In Her Prime

By soma1251

2.7K 75 25

A story based off of Julian's first experience at a strip club More

Well I Lived This Life...
The Way I Walk Is Just The Way I Walk
What's A Man Suppose to Do?
I'm still here!

I've Lost Control

537 13 6
By soma1251

Sorry for the wait guys! I've been very busy with work and art but I will try to make more time for writing. This has been in the works for over two weeks but with all this Strokes news going on I couldn't bring myself to write, all the excitement had me overwhelmed. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. Please leave some feedback and any writing tips if you have any, there is always room for improvement! =)

"You two know each other?" Albert looks at us quizzically.

"Briefly, we actually met yesterday at a thrift shop," I explain.

"She's the girl you guys were talking about?" Julian asks downing the rest of his drink.

"We were completely shit faced and couldn't remember your name, sorry," Albert smiles apologetically.

"Hun, I don't expect you to remember some strippers name, we all know how it works here."

It's true, in this industry names were honestly pointless. Unless the customer became a regular which in such case it was almost obligatory to learn their names. It was our way of showing our appreciation.

"Can I get anything for you boys?" I ask seductively swaying around their seats. Although I felt very comfortable with them I still had to keep in mind that I was working and needed to gain several customers to recover what I had spent the day before.

"Whiskey," Julian is the first to respond, the single word flowing sloppily out of his full lips.

"Hey man, don't you think you should slow down? It's not even midnight yet..." Nick suggests.

"The fuck for?" he nearly growls then turns his attention towards Albert, "If I had known conservative uncle Nick was coming along I wouldn't have agreed to come out tonight ."

"Fucking grouch," I hear Nick mutter under his breath as I passed him making my way to the bar.

"I think you could all use a drink, you gotta loosen up!" I beamed, a tray filled with shots balancing on my palm.

"See this girl right here knows how to party!" Julian boomed in a raspy voice, flinging a heavy arm over my shoulders.

"Hey buddy, no touching!" Bubba barged in.

Julian threw his hands up defensively and took two clumsy steps back, "Imma first timer, I didn't know," he slurred with a smile.

"It's okay Bubba, it was harmless," i explain and with a nod he goes back to his spot against the wall.

"Shit, they don't fuck around here do they?" Julian muttered taking two shot glasses and downing them one after the other.

"No they don't," I laugh, "especially not him. There's been several incidents lately where men get a little too aggressive and touchy so they've had to really enforce the rules."

"Fucking crazy man, who'd want to take advantage of ladies like that? Fucking assholes," He grumbled angrily.

I simply shrug, not quite sure what to say. It was rare to get somebody who was ever sympathetic towards people in our line of work. Most assumed that we liked it and because we chose to be in the industry they went as far as thinking that we even deserved it.

"So what are you boys up to tonight?" I ask after passing the shots of tequila.

"This," Fabrizio motions around him with a grin.

"So you're all going to hang out here till you're good and drunk?"

"Pretty much," Fab beams and the rest of the boys nod, excluding Julian who shrugs instead.

"Well enjoy! I'll check on you boys later," I smile heading back to make my rounds around the club.

I had just finished up a lap dance for a group of men that earned me a pretty penny and was heading back to the dressing rooms when I am approached by Albert, "Hey, so about that free lap dance..." he begins with that huge grin of his, "I was thinking, I'll let Julian have it instead."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

"He's been having a shitty time as of late, messy break up. Maybe you can cheer him up."

"Well aren't you a sweet heart," I flash a flirtatious smile and flick his thin tawny colored tie, "I need to go touch up my lipstick and then I'll head over."

With a nod he turns on his heel and heads to the bar. I stand in my place and watch as he grabs a couple of beers and heads back to their section, Nick and Fab are by the stage cheering Gemini on and Julian is still slumped on the couch, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

It doesn't hit me till I am in front of the mirror applying my crimson red lipstick that I'm about to give Julian Casablancas a lap dance. He is one of the most if not thee most desired men in the New York rock n' roll scene at the moment so it's safe to say that many girls would kill to be in my place right now.

"What are you all giddy about?" Gemini asks strutting towards me. She leans down in front of me and plants a kiss on my hip leaving her wine stain lipstick marked on my skin.

"Do you remember the guy we met yesterday at Urban Jungle?"

"Tall scruffy hot guy with the leather jacket and puppy eyes?"

I nod with a smile, I always admired her ability to capture somebody's essence in just a few words.

"What about him?"

