Near-Death Experiences(ON HOL...

By Bixie101

1.3K 78 35

Jordin is an average who girl falls in love with a not so average boy that has a tendancy to act like a diffe... More

Near-Death Experiences--Prolouge
Near-Death Experiences Chapter1
Near-Death Experiences Chapter2
Near-Death Experiences Chapter 3
Near-Death Experiences Chapter 4
Near-Death Experiences Chapter 6

Near-Death Experiences Chapter 5

134 11 4
By Bixie101

If you haven't read any of this yet, make sure you start at the prologue, it's full of an action scene that the few beginning chapters have a lot to do with. Thanks! XXX

Wow! I loved writing this chapter! It somehow came really naturally, just like the prologue did. It's sort of confusing with the multiple identity thing, but she calls him Blake, but thinks of him as Drake, just so you guys know. Anyways, so I hope you like this and vote on it and what not, but the only important thing (like you've heard me say a billion times) is that you ENJOY it!!!! Thanks sooo much for all the support! <333

Drake's eyes glinted and he slowly let go of my sister, taking a step towards me. Kayla had bumps swelling up on her head and her tank top was full of holes and tears. Something made me want to hate her. She was the stupid idiot that just had to call him and trigger whatever was going on now. She had gotten us into this mess.

I held tight to the mop out in front of me trying to find some security.

"Blake," I said, "you don't want to do this. Blake. C'mon, Blake, you need to go home. You've been here long enough." I told him calmly. It was hard to stay calm, though, when he was trying to kill me.

Kayla tiptoed silently behind Drake trying to get passed him. She was almost to the door when Drake whooshed around to face her, furiously. She took a few frantic steps backward.

For the first time I noticed the advantage that my sister and I had on Drake. He came unarmed, which meant a non-weapon (unless you count the mop...) two-on-one fight. We had an extra person, but he had size and strength advantages.

He was leaner than the last time I'd seen him. He had muscles like the other guy that had saved me at that party I went to last summer. His voice, from what I'd heard so far, was also noticeably deeper. Puberty can do crazy things.

While these thoughts quickly raced through my head I barely had time to concentrate on the present times. Drake lunged at my sister and grabbed her neck roughly. Her eyes were humungous and I had good reason to believe that mine were just as big.

"Stop Blake!" I yelled as I jumped onto his back and attempted knocking him off balance. It didn't work. Kayla was starting to turn read and I was trying as many things as I could think of to get Drake off her. The only thing left to do was try to talk him out of this.

"Blake, listen, you have to let go. For me, Blake, please." I said hurriedly. Drake loosened his grip enough that Kayla got one quick breath of air. "I'm serious, Blake. This is Kayla." What would convince him? I had to lie. And I had to hurry. Kayla was loosing blood. "She was protecting me... from your father." I lied, satisfied with my quick thinking.

Drake froze.

"Yeah. You just missed him. He got away again and ran into the woods. Kayla here is the only reason I'm alive." Drake's eyes clouded and he let go of Kayla's neck altogether.

With that Kayla fell to the floor gasping for breath while Drake stared blankly at me.

"Where is he?" he asked in a monotone.

"He went that way, Blake." I pointed east.

"Jordin." He whispered. And with that he ran out of the room.

I was in shock. He just left.

I put that aside quickly and bent down to my little sister, who was lying unconscious on the floor. She had a plentiful amount of scratches covering her body and a bloody nose. I put two fingers to her neck and felt for a pulse. Biting my lip, I felt a faint throbbing there, which meant I wasn't too late. I reached into my pocket and found my cell phone. Mom had told me that if anything ever happened that I should always call her first before I took drastic measures; just in case my version of emergency wasn't the same as hers. In this case, though, I didn't take that advice. I just dialed.

"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?" a lady asked.

"My sister was attacked by an intruder." I told her. Then I gave her all the normal information like my address, name, and other stuff like that. After she'd called for an ambulance to come and get my sister she started asking other things.

"Could you please describe your sister's attacker?"

Of course I could, it was Blake. Brown hair, dark blue eyes, and a short faded scar on his chin. Was I going to describe him to the lady? Of course not.

"Um, well he was short, he had dark brown eyes, a tattoo on his right arm, a mustache, and he was wearing a black hat so I couldn't see what color his hair was. His mustache was black though, if that helps."

"Okay, thanks. Do you remember what this man was wearing?"

"Yeah, um, he was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt."

"Do you know what race he was?"

"Nope." I told her. "The room was too dark to tell."

I decided not to give anything else that would be too detailed because I didn't want anybody else to get accused of this.

"Okay, thank you, Jordin. You can ride back down to the station in the police car to answer some more questions, if that would be okay."

"Actually, would it be okay if I rode in the ambulance with my sister? I think she'd want me with her."

"Very well." She said and hung up.

Kayla's eyes were open now and she stared up blankly at me. I was pretty sure, by this time, that she wasn't going to die. I'd given the lady on the phone Mom's cell phone number, so I knew that I didn't have to call her. She was going to just freak out. I could hear it now:

"Oh honey are you alright?" she'd say to Kayla. And then she'd turn to me. "How could you let this happen, you selfish child. Do I need to hire a babysitter for my two almost-adult pain-in-the-rear-end children? For Heaven's sake you're going to graduate in two years! You should be able to stand your ground by now. My precious baby could've died. And why didn't you call me first? I told you to call me right away if something happened, remember? Oh and I can hear the boss yelling at me now, 'Blah blah, blah... You're ruining my company. I have to pay for the hours you take off, you know. I didn't hire you to let your stupid kids get in the way of your work' Blah, blah, blah.' That's it. You're grounded and you aren't ungrounded until you turn 50."


Then I heard the sirens.

Good, finally I might be able to focus more on reality if I'm answering questions or at least doing something other than thinking.

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to open it. Five men came in; two carried the stretcher, one had a notebook, one carried a case of medical knick-knacks, and the last seemed to have no real reason to be here whatsoever.

The man dressed in the lime green polo shirt asked me immediately where my sister was. I lead him to the room and everyone but the man with the notepad followed. Then the two men with the stretcher lifted my sister onto it while the man with the doctor's case examined her.

"Looks like a minor head trauma, probably a concussion, and blood loss. Just as long as she doesn't have too much scar tissue in the brain, she should be fine. Hook her up to some machines right away and get some tests run. We have to be safe about this. If her brain reacts to the concussion the wrong way it may start swelling and then we'll have to take her into the ICU. Get her down to the hospital right away."

Both the men who carried the stretched nodded and hoisted her out the door and into the ambulance. I was about to follow her on when the man with the notebook and the man who was there for no apparent reason stopped me.

"Could we please have a word with you ma'am?" The man without the notebook asked.

"Yeah, I guess, why?"

"We have a few questions." The man replied. "I'm with the FBI," he held out a badge, "And this is Bruce. He does the reporting, you know, the confidential stuff."

"O-okay." I stuttered. "What do you want to know?"

The man with the notebook spoke this time.

"Do you recognize this man?"

He pulled a picture out of a stack of papers he had on top of his notebook.

And damn, it looked a lot like Blake.

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