I Never Thought It'd Be You {...

By xNeverSayNeverx

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Katy Mantell is a 17 year old girl that happened to get dragged to a Justin Bieber concert by her best friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 14

1.7K 24 3
By xNeverSayNeverx

- Ben -

Who does this Bieber kid think he is?  There's no way he's going to hurt Katy anymore than he already has.  She deserves way better.  I don't understand what she sees in him.  When she shouted that she was going to pick him, my heart shattered.  The first few seconds after she said that, I was filled with anger.  I wanted to punch Justin... a lot.  But then I thought that I should be happy for her.  It's just hard.  I love her so much.  I was going to marry her.  Now she's going to slip out of my arms and fall into the hands of a guy who doesn't know how to treat girls.

Our relationship was like a perfect romance novel.  I never thought it'd end the way it did.  I thought that it would go on forever and forever, and never stop.  It'd be filled with happy moments, maybe one or two bad here or there, since every couple isn't perfect and they all fight from time to time.  But Katy and I hardly ever fought.  I know what to say and what not to say when she gets mad and stuff like that.  Whenever we had started to fight in the past, I always was the peacemaker, so to speak, and we stopped.  We only had three full blown arguments in the whole relationship, which is almost perfect, considering that most couples these days fight three or four times a day.  That's just how perfect Katy and I were for each other.  We like all the same things, have practically all the same interests, the list goes on.  We're like twins.  I'd do anything to make her mine again.  But I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Justin banged on the bathroom door, and it broke me out of my thoughts.  "Katy... Please open up," he kept whispering, pain in his voice.

"You hurt her too much," I said to him, loud enough for him to hear, since I was practically halfway across the room.

"Ben... just please... Not now" he replied, hurt and regret in his voice.  Maybe's he's changing his attitude.  Hopefully it'll change for good and not change for the worse again.  This guy is still bad news to me for now.

"Let me try," I said to Justin as I walked over to the bathroom door.  He moved aside.  "Katy, please open up," I loudly said, hoping she'd hear me.  There was silence, but the door flung open after a few seconds.  Her gorgeous face was stained with tears.  I can't stand seeing her like this.

"Katy, I'm so sorry," Justin whispered as he opened his arms.  She walked into his open arms and hugged him tight.  That should be me...

She sniffled.  "It's alright," she whispered as she cried onto his shoulder and as he rubbed her back.

"He can come with us to Atlanta," Justin suddenly said.  Katy perked up and looked highly surprised.  I'm highly surprised as well.  Katy didn't even bring the subject up, he did.  I think he is starting to change his attitude.

"Will Scooter mind?" Katy asked him.

"Probably not," Justin said with a small smile.  He then turned to me.  "Hey, bro, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I just got a little bit jealous, but I apologize for that. It's just hard, you know? Seeing her around you... I just got mad. Sorry," he said to me, sympathy in his voice.  Shame that the both of them are completely clueless to the fact that I know exactly how he feels...

"It's cool," I half-lied and we fist bumped.

"I better go talk to Scooter now," Justin said.

Katy and I nodded, even though all Justin was doing was paying attention to Katy.  After a few seconds, he pulled Katy in for a kiss.  This is something I wasn't looking forward to seeing.  She was smiling as their lips inched closer to each other.  She really does like him.  Then, their lips connected.  I knew it was going to happen, but my mind really couldn't picture it or believe it until it actually happened.  I suddenly felt this stabbing pain in my chest... exactly where my heart is.  No joke.  My heart feels worse than the day I broke up with her.  I can't stand the fact that she's kissing another guy.  It should be me.  This hurts too much.

I stood there awkwardly while watching them kiss.  Every second more that it lasted was another second my heart broke into more pieces.  They kissed for about ten seconds, then Justin pulled away.  He was smiling, and so was Katy.  Their eyes were locked on each other and it made my stomach feel sick.  They're happy and joyful, and me?  I'm broken.

Justin started walking towards the door that connects the hotel rooms together.  He knocked, and soon after his mom opened up.  I don't really know anyone else that works/is with Justin except his mom.  I saw a picture of them together before.  I don't know a lot about Justin himself either.  I'm no obsessed fan.  I like a few of his songs, and I actually like to play them on my guitar.  My favorite of his is "That Should Be Me."  Wow, I never thought that song would apply to my life, but I guess now it does.  Justin walked into his mom's room after he said some things to her.  He closed the door behind him, leaving Katy and I in here.  Everything got awkward quickly.

Katy turned to me after a minute or two.  She walked closer to me as well.  "Ben... you don't know how sorry I am. It really was tough to pick who to date. I just don't want to let go of Justin. There's something about him that's special. He makes me feel all bubbly and amazing inside. I just can't explain it. All I know is that I have to hold onto him. Again, I'm sorry," she explained, trying to sound sympathetic.

"Ah, Katy, it's okay. I know it was hard. I just hope he treats you better," I replied, and it was the honest truth.  Alhough, her talking about Justin made me want to gag.  And cry a little.

"Oh, he will. And if he doesn't, I'm yours," she said with a small smile.  I felt happy once she said that, but I also felt a bit sad.  She basically implied that I'm just another boy to fall back on if her current one doesn't work out.  But she probably didn't mean for it to seem like that.

She walked closer to me and gave me a hug.  I breathed in the scent of her perfume.  Wait, I recognize this scent... it's very familiar.  "Katy... What kind of perfume are you wearing?" I asked her.

"I forget the name... Here let me check," she replied as she walked over to a medium sized duffel bag.  After about a minute