Two sides of the Table

By secretvampire06

19 1 0

Carter: She is your average teenage girl she has an older brother Spencer she has the perfect life she has a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:

Chapter 2:

6 1 0
By secretvampire06

Chapter 2:
   I ran only ran because if I didn't they would've found me and asked me questions and be interrogated I didn't want that even though I know if they tried I could kill all of them quick and easy like I've did for many many decades ago but right now I know this is wrong all of this what I did just now was half right and half wrong as I finally slow down I stop in a neighborhood that I've never seen before 'this neighborhood wasn't here in 1870' I think to myself as I look around I start to walk down the road adjusting my leather jacket and running a hand through my hair looking my best as I listen to everyone talk to see if I could find a certain someone.
    I feel nightmares more of quick flashes of images as I roll slightly I feel like everyone is leaving that I'm losing everything I've known I see images in my mind of my mother and farther all happy like they used to be before mom got cancer then died two years ago the image changes to my father lieing dead in his truck still strapped into the seat bleeding there was blood on his lips like someone tried to help him I feel a scream escape my lips as I sit right up breathing hard and heavy and tears threating to tear past the walls holding them back as I look around to see myself sitting on my bed.Jeremy is next to me instantly searching my eyes as he cups my face in his hands "oh Carter shh it'll be ok baby I promise" he whispers as he gently kisses my lips then looked at me.I look at my boyfriend my heart aching for my mother and father when all of a sudden the most hardest decision comes to me "Jeremy" I whisper he nods looking at me giving me a smile I suck in air "I-I'm b-breaking up...with y-you" I say my throat tighting at the words I see as he takes it in and that smile of his fades quickly as he nods "uh ok" he says standing up "jer I-" he stops me "Carter I don't want to hear it ok we are done we are over ok I have fun being an orphan" he says his eyes hard and intense showing nothing as he storms off out of the room he bumps into my brother on the way out Spencer looks at me "what was all that about?" He asks I look at him the tears almost ready to come out "I broke up with him and he got angry" I say struggling on each word.I see Spencer's eyes show instant anger "oh I'm gonna hurt him" he growled as he went to leave the room "NO Spencer stop just let him be" I say desperately looking at him my eyes pleading him not to do it he sighs "fine" he grumbled,all of a sudden we both hear a knock on the door.I look at my brother confused then he smiled a fake smile "I got it" he says as he exits the room.
    I'm walking down the neighborhood sidewalk when I notice a dude that looks like some football player super star he has ugly blonde hair and shitty colored eyes as he bumped into me on the way out I feel a pinch of anger deep inside me as I grab his arm and pull him back "say your sorry" I say smoothly he chuckled and shook his head "yeah and what are you gonna do about it?" I smirk as I grab him by his shirt and pick him up off the ground easily "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do if you don't say your sorry I will rip your heart out" I say with an evil smirk "got it?" I ask I can tell he's scared by the way his heart beats faster and his eyes flash with panic as he nods quickly "yeah I got it" he says quietly I  nod and set him down and fix his shirt "ah good man now off you go" I say and with that he runs off.I go up to the house that kid just left and knock on the door,a few minutes later a tall buff boy who has brown hair and brown eyes he looks at me with a slight hint of anger but I ignore it as I start "I'm Cole I'm here as your ne-" this kid stops me with his husky voice as he says "hey you listen up I don't want any of your crap ok we just lost are dad and we don't want any thing else to deal with" he says with a huff as I smile "ok you done?" I ask and he  does a small nod.I look at him straight in the eyes "now you listen Iam Cole I'm your mothers older brother who has been contacted by the child services to be your new legal guarding ok" I say with a smirk I'm only smiling because I know this will work "yeah hey Cole come on in" he says and backs up so I can walk in.I step into the house to only be frozen in place by the girl I've been looking for.
