Hereafter (GxG) editing

By unsurreal

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Would you dare love a vampire who seems to be caught up and tied to someone from her past? Even if that someo... More

Part One: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part Two: Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.5
Part Three: Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Part Four: Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
(UPDATE!)Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Epilogue 1

10 - Mountain

436 20 7
By unsurreal



With my eyes still closed, I can feel my body jounce. Grunting, I reached for my head and felt a bandage covering a portion of it which made me open my eyes. I saw a forest. Trees, lots of it. And vines. Now I realized I'm riding Eight's back, my left arm wrapped around her neck. I lightly shook my head.

"How are you feeling?" Eight asked me with her eyes straight ahead. I then saw One and another boy I don't know a thing about is with her.

When he saw me studying him, he smiled and exclaimed. "She's awake!"

One looked at me as well. "Great." She plainly said and went back to walking.

"Eight." I said swatting the back of my neck for I just felt a bug crawling. "What happened, where are we?"

"Our car was hit. Now we're in the Lifeless mountain."

"What? Where?" I swear to god I've never heard of such a place before.

"This is a hidden place. Only the supernaturals have access to this place."

"Okay. . . ? What are we doing here?" I tried to get a little peek of her face because oddly, it felt like I will feel better if I get a better view of it. Unfortunately, Eight ducked down and cautioned me to "Watch out." It's too late to watch out a for thick branch wrapped with vines already slapped me in the face.

"Ouch!" Rubbing my face back to comfort, she explained.

"For help."



I snapped, "Like what help?! Can you be more vague?"

"To summon demons."

"Summon. . . What?"

"Demons, you better work on your hearing."

Growing more annoyed, I groaned. "I heard demons but that doesn't sound right." And then suddenly, like a switch, something clicked in my memory. "Wait." I tried to see more of her and looking fully at the left side of her smooth-as-mannequin face, I added to my question. "Before I passed out. . . I remember you said something about vampires. And that you and One are vampire hunters."

"We're not vampire hunters, we are vampires." One chimed in.

"It's really awesome if you asked me." The only guy said giggling like an excited child.

"Wait, again." I straightened my back with my hand still glued to Eight's shoulder, "Are you guys some lunatic Twilight fans? I'm concerned that you may need some help. . ."

I heard Eight smirked, "You think we need help when you're the one here who's bleeding."

"Huh?" I remember the bandage and touched it again lightly. When I saw the tip of my fingers, it's now covered in a small amount of blood. My blood. "Oh my god."

"Yeah." I heard Eight say before she swiftly move and in a blink, she's holding me up bridal style. I was caught off guard but immediately drowned in the depths of her green eyes. Our faces were so close I can smell her minty breath.

"Ba-bambam." Eight stuttered looking into my eyes, "Your jacket."

"Oh right." This Bambam guy then shuffled out of his jacket.

Slowly, Eight put me down on Bambam's jacket. When she backed up, I looked at the ground and I screamed in shock to see the mud almost black and a dirty human finger crawling like a worm beside me. "Mommyyyy!!!"

I jolted up and hugged Eight again. Doing my best to keep my feet untouched by the disgusting ground. My legs are wrapped around her waist ever so tightly and my arms around her neck for dear life. My eyes were shut, not wanting to see any more of that.

Eight's palms are on my back, supporting my weight. By this time, I can feel One's and that Bambam boy's eyes on me. How are they so calm?!

"Eight, please, please get me out of here."

"Autumn, you need to get down, I need to change your bandage." She said softly, caressing my back.

"No, it's fine. Let's just get out of here." Sounding very afraid I pleaded again.

"Sorry, mate. We're already near the summit." One said intervened.

With forced courage, I decided to open my eyes and try to overcome the fear. Just when I saw One staring at me, my eyes scanned the place. The trees are leafless and the trunk is turned burnt. The vines were thorny and mostly covered in blood. The supposed to be soil is almost black and a bit drenched. I started to hear wings about to take off. It's gotten very dark as well.

"Eight. . . Guys, please I don't want to be here anymore." I gagged, feeling the last meal I ate is about to exit my mouth. Heaving and trying to stop myself from vomiting, Eight suggested. "One, think it's best if we call it day and continue tomorrow."

"Yeah. It is getting dark and demons will start to come out."

My eyes popped open. Demons? Are they still doing this here? Really? "So should I expect witches and ghosts next?" I managed to say while still trying to stop myself from puking.

"Yes!" One exclaimed, happily mocking me before turning around to take Bambam's backpack from him.

"I'll keep Autumn off the ground so hurry and assemble the tent. I'm trying to save energy and time here." Eight requested. Then I finally couldn't keep it inside. I puked at the sight of a large intestine twirled around the trunk of a dead tree. It's also too big to assume it's from a human.

As I continue to vomit I heard all of them groan in dismay.


Sitting inside the tent that they set up, I still felt weird knowing I'm in a place where the rotten smell is everywhere and parts of human anatomy are crawling somewhere - hopefully not anywhere near us. I watched them find their comfortable position. Eight also changed the bandage on my forehead with her handkerchief.

One zipped the tent after and it was completely dark inside. I reached for Eight at my right and I accidentally touched her inner thigh. I panicked and moved quickly to lay my hand on another part of her, avoiding any intimate area.

Soon enough, a light was emitted from a stone that One placed in the middle of the four of us. "Now we have light coming from a rock?" I asked, pointing at the magical stone. "So now, what do you call that thing?"

"That I bought from a witch friend. And no pun intended." One clarified.

I nodded, trying my best to be open-minded. Since I'm here in a very terrifying place with three weird and strange twilight fans, I better try to be cooperative.

Now that I realize my hand is on top of Eight's, I snatched it back immediately. She looked at me with a small smile on her lips. I cleared my throat. "So. . . Can you now orient me with all this. . .stuff?" I motioned my hands around.

I looked at them one by one, "I mean, I should at least know what's going on cos I'm pretty sure everything is driving me crazy here."

"Fire the questions. Just try to have an open mind cos everything will sound unbelievable."

"I'll try. . . So. . . Where are we again? Some sort of vampire territory?"

One smiled and looked at Eight, making me look at her as well. One started, "This place is the Lifeless Mountain. Everything here is dead, as I think you can already see. This is beyond average human's knowledge."

I gaped but pretended that I'm completely following. I inquired further, "And you guys are? What creature again?"

"Vampires. We are the third generation of vampires."

I paused and start to process what she just said.

So I'm with blood-sucking killers. . . I should run away. But the outside of this tent looks more alarming than these "vampires" around me. I should get away from them. But how? And what if they feel the need to feed? Will they kill me? I need to think my way out of this. . . But are they really vampires though? I've seen them a lot of times under the sun and they did not burn to ashes.

"So you killed Calvin and Chaffe because you needed to feed and they're not really a bad person?"

"No, they truly are shit. And yes we feed on them because we need to but we make sure our victims are always those who deserve to die anyway. We consider that help for the community." One chuckled.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth and muttered, "What have I gotten myself into."

"Don't worry. You can trust us." Eight assured.

I caught her glimmering green eyes and I crunched my brows. "Trust. . ." I scoffed in frustration. How can I trust anyone in this situation? I really shouldn't.

"Well, I didn't let you die didn't it?" Eight shook her head.

Now I remember. Eight protected me from the impact of the car crash earlier. Nonetheless, I chose to disregard it. It might just be some kind of ploy to get me on their side. Reverse psychology or. . .whatever.

"Is he a vampire too?" I pointed at the Bambam guy.

They nodded. Bambam reached his hand out to shake mine. I reluctantly did. Shockingly, his hand was colder and felt more lifeless than Eight and One. "I'm Bambam"

"Your hands. . . It's cold." I looked at One then Eight. "But their skin is warm. Yet the three of you are vampires. . ."

"It's because he's a Forsaker and me and One are Native vampires." Eight explained.

"And that means?"

"Bambam was bitten and turned but One and I were born as vampires."

Extremely puzzled, I clarified. "So vampires can reproduce?"

"Only The Natives. But Forsakers, Spell-bounds, and Runaways can't." I waited for her to continue, "Runaways are vampires who are turned unintentionally or those who came back from the dead. Spell-bounds are those we encountered earlier and the ones who crashed our car-"

"Million dollar car which made me loathe them even more. P.S." One annoyingly chimed in the discussion.

Eight continued. "Okay. So, they become a vampire with the use of black magic and Under Realm rituals. They are the Native's number one nemesis."

"Under Realm?"

