Bird by the Window (Young Jus...

By onetwothreewriting

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(Nightwing x OC) (Young Justice Fanfiction) My name is Calypso, and I'm not a good girl. My father is Harvey... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Official Art and Official Costume Design
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter X

Chapter 14

207 7 9
By onetwothreewriting

(A/N: I'm really lazy to write... thankfully I still am writing. Here's chapter 14! By the way, this starts right where we left off... Also take note of me aligning the characters back to their characters... Yeah sorry, honestly I don't feel motivated to continue... Unless I restart this story.... Well, idk... Maybe I can continue it. I don't know fam. I might rewrite, stop or continue... Sorry.)


SEPTEMBER 24, 2010


8:00AM EDT


Dick and I sat down in our usual seats in the classroom. When the teacher entered, I realized that it was a good time to not listen. (I probably understood it already.) It was an easy day anyway.

And I felt like crap.

I knew I couldn't draw but I opened my notebook and started drawing a sword, pretty much like my own, but with my own touch.

As I was finishing up the hilt, Dick passed me a note.

I was surprised the teacher didn't notice because all the teachers have eyes on Dick Grayson.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Really Dick? I seemed to say.

He shrugged in reply.

I rolled my eyes and opened the note, I tried not to flinch when I read it.

You okay? What's up with your leg? You were sort of limping a while back...

I turned the paper over and wrote a reply.

Pulled it again. Nothing important. I'm fine Dick. Don't worry about me.

I quickly gave him back the paper and continued drawing.

Annoyingly, Dick sent back another piece of paper.

Pulled it again? Gee Calypso. You're definitely not feeling great today.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Are you even listening?"

"No..." Dick messed around a bit with his pencil, he wasn't a bad artist. He was drawing the S-crest and he captured it pretty well.

Kind of weird for a Gotham-based teenager.

"Why do you even go to school?"

"Because I like it."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's either stay in the mansion, do absolutely nothing and nope around or stay here, show off a little here and there and make a couple of friends." He eyed my drawing.

"You have a point." I admitted and continued finishing my sword.

As I was drawing, I thought of my latest mission. The jungle and the Reds. Honestly, Lex kept sending me in blind and Slade kept dropping hints everywhere, but never telling me directly.

They knew where I was going and they knew what was probably going to happen, but of course it never crossed their minds to warn me so that I could execute my task efficiently.

Yes I understand that if they don't tell me, it helps me play my part but... It's not like they want me to die.

I mean, I start to rely on Batman giving me insight on the mission, not them.

I have been thinking about this quite often, it was probably tiring me out just thinking about this over and over and over again, but it was driving me nuts.

I decided I should probably lay off the thoughts and focus on my future as a... mole as they would put it.

After a few moments, Dick interrupted my train of thought.

"Nice sword." He said, it sounded casual enough, but it was like he was asking for an entirely new thing.

"Yeah." I started to fabricate a lie. "I saw a katana in an anime I watched and I became quite... Fascinated with them." Well it wasn't a complete lie, anime swordplay is... Always on point. I even caught myself copying some moves... Yeah yeah yeah, call me a nerd. I ain't ashamed.

"Ah." He remarked, as if he wasn't convinced.

"Well, let's just save this conversation for later ha?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "I'd rather not get caught."

Dick looked at me strangely and settled back in his seat. "Okay then. Whatever you say."

I looked at him curiously. He didn't seem at ease either. I noticed that when he walked in this morning. It was like he had a ton of things on his mind, like me. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"What? I, uh..." Dick scratched the back of his neck. "I... Wasn't really happy this weekend. Um... The media again was pushy with my personal life, it was... Brutal until Bruce told them to get the hell out. That's why you didn't hear anything from the Internet or something. " He bit his lip as he started sketching a different symbol. "Um. Don't you want to talk later? I mean, you said you'd rather not get caught."

"Um. Yeah. Sure." I said and turned the page of my notebook. I didn't know if it was just me, but it felt like he was hiding something from me. The way he judged me when he figured that I was absent the exact same day he was, it was as if he suspected me of something.

I decided to brush it off, it was probably just an after effect of the consecutive meetings.

There wasn't any point of dwelling on the past, couldn't change it if I tried.


The day went by slowly, as I hoped (or feared) Dick dropped the subject of my wounded leg. He did probe me though, with his questions. He asked about what I specifically did when I was absent.

Yeah like he needed to know. So, I asked him the same questions and he replied smoothly. He didn't show any typical signs of lying or that he was hiding something. There were little things a normal person wouldn't be able to recognize, the way he creates his words, his eyes and the way he takes his breath every time he starts speaking, give me some sort of uneasy feeling.

In the end, I suppose we both decided that we should let he subject matter drop.

The following days went by without so much as a significant event happening in both my lives. No danger, no nothing. Just training and training and training as I have did before.

Lex Luthor stayed as distant as ever. Slade, well, he was always Slade. He never does change, he's always Slade Wilson.

I spent my free time either chatting with Dick or spending time with my friends or watching Nikki train. It was quite an impressive sight to be honest. She was quite talented.

Barbara Gordon... She wasn't bad at all. With the little I know about her, she was actually nice and pretty smart when the situation demanded it. She took situations in her stride and acted upon it maturely.

Unless of course, it came to her obvious crush on Dick Grayson. Yes, we'd fight on occasion every time Dick gushes over something I said or every time he'd make an attempt to flirt with me, but we'd be civil to each other.

Again, I don't like the guy. He's just kind of cute okay? I don't have to keep telling you this.

In Mount Justice, I'd try to not get close to anyone and if was proving to be difficult.

I'd arrive and find Kid Flash smiling at me and I'm reminded of his name on my system and what his name can lead me to. M'gann would offer me a cookie and I try not m to grimace as I think about how I'm going to take her down. Aqualad would talk to me about Greek Mythos and I just can't help but think about that mole he's been looking for. While I spar with Artemis and she's teasing me as if we've been through a lot (not a lie) and all I'm thinking of is how to use her skills against her. Sometimes, I'll be in the hangar. I'd catch myself having fun with Sphere, playing with Wolf and Shadow (or watching them fight or play) while all along spending time with Conner.

And Robin? Every time we spar, talk, workout or do something together... I'd feel sick to the stomach and have this unsettling feeling that I knew this guy and he'd be the hardest to take down because he was nearly just like me.

I wasn't anywhere near turning my back on my side... But this mission was proving to be hard.

The sooner I'm done with it, the better off I would be.


(A/N: you know that injustice league episode? Yeah. Same warning as before and blah blah blah)

OCTOBER 1, 2010


18:13 EDT

And here I am, having a spar with both Robin and Aqualad. I was taking a breather while they were both trying to kick each other's asses.

I briefly took note of Captain Marvel and this magician dude... What's his name again? Right, Zatara.

Robin and Aqualad exchanged some words about them, but I didn't pay much attention to either of the boys.

The Zeta suddenly lit up and Superboy and Ms. M entered. They were close together, a bit too close together.

If they were trying to keep their relationship secret, they were getting an F in that sector.

"They are so together." I said from my seat on the floor as Rob and Kaldur stopped sparring.

"Yeah. I know. Obvious." Robin grinned from ear to ear. "You know Kaldur?"

"It is not my place to say anything, but I am assuming they are most definitely a couple."

Robin snickered as another Zeta lit up and Wally and Artemis walked in.

"Should we tell them?" Robin asked our fearless leader.

"It is not our place to say." Aqualad replied simply.

I shrugged and stood up. "I don't know, but both of them have their respective crushes. Would be quite devastating for them to find hat both of them are taken." A lightbulb appeared in my head. "Plot twist, Artemis and KF get together."

Robin laughed. "Wally and the Archer? Sounds like a sitcom to me, but..." He glanced over at the two who bickered on the spot. "Maybe."

