Part Three: Return

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By the end of the first week, you felt as though you would pass out at any moment from dead-tiredness. You had had many more responsibilities and duties piled upon you, and, on top of that, Thor had dragged you all over Asgard. You were finally having a relaxing Sunday evening, when someone knocked upon your door.

You let out a frustrated sound, but set down your book and got up off your bed to answer the door.

“L-Loki?” The God looked as though he had not slept in centuries. Dark circles were set beneath his eyes and his hair was uncombed and unwashed. “What happened to you?!”

Loki merely grunted in response.

“Where have you been?! You've had me so worried! I was afraid you'd just dropped off the Bifrost!”

A smirk crawled up on Loki's tired face. “You were worried about me?”

“Of course! I love you!” You replied without thinking. You caught yourself, but the words had already slipped off your tongue.

“Hm?” A mischievous look formed in Loki's emerald eyes and his smirk grew to be smug grin spread across his face.

“As my best friend of course!” you attempted to clarify. Unfortunately, Loki didn't believe for a second that was you intended meaning. You sighed. “Loki, I'm with Thor. We're engaged.”

“I have indeed noticed,” Loki said with disdain, motioning to the ring on your finger.

“Oh that.” You lifted your hand so Loki could see it better. “It's from Thor. He gave it to me because it's a custom for an engagement ring to be worn on the left hand in my realm.”

Loki nodded, apparently not wanting or not having anything more to say.

Silence passed between you and Loki. You met the God's eyes and he shifted uncomfortably. Even though the light in his eyes had returned, he looked terrible.

You beamed and held your hand out to him. “Come on. You look like you could use a bath and some rest.”

A tiny smile made its way onto Loki's face and he took your outstretched hand into his own.

The two of you made your way back to your room. Once you were there, you drew a bath for Loki, checking to make sure it wasn't too hot.

“Loki! It's ready!” You called. The very attractive God strolled into the room, completely nude. You flushed and shut your eyes tight, turning away.

You heard Loki laugh and get into the tub, the water splashing against the edges as he lowered himself in. “Embarrassed? Or am I just so appealing that you would not be able to control yourself? In any case your eyes are safe now."

You rolled your eyes before turning back around. seeing Loki sitting up in the tub. His bare chest seemed to call your eyes to it, drawing your attention away from his pale face. You sat down on the edge of the tub, a deep red blush masking your face. The water was steamy, so you couldn't see anything past his chest, but that didn't stop your imagination.

You tried to turn your attention away from the places your mind was going by asking, “Where have you been?” and expecting a real answer this time.

“Around,” Loki said simply, cupping water in his hands.

“Such as......?”

“Here,” he admitted. “In fact,” he looked up at you, “I have been present this entire time. However, you have neglected to notice me. At least directly. And I have been enjoying quite a fun time.”

“Wait...” You put together what Loki had just said with a few odd events from the past week. “The turkey leg?”

Loki nodded. “One of my favorites. And my brother is such an oaf he though his food was really flying away from him.”

“And Thor tripping on the air?”

Loki let loose a laugh. “Yes! Of course he just thought he had tripped out of pure clumsiness.”

“Hold on a moment....” You looked over at Loki, nearly staring him down. “Was my little Marilyn Monroe moment because of you as well?”

“I am unsure as to who that is... Is she your sister? Or you mother?”

“No, she is...was... a famous actress. And she was well known for standing on air vents and having the skirt of her dress blown into the air.”

Loki sighed, then smirked. “In that case, it was me,” he confessed. “And you have some lovely purple panties.”

“Uh-huh...” You flushed. You had suspected Loki from the beginning, but damn that was embarrassing! Especially since you had been walking into the dining room where Odin, Frigga, and Thor all were. And they had all been looking at you when you came in.

Loki sunk his head beneath the water and shook it slightly, making his hair flow through the water. The movement helped to dissipate the steam left in the tub and you turned as red as a strawberry as you caught a glimpse of what lay beyond. You tried to tear your eyes away, but found you couldn't. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. You repeated over and over in your head.

Loki held out his hand, as if asking for something. Thankful for the distraction, you handed him your bottle of shampoo. The God rubbed shampoo into his long hair. The soapy bubbles filled the water, obscuring your view once again. In a few moments, Loki outstretched his hand to you again. What could he want? You wondered.

“Conditioner,” Loki said, as if reading your mind.

“Oh.” You placed your bottle of conditioner into his palm. Loki slathered the conditioner into his hair, making his long, black locks shine.

Loki rinsed his hair out and stood up, hopping out of the tub.

“Mmm!!” you screamed through closed lips as he strutted past you. You squeaked as he turned around, facing you. You threw Loki a towel and he wrapped it around his hips. He paced out of the room, leaving you red-faced and gaping.

You had just seen more of Loki than you had since back when you were little kids. And that was way back when you were four or five. You remembered back to little Loki running around naked in the garden and chuckled. You wondered how that sweet little boy had turned into the man who'd just walked out of the room.

You trotted out of the room yourself, hoping to find Loki dressed. Instead, you found him sprawled out on your bed, laying on his stomach, naked as the day he was born, and fast asleep. You smiled at his seeming innocence and got out a extra blanket, placing it over him. Since Loki was laying on his stomach, you placed a kiss upon his cheek instead of his forehead and whispered “Goodnight.”

You picked up Loki's towel from the floor and hung it up before grabbing your book. You plopped down in your chair and read a little before you too fell asleep.

Mine (A reader-insert/Loki fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora