Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
   I hear my alarm go off like the desperate crys of high school kids as they to have to wake up and go to school,I throw the covers off me as my arms slam against my comfy bed I wiggle my way from out under my safe place as I swing my only half awake legs off the bed and sit up.I look around as I run a hand through my naughted blonde hair as I adjust my tank top then get up and go to my closet.I pick out the most beautiful but slightly unnoticeable clothes as I slip on an amazing beautiful flower skirt that my mother got me last year,as I run my hands down the soft pink and white fabric as I remeber the day she gave this to me it was a year ago today that one morning I woke up to find her sitting on the edge of my bed smiling her perfectly white teeth and brown curled hair flowing down her shoulders as she held a box in her lap "open it" she says as I wipe my eyes and crawl over.My mother hands me the box as that smile of hers never fades as I gently thumb the brown box untill I can't do it any more and I open up the box to find the most breathe taking skirt "do you like it?" She asks a hint of doubt in her voice.I look up at her and I smile at her "no mom I love it" I whisper as she wraps her arms around me into a hug that feels so safe and warm almost wanting me to go back to- a loud knock on my door snaps me out of the memory as I hear the familiar husky voice of my brother Spencer "Carter you better hurry up!" He yells still banging on the door "ok Spence I just have to do a few more things" I call back as I grab a white blouse and squeeze into it I hear my brother grumble "yeah it'll take another hour" he grumbled as I hear him stomp away,I laugh lightly as I put on a necklace I got last Valentiens day from my boyfriend I quickly slip on my favorite pair of white high top converse. I quickly run a brush threw my hair,I hear the clock in my head ticking down to how much time I have left as I put some lipstick on then run out the door as I quickly jog down the stairs,I grab my backpack and go to head out the door I stop cold as I think of two options 1.i could run back up stairs lock my door and sleep the whole day 2.i could walk out here all confident and go to my first day in high school well my last year I think I'm gonna go with.."Carter get in the car !" My dad yells as he pats the side door of his rusty old red truck I smirk "ok dad I'm coming!" I say back as I shut the door and sling my bag over my shoulder and slip into the back seat of my fathers truck.The smell of rotten eggs and dead things hit my nose and I gag slightly as I plug my nose "ugh dad your truck sinks" I groan my brother laughs "soon it'll be my truck twerp" he mocks I roll my eyes 'just cause he's two years older then he gets everything he wants' I think to myself as I look out the truck window as my dad pulls out the driveway and starts to drive down the road.

     Chapter 1 1/2
   I look around the dark street as I start to walk to building with a bright neon symbol on top,I've been here before many many times but I still come cause the stuff they have here are just so so delicious.i lick my lips as I push open the door as I walk in a girl with brown curly hair with bright green eyes throw herself at me I smirk being used to all of the attention "why hello there" she says her voice a slur "would you like something to drink?" She asks as she holds up a cup of alcohol to me.I feel a sweet and bad boyish smirk of mine appear on my lips as I look at her "why of course I would just love a drink" I say as I put an arm around her waist to hold her up as she looks at me,as she goes to give me the drink my eyes start to turn red as the veins under my eyes start to show she doesn't notice she's too drunk to notice anything as I open my mouth my fangs slide out and I quickly sink my teeth straight into her neck a feel the warm sticky taste of her blood as a smirk "mm" I says as I drink more and more of her blood 'o she has some alcohol in her system' I think as I finally pull away and smiled at her my eyes are back to normal but my fangs are still out as I lick my lips wiping off her blood from them "that drink was delicious" I say with a smirk she nods unfazed by all of this as she smiles and walks off I wipe my mouth and strut to the bar counter smirking.I look at the bartender and tell him the kind of drink that I want and he does a small nod and dissapears for a few seconds then appeared holding my drink,he slides it across the table and it lands right in front of my waiting hand.
    I feel someone tap my shoulder as I stop half drink as I look out the corner of my eye to see a young man I've met before I smirk as I set my drink down on the counter and turn my body slightly to him, "ah uh kar k-kar" I say snapping my fingers trying to think of his name "It's karliyle" he says as I slap my leg "yes!Of course Karliyle my good man what have you brought me today?" I ask tipping my head slightly as he reaches back and pulls out a newspaper and pushes it towards me,"this is information about this girl from uh valley something well yeah I few years ago her mother died of cancer and her brothers name is Spencer and her fathers name is John and the mother was-" I stop him with a motion of his hand "her name was Lisa" I say as I remeber the first time I came back to this bar it was many years ago she was so free spirited and always happy but slightly snappy and a mystery to me but she was the only girl that I never tried to hurt she was my freind I knew she was married I knew she had two kids one day she showed me a picture of her daughter I fell in love with that girl at the first sight of Carter I knew this was the girl I wanted I needed her I just needed to find her. "Yeah so here's your information do I get my stuff?" He asks and I nod with a smirk "yeah no" I say as I quickly and easily snap his neck in the blink of an eye I watch as his body drops limply on the ground as I shrug "never liked him anyway" i says as I take the news paper and leave the bar as I slip into my car all I think is 'I will find her and protect her' .