"He's here," I inform her.

"Ooooh! I knew he was in to you!"

"No, he was dragged here by 'curly top' and the rest of the band," I roll my eyes at her comment, "anyway, I'm dancing for him in a VIP room just as soon as I finish in here."

Her eyes shimmer with excitement as she wraps her arms around me tightly. I'm not quite sure why she's so excited and that seems to register on my face because she follows her embrace with an explanation, "he's hot Luna! We always get excited about hot guys don't we?"

She's right, it was rare to get an unbelievably attractive guy in here. The majority of them were older biker dudes with huge hanging bellies who smelled of cheap cologne and sweat; or older business men in suits who although were attractive were ridiculously perverted and gave us the creeps.

"Make it count!" she calls after me as I exit the dressing rooms.

The guys are seated around a low table with scattered beer bottles and shot glasses everywhere talking animatedly.

"Can I get anything for you boys?" I ask purposely bending over one of the couches.

"N-no I think we're good right now," Fab slurs and the rest of the guys burst out into laughter.

"You're a fucking lightweight!" Julian teases him slightly throwing his head back as he laughs.

"Yeah dude, you're worst than a girl!" Nick follows laughing as well.

"Aww come on guys, leave him alone," I circle around the couch to stand next to Fab, "he's a small guy, you can't expect him to keep up!" I defend him bending over to caress his face, he smiled like a small child who was just given a piece of his favorite candy.

"Besides," I walk over to the table grabbing 4 shot glasses and locking eyes with Nick," who said girls can't hold their liquor?" I downed the four drinks back to back making Albert, Julian and Fab cheer.

Albert stood up and jumped on top of Nick, "She told you!" he laughed loudly.

They went back and forth between each other for a while so I used this opportunity to pull Julian to the side, "Come with me," I whispered in his ear as he took a drag from his cigarette.

He glanced at the guys for a second before licking his bottom lip and letting the smoke seep out of his nostrils. With a grunt he stood up and followed me to one of the rooms stumbling along the way.

Our VIP rooms are small compared to most clubs, we liked to keep things intimate as to give the customer a better experience and in turn we make a bigger tip.

This room in particular is dimly lit with hues of blue and purple lights. On the far corner, right in front of a single seater couch, was a small stage in which we'd dance.

Julian allows himself to fall heavily on the couch, lighting another cigarette, "What's all this," he motions around the room.

"Well, your friends want to cheer you up and they thought I'd be able to do the job," I pour him a glass of whiskey and set it on the small round table next to his seat.

"What makes those fuckers think I need help to begin with?" he mutters angrily.

"Well, for starters, you're pretty shit faced and it's only 11 p.m."

"Good point, but then again. . . I'm always fucking drunk," he quickly downs the drink I had just set before him.

I press the button on the control panel mounted on the wall next to the stage and the song starts.

*press play*

This wasn't your typical "strip club" we were an alternative club so our dancing was much more sensual than just making our asses bounce and removing our clothes. Our dancing was very flowy, we felt the music fill our every being, so our movements were almost like an extension of our souls.

I sway my hips slowly to the beat of the song and run my hands down my waist, "Of course, if you don't want it. . ." I begin but am quickly interrupted by him.

"We're already here," he whispers in a gravely tone dropping his cigarette on the ash tray

Before he has a chance to put out the still lit stogie I reach over and grab hold of it, swiftly bringing it to my lips and taking a drag.

Locking eyes I approach him still swaying to the music and my lips parted slightly letting the smoke deep out slowly. Once in front of him I bend down so close to him that I feel my hair grace the fabric of his ripped jeans causing him to breathe in sharply.

With my free hand I caress at my leg, starting at the ankle and stopping once my face is directly in front of his long and widely open legs, smirking when I notice how he's nibbling at his bottom lip.

"Good song choice," he mentions awkwardly, clearing his throat.

"One of my favorites," I smirk watching the lump in his throat move up and down as he swallowed hard.

In beat with the song I bring my knee to rest on top of the armrest of the couch making sure to hold his gaze. But it is Julian who breaks eye contact first as he leans back in his seat, his eyes flickering from my waist and the bit of under boob that shows each time I raise my arms.

Subconsciously he brings his thumb over his lips placing it gently between his teeth as he watches me move my hips in a smooth circular motion. With as much grace as I can muster I bring my foot back down and turn my back towards him bringing my hands up to hold my Raven black hair, giving him a better view of how much control I have over my hip movements.

