Mine (A reader-insert/Loki fa...

By QueenofAsgard

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You grew up in Asgard amoung Æsir. Alongside the Gods of Thunder and Mischief no less. They've always been li... More

Part One: The Engagement
Part Two: First Day
Part Three: Return
Part Four: Brother You Have Returned!
Part Five: The Roof
Part Six: The Morning After
Part Seven: Not All Surprises Are Good
Part Eight: Eir
Part Nine: Search
Part Ten: Jotunheim
Part Eleven: Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada
Part Thirteen: Return
Part Fourteen: Realization
Part Fifteen: Love You
Part Sixteen: Regrets and Explanations
Part Seventeen: Great News?
Part Eighteen: The Dress
Part Nineteen: I Do...
Author's Note ...Actually It's more of a question...
Part Twenty: You'll Have a Happy Ending...

Part Twelve: The Ring

2.2K 48 7
By QueenofAsgard

Soon enough, you reached a small in-casino bar. It was a simple island-bar with seats all around and glasses hanging from the ceiling. A rather old-looking bartender was serving everyone. Sitting on the far side of the bar was Thor. He was surrounded by empty mugs and drinking from a half-full one.

“So, what're you in for?” the bartender asked Thor, polishing a glass he was currently holding.

Thor lowered his drink and let out a breath, staring down at the counter. “My fiancée had sexual relations with my brother.”

“That's gotta be tough, buddy,” the bartender said, setting down the glass. “Here, have one on the house.” He filled up a mug with the amber liquid, allowing the froth to spill slightly over the edges and placed it in front of Thor.

Thor set down his now-empty glass and began to chug the beer the bartender had placed before him. The liquid inside the glass was gone within seconds.

“Another,” Thor demanded.

“Are you sure?” the tender asked, counting up the glasses sitting before Thor. “You've already had seventeen.”

“Another!” Thor shouted, threatening to throw his mug onto the ground and cause it to shatter. A few people nearby glanced up at him, but most were far too distracted.

“Hey, hey, it's alright. Calm down, I'll get ya another.” The man working the bar filled one more glass up with alcohol and handed it to Thor.

“Thor!” you called, jogging over to him.

“This Midgardian ale is weak,” Thor complained, not bothering to look up at you.

“Hey! This is high quality stuff!” The bartender objected.

“Come on Thor,” you placed a hand upon his shoulder, “let's go meet up with your mother and go back to Asgard.”

“I am not returning to Asgard,” Thor said. He set down his mug and turned up to you. You had to try very hard to stifle a laugh when you saw his beerstache. And then his words got through to your brain.

“You're not going? Why not?” You asked, almost accusingly.

“Asgard no longer holds anything for me.” Thor stared down into his mug, seeming almost hypnotized by the golden elixir.

“What do you mean? Of course it does!” You scowled at Thor. You had come all the way from Asgard to search for him and here he was, wallowing in self-pity and drinking to his sorrows. “Get up,” you commanded, grabbing his arm.

“What?” Thor looked up at you.

“Set your drink down, get off your sorry ass, go meet up with your mother, and get the Helheim back to Asgard.” Thor stared up at you like an idiot. “NOW.”

“Yes _________!” he said, jumping from his seat and running from the bar.

“Wait!” you called after him. “Frigga's that way!” You pointed in the direction you had come.

“Right!” Thor yelled to you, switching directions.

The bartender chuckled and you smiled at him, then took off running after Thor. You chased Thor back to where Frigga was and found her smothering him with kisses on his forehead, cheeks, and just his head in general. She was cradling his face in her hands and refusing to let go of him, despite his loud insisting.

“I did not think we would ever find you! I thought you were lost to us forever!”

“I am alright mother!” Thor gently pushed his mother away, freeing himself from her embrace.

“I apologize,” Frigga apologized. “I am just so relieved to find you.”

“We all are,” you commented, smiling warmly at Thor. You strolled over to him and got up on your tippy-toes, pecking a kiss upon his lips.

“And I am relieved that you still love me, _________.” Thor wrapped his muscular arms around you, burring his face in your hair. “You smell lovely.” Thor pulled back, his hands coming to rest on your biceps. “And you look even lovelier.”

A sweet smile danced upon your lips and you took a step closer to Thor. Thor's arms wrapped back around you and he pulled you into a much deeper kiss. His tongue slowly protruded into your mouth, almost as if he was asking for permission. You parted your lips more, giving him an answer. Thor's tongue made its way fully between your lips, the overpowering taste of alcohol following it. Despite the rather awful taste of the kiss, you kept your lips connected to Thor's. That is, until Eir began giggling madly.

You and Thor broke apart, both of your blushing and Thor grinning widely. Frigga was holding her hand up to her lips, but you could tell she was chuckling.

“Sorry,” you apologized, turning even rosier.

“Oh it is no problem,” Frigga said, continuing to cover her smile.

“So, shall we return to Asgard now?” Thor asked, changing the subject.

Asgard. You suddenly remembered the ring Loki had given you along with the instructions. Working it off your finger, you took one last look at it. It was a rather beautiful ring, it was a shame you had to destroy it. You enclosed the band in your fist and lifted your arm into the air to shatter it.

“Wait!” Frigga yelled, reaching out toward you.

You stopped yourself at the last second and turned to look at her. Her hands were covering her mouth, almost as if she regretted speaking.


Frigga fought to keep quiet. She choked on her words as they tried to escape her lips. “I- I cannot say."

“What?” you repeated, more irritably this time.

A tear rolled down Frigga's porcelain cheek. Your expression immediately softened. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-” you started.

Frigga shook her head.

“Then what's wrong?” You questioned. “What will happen if I break the ring?”

“You will forget...” the words escaped Frigga's lips as a whisper. Frigga's eyes stared into the distance, almost like they were fixated on an invisible figure and she started to tear up.

Forget what? You thought, your mind racing though every possibility. You remembered what Loki had said when you asked him about the ring. “You'll have a happy ending...” You recalled the pain in his eyes as he said the words. You realized what Loki had tried doing for you and tears formed in your eyes. He had placed the ring under a spell. A spell that would wipe your memories of him and ensure your happy ending with Thor. And when you broke the ring, the enchantment would take effect.

“Loki...” Tears were now running down your face. You couldn't believe he would do something like this for you. You slid the band back onto your finger; you refused to forget Loki.

“What about Loki?” Eir asked curiously, shattering your thoughts.

“Nothing.” You shook your head.

Frigga looked directly at you and glanced up at her. She knew you were conscious of the ring's meaning now. And your decision to keep it intact conflicted her. On one side, she was upset that you were essentially choosing Loki over Thor. However, on the other end, Loki needed someone like you in his life. And she also knew that while he would be heartbroken, Thor would survive.

“It obviously was not nothing,” Eir said matter-of-factly. “You started to cry.”

“It's nothing that matters right now,” you snapped.

“Well, excuse me,” Eir retorted, placing her hands on her hips.

“Sorry,” you apologized. “I just have a lot to deal with right now.” You were fully aware that eventually, you would have to choose between your fiancé and his brother.

“It's fine,” Eir assured you. “And I know you do.” She nodded sympathetically. She knew exactly the situation you were in and, for the most part, how you felt about it.

“Well, let us return to Asgard now,” Frigga said, smiling. “I am certain everyone is anxious to see our return.”

“Right...” Great. More publicity. That's exactly what you didn't need right now. However, you knew there wouldn't be any avoiding it when you returned. After all, the prince of Asgard and his fiancée had come back.

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