Reborn [1] (Jacob Black)

By alliekatt314

242K 6.8K 905

Mum used to say we were the same soul split in two and walking around on four legs. It seems unnatural being... More

Chapter 1 Leaving
Chapter 2 Establishing Cover Ups
Chapter 3 Bella stay away from them
Chapter 4 Trying to be Human
Chapter 5 Found Out
Chapter 6 The Cold Ones
Chapter 7 Great he's back
Chapter 8 Rosalie
Chapter 9 Bookstore
Chapter 10 Somewhat Explanations
Chapter 11 Dammit Bella!
Chapter 12 Edward Cullen
Authors Note
Chapter 13 The Blacks
Chapter 14 Dinner
Chapter 15 Dinner
Chapter 16 Creeper
Chapter 17 Baseball
Chapter 19 Charlie
Chapter 20 Flee
Chapter 21 Hotel
Chapter 22 James
Chapter 23 Broken
Chapter 24 Fire
Chapter 25 Hospital
Chapter 26 Prom
Authors Notes

Chapter 18 Blood and Wet Leather

5.2K 173 11
By alliekatt314



I hold my head up as the strangers approach. They are barefoot and wild looking. There are two men and one woman. The blonde man and flame Jared woman orient themselves besides the seemingly leader.

The woman has a gift for escaping and trickery, and the man has a gift for tracking. Their leader seems to lack any special ability.

They stop before us and I inhale deeply.

I go completely tense when I get their scents.

Blood and wet leather.

Blood and wet leather.

Blood and wet leather.

Its him.

I stare with wide eyes into the red ones belonging to the man that attacked me.

It can't be.

The leader of them holds up our baseball and grins.

"I believe this belongs to you," the leader says and casually tosses the ball to Carlisle at a blinding to fast speed. Carlisle catches it easily.

The casual fun does nothing to stop the ice in my veins.

"Thank you," Carlisle says ever so politely. Their smiles do nothing to hide their offensive stances.

My attacker just stares at Bella and I all too intently.

I need his eyes off me.

"Could you use three more players?" the leader asks.

"Of course. Some of us were just leaving. You can replace them," Carlisle replies. He understands how fragile this situation is.

I take a shuddering breath and cautiously move to Edward and Bella.

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James," the leader introduces and gestures to his companions. Victoria is a fiery red head, Laurent is a muscular black man, and James....he's my worst nightmare.

His red eyes, white hair, and leather jacket that I swear my blood is on.

"Would you like to bat first?" Carlisle inquires and tosses the ball to him. Victoria catches it right before his face.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball," Victoria states and smirks. Laurent grabs a bat from the ground and waves it.

"Oh well I think we can handle that," Jasper chuckles. Anxiously I latch onto Bella's hand and squeeze it.

Terror keeps me from thinking clearly.

Edward tugs Bella away as soon as the three vampires move to the other side of the field. I follow them and close my eyes.

Please don't smell us.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle says clearly as the family starts to disband to positions. Alice lets Jasper take pitcher.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed," Laurent apologizes sincerely.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby," Carlisle replies. The three vampires exchange a look of shock. Then his eyes return to me. I don't understand why I can't take my eyes off him. I can't move.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more," Laurent promises. He seems so civil and kind.

His red eyes keep me from thinking too nicely of him.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East," Victoria explains with a beam pride.

Jasper gives a nod and pitches the hall to Laurent who slams it with the bat. Alice is up a tree in a flash and catches it easily. Laurent frowns but then grins, appreciating the competition.

"Can we leave now?" I whisper to Edward. He shakes his head and holds Bella close.

James steps up to plate next, finally taking his eyes off me, and hit the ball with great force. It cracks against the bat and he sprints past us.

The wind he causes with his speed blows past Bella and I. A shiver runs down my spine and I gulp thickly.

" brought a snack," James muses darkly. I turn around instantly to see him sprinting full speed at us. Edward throws Bella back and I seize completely still.

I stare open mouthed at James. He's before me in seconds because I don't move. He puts a vice like grip on my arm and drags my neck to his mouth.

Edward and the Cullens growl immediately standing to offense.

My hands shake violently, my knees buckle and I nearly crumple to the ground. James holds me up and nips at my neck.

Bella has her mouth covered with her hand and is staring in pure horror.

Please no. Oh god no.

The smell of blood and wet leather invade my nose making my whole body shake.

The Cullens have their teeth bared and are crouched offensively. Laurent is standing between us as them with his hands out.

A menacing snarl rips from James' mouth as he scowls at the Cullens.

My neck is twisted and my back is against his chest.

"The girls are with us," Carlisle states firmly. "Release her." I screw my eyes shut and try to slow my rapid breathing.

I am stronger than him, I can throw him off. I need to calm down.

"We won't harm them," Laurent says.

"Just try it," Emmet rumbles and clenched his hands into fists.

"James release her," Laurent orders.

"Please let me go. Please," I beg weakly. I watch James eyes as they fill with recognition.

"I created you," he says. "But you have blood."

"Let her go!" Alice snaps.

"James," Laurent says and nods at his tracker.

"Let the girl go," Carlisle demands sternly. With a flush of bravery I force my eyes open and stare at his.

"Let. Me. Go." I speak clearly and with my hypnotism. I'm released instantly. I sprint into Bella's arms and let out a sigh of relief.

"I think it best if you leave. LAURENT Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now," Laurent responds and steps back. Victoria follows him but James lingers. "James?"

"JUST GO!" I scream desperately with all the charm I can muster. This makes them sprint away.

As soon as they disappear my knees buckle and I collapse.

"I-I-I c-can't," I stammer and cough trying to catch my breath. My lungs feel as if they've stopped working. My throat closes up and I cough desperately trying to catch my breath. I feel someone wrap an arm around my waist and pick me up. I pant and choke as they hold me. It's Emmet he's holding me tightly.

"Get Bella and Reyna out of here. We'll follow them," Carlisle states intently. Edward and Women both mod.

Dr. Cullen, Jasper and a resentful Rosalie race off after the three vampires. Edward scoops Bella up and carries her to he keep. Emmet does the same for me and buckles me into the backseat. I stare off into space aimless and let my head flop back.

"Alright! IM ALRIGT!" Bella exclaims indignantly as Edward tries to buckle her seatbelt. She snaps it herself and he flashes to the drivers seat. In a second flat we're speeding away. I take deep shuddering breaths and count as we drive. Bella is frantic and asking so many questions.

"Are you okay Reyna? What's going on? Who was that? Why'd he hurt my sister? Reyna what's happening to you?"

All her questions make my head spin.

"Who was that?!"

"James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession, and my reaction set him off ." The jeep swerves around a bend making me jerk. "We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting one vulnerable human. Not to mention some weird new creature that he created is sisters to the human. I just made this his most exciting game ever."

"I can never escape him," I whisper listlessly.

Blood and wet leather.

A/N: Christ what a night? Two chapters?! Both long and exciting! What a thrill? I'm glad you guys enjoy this story so much! Thanks for all the votes and comments!!!

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