The Nerd Effect #Wattys2017

By poseidons_fury

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Don't think of this as your typical 'Nerd meets Bad Boy' situation, because I'm telling you that's not what h... More

Chapter 1- High School Sucks
Chapter 2- Tenth Doctor VS Eleventh Doctor
Chapter 3- Lunch, Flashbacks, and Annalisa
Chapter 4- The Ice Cream Thief
Chapter 5- Pancakes are amazing! School however is not.
Chapter 6- Secret Places and Almost Kisses?
Chapter 7- Harry Potter Fixes Everything
Chapter 8- Ancient Greek Embarassments
Chapter 9- Confessions
Chapter 10- Gay Best Friends & Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 11- My Saviors
Chapter 12- We Need To Face The Future
Chapter 13- High School Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 14- Amusement Parks & Brotherly Advice
Chapter 16- Genevieve
Chapter 17- Almost Time To Grow Up
Chapter 18- What'll We Do Now?
Chapter 19- I actually Socialize (Somewhat)

Chapter 15- Together? Together.

92 7 20
By poseidons_fury

I woke up the next morning with my face still wet from my tears last night. I had sat down to eat with Andy, and then had gone straight to bed.

Going to bed upset was never a good idea, and to be honest I could tell why. My eyes were still puffy and red, and my hair was a mess.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I still had to go to school today, but thankfully I wasn't in fear of being late.

Since I couldn't careless about putting on makeup, I put a black hoodie on and threw my hair in a ponytail.

"Hey," Andrew said when I came down the stairs. He was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book.

"Where's Payton?" I asked groggily.

"She hasn't come yet. Is she usually this late?"

" When did you start drinking coffee. And reading?" I asked sitting down at the table.

"I dunno," he shrugged.

I heard a ding from my phone and looked over at it. "Sorry I'm late, I'll be there soon." A text from Payton read.

"Hey, you hungry?" Andy asked, setting down his mug and book.

"Yeah, what do you have for me to eat?"

"There's leftover pizza."

"I'll take it."

He laughed and grabbed the pizza out of the fridge to heat up in the microwave. Waiting for my 'breakfast' I played around with my phone.

As my brother set the plate with the pizza slice on it, I heard the door open, and Payton came in.

"Oh," she said, caught off guard to see me already awake. When she recovered she said, "Seriously? You're feeding her pizza for breakfast. You have to be kidding me!"

"Do you want any?"


Both of us laughed as Andy handed Payton a slice. She sat down in the chair that faced away from the kitchen, and started eating.

I finished my pizza quickly and stood up to grab my school things. I walked back over to where Andy stood and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye big bro, text me when Gen gets here ok?"

"Who's Gen?" Payton asked as the two of us walked down the stairs of my front porch.

"My brothers girlfriend and hopefully his soon to be fiancé. She's the one who convinced him to man up and make things up to me."

"I think I like her already." Payton said, looking at me over the top of the car. She then got in at the same time I did, and we continued our conversation. "I'm glad you're getting along so well with Andrew."

"I am too. I really missed him, no matter what shit he did to me. It hurt more when he left." I replied. It was a dark time when Andy left.

Payton started the car and backed out of the drive way. A second later, I got a text from Andy. "Seriously? You make Payton drive your car for you?"

"Yes. Don't judge, I'm lazy."

I looked up and saw him in the window, shaking his head at me.

I stuck my tongue out him and laughed when he did the same.


When I got to my locker, I saw Chris in the reflection of my mirror. I took a deep breath and walked over to him.

"Hey," I breathed looking down. "I'm ready to hear your explanation."

"You aren't going to yell at me?" He asked cautiously.

"Not if you give me a reason to. Then your ass will be handed to you on a silver platter."

"I have been told I have a nice ass, but I would really rather not see it on a silver platter," he told me.

"Are you seriously that self obsessed? Get on with the explanation."

I rolled my eyes, and he continued. "Can we go somewhere less loud? I want to make sure you can hear me."