Aqualad grinned. "Maybe sounds about right."

At this point, Batman comes in and immediately calls our attention.

"Team." He starts. "There's been a series of plant attacks all over the world, Gotham, Metropolis..."

Batsy went on and on and on about how there were plants attacking all over the world. I figured that it was the work of Poison Ivy, then I realized that the plants were incredibly huge as frick, Batman said it was Kobra-Venom, but considering the fact that Kobra Venom was completely unrelated to Ivy it got me thinking.

When I saw the gas, I was sure and positive that it was the Joker as well, but Ivy can't control the plants from a far distance... So who else was with her?

I tried not to sigh internally. Slade was keeping things from me again, well not exactly. But Luthor was hiding something, obviously the Light behind all of this.

Naturally I can't let the Team figure that all out just yet.

Then the Joker's face interrupted satellite communications, his pale face and blood red lips filled the screen. His lips formed an unnatural smile and he laughed so insanely that I found myself attempting to stop myself from laughing along with him.

"Joker." Robin muttered from next to me and crossed his arms. He didn't like the Clown Prince of Crime at all, and I was the one who freed him from Arkham.

The Prince of all Psycho Clowns introduces his band of superheroes, himself, Black Adam, Poison Ivy, Ultra Humanite, Wotan, Atomic Skull and Count Vertigo.

I furrowed my eyebrows, I only opened the prison cells of two of them, I was surprised The Clown Princess wasn't with the Clown Prince.

They weren't telling me things again, I knew that these guys and gal didn't join forces on their own, they somehow were guided or forced to form a task force with possibly a visible reward but with a hidden agenda the Light was aiming for.

I vaguely paid attention to the Joker demanding 10 billion dollars in ransom to stop the plants from attacking the world.

When the transmission cut off, Batman turned to us and told us that we should find where the Injustice League (not a bad name) controls the plants while the league does the easy work of taking down the plants.

"And how do we find the CPU of the plants?" I asked.

To answer, Zatara performs a location spell to locate Wotan's mystical energy. The location was in the Louisiana Bayou...

"You have your work cut out for you." Batman told us. "Remember your training and stay alert."

We nodded and we headed out.



OCTOBER 1, 2010

18:52 CDT


"Hey Aqualad." KF said as he warily looked at Aqualad's duffel bag. "What's in the bag?"

"Plan B." Aqualad replied smoothly, though I noticed a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

KF looked like he didn't want to let it go, but he stayed quiet and thought about it.

I looked over at Robin who was watching the Bayou from the window.

"Some mission ha?" I said to him as he was broodingly looking out the window.

"What?" Robin asked. "Sorry... I was just thinking. What did you say?"

"I mean that this is some mission ha."

"Ah yeah..." He looked out the window. "It is."

I paused for a while. "Do you think they're testing us?"

"Maybe." He replied. "It's a covert mission only... But pretty damn dangerous."

"We've done dangerous before." I said and leaned back. "There's no reason to think that we can't handle this."

Robin shrugged. "I don't know, I just feel like...well, experience is the best teacher right?"


"I just feel like we are being tested." He said and looked wistfully out the window as if he was expecting something. "I mean..."

"I feel you." I said and leaned back on my chair. I pondered if Lex was testing me, to see if I was still worthy. I was not even a month into this gig and I was already starting to doubt my abilities, and I started to believe that they doubted me.

Robin looked like he was about to say something when the entire ship lurched sidewards.

M'gann exclaimed in surprise. The ship lurched forward as if it was being controlled by an outside force.

Megan's face contorted in concentration. She tried to keep the ship aloft, keep it hidden, she tried and tried but I watched her weaken and her hold on the ship loosen. The camouflage disappeared and we became visible. I grabbed the edge of my seat and braced for impact, and then, we hit the water.

(A/N: sorry if it sucks, I'll try better the next chapter... And sorry if it's too short.)

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