Taming the Wild

By Cherikella

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A Cherik Wild West AU: Mutants in the Wild West. Charles Xavier finds himself crossing the entire ocean t... More

The Blacksmith
Into the Woods
That's One Way to Say Thank You
The New Kids in School
School Days for the Lehnsherrs
A Proper Thank You and Good News
The Dance
My Dear Raven
Guess Who's Coming to Town
You Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine
You Are Not Alone
More Than You Know
The Legend of Mystique
When You Don't Know What To Say, Talk
Don't Get Too Comfortable When Everything is Quiet
These Things That Just Happen To Us Whether We Like It Or Not
When Fate Hits You Hard in the Face Punch Back
Destiny Will Bring Us Together
Steel Is Forged Through Fire
In This Darkness You're My Light
You Are Not Alone
Epilogue: A Bright Future

The Wind of Change

1.6K 131 34
By Cherikella

Charles was trying to rush through the dancing but it still felt like eternity. He was distracted, his eyes constantly searching for Erik in the crowd. He even stumbled a few times, causing Moira to blush in embarrassment.

"In my defense, I did warn you." he smiled at her after the dance.

"You said you were bad, I didn't think you were that bad." she rolled her eyes, still looking at him amused

"I blame the punch!" he insisted jokingly.

He was still trying to find Erik's face among the crowd of people in the Town Hall but unfortunately the blacksmith was nowhere to be seen.

Charles frowned, pursing his lips.

"Is everything alright, Charles?" Moira asked, gently taking his hand

Charles pulled away instinctively. "Umm, yes." he nodded. "Yes, Moira, everything's fine. I'm just tired... all these people..." none of them Erik "... the noise..." none of it the sound of Erik's voice "... it's too crowded. I need some..." Erik "... air." he said and walked past her "Excuse me."

Moira was left standing confused for a few seconds until another partner showed up to ask her to dance. She then gave him her brightest smile and let him lead her to the dance floor. She came here to enjoy herself and that was what she would do, with or without Charles Xavier.

Charles was struggling to get through the crowd, elbowing a few people and muttering 'I'm sorries' on his way until he finally reached his destination.

"Erik! I've been looking everywhere for you..." Charles beamed when he finally found him near the exit. His face fell "Are you... are you leaving?"

Erik looked at him with an apologetic smile.

"Yes. I am leaving." he shook his head "It's not my thing, I told you that."

Charles couldn't help frowning. "Oh... of course."

Erik smiled some more. "You don't have to pout about it." he said, teasingly

"I'm not pouting!" Charles protested but he was not quite sure he didn't just pout some more

Erik leaned in and in the haze that was Charles' mind right now, he was sure he could feel Erik's scent and that felt intoxicating for some reason. He closed his eyes for just a moment and took a deep breath as Erik spoke.

"About what people think of you in this town..." Erik said. "They say you come from this big important posh family of aristocrats in England who look down on everyone who's less than a count. They think you're a snob and you won't mingle with the common folk for anything other than teaching them how to live their lives."

"Oh..." Charles let out his breath. This was the least sensual thing Charles could imagine and yet coming from Erik it made him feel strange tingly vibrations in his body. It was so strange. He should not drink from that stupid punch ever again!

"I don't think that's true though." Erik continued "But then again, I believe I now know you better, than most the people here."

Charles nodded, big blue eyes fixed on Erik's.

Erik swallowed and looked away, clearing his throat.

"Maybe you could try befriending the town's people before you start insisting on education." he said, taking a step away from Charles. "It might be helpful to understand people first before you try to convince them to change."

Charles was unable to reply at the moment but he could see the logic behind Erik's words. He nodded.

"Thank you for tonight, Mr. Xavier." Erik said, shaking Charles' hand "Thanks to you this silly thing became a little more bearable."

Charles smiled sheepishly, his cheeks felt so warm. His hand was still in Erik's and for a moment everything else around him disappeared.

"Yeah, you're umm... you're welcome..." he muttered

Charles' fingers wrapped tightly around Erik's hand as if refusing to let go of it but then eventually he had to. This was ridiculous. Charles was acting ridiculous. Why was he feeling so tingly and strange? He didn't want to let Erik go, he didn't! Damn you, punch!

Erik gave a nod and left. Charles lost him in the crowd.

He must've stayed there for a while because suddenly a hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his trance-like condition.

"Moira!" he exclaimed "I really can't dance again..." he said guiltily

"It's alright. After the last dance, I'm not asking." she joked "You may need more air again though, your face is all flushed."

"Is it?" he asked, fidgeting.

"Yes. You're either suffocating in the crowd or you're really blushing a lot!" she seemed so cheerful that it got to Charles too and he grinned.

"I'll go get some water - no more punch for me tonight!" he chuckled "And then... Moira, why don't you introduce me to the people around? Again? I actually want to know them better without discussing the new school all the time."

Her face beamed "Oh, Charles! That's a marvelous idea! Yes! Yes, of course!"

She took him by the hand and this time he socialized for real. Surprisingly, it wasn't half as bad as he had expected.

Over the next days Charles tried the new strategy Erik had suggested. He actually had conversations with the town's people, he understood better their outlook on life and realized what changes had to be done in order to make them see how education was important for their lives, to make them see the practical application.

And finally he felt they actually accepted him, properly accepted him, in their town. It felt surprisingly rewarding to know that he got through to them. And as a result the school became more crowded with people who wanted to learn. What better reward than that for a teacher?

The only thing he dared ask for now was to have Raven back. 

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