"Sure," I replied shortly. Just because I walked up to him to start this conversation doesn't mean I have to be the most polite person in the world.

We walked over to a little cutout in the wall where a door was. "Okay, so I should start with the girl." he took a deep breath, exhaling through his nose. "I'm not going to lie to you, I love you. The second our kiss was interrupted, I wanted to hit something."

Glad to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way...

"Then, there was that girl. I was upset because I thought that you didn't really like me, and then she came up to me and started saying that I was really hot, and then the next thing I know we're both kissing. I just was lost," he was speaking rather quickly, some of his words slurring together.

"Then you stopped talking to me. And it hurt. A lot."

"Not as much as seeing you kiss that girl right when we were about to kiss just hours before. I was in pain Christopher. It hurt physically and emotionally. It still hurts."

"That's the thing, you said you saw, and I felt 100 times worse. I never even meant to kiss her, let alone, have you know that I kissed her."

"Fine, ok. It hurt both of us. The thought of you with any other girl hurts because dammit I love you too. But you didn't stand up for Liv. Why?"

"I was walking down the hallway, and I saw it happening. I didn't know what to do, and I really wanted to help, but I couldn't. God, I feel awful, but I knew it would only make it worse for the both of us. I'm such a coward," he looked down at the floor, and I could tell he was disappointed with him.

"Chris, look at me." I held his chin with my hand and tried to tip it up to look me in the eyes but he refused. "Eleven. Look at me before I walk away because if I do it will tear apart both me and you. I know you don't want that for either of us."

He looked up at that point. "Eleven?"

"You think I forgot my special name for you? Never in a million years." He grinned slightly, but only for a brief second.

"Hey, smile. Please? For me?"

In a split second he grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me in closer to him. Our lips met, and I shut my eyes, seemingly melting into his strong embrace.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. The feel of his lips on mine was enough for my knees to almost give out. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. We simply stood there, locked in each others embraced, losing all counts of time.

We finally both pulled away panting our faces flushed. I looked down and blushed towards the floor.

"Fuck, Ken. I love you."

"I love you too, Eleven." I put more emphasis on Eleven to tease him. I smiled and bit my bottom lip.

Worried about time, the two of us stepped out of the alcove hand in hand. We were both deliriously happy, but I saw Liv walking up the hallway towards us, a scowl on her face.

"Oh crap... She's not going to be very happy is she?" Christopher turned to me worriedly.

She walked right up to Christopher, staring at him for a few seconds, as I stood there, my eyes wide in fear she was going to do something. Before I could even react, Olivia had thrown her arms over Chris' shoulders, shutting her eyes and hugging him.

I breathed out in relief and smiled hugely at my best friend.

"Finally you dumbasses figured out your problems and got together!" she said before pulling away to give Christopher a look. "Now Chris, hurt her again and I'll kill you. Actually... She will kill you and I will hide your body." Liv said, in a dead serious voice, then added. "And Payton will dance on your grave. Got it?"

He just nodded, his face a mix between confusion and joy.

"Now, we have to get to class," I said, grabbing Chris' hand and dragging him back to my locker with me.

"Chris, I have something to tell you." I stated turning around to look at him.

"Okay, but we have to get to math," he said as I opened my locker, grabbing my textbook out of it.

"Ok. Let's go!" I pulled him towards the classroom with a huge smile on my face.

We both chose seats that were next to each other at the back of the classroom. There was still the part of my mind that said I shouldn't forgive him, but I was in the process of strangling that part to death.

I played with his fingers in my hand until the teacher walked in and started the 'lesson' so to speak.

Graduation was tomorrow night, and then the underclassmen and juniors had 3 days next week. So we weren't learning anything. Well, if I hadn't finished my outline I would be working on that, but I already had, which basically meant a free class period. Christopher however still had to finish his, so I waited for him to finish by reading.

I was engaged in The Maze Runner now, and I didn't want anyone to interrupt me. The class itself was very loud though, being that it was a free period for almost everyone else.

"I FINISHED!" Chris yelled throwing his hands up in the air. I laughed at him and gave a huge grin.