     I sneak out of my room to see who my brother is talking to I hear him slightly argue with him untill the mystery man tells him something and he comes in,I see him stop at the sight of me I'm used to guys doing that I walk down the staircase to the second to last step to get a better look at him he has dark black hair that's not brushed he has this bright and beautiful blue eyes that show no emotion whatsoever as he looks at me I feel slight shivers creep up my body as he looks at me I look away from his stare at my brother "this is Cole moms brother he's here to take care of us he's are legal guardian now" he says with a smile at me and I nod "oh well that's great he can sleep in the guest room" I say curtly as I give my mothers brother a glance before padding off into my room and slamming the door."legal guardian he doesn't even look like he's older than twenty two" I grumbled to myself fiddling with my fingers as I walked in front of my mirror and looked at my tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes 'oh gosh I looked like a nervous reck' I think to myself as I comb my fingers through my hair to make it look presentable as I straighten up my clothes and check myself again and smile "ah that's better" I say as I start to fix my bed when I get a phone call.
   I stand frozen in place as I look at her I look at her tear stained cheeks the way her eyes puff up and at how the way she stands shows how shaken up she is about this 'if she ever knew what actually happened shed have my head' I think to myself as I keep my eyes from showing any emotion only a smirk as I look at her then listen to her brother introduce me and when she says where I will be sleeping the way she says it just oohh hits me hard in the heart the heart I don't have so once she's dissapeared into her little tower I nod my thanks to her brother than make my way up to the guest room.I open the door to see a fairly sized bed with a dresser and a mirror I shrug "eh it'll do" I say as I strut in and take a look around.I hear Carter talking to some girl on the phone her voice pleading her not to come over
"Kayla don't come over I don't rea-"
"Carter stop I'm coming over"
"I'm half way there"
"Ugh fine but come to my room-"
"No I want to meet that hunky man you keep yapping about"
I smirk knowing Carter is talking about me I smirk even bigger as I hear this girl...Kayla come into the house "oh hey spence I'm here to see Carter" she says to him.I open the door and walk out to see a girl with brown curls and piercing green eyes she has perfect olive skin and she's very thin but she has nice round hips as I make my way down the stairs to her I see her eyes widen at the sight of me she bites her lip nervously and her heart beats faster as I take her hand and kiss it "Hello I'm Cole" I say to her with a smirk as I let go of her hand and smile at her I can tell a guy has never actually walked up to her and did this "uh h-hi I'm I'm your girl" she stutters then face palms "I mean I'm not your girl but I want to be I-" I stop her with a smirk "oh sweetheart why don't you tell me your name when you stop drooling over me" I say with a small smile to turn to see Carter stomping down the stairs her eyes looking at me closely seeing her look all fiesty and angry like that just wanted to make me laugh she looked so cute as she walks up to me and looked me straight in the eye "what are you doing?" She asks her voice accusing me of something as I smile then shrug "Nothing much just talking to your freind" I say smoothly with a playful smile "well guess what please don't because you don't want to mess with me" she says crossing her arms as I lean in close to her ear "oh but what if I do pumpkin?" I ask in a whisper but before she can answer I pull away and clap my hands together "ok I'm gonna make super come on Spencer you can help" I say as Spencer and I walk off into the kitchen.
     Cole leaves me speechless at his final words 'he's so so ugh I can't even think right right now' I think as I quickly regain myself and grab Kaylas arm "come on" I say as I pull her dazed out butt into my room and close and lock the door behind me I watch her as she sits down obviously out of it as she says things like:
   "Ah his eyes are so so blue"
  "That smile of his is so dangerous"
  "I wish he was my legal guardian"
I walk up to my bestie and wave a hand in front of her face "Kayla snap out of it" I say as I gently slap her and she shakes out of it "oh my gosh-" she says standing up excited "he does not look like your legal guardian can I date him?" She asks and I slap her arm "Kayla you can not date him and i thought you didn't want a guy by your side?" I ask with a playful smile to show I'm totally ok I'm just hiding my emotions as Kayla laughs "well he's changed my mind" she says as we hear a small knock "Dinners ready you two" when I hear that voice I know it's Cole I walk up to the door to open It to see Cole leaning against the door frame with a smirk "ok ladies lets go" he says as he escorts me and Kayla down stairs and into the kitchen where he has made spaghetti,salad, and garlic bread!! "Wow"whispers Kayla in my ear as we go and sit down and Spencer brings us are food "dang he's doing a great job on his first day" Spencer says quitely to me as he goes and sits down with his food as Cole follows and sits right next to Kayla who starts to freak out with excitement.
   Chapter 2 1/2;;
       At dinner everyone avoids the question or the discussion about are fathers death I feel like it's something we shouldn't speak of but of course leave it to Kayla to spoil that I mean I love her to death but sometimes she can be a pain in the rear.
"Oh Cole did you hear about Carter and Spencer's dads death today?"
