Romantic Short Stories

By emilieolivia

10.5K 127 18

sometimes i feel like writing short stories that are cute and stuff. these might or might not be dreams i hav... More

hold me
rescue me
my little flower
baby it's cold
my baby
i like it when you read, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it

the donor

656 9 0
By emilieolivia

I swung around into the sofa, setting my bowl of popcorn on my lap. I turned on the TV and immediately clicked onto Netflix to catch up on some episodes of The Walking Dead.

It was about noon on a Saturday in the crisp month of November. Orange and red leaves fell from the trees outside my house. They coated the yard and made the trees look naked. My parents were out doing some errands, so I finally got the house to myself.

Just as I was about to click on an episode of season four, a silver Ford Escape pulled in my driveway. I smiled as soon as I saw him step out of the car, his dark brown hair blowing every which way as he walked up to the door. I jumped up from my spot and swung the door open. My smile fell as soon as I saw his puffy eyes and wet cheeks.

"Lincoln, what's wrong?" I asked quickly. I guided him in the house and onto the couch. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. He sniffled and took a deep breath before starting.

"It's my mom," he said. His blue eyes seemed to stand out from the redness surrounding them.

I didn't say anything. I just hugged him and let him cry until he couldn't make anymore tears. He nestled himself into my shoulder and sat there for a few minutes before getting the courage to speak.

"Her kidney. It's failing. She's getting sicker. It was just a cold at first. Then she just got worse. She's been doing dialysis but it's not enough. She needs a new one but who knows when she'll get one. She could die by then. I'm not ready for her to go," he explained. He started sobbing again, holding onto me.

"It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this. Your mom is a strong woman. She can fight this." I tried to cheer him up but I know my words wouldn't help her recover.

"I hope so, Belle."

We sat there for a while, just holding each other. I felt so bad that he had to go through something like this. I would do anything to make his pain stop.


The next day, I woke up extra early in the morning to go to the hospital. I love Lincoln's family like they're my own. I started dating Lincoln when I was fourteen. I'd always known who he was, but I'd never really paid any attention to him until a mutual friend of ours committed suicide. We both grieved over them and eventually developed feelings in the process. He's been my only boyfriend all through high school and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, we're finally seniors and we'll be graduating in June. His family had always been a huge part of my life. His mom and his sister are probably my best friends. They've guided me through school and helped me with hard decisions. The thought of his mom being gone made me physically sick.

A few years ago, his mom, Jen, was in a horrible car accident. A semi-truck slammed into her car on an icy turn. Somehow, Jen survived the accident, but lost one of her kidneys in the process. She also lost her left hand and tons of broken bones. I couldn't even imagine what Lincoln's family are going through right now. I hoped that I could at least make some kind of effort to help.

I want to give back to Jen and her family since they helped me through so much. They were there for me for everything. Every tennis match, every time I've been hurt, every time I'd call them bawling because of how stressed out I was. It wouldn't help to see if my kidneys were a match.

I opened the huge front door to the hospital and walked up to the front desk. "Hello, my name is Belle Chapman. I came to see if I could donate one of my kidneys."

I got a look from the secretary. But her surprise turned to a smile. "It's always nice to see someone willing to help out. Fill out these papers and bring them up when you're done." I took the hard brown clipboard from the lady and walked over to a kind of soft chair. I filled out everything on the paper before turning it back to her. I just turned eighteen in October, so it was legal to donate my kidney.

I was called back fifteen minutes later and a nurse came to get me. She guided me to a room in a whirlwind of hallways. I sat down on the uncomfortable beds as she was setting up.

"What are you here for?" the nurse asked in a kind voice. Her thin lips turned to a slight grin.

"I want to donate a kidney for Jennifer Williams," I answered.

"Okay." She nodded, typing on her computer. "Do you understand the risks of donating a kidney and the affects it could have on you physically and emotionally?"

"Yes," I answered confidently.

"Would you like to do this anonymously?" she asked after she was done typing.

I thought about this question. I didn't really think about whether I could do that or not. If they knew, Lincoln would never forgive himself.

"Yes," I answered.

"Alright. Firstly, we're going to do lots of tests. Urine tests, blood tests, glucose tolerance tests, kidney tests, blood pressure monitoring, ECG, x-rays, and multiple others just to check to see both kidneys are fully functioning and healthy. We'll need to make sure your body can handle one kidney and you won't transfer anything to the recipient. We also need to make sure the rest of your body is functioning fully. And we also have to check for compatibility. Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked me one last time.


For the next few hours, I was given so many tests, I lost count after five. My body was fully functioning and turns out I was fully compatible. I'd just have to wait for the rest of the tests to come through in the next few days to make sure I was healthy then I'd schedule the surgery afterwards. I was thrilled but also scared to give Jen my kidney. But I know it's all worth it in the end.


When I got home, I told my parents what I was doing. They were very supportive of my choice. They were proud of me and I was ecstatic about their reactions. Now all I had to do was wait for the tests to come through so I could finally give Jen her life back.

A few days later, the tests came back. I was fine and everything was compatible. I went in with my parents to discuss when the surgery would happen. I pushed for as soon as possible. In the end, the surgery was going to take place on December 4th, a few weeks away. I was happy it was finally happening.

Hours later when I was finishing up some English homework, I got a call from Lincoln. My lips immediately formed a smile. I knew exactly what it was about.

I picked up and said, "Hello?"

"Belle, Belle!" Lincoln said, barely containing his excitement. I could feel his huge smile from over the phone.

"What?" I asked, trying not to give away I knew what was going on.

"They found a donor for my mom! She's getting a new kidney on December 4th! She's gonna live!" He exclaimed.

"Oh my god, that's great! I told you she'd be okay!" I said excitedly.

"I can't believe this is happening. I really hope whoever donated knows how much they mean to us."

"I bet they do." My smile got bigger.

December 4th, 2016. 5:00 am

I could barely sleep the night before. I was so excited to finally have this happening. It's been so hard keeping this secret from Lincoln. All I've wanted to do is scream, "I'm giving my kidney to your mom! It's me!"

I got dressed and mentally prepared for the surgery. I know my life is going to be different with only having one kidney to work with, but it's worth it to see Jen for a few more years. I got a text from Lincoln.

Lincoln: today's the day

I smiled at my phone. I rushed out the door, putting on my sneakers. When I was in the car, I texted him back.

Me: I hope everything goes good. I love you.

I walked into the empty hospital. They took be back to get ready for the surgery. I got dressed in a gown and everything.

Before I was rushed to the OR, my mom pulled me aside. "I'm so proud of you honey. I love you so much. Good luck." My dad nodded as I followed the doctor to the OR.

A heart monitor was hooked up to me and they gave me anesthetics. Eventually, I drifted off.

I had a dream. I was at Lincoln's house. He and his family were in his dining room. We were all eating dinner together. The silverware was clinking against the plates. Jen was smiling and moving around just fine. I looked to my right and Lincoln was there.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. All I could do was smile back.


As I opened my eyes, a bright light blasted into my face. I moved my arm up to cover my eyes from the blinding light. To my right, I heard rustling of feet. Above me, my mom appeared with worry on her face. Then relief.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" she asked in a quiet tone.

I just groaned. Could I have one second to get my vision under control? "What time is it?" I finally asked.

"It's about three in the afternoon," my dad answered. Just then, the doctor came in. He had on his white coat and a blue surgical mask tucked under his chin. He was wearing a huge smile on his face.

"The surgery went excellent. The transplant was successful and you both are expected to make a good recovery. We'll keep you here for a few days just to make sure you're alright to go home. Good luck with your recovery!" He whisked away and carefully shut the door behind him.

I heard a silent buzz coming from inside my mom's purse. She pulled it out and handed it to me. "Someone's been trying to reach you."

I took the phone and saw it was Lincoln. I answered it and said, "Hello?"

"Belle, where have you been? Why haven't you been returning my calls? I thought you were excited about my mom's transplant." He sounded disappointed. I felt so bad that I had to hide this from him.

"I'm sorry. I was busy," I answered. I tried to sound as apologetic as I could.

"What's that noise?" he asked, suddenly curious.

"What noise?" I tried to sound dumb. My heart rate monitor was being so loud, I think it woke up the whole hospital.

"That beeping noise. Oh my god, Belle, are you in the hospital?" he exclaimed.

"N-" He wouldn't even let me say anything.

"Oh my god, I'm coming to see you right now! Hold on!" He hung up. I laid my head back and sighed. I really did not want him to find out.

Only minutes later, a worried Lincoln dashed into the room with sweat running down his brow. "Oh my god, Belle, what happened?" He rushed to my side. I looked over at my parents and they gave me reassuring nods.

I sighed. "Lincoln. I - uh - well. I donated my kidney to your mom."

He didn't say anything. He just stood there for a few moments until the words finally sank in. "You donated your own kidney to my mom?" Tears started forming in his eyes.

"I couldn't stand the thought of your mom being gone and you being sad, so I figured why not. I already have two, I might as well give one up," I joked.

He wrapped his arms around me carefully. A few tears escaped from his eyes and down his cheeks. "Belle. I can't even. Just - thank you. I love you so much. You didn't have to do that."

"But I wanted to," I pleaded. "I love your mom so much. She's done so much for me. The least I could do was this."

"Belle." He chuckled. "I need to get my mom. I'll be right back." He rushed out of the room and sped down the hall. I leaned back and smiled widely.

Ten minutes later, Lincoln came in with his mom in a wheelchair, his dad and his sister trailing behind. Even after having a kidney transplant, Jen still looked stunning. Her golden blonde hair was wrapped in a bun and her blue eyes were red from crying.

"Belle." She smiled at me, taking my hands. "I can't thank you enough." Tears started streaming down her face.

"Jen," I started, "you know I love you like you're my mother. I couldn't just watch you be like that. Life would be horrible without you."

She smiled, more tears running down her cheeks. She turned over to Lincoln and said, "She's a keeper." He laughed.

"I know," he replied. We all engulfed in a huge hugging fest. Eventually, Jen had to go back to her room. Lincoln's dad, James, followed along with Laura, Lincoln's sister. My parents left to give Lincoln and me privacy.

He walked over to me and took my hands. "Thank you. I owe you." He kissed the top of my forehead.

"I only have one other one, so you better not get sick anytime soon." He flashed a beautiful smile and squeezed my hands tighter.

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