I hear the subtle sound of him shifting and when I peek over my shoulder I see that he is now sitting up closer to the edge of his seat, his elbows resting on his knees and his finger tips touching each other.

I maneuver around the armchair placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and lean over him to drop the cigarette on the ash tray, the side of one of my breast gracing his neck to which he reacts by inhaling sharply.

"So do you do this often?" He asks immediately running his hands down his face, "I mean...of course you do this often it's your job, what I meant was like, fuck, I don't know," he sighs in resignation.

I giggle at how adorable he sounds tripping over his words, "Do you mean if I do favors for people in order to cheer up their friends?" I inquire standing behind him and running my hands down his chest.

"Y-yeah," he half chuckles.

"Sure. But none of them have been nearly as attractive as you so I'd say this time is definitely a first for me," I mutter into his ear.

He lets out a couple of those nasally laughs he's become known for in interviews and it takes every bit of self control to not geek out in front of him and keep up my persona.

Once I've made a complete circle around him and am back to being in front of him I place my hands on his knees, slowly sliding them upwards avoiding the evident erection resting on his right thigh.

"Shi-" he whispers so faintly that it sounds like a breath escaping his full lips.

"From the look of things I'm doing a decent job at cheering you up," I smirk straddling his lap.

"Oh...woah, uh hey..." he raises his hands and averts his eyes towards the door.

He is certainly a newbie to gentleman's clubs or else he'd know that in V.I.P. rooms security guards are of no concern.

Without giving him an explanation I grab hold of the back of his hands and guide them to my hips. I can feel the hesitation as he tries to pull away but he doesn't fight for long, hooking his thumbs on my bullet belt as I sway my hips on top of him.

As I raise my arms to peel off the barely there white crop top I can feel the tips of his callused fingers on the small of my back and he lets out a low grunts as he watches my breasts bounce slightly in unison with my dance moves.

Slowly I lean in closer to him bringing my breasts very close to his face but not close enough to make him uncomfortable. I tangle my fingers in his disheveled hair and lock eyes with him, not once missing a beat with the song. I search his face for a couple of seconds, admiring the beauty of his eyes, nose, lips, jaw. . . soon enough my lips are softly pressed against his and his hands are wrapped around my waist, pulling me in tightly.

I pull away as the song finishes and slowly climb off of Julian's lap. He sits still with his eyes closed for a couple of seconds before slowly opening them, "Um, s-so how does work? Like do I pay yo-"

"It's on the house hun," I smile.

"Thanks," he slurs and with that he stumbles to the door and leaves.

-Julian's POV-

I walk out of the room feeling fucking strange, a very much hard to explain sensation.

The guys are still at the couches drinking and surrounded by beautiful women but I can't be bothered by any of them. But, I can't just be a dick and leave without even paying for part of the bill so I have no choice but to approach them. 

"Heeeey, Jules! Dude, come check out this chick," Nick slurs as soon as he sees me. On his lap is a hot red head with giant tits, my type of girl on nights when I'm feeling shitty, yet I'm not interested.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna head out," I inform them scratching at the back of my neck.  

"Seriously? That's a first, Julian leaving a club or bar before us," Nick mentions as the rest of the guys nod.

"Yeah, I don't know. . .I'm just not feeling the vibes right now. This should cover my part of the bill," I mutter dropping a wad of cash on the wet table.

"Careful man," I hear Albert call after me and I just slightly raise a hand in acknowledgment.

As soon as I breathe the fresh air (or as fresh as it will get in the city) I light a cigarette letting the smoke fill my lungs.

I'm able to catch a cab pretty fucking fast and I couldn't be anymore glad, too bad the cab driver is a fucking asshole. It takes me about 15 minutes of hearing him yell into his phone till I finally I tell him to stop, shove the cash in his hand, and tell him to fuck off.

I'm only a couple of blocks from my place so I walk the rest of the way, this Luna chick circling my fucking mind.


I grab a beer from the fridge and let myself fall onto the couch.

No matter how many beers I drink this fucking girl won't get out of my head. The way she moved, her waist, her tits, her sexy little ass, the way she smiled, spoke, smelled. . .

I couldn't get rid of the fucking boner since I left the club. All the drinking in world wasn't helping and the more time passed it became harder and harder to ignore.

Soon enough I'm in my room with my pants around my ankles, both hands wrapped around my dick, groaning at the thought of this enigmatic girl with eyes as dark and mysterious as the night sky.

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