Asher's Heart

By rhxpsodicxlly

2M 78.7K 18K

Unlike everyone else, Ellie Anderson thought she had it easy in high school. Except for the first year. It su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Acknowledgments | Character Interview
Extra #1
Extra #2

Chapter 16

42.5K 1.7K 465
By rhxpsodicxlly

He left.

Just like that.

It's been almost a week since he left. He didn't say anything. He didn't tell anyone. He just disappeared. He didn't even tell where he was going. Or for how long. Even though I was pretty sure that Ashton knew about his whereabouts. If there was anyone who Asher trusts blindly it's his brother. He must have told him.

Then there was this other thing at school. Asher left but that didn't stop people to talk about him. It still felt like he was there but not quite.

The Monday after that party I found a note in my locker. There was no name whatsoever but the message was as clear as fresh water. Stay away from Asher or I'll destroy you.

My first reaction was to roll my eyes. People these days. That was the lamest threat I had ever come across. I wasn't even interested in finding out who wrote it. I didn't have time for that kind of shit. There were far too many suspects. The whole girl population of the school really. Except for a few.

I crushed it and threw it in the trash.

That was one of the many threats I started to get. The more they appeared the more creative and detailed they started to get.

I was walking to my next class when a girl who shared biology class with me knocked into me causing my books and notes to fall to the ground. Instead of apologizing she glared at me and walked away, flicking back her mouse colored hair.

"Bitch," I muttered and kneeled down to pick up the scattered pages.

I could ignore the threats and remarks but this? This behavior was starting to get on my nerves. More so because I didn't do anything to be treated like this. What did I ever do to them?

It was all because of Asher. His crazy fans had some kind of misconception that we were going out or something. I snorted. As if that would ever happen.

I gotta do something to end this. And fast. Before they start pulling my hair out.

A pale hand with wrist covered in black bands reached out to help me.

"These people are crazy," I said even before I met Evan's eyes. His signature style was hard to miss.

"Took you long enough to figure out," he said, standing up with a bunch of papers.

"Thanks," I stood up too and smiled at him. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans, his hair artfully messy.

"Although I would use a more colorful word," he said with a half smirk.

I grimaced.

"I am not sure I want to know what that is," I said and we started walking toward my next class as he would probably skip his.

"I don't know what I did? It's like they wanna eat me alive," I complained. The hallway was clearing as students rushed to their classes.

"Being with that jerkface is more than what you can do," Evan said nonchalantly but I could sense a hint of disdain in his voice. I ignored it.

"That's the point! I am not even with Asher. They all have just assumed that we are going out and are acting on it. I hate these assuming people," I grumbled.

He put his arm around my shoulder and rubbed up and down, trying to calm me. But his words said otherwise.

"You fed their assumptions," he said.

I glared at him.

"How so?" I asked.

"Aren't you always with him?" he asked but it sounded more like a statement so I didn't answer.

His question made me realize just how much time of the day I give to Asher without even realizing it. But it wasn't my fault. I never went around finding him. He always came to me. To annoy me nonetheless.

"Honestly, I feel sorry for Asher's future girlfriend. If they are this cruel to me what would they do to her? Not just this school but the whole world. It would be all over social media," I rambled.

Evan dropped his hand and scratched his neck. He looked uncomfortable when he said, "Um... Ellie, I think you don't know this..."

"It is all over the Internet isn't it?" I asked.

He nodded.

I sighed and my shoulders slumped.

"Who started it?" I asked but I knew it was a difficult question as it could be anyone.

"It's not just one person. They always had their doubts but I guess when they saw you holding hands with him at the party it got real," he explained.

He knew a lot since he never attended the party.

"All the time you spend with him at the library added to that," he added.

"Coming from a person who hates human interaction you know awfully lot," I remarked.

He gave me a lopsided grin.

"I pay attention," he said.

"Oh really?" I asked. His attention span was worse than a fly's. Considering he never paid attention in class or any other thing for that matter.

He gave me a sheepish smile.

