles Gandalf provided.

It has been so long since you had just let all your cares melt away and let the moment take you, your heart felt like it was on wings! You stopped briefly to be introduced to some of Frodo's closest friends, and to listen to Bilbo's 111th birthday speech! It was certainly a surprise when you heard his age, but even more of a surprise when he completely disappeared at the end of it! The whole crowd gasped, and you blinked multiple times. You've seen enough magic shows to know about vanishing tricks, but this was different! His figure had totally melded into the background!

You looked to Frodo, wondering if this was some sort of prank, but he looked just as speechless as you. You turned to Gandalf, only to find he was gone. Once again your curiosity had peaked and the questions returned. The rest of the party tried to enjoy themselves, but it was mostly gossip about old Bilbo. After a while Frodo decided to seek him out back at Bag End, and you tagged along not knowing where else you'd go. As you stumbled in after Frodo, you ignored him for a moment to see Gandalf staring in deep thought at the fireplace, mumbling a few inaudible phrases.

There was a strange foreboding in the air, and you thought it best to stay silent when Frodo's face fell in thought, "He's gone hasn't he? He talked for so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it," His usual lively step had turned heavy as he walked over to the old wizard who didn't answer, "Gandalf?"

The old man turned with sad but kind eyes, trying to force out a comforting smile, "Bilbo's ring. He's gone to stay with the elves. He's left you Bag End. Along with all his possessions. The ring is your's now."

It was then you noticed just what they were talking about as Gandalf placed it into an envelope; a small plain golden ring, and your brow narrowed, "Hey, I know that ring!"

At your interjection Gandalf turned around with interest, "Do you now?"

"Yeah, I found it in my car last night... or whenever that was." At the strange look of confusion you got from Frodo at the word 'car' you tried your best to clarify, "A sort of horseless carriage." This only confused him further, but Gandalf interrupted.

"Did anything happen? While you had it?"

Thinking back into the haze of your last memories you did remember the voices inside your head as you fell asleep, "Well I thought I was going crazy, but I heard some weird voices in my head... Kinda creepy too..."

"What did they say?" He asked urgently.

You bit your lip trying to recall the precise words which seemed impossible, "Some other language, uh... like, ash naz durbatuluklner...I don't know. Something like that..."

When Gandalf heard the strange words you uttered, his face grew pale and very still. Part of you wanted it to be a joke, and you tried to smile but lost it, "Is that a bad thing?"

Gandalf let out a heavy sigh as he stood quickly to grab his hat and staff. Frodo's jaw dropped at the action, "Where are you going?" He asked with a lot of question in his voice.

Without glancing away from the door, Gandalf continued to hasten, "There are some things I must see to."

"What things?"

"Questions. Questions that need answering." Just as he reached for the doorknob you started to panic a bit at the thought of loosing the one person who could help you.

"Wait! Weren't you going to help me find some of mine!?"

He turned back to you and tried to reassure you, "This is exactly what I am doing, my dear..."

Frodo's frustration with the secrecy clearly showed, "You've only just arrived! I don't understand."

Gandalf sighed heavily and shook his head, taking a hold of Frodo's shoulder, "Neither do I... Keep it secret. Keep it safe." With a final glance, the wizard shuffled out the door and shut it in haste, leaving both you and Frodo to ponder over tonight's events. Seems like you weren't alone in the abyss of nagging questions.


The evening was going so well, I thought... maybe Bilbo was enjoying himself enough to stay, but... I guess there were still things nagging at him I didn't know about. I hope he makes it safely to the elves, and if I ever see him again. It was a pleasure meeting ___ though! She's really very nice when you get her to open up, but from what she's described about her situation so far, I can understand!

It's no wonder Bilbo took a liking to her. She's just another piece of proof that the big people aren't as bad as we make them out to be. I guess since she really has no place to stay, I'll offer her a place at Bag End until Gandalf returns with some answers for the both of us. I should like to show her around Hobbiton.


*sitting by a campfire and stargazing. The only thing that has always given him hope is the stars. He recalls days spent in the elven kingdom of Mirkwood and their legends of the stars. Apparently the wood elves have always had a love of them, and he grew to love them too. Soon he will pack up and make his way into Bree. He could use a night or two of rest.*


There has been some tension is the southern parts of the wood near Dol Guldur. More than once I've spotted the wizard Radaghast the Brown ridding around and snooping about the woods trying to investigate. I've tried to encourage my father to do the same, but he's as stubborn as always. Maybe I'll approach him once more and see if he'll let the messenger party travel to Valley of Imladris sooner with our pressing news.

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