He walked his sheet up to the teacher's desk, and she accepted it, looking at him over the rim of her glasses. "Finally Christopher." He just smiled back at her and came to sit beside me again.

He pushed the book out of my hands (to which I gave him a playful glare) and turned my chair so I would face him.

"You're coming as my date to the senior party." Christopher stated as if it were common knowledge.

"I don't get a say? What if I wanted to go with Taylor?"

"All your friends ship him with you anyway."

"How did you know that?" I looked at him sideways. "And Liv never did."

"It's common knowledge. But, I know you will come with me because I am amazing, and because Taylor is going on a trip therefore missing the party," Christopher stated, grinning.

"First off, how did you know that?" I looked at him again. "And second, you're my boyfriend now, why wouldn't I go with you?"

"Oh, I'm your boyfriend?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and smirking.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm her boyfriend, suckers!" He yelled loudly, and everybody in the room just stared at us. I shrank in my seat, feeling embarrassed on Chris' behalf.

"You didn't have to do that..."

"Yes I did, you are adorable and other guys want to be with you. I was just letting them know you are unavailable." His grin grew bigger and laughed when he saw my cheeks grow red.

"Oh really? Who are all these guys who want to be with me?"

"Ooh... Got me there."

I just laughed quietly. "I love you, but you don't need to announce it to the world."

"Are you kidding me, of course I do!" I leaned over and kissed his cheek and giggled at how he stiffened.

The period as over all too quickly, and the two of us had to separate; Christopher heading to biology, whereas I had to go to history.

"Bye!" I called over my shoulder.

I was still overly happy as I found my seat next to Olivia and Taylor.

"What's up with you?" Taylor asked me as I sat down.

"Love has taken our dear friend and made her this creature," Olivia replied.

"I can answer myself you know!"

"I know you can. I just wanted to wipe the lovesick smile off your face."

"Oh you mean like the one you are wearing?"

"Oh shut up Ken," Olivia said, her cheeks flushing. She sunk a bit lower in her seat, but she couldn't seem to stop smiling, and covered her face with an arm.

I knew the feeling. Taylor however was giving us a look.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Well... Me and Christopher are together and Anna finally asked out Liv," I explained.

"I've shipped your two forever." He stated.

"Which couple?"

"Anna and Liv. I'm sorry, but you're both perfect for each other. I've shipped it since we started hanging out in 8th grade."

"So you haven't shipped Chris and I?" I gave him a disapproving look.

"I don't know him that well, since he's still fairly new, but I'm happy for you. Both of you."

I smiled a huge smile as Mr Lawson started explaining the rules of the roleplay.

"Okay, so this is all in your control. You guys get to act out the stories we've learned in class. Why don't we start with the creation story? I'll be Kronos, and Miss. Line from across the hall will be both Rhea and Gaea."

The entire class started 'oooing' at that. Well all knew Mr. Lawson and Miss. Line were dating, even though they tried to keep it secret.

"Calm down guys! Ok, Miss. Line take it away," he stated looking over towards Miss. Line.

"Gaea was Mother Earth. She was the earth herself, as well as she could appear on the earth, which if you ask me is a little bit confusing," she started. "Anyway, she had her husband Uranus.

"Now we all know that that's a terrible naming choice, but the two fell in love. They had a race of kids, the first things on earth, called the hundred handed ones. Uranus thought they were hideous, so he threw them in a pit under the earth, Tartarus. Gaea got upset at that, but she tried again. This time there were the Cyclops. Monsters, and blacksmiths, with only one eye.

"Uranus threw them into Tartarus once again. Gaea and Uranus tried one last time, and this time they had the Titans. 12 powerful god like beings that ruled the earth. 6 men, and six women."

"Kronos was the most powerful of the Titans, despite being the youngest. After all this time, Gaea was getting upset at her husband. Kronos said that he would kill Uranus for his mother, and he did so." Mr. Lawson interrupted. "Kronos then married his sister, Rhea." Miss. Line stepped forward, as if to show that she was Rhea. Before we knew it, Mr. Lawson was down on one knee and holding open a ring box.