  A few minutes later we pull up to my big high school the facility always says its around two hundred years old but I think it's older as I look around slightly nervous,"ok Carter time to go have fun sweetheart love you" my dad says as I look at him and kiss his cheek "ok bye dad" I say as I get out the truck and watch as my brother gets out the truck and walks off to all the other delinquents.As I'm walking down the cement side walk looking down as my blonde hair blows in the wind slightly untill I feel arms wrap around my waist as I'm spinned around I start to laugh "Jeremy put me down!" I says laughing as he sets me down.I turn around to see my boyfriend he has deep brown eyes and dirty blonde hair it was kinda going in his eyes so I brushed it out of his eyes I watch as he smiled "I've missed you so much cart"he says and I smile as he says my old nickname "missed you more jer bear" I reply back as I put my hand on his cheek and lean in and kiss him his lips are so soft against mine as he kissed me back gently I go to kiss him again but I'm stopped as I hear a loud squeal from next to us I pull away smiling to see my best friend since kindergarten "Kayla!"I say with a big smile as I pull away from Jeremy and run up to Kayla and we hug squeezing each other tightly "Oh I'm so happy to see you are you ready to start school?" She asks and I nod.I turn to see Jermey walk up and kiss my cheek "I gotta go I'll come see you later promise" he says as He gently ran a hand across my cheek then jogged off to his football buddy's.I look back at Kayla as we hook each other arm and arm I stand up straighter as we strut into school,everyone waves at us and a few boys whistle at us but Kayla snaps them a death glare as I giggle "you'll be dating one of them soon" I joke with a smirk as she rolled her eyes playfully "whatever Carter I'll be riding on top of the world without a man" she says smiling as we walk right into first period...history I take my seat in the kinda back but kinda in the front as I sit down and crossing my legs,I set my hands out on the desk neatly as I think about what Kayla said oh and here's a little info on my bestie she thinks that maybe one day she'll become the president and rule the world without a boy or husband by her side which I think is slightly a lie since I know she's had crushes on a lot of guys so yeah.I look up to see Mr.Bradley are history teacher walk in he has this long white beard and these little glasses sat on his nose perfectly balanced he looked like some guy from that that movie Harry Potter it's kinda funny to think about it as he sets down his book of boring teacher lessons I smile kindly at him as he looks up at the class and clears his throat "ok class so today we are gonna-" he stops losing track of what he's saying then snaps his fingers remembering "ah yes today we are all gonna introduce ourselves so who's first?" He asks I look around slightly nervous when all of the sudden we hear a loud sqreech and then a crash,Everyone stands up and runs to the scene.
   I was driving my black mustang towards Carters school I was drumming my fingers against the steering wheel when a rusty red truck slammed into the side of my nice good looking car,my body slammed against the side door cause some glass to cut my forehead making me bleed the cars spinning and spinning until we finally stop.I slam my fist into the the door knob making the door break off I get out the car and look over to see the red truck flipped over and it looked like it got squeezed by the hulk I run over and kneel down to see the man bleeding quickly from his head I know he would die but I had to do something so I bit into my wrist to make blood come out I stick my arm through the window and push my wrist onto his lips "drink" I say he's only barely awake as he shakes his head "I said drink it" I growl as I try to force him the man starts to cough " c-c-Carter and.....S-Spence-er safe...." He says then a few seconds later I hear his heart beat stop I pull away 'he's dead' I think,I hear people running out of the high school and yell something I see Carter show up her face showing shock I take one glance around then super speed off.
   I run out with everyone else my skirt flowing behind me as I finally make it out the door to see a black mustang pinning a wait what 'that's my dads truck' I think as all of a sudden I'm running I'm pushing everyone out of my way as I run to the driver side of the truck I see a blur of black run off 'that's who did this' I think anger sparking inside of me but as I look at my motionless father tears forming in my eyes "daddy" I whisper my heart breaking I try to reach for him through the window but the glass cuts me and I pull away.I feel warm tears run down my cheeks fast and smooth I feel like the world is spinning as I shakily stand up I feel my feet crumple under me but Jeremy was already there and caught me before I hit the street,I ball up my fist and put them against his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me up as I burry my head into his chest as he whispers quiet words to me all I can think about is 'he's really dead I can't believe it I never even told him I loved him' I think my mind spinning as slowly as ever I fall asleep in Jeremy's arms.

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