Under His Control (BXB)

Oleh thatspecialteen

1M 46.8K 9K

"Why are you here?" "You called for me, young warlock. I've heard a lot about you from The Beyond. Thank you... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Young Warlock
Chapter 2 - News Both Good and Bad
Chapter 3 - Summoming
Chapter 4 - Taken
Chapter 5 - My Warlock
Chapter 6 - We Can Bring Him Back
Chapter 7 - Lamar Albescu
Chapter 8 - The One Thing I Won't Do
Chapter 9 - Rescue
Chapter 11 - Siblings
Chapter 12 - Longing For Him
Chapter 13 - Brutal
Chapter 14 - Claim
Chapter 15 - Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 16 - Is This What Death Feels Like?
Chapter 17 - Memories
Chapter 18 - What I Had To Do
Chapter 19 - I Love You
Chapter 20 - Wings
Chapter 21 - Anger and Forgiveness
Chapter 22 - Reunion
Chapter 23 -Loss
Chapter 24 - He's Still Family
Chapter 25 - Rico's Shadow
Chapter 26 - Takeover
Chapter 27 - Apologies
Chapter 28 - I Was Wrong
Chapter 29 - Flying Lessons
Chapter 30 - Forever Yours
Chapter 31 - Surprise

Chapter 10 - Growing Stronger

34.8K 1.6K 228
Oleh thatspecialteen

"Think you can run from me, hide from me? Oh my naive little Thunderstorm, think again. Because the longer you make me search for you, the angrier I get"


I awoken suddenly, shaking free of my nightmare. "Just a dream. Just a dream" I repeated quietly, rocking my body in an attempt to calm myself down. "Nobody ever calls me by my real name, he couldn't possibly know it. It was all just a really bad dream"

But no matter how much I tried to comfort myself, shudders still wracked my small frame and sweat still dripped from my forehead. Breathing deeply, I flicked on my bedside light and swung me legs over the side of my bed.

Squinting at the sudden brightness, I attempted to see the numbers in the face of my clock. They read 5:42am.

Good. Now I can get up early and try to learn some more powerful magic. I know Rico will return, and when he does, I want to be ready. I'm going to send him back, but I need to grow stronger first. And time is ticking.

I yanked one of my books from the shelf and checked the contents. After a quick skim over the page, I realised it was no good. Beginner's magic, useless.

I took another one off the shelf and repeated the process. No good, either. I need a spell that will increase my stamina when casting, and I need to learn a powerful banishment spell. Father and my brothers are too scared of Rico, so this is the only way I'll ever be free. I need to get rid of him for good, and I'm going to have to do it myself.

Soon realising my own books were useless, I tiptoed to father's study, where the powerful spell books are kept. Father teaches us those spells in our lessons, because he says they're too dangerous without the proper training. But that's a risk I'm willing to take. Because if I just wait, Rico will take me away again and I'll never be free. And I don't want that.

I opened up the huge book father always leaves on his desk and immediately began to scan for the section I needed.

Creating border lines

I already know how to do that, father taught me.

Killing vampires

I don't know that, but I don't need to at the moment

Summoning the dead

I'd already made a mistake with a similar spell. Never again.

Travelling to The Far

No thanks. I'll go there when I die, not while I'm alive.

Increasing the caster's endurance

Yes, that's the one! I turned to the page stated, and read over the details of the enchantment.

This enchantment is designed to increase the endurance of the warlock whilst they are casting spells. It enables the caster to withstand some spells of a higher ability than their own, as well as enabling them to cast spells of their own level or lower for longer. Works for one hour only. Short term side effects may include nausea, a shortness of breath and blackouts after casting any spell afterwards within the hour. No items needed.

That doesn't sound too bad... Except I don't want to blackout if Rico is there... But I'll take that chance. I could try it now as a practice, so I know what to like...

I did just that. I closed my eyes, and recited the spell. Almost immediately after the last word had left my mouth I felt...

The same. But I guess this is the best I have, so I'll put my trust in it for now.

With a sigh, I turned back to the contents page and began my search for a spell to banish Rico for good. I found it almost immediately, turning eagerly to the page, almost ripping it in my excitement.

Banishing Greater Demons - to be used with extreme caution

If you somehow come into contact with a Greater Demon, this is the spell you're going to have to be able to perform, and fast. All you need is your power and a sharp object to draw blood with. Please proceed with extreme caution, this is an enchantment for extremely powerful and skilled warlocks, not novices. Misuse of this spell may lead to the caster falling into a comatose state or even death. Use at your own risk. Not meant to be performed alone.

After the warning, the spell was written underneath. My eyes scanned the page, memorising it. Having a good memory is a crucial warlock skill, as we need to remember spells word perfect. I compromised my own safety and that of my family by mispronouncing some words and remembering the wrong spell entirely, thus summoning Rico by accident. A mistake I'll regret forever, and one I need to put right.


In the days that followed, I cast more and more spells after using the enhancement enchantment. I did indeed pass out a few times, but that was all part of the training. When the demon returns, I'll be ready. I won't fail, I'll send him back to where he came from. Even father is saying how surprised he is at my sudden growth in strength. If he's impressed now, wait until he sees me take Rico down!

I even had Phoenix and Robin help me practice, and they promised not to tell father unless my safety was compromised. Well, I haven't told them how dangerous the spell I plan to use is, because if I told them that they'd never help me in the first place.

Phoenix would cast offensive spells, whilst Robin would cast defensive charms and I would try to beat them through offence and defence. Phoenix specialises in offensive magic, and Robin specialises in support magic and and protective spells. They're also a lot older than me, so if I can beat them someday, I'll be able to beat Rico! At least, that's my plan.


It's been two weeks since I was rescued from The Beyond. Two weeks of tough training, thinking each day could be my last. I'm sure if Rico finds me, he'll kill me, so I need to be ready for anything. I need to become more powerful, I need to be free of his shadow once and for all.

I just need to grow stronger.

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