"Okay. I pay attention when I am interested," he corrected.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That means you are interested in gossips," I said. "Not to mention about me," I added.

He shrugged.

"You know, all this can stop," he started.

My eyes light up.


"Date me," he said straightforwardly.

I choked on my saliva.

The warning bell rang.

"Oh I am late," I said and tried to hurry off but he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"Why do I get a feeling that you don't want to give us a chance?" he asked looking into my eyes, still holding my hand. The hallway was deserted by that time.

"I I- I'm not," I stuttered.

He raised my hand to level it with my face. Then slid his other hand to my waist. My heart beat picked up.

"Is that so?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want... " I mumbled, looking down.

He dropped my hand but the one on my waist stayed.

I looked up at him and his eyes showed hurt. I felt a pang on my chest.

I shook my hand.

"I didn't mean it like that," I explained hurriedly. "I meant that I don't want to start dating you because I have to. It would be like using you," I said.

He shook his head chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing," he said. "I'll see you later. Go to class or you'll be late."

Shit I am late!

"Bye," I said over my shoulder and ran to my class.

I liked this thing about Evan. He rarely brought up dating and he backed up immediately if he felt I wasn't ready. The sad thing was I didn't know if I would ever be.


Brooke hands were tugged around her knees as she listened to me. We were sitting on my bed and it was after midnight.

When I finished talking she nodded her head like she was still absorbing it.

I know that I should have told her everything way before. She was my bestfriend after all.

"So you're are telling me you have a crush on Ashton for years and you didn't once confess?" she asked finally.

"That's pretty much it," I nodded.

"What were you waiting for? The continents to merge again?" she asked. She was mad. I knew she was. And I didn't blame her. I kept things from her too long.

"Look I am sorry I didn't tell you before," I said, guilty.

She blew on her fingernails she had painted red a while ago.

"We'll talk about that bit later," she said and I hoped that later never came.

"Ellie, I am really disappointed in you. I never took you for a chicken," she said but there was humor in her tone.

I glared at her.

"Thanks a lot for helping me Brooke. I don't know what I would have done without you," I said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Okay," she started.

I waited for her to continue.

"Why do you think you like him?" she asked.

"He is nice, good looking, smart," I started counting with my fingers. Then I stopped abruptly. I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you mean I think?" I asked.

"Oh just that you don't really like him," she said nonchalantly.

"But I do like him," I argued. And how did she know who I like when I never told her?

"Not that way," she clicked her tongue.

"What way?" I asked. I was starting to doubt my decision of telling her.

"Like you want to jump his bones the second you see him," she said.

I grimaced.

"Here is the thing," she started. "I never get that vibe from you both when you are around each other. If you didn't tell me I would have never guessed," she said.

"What vibe?" I asked even though I was done with this conversation.

"The tension. It's not there. It's bland," she said. I wanted her to shut up.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Find someone else," she said simply.

"I don't want anyone else," I whined.

She let out a breath as if I was some little kid whining for a toy that she couldn't afford to give me.

She muttered something under her breath.


She looked up and yawned.

"Nothing. In that case we gotta do something," she said.

I nodded my head excitedly. Now this was something I was waiting for.

"But not now. My brain is already sleeping," she said with another yawn.

I frowned. It was just half past two.

"Goodnight," she said and got under the covers, switching off the lamp.

"Night," I muttered and did the same.

She was asleep instantly but I tossed and turned for I don't know how long. I thought about all the things that were happening. Rumors in school, Megan avoiding me, what Brooke said and Asher's disappearance.

I sighed and sat up. I reached for my phone and saw the time. Three O'clock.

Where was he?

I should probably ask him. I was just curious.

I opened the contacts and my thumb hovered over his name.

Was it too late?

Of course it was! I wanted to hit myself on the head.

What would he think if I called? What if he was avoiding me after what happened at the party? I didn't hurt him too much did I? Nah, I had said worse things before. It must be something related to work. But why hide it?

As I was thinking my finger accidentally touched his name and my phone started calling him. I hastily canceled the call.