"I'm so sorry about your dad Carter"
    The first thing she did ask Cole made him look at his food then he looked back up and smiled an actual kind smile "no I didn't hear about that" he says as he took a bite of his spaghetti then set his fork down "ah that was delicious" he says leaning back with a smirk I see Kayla nod in agreement "yeah it was mhmmm" she says as Spencer laughs "yes it was great thanks Cole I'm gonna go to bed" he says as he got up kissed my cheek then patted Cole on the shoulder then headed off to his teenage boy lair,Kayla yawns as she looked at me "Carter can I stay here tonight?" She asks and I look at Cole half pleading him to let her then half not Cole looked at Kayla with such a flirty intense stair she about passed out "I'm sorry Kayla not tonight I imagine that Carter has a lot going on right now maybe another night" he says like he was coaxing a little kid to stop crying but instantly my best friend seemed happy as she stood up and grabbed her bag "oh uh sure" she says biting her lip "well by cart and bye uh Cole" she says as she walks out the door.I quickly stand up to escape to my room but I'm stopped by Cole as he grabs my arm not gently but also not hard as he looked at me his blue eyes shining at me with some kinda emotion I couldn't tell "can you help me with the dishes?" He asks as he tilted his head in this cute way that girls would die for as I give him my award winning smile "sure I'll help" I say as he lets go of my arm and smiled.
     I follow Carter towards the table as me and her both start to grab the plates,silver ware,and cups we have equal amounts and I made sure of it as I walked up to the sink and very careful set them in Carter came right next to me setting them down are arms brushed and right when they did I could feel the goose bumps go up her arm at my touch I look at her "your nervous" I say with a smirk as I pull my arm away from hers and start to grab dishes and dry them off as she cleans them I watch as she keeps her eyes glued to the knife she's wiping then she looks up at me "I bet any girl would be nervous around someone like you" she says but when she does I see her eyes feel with pain as she bit her lip.I know without looking at her hand that she's bleeding I can smell the blood it hits my nose easily it's like a smell you can't rid of I force my jaw to tighten so I don't try to bite her,but my eyes show something else as she goes to look at me her eyes go round in shock "Cole your uh eyes" she whispers I know exactly what she's talking about I quickly go grab a rag my back to her as I wipe my eyes "oh it's just my contact is annoying my eyes" I lie to her knowing it would keep her safe.I walk back up to her with the rag as I apply pressure to the cut on her hand "be careful next time" I say to her are body's are touching and I can tell it's making her freak out "is something wrong?" I ask her looking her in the eyes as she sighed realeaseing her fake smile that fools everyone I watch her body just unflates like a balloon as she looked at me "no my dad died today and I broke up with my boyfriend today because I just couldn't handle it all right now then you come and everything's changing" she says quickly I put my hand under her chin to hold her gaze "Carter life will never be easy there will so many bumps and turns in your life that eventually you'll never notice but I promise you this I will not leave you or your brother ok but sometimes change is better" I say to her with a small smile as she looks at me I feel myself yearning to kiss her but I can't just can't do it not now I let my hand drop from her chin as I smile kindly "now keep applying pressure to it and it'll stop bleeding" I say with a nod as I finish up the dishes and see her yawn I wrap an arm around her waist and hold her up she puts an arm around my neck as I start to guide her up the stairs "come on Carter you weigh a ton" I joke with her as she smiled "whatever Cole" she says with another yawn we finally get to her room and I lay her down on her bed and put the covers on her "sleep good Carter" I say as she nods then falls asleep.I watch her for a few heartbeats but it feels like hours before I finally pull myself away from her room and peak in to see Spencer asleep to I go back to the guest bedroom and lock the door as I walk over and lay down on the bed and look at the ceiling as I let sleep overcome me.
    I groan feeling like today is starting over again as I pull my pillow off my face and chunk it across my room I know that today will be the day I have to go to school and listen to
"Oh I'm so sorry"
"Do you need help?"
"I wish you the best of luck blah blah"
   I don't want to hear any of it none of it at all I look up at the ceiling when I remeber my alarm clock is still going off I reach over and turn it off.I feel numb all over as I slowly get out of bed and stretch my aching muscles to turn around to see a pretty dress laid out for me I know by the choice that Spencer picked it out as I smile knowing he's just trying to help,I slide my clothes off easily like if it was the most natural thing ever I grab the dress and slither into it fitting my perfect sized model beach girl body into it I walk in front of my mirror and do alittle spin to look at it 'I look nice I look like nothing happened that's what I wang' I think to myself as I grab the brush and brush through my long blonde hair making it soft and shiny to the touch I slip on a pair of small heels and spray on some perfume then head to my brothers room to see if he's awake.
     I knock on the response so I walk in to see my brother passed out on the bed with only his underwear on and I sigh I walk up and open up the blinds letting in the natural lighting 'ugh his room is such a uh mess' I think to myself as I start to pick up old smelly shirts from two weeks ago and throw them in his hamper to make a walk way,I look over at his dirty dresser of all his art work he draws I walk over to look at them to see all types of drawings like vampires,Cyclopes,centataures,Giants he loves all of that stuff as I put it in a nice and neat stack I walk over and tap my brothers shoulder "Spencer" I whisper gently tapping him,after a few seconds he doesn't wake up I grab a pillow and smack him with it up side his head and he wakes up with a growl "Carted what are you doing?!?!?" He asks looking up at me his eyes showing he's tired "get up I'll pick out your clothes" I say as I help my brother into a sitting position and go to his dresser and pull out a decent looking shirt I smell it just to make sure as I shrug and toss it to him "it smells ok but put it on" I say as he nods "yes mother" he says with a smile as I roll my eyes "whatever spence I'm just helping you" I say as I grab some shorts and throw them at him hitting his chest with him "now after your done spray some Cologne on you and you'll smell fine oh and brush your hair" I say with a snap of my fingers as he does exactly what I told him to do. I walk over and quickly hug my brother "thanks for picking out my outfit" I whisper in his ear as he hugs me back "your welcome" he murmurs back and I pull away with a smile "be ready to leave in fifteen" I say as I leave his room and shut the door I go down the hall to go to the bathroom when I bump right into Cole shirtless as he looked at me with a smirk "sorry hey hurry up I'm taking you to school" he says walking past me heading to his room I turn to watch him "uh well kaylas taking me to school actually" I say kinda akwardly as he nods without looking at me "ok have fun be safe" was his last words as he dissapears into his room. As I grab my bag I hear the familiar honk of my freinds jeep I run to the door being careful of my heels "bye everyone love you!" I yell as I open the door and run out closing it behind me and started to speed walk towards kaylas silver jeep with none of the doors attached cause she says 'that's her style' which I'm not to sure about that as I hop into the passengers seat as I smile at her "ready to roll?" I ask and nods "yeah of course!" She replied back with a happy smile and hits the gas and we shoot off down the road laughing the wind blowing in my blonde hair as I clutch my bag like its the last thing I have. All of a sudden we come to a jerking stop as we almost slam into a nice looking camero as I look at the driver who looks like he's about to blow his step 'sorry' me and Kayla mouth at the same time as the car drives off to park and Kayla parks her jeep right in the front "thanks for the ride Kay Kay" I say with a smile as I slide out of her jeep and close the door my body screaming at me to not go in to turn and run untill I can't run no more as Kayla takes her place next to me "are you ready for this?" She asks in my ear and I swallow back everything I have and nod "yes" I whisper back and suck in as I start to strut towards the school right as we past the place where my father was that day he dropped me off as all of the memories of that morning floods back to me and I feel like I've been stabbed through the heart with a spear that's stuck there and I get it out as I feel tears form but I push myself to look away as I keep walking and I bump into Connor Mcoy he turns on me quick and smirked "oh isn't it little orphan girl" he sneers his breathe smells of cigarettes and beer as I cough "shut up Connor" I say as I push past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back Kayla looks around looking for someone to help as Connor glared at me "you don't tell me what to do orphan girl" he growled I could tell he was angry but right now I wasn't gonna deal with it I balled up my fist in a tight ball as my jaw tightened "Connor I'm busy now leave me alone" I say through clenched teeth "and who's gonna stop me?" He asks "I will" a voice says that I've never heard as I turn to see the new kid who I think just got here but I don't know I can't keep up.The new kid has spiky black hair and green eyes as he walks over and yanks me away from Connor putting me behind him as he whispers "go I'll handle it" I nod my thanks as Kayla grabs my arm and she pulls me into the hallway the last thing I hear is someone smack onto the tile floor before I'm sucked into the world of pity.

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