Part Two: First Day

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When you awoke, the life of the newly engaged began for you. You had to hurry to get showered and dressed as it was apparently custom for you, the fiancee, to eat breakfast each morning with your fiance, Thor, as well as Odin and Frigga. After which you were taken to an almost spa-like place before the meeting of the Gods you were invited to attend. Your hair was washed and conditioned, you were given a massage, then you were dressed in an elaborate, exquisite dress and lead to the meeting by a guard.

At the council meeting, you were greeted warmly by Odin and everyone else. You took the empty seat next to Thor, and he placed a kiss upon your cheek. During the meeting, many things were discussed. The impending wedding, how they were going to contact Midgard, a fear of instability about the truce with Jotunheim, even a conversation about Loki. It seemed the Gods of Asgard were worried that they hadn't seen the God of Mischief for quite a while. This particular dialogue made you giggle. You had no idea Loki made the other Gods so uneasy. At the end of the conference, Thor surprised you.

“This is a Midgardian custom, correct?” he asked, getting down on one knee and revealing a ring box. He opened it, holding the inside ring out to you. It was gorgeous. The ring had a large diamond as the center gem and surrounding the diamond were tons of little sapphires and rubies. The jewels were set in beautiful white gold and the ring was indescribably stunning. You nodded, holding out your left hand for him to slip the ring on.

The other Gods in the room clapped, bright smiles painting their faces. The assembly of Gods was dismissed and Thor happily led you out of the room and into one of the smaller dinning rooms for lunch. You ordered something small, as you were still quite full from the rather large breakfast you had eaten. Thor, on the other hand, devoured food as if he had not eaten a crumb for weeks.

After lunch, Thor took you to see parts of Asgard that you never had before. He decided, despite your protesting that you absolutely must see the weapons room. He led you down there, trying to convince you that the Gods wouldn't care if you went down there as long as you were with him.

When you walked in, you were amazed. Weapons of every sort were placed around the room. There were swords, spears, maces, hammers, flails, scepters, even shields and armor. You took in everything, then laid your eyes upon it. The Jotun weapon. It was up on a pedestal right in from of the Destroyer's ''room''. Drawn in by its power, you moved towards it, lightly tracing your finger along the top edge.

“Amazing, is it not?” Thor asked you, smirking. “It was used by the Jotun thousands of years ago in an attempt to destroy humanity. Luckily you had us to help you. The Gods of Asgard, lead by the powerful and mighty Odin!”

You nodded, you had heard the stories. You reached out and placed your hands upon the handles of The Casket of Ancient Winters, feeling its power in your grip.

Many grand tales later, you and Thor were ready to depart the armory. The two of you paced through the gigantic passageways. Neither of you spoke much, just allowed each other to become caught up in thought.

“Thor Odinson! Miss ________,” A guard panted, running to catch up to you. You stopped and he stopped, resting his hands on his knees. “Dinner is ready.”

“Well then, it is getting cold waiting for us!” Thor announced, sweeping you up in his arms and speeding though the halls carrying you bridal-style.

Thor burst into the dining-hall with you still in his strong arms. Odin and Frigga looked up from their meals at their son who'd just disrupted dinner.

“Oh! Thor! Let her down!” Frigga scolded. Thor listened to Frigga and gently set you back on your feet.

“I apologize for that, dear,” Frigga apologized for her son.

“It's okay,” you reassured her, smiling brightly.

You and Thor took your seats at the table, eating heartily and laughing with the Allfather and his wife.

After dinner, Thor wanted to show you many other places of Asgard that you had not seen before as they were restricted to the royal family only. However, even before you could protest that you were exhausted, Odin spoke for you. He told Thor that you really needed to get your sleep and that he should do the same. Thor agreed, though he obviously wasn't happy about it. He trudged out of the room, likely to bed.

You were about to follow his example and march off to bed, but Odin stopped you.

“Miss _________, we must ask you something,” Frigga clarified.

“Sure, ask away. Anything.”

Odin breathed out, then spoke. “Have you seen Loki around recently?”

That was all they wanted to know? You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of it, but you held your tongue as they were definitely being serious about it. Although, now that you think about it, you hadn't seen Loki since yesterday. He disappeared right after Odin revealed you would be marrying Thor.

“We only ask, because, well, you are the closest to him,” Frigga explained. “He.... he does not have very many friends....”

“Oh.” Hearing that broke your heart a little. You never gave much thought to it, but in truth, you were Loki's only real friend. “No, I haven't seen him since yesterday. At the ceremony,” you elaborated.

Odin sighed. “Thank you, anyways.”

“Goodnight my dear,” Frigga bid you.

“Goodnight,” you replied to your future mother-in-law.

You stepped off to bed, feeling more tired than you had in a long while. You thought you heard someone whisper “I love you. Goodnight.” But, you were far too weary to even open your eyes and look around, much less get out of your comfy bed. After not much longer, sleep possessed you.

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