"Rhea, or, Pam, would you like to marry me?" Miss. Line just looked at him, her face a mix of joy and surprise. "Absolutely!" She finally cried, and the entire class started cheering.

"I don't even want to do the roleplay anymore. That was so much better than I thought it would be!" I exclaimed. I was so happy for Mrs. Line and Mr. Lawson. They really were perfect for each other.

Miss. Line was smiling uncontrollably now, but she continued on with, "Kronos and Rhea had 6 kids Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus." Each of the people slotted for those roles came and stood in a line next to her. "Kronos ate every kid except for Zeus, whom Rhea his away on an island to grow up. Now, this is where it really starts."

Alyssa, Annika, Gabe, Olivia and Kayla all moved off to the side, and Cedric stood in the dead center. "I'm the only one my father didn't eat. In your faces!" He yelled at his 'siblings'.

"Shut up Cedric! No one cares!" Gabe yelled back.

"Did you hear that? My brother is yelling to me all the way from my Titan father's stomach all the way in the mainland!" Cedric yelled, trying to sound as if he were impressed.

"Get on with the story! I want to be born!" Taylor yelled towards Cedric jokingly.

"You're gonna have to wait a while," Liv said.

"Anyway, Zeus then traveled back to the mainland when he grew up, and defeated his father. Zeus married his sister Hera, and all was happy in the world for a while. Now, the story of Apollo and Artemis.

"Zeus had had an affair with a mortal woman, and Hera was very jealous. Let's skip right to when they were born, we don't care about Python and other details." Miss. Line explained.

"Come on little sis!" Taylor yelled pulling me towards the front.

"I was born first douche."

"Woah, language!" Taylor said as we walked to the front. The 6 other students, were already lined up, and the two of us joined the procession.

"Hera didn't like it, but Zeus made the two Olympians."

The role playing actually started then, with Annika walking over to where Cedric, Taylor and I were standing. "I do not want those bastards on Olympus!" Annika yelled at Cedric. "They're not real gods, and I don't believe them fit for thrones in my court."

"Hey, I know you don't like me Mrs. Queen, but I should be the one who doesn't like you. You made sure no one would help my mother

give birth to me and my little brother," I sent a glare at Taylor at the little brother part.

"Fine," Annika said, throwing her hands up in an annoyed fashion. "Give them thrones. Make them gods of the moon and sun, I don't care!" She stopped off center stage, and I had to admire her acting.

"I think that's what I'll do," Cedric said, nodding. "Artemis, you can be goddess of the hunt, and the moon, and Apollo you can be God of the sun, music, poetry, medicine, prophecy, plague, and a lot of stuff."

"Sweet!" Taylor said, but I just crossed my arms. "Why does he get all of that?"

"Um, cuz.... He's a man."

"Sexist father..."

"Next was Ares," Mr. Lawson said.

"Honey!" Annika yelled from across the room. "I'm pregnant."

"Great," Cedric said weakly, and turned his attention away from the two of us.

"Dad, I'm going to swear off men, they are awful creatures!"

"Oh, okay honey." Cedric said as Jonathan walked to the front of the room. "Hey, I'm your son Ares."

"Isn't he amazing!" Annika beamed.

"No, he's awful. Take the beast away," Taylor said. He didn't like the attention being taken away.

"Why don't you love our darling little boy!" Annika wailed, and I tried not to laugh. "I'm going to make a baby! By myself!" She stomped off stage once again.

"Didn't Hephaestus come first?" I whispered to Taylor.


"No he didn't," Cedric leaned over and whispered, and I shoved him.

Annika screamed from across the room. "My baby is hideous! Why did you let me do this?" She yelled, right in Quentin's face.

"Thanks mom." He said, and looked down at the floor, pretending to be really upset by it.

"Hey, don't worry She hates us too." I said walking over to Quentin.

"Don't touch him! He's hideous," Annika warned, walking over and shoving him. Quentin stumbled and almost fell into a desk. He looked back at Annika, trying to look really sad, and then continued on past the rest of the desks. "Mother, you've abandoned me," he said dramatically and then ran away,

I was really struggling to not laugh at this point.

"Hey y'all," Hailey waltzed in. Since she had moved from Texas, her southern accent made her sound like Cho Chang from A Very Potter Musical. "I'm Aphrodite, and I'm the most gorgeous woman in the world."

"Not again!" I yelled dramatically.

"Hello, I'm Poseidon," Gabe waggled his eyebrows and move closer to Hailey.

"Oh no! All the gods will fight over her," Cedric exclaimed. "Hephaestus! Get over here!"

Quentin walked over to where all of us were standing, and Cedric put a hand on his shoulder. "Aphrodite, you'll marry Hephaestus."

"Hi, I'm Ares." Jonathan said, walking over to Hailey. "I love death, and war, but unfortunately I'm a coward."

"What? Noooo!" Hailey complained. "I like Ares better."

"You just met him," Taylor pointed out.

"I don't care, Zeus, you can't marry me to this man."

"Uh, yes I can."

"Sweetie, he's the King. He can do whatever he wants," I yelled towards Hailey.

Hailey just pouts, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Hera, I'm going out for a bit," Cedric announced, but as he was walking off stage, he collapsed to his knees. "Argh, my head."

"I'm the smith god, I'll split your skull open." Quentin offered.

"Seems legit," Cedric shrugged, and walked back over.

"I can only see where this is going to get you father," I exclaimed shaking my head in false disappointment.

Quentin mimed cutting Cedric's head open, and An ran up to the front. "Hi, I'm Athena." She announced.

"Oh please don't be like the other goddesses!" I cried, running towards An.

"Men are stupid, I'm a maiden." She said, and I just hugged her.

"Aww," Taylor said, disappointed.

"Don't mind my twin. He's an airhead. Literally," I told An.

"Hi, I'm Demeter. Nice to meet you," Alyssa said.

"Hello," An turned to shake her hand.

"I'm still going out," Cedric said, and Annika rolled her eyes at him.

"Hera, My Queen, You might want to watch my father. You may end up with more Stepchildren."

Cedric came back a second later, followed by Brandon and Ryan. "Um, honey..."

"What." Annika snapped.

"I might've gotten two women pregnant."

"Hi," Brandon waved at all of us. "I'm Dionysus, and I love wine."

"And I'm Hermes," Ryan grinned like an idiot. "I'm a messenger and trickster God, and I'm gonna steal your cattle," he pointed threateningly at Taylor.


"Oh, I'm gonna steal it. And you won't know I stole your cattle." Ryan said, smirking. "In fact, I'm stealing your cattle right now."

"NOO! My cattle!" Taylor cried out dramatically falling onto his knees and pretending to cry. I awkwardly patted his back and tried not to laugh as he continued to fake sob.

Alyssa stepped forward at that point, and Vicky walked out from behind her. "Zeus, I'm your daughter, Persephone."

"Keep it in your pants dad!" Jonathan yelled.

"What, I..."

Olivia, who hadn't spoken this entire time, stepped forward and said, "I like you. I'm going to kidnap you and force you to stay with me in the Underworld." She grinned darkly.

"What? No." Vicky protested.

"Yes! Let's go!"

"OH NO! My daughter was taken captive by my brother!" Cedric exclaimed trying to fake surprise.

Olivia gave an evil laugh, and took Vicky's hand and ran to the back of the classroom. "You can't stop me Demeter!"

"NO! My darling little girl," Alyssa threw herself onto the ground and started wailing at the top of her lungs.

"It's okay, we'll get her back," Cedric promised.

By this point I couldn't stop laughing. "Oh father, why can't you let Uncle Hades be happy?"

"Oops, I ate 6 pomegranate seeds," Vicky said.

"Now she can never leave!"

"I have an idea! She can stay with you in the underworld for however many pomegranate seeds she ate, and come and live in Olympus the rest of the year!" Cedric cried, smiling like he had the most brilliant idea in the world.

"What a fantastic idea!" Taylor said, grinning like an idiot and getting up off of his knees.

"Can we ask Persephone her preference?" I asked.


Mr. Lawson glanced at the clock, "Guys, the period already ended. You guys have to go!" This caused kids to run around the room, trying to get their items as fast as possible, and run out the door.

Tomorrow was the last day of high school. Forever. And I would be spending it role playing again with my favorite class, and favorite teacher. But now it was onto English. I ran towards English rushing my way through the crowd of teenagers laughing the whole time. I ran into the classroom and dropped into my seat, before finally letting myself catch my breath.

I had French right after this, which I wasn't super happy about, a Free period I would be spending at the tree, and finally chorus with Payton, Olivia, and Christopher. I knew Miss. Raines had something planned for the seniors to sing, and I was excited.

I could feel the slight edge of an anxiety attack coming on, but Mrs. Cade caught my attention before it started.

"I have nothing planned for today, or tomorrow." Mrs. Cade announced. "So, do whatever you like, you're seniors and I think you can handle yourselves."

Christopher walked quickly over to me as soon as she sat down at her desk. He gave me a worried smile as he said," You ok Ken? You looked like you were going to have a panic attack."

"Just the overwhelming knowledge that I won't ever see this school again. That I'll have to say goodbye to everyone in my history class, probably forever, that Liv will be moving away, that I'll be all alone at community college," I started rambling.

"I'm going to community college too," Chris told me. "I already have an apartment, maybe we could live together."

"Well, there's a couple reasons why that might not happen," I reply smiling. I wanted to live with him, but it was way too soon. I had also just got Andy back in the house, no way I was giving my older brother up, no offense to Chris of course.

"And what are those reasons?" He asked curiously.

I pretended to think for a minute before replying with," Well, though I love you it's too soon. We only just started dating. And, I think I want to live either in a dorm with new people, or at home with my older brother, Andy."

"Oh, okay." he said a bit glumly. "You would've had to put up with my roommates anyway, so maybe it's a good thing we're not living together."

"Just at least for freshman year. Maybe we'll even buy a house together, if we're committed, after college."

"Woah, if we're still dating." Christopher said.

"I plan to latch onto you like a leech and never let go. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon. 'Fuck Ken, I think I love you' remember?"

"Right, right. Leachy girlfriend."

Christopher wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. He kissed the top of my head, and I buried my face into the crook of his neck.



"How's your family?"

"It's okay. My dad left 2 nights ago and hasn't come back, and my mother is worried sick. But my sister is fine. I'm the only one still living at home, due to the fact I'm still in high school."

"I'm sorry about your dad disappearing. I know what it's like to miss a parent. Or two." I sighed deeply and I relaxed more against Chris. His body made me feel safe, like nothing could hurt me while he was holding me.

"I just hope he's okay. I don't really knows what's been going on with him lately," Christopher sighed and I looked up at him.

"I'm sure he's fine, Chris. He'll be back soon," I stated, trying to comfort him. He just nodded solemnly, his eyes unfocused as he stared off at nothing. I placed my head in his shoulder, and the two of us sat like that for a while. Just sitting in silence. After a while, I looked towards the clock. It was close to the time to head to French, so I scooted back from Chris to smile at him.

"Are you spending free period at the tree?" I asked.

"I have to go talk to Mr. Snyder about something," he said. "Sorry, I won't be there."

"It's fine. I was probably just going to read or talk your ears off," I joked.

We both got up and walked towards the door. Chris kissed me on the cheek as we reached the hallway, and headed off towards the guidance counselor's office.


I've been the official co-author for a while now, and Becca's finally forced me to write an A/N.

I'm really happy where this book is going, despite that I don't usually like books like this, and I'm glad that enough of you guys have liked this book to get it to 1K reads.

Happy reading- Phase57 (Emma)

So, you guys have already seen my reaction to getting 1k reads. I'm so, so, so thankful! Thank you guys so much. Sorry for not updating in a bit. I love you guys.



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