I let out a relieved breath. My heart had started pounding in my chest.

I let out a curse when the phone started ringing seconds later. It was Asher.

What should I do?

I was panicking. If I don't pick it up Brooke would wake and I don't wanna explain it to her. If I do, this could turn out to be the most embarrassing phone call of my life because I know he wouldn't let me calling him at this ungodly hour go.

At last I picked it up. Because as much as I hate to be embarrassed I was dying from not knowing where he was. Because of curiosity, of course.

"Hello," a voice said and my eyes closed. It felt weird to hear him after this long. His voice was different than I expected. I had expected it to be groggy or sleepy. But it was just normal. Velvety.

"Anderson?" he said.

I am supposed to answer.

I heard a chuckle from the other side.

I bit my lip. I wasn't supposed to say that.

"Hi," my voice sounded breathy so I cleared my throat.

"Missing me, Anderson?" he asked and I could picture him smirking.

I scoffed.

"In your dreams," I said and then bit my tongue as Brooke stirred.

"Why did you call then?" he asked. He sounded tired but not sleepy. I wondered why he was up this late.

"I didn't," I whispered.

He waited for a few seconds before speaking. "I am pretty sure I got a call from your number not long ago," he said.

"It was an accident," I said, still whispering.

"Who died?" he asked.

"Ha ha," I said.

"Why are you up?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep. You?" I said.

"I am honored, Anderson. I am on top of your to call list when you're lonely and can't sleep," he said.

I sighed. This was what I was talking about. His talent of dodging questions.

"I asked you something," I said.

"What?" he asked and if I didn't know better I would have thought he really didn't realize I asked him something. But I knew better.

"You're so smooth," I remarked.

"Wanna touch me?" he asked suggestively.

I rolled my eyes but my traitor heart stuttered at the sound of his voice when he said that.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"In my bed. You can join me if you like," he said.

"Pervert," I muttered. My cheeks were growing hot by the second. He was being exceptionally flirty.

He let out another chuckle.

"I meant where did you go?" I asked again.

He sighed.

"Work," he said but something in his voice told me that wasn't all.

"When are you coming back?" I asked. "You can't miss school for so long," I added.

He was silent for so long I thought he hung up.

"You aren't coming back, are you?" I mumbled. Even I was surprised by how sad my voice sounded. As if his absence mattered.

"Ellie..." he started. I knew what he was trying to do. He only called me by my name in certain situations. It was one of those.

"You can't not come back!" I cut him off before he could feed me some nonsense about being busy. "You know what am I going through because of you? The girls at school are trying to kill me behind my back because they think I am your girlfriend. You dragged me into this mess now you will take me out," I said.

"Why are you whispering?" he asked.

Was that the only thing he got from my rambling? I slapped a hand on my head then combed my hair down with my fingers.

"Because someone is sleeping beside me," I whispered.

"Who?" he asked, his voice blunt.

"Someone," I said. "Goodnight Asher,"

"Don't you hang up on me, Anderson! We're not done talking yet," he snapped.

I faked a yawn.

"I am tired," I said sleepily.

"Who is beside you? Is he that dickhead?" he asked.

I smiled at the nickname they had for each other. How cute! Jerkface and Dickhead. Perfect combination.

"Why would I tell you? You wouldn't come back. It doesn't matter," I said. Even I don't know why I said it. It had to be lack of sleep.

"You're right. Why does it matter to me who you sleep with?" he said it with so much venom I flinched.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked irritated.

"Go to sleep, Anderson," he said.

"No! You tell me what's up with you? Where you really are? Why you don't sleep? Why you avoid parties like a plague? Who tried to drug you that time? What is bothering you?" I asked, exasperated. I didn't care if Brooke woke up with the noise I was making. I glanced at her to check anyway and she was sleeping like a baby, oblivious to her surroundings.

He was silent and I looked at me screen to check if he hung up.

He didn't.

"Tell me," I said softly this time. I wasn't curious now. I was genuinely concerned.

"Go to sleep," he said softly and hung up.


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