"Yes. What you basically call Hell but not exactly."

"So. . ." I proceeded to inquire, "What are we doing here and where are we going?"

One explained this time, "We're going to hell."

She said it with so much comfort in her tone. "What?! H-Hell? . . You mean Under Realm?"

"Stop frightening her, Thyone." Eight admonished.

"Oh sister, let it be. There's no need to sugar coat it."

My eyes popped wide again. "Sister?"

"Yup. And obviously, I'm the one who took all the great genes." Thyone confidently took the throne.

"She has a sister who is more of a bitch than her." Thyones the one Brad was talking about.

"You're the bitchier sister. . ."

Thyone frowned, "Who said that? I'm not a bitch, I'm just an asshole." She said as if calling herself an asshole makes her a better person.

It stayed quiet for a moment because I'm still lost for words. I still have so many questions. No, actually the more I know, the more I feel ignorant.

Eight touched my knee, "You should rest your head." I nodded as they start to shuffle and prepare to lay down. It might really be best if I sleep this through. Wishing that everything in the morning will be like just those nightmares I often experience. All is so surreal that I'm thinking maybe I'm just hallucinating. I did hit my head pretty badly.

I slowly laid my head down and stared at the roof of the tent. Should I pray? That's what my mother used to tell me when I was little. That I should always pray before I go to sleep. Maybe all of these are happening to me because of my lack of faith.

"It's not about faith Autumn." I felt her shift to her side, looking at my face. "Have you heard the words 'Nature of Attraction'?"

I nodded, still looking ahead.

"I'm starting to think that, you're with us right now because you are not as normal as you think you are. That's why we cross paths because that's how nature works. You attract things that are similar to you in a way."

I frowned, trying to understand what she mean by that. I looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe there's also something supernatural about you." As she spoke, my eyes averted lower to watch the movements of her lips.

"Is that what you vampires do?" I noticed my voice had dropped an octave lower.


"Be irresistible. . ."

A feeble smirk crept into her mouth, "It's exactly what I felt for you the day I first saw you in the hallway."

"But you still acted like a total bitch." I scooted closer.

"The pull was so strong, familiar yet foreign. . . I didn't know how to handle it." She moved in, our lips less than an inch away.

I've always felt naturally safer around her. It's just my logic that tells me to be afraid. Maybe. . . She really isn't dangerous. . . Maybe I can really trust her.

Eight makes me brave.

Again, I recalled something.

"Eight. . ."


Her minty breath is driving me crazy! "I remember. Why did Thyone call you Eightan?"

"That is my real name.  Athan. Eight from Athan." I saw her eyes focused on my lips as well.

"Why did you change it?"

"We have to change identity from time to time because we don't age. . ."

I nodded slightly, wishing for her to be the first move and kiss me. Do I really want this gorgeous freak to kiss me right now? Considering where we are?

Yes. Why?

I don't know! I don't know anything.

"I want you to trust me, Autumn." her voice became very low but soft that I almost forgot she's not human. It was endearing to hear.

"I think I already do. . ." I admitted. Impulsively, my hand reached for her bare arm. My fingertips relished her warmth.

She asked, "Can I kiss you again?"

Yes! My insides are begging! Pretending to put some thought to her request for a second, I gave in. "Do it. . ."

Her hand came in contact with my waist at the same time I pulled her arm closer as if I don't want anything to stop us from what we're about to do.

Not long when her lips touched mine and I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

Unlike the first time she stole a kiss from me, this time I'm granted the chance to savor it. It's slow. Passionate. Breathtaking. I can taste heaven. Her lips are like clouds. I've been holding my tongue from entering her mouth but in all truth, I'm dying to invade her.

Taking me by surprise at the same time sending me on the edge, I was startled when I felt a hand squeeze my butt. I breathed deeper and when she realized what she has done, she took her hands off of me.

I saw her apologetic look as she whispered, "Sorry."

"It's ok. . ." I touched her shoulder and placed her arm around me and snuggled closer to her neck. I know she's been watching me place myself close to her but she's the one who kissed me and squeezed my ass. I smiled, knowing I wasn't the only one eager for intimacy. That way, for the second time, I fell asleep within her comfort.


Yey, next will chapt will be the third part. XD there might be some changes to the chapter's length tho. Pls comment and vote if u like this so far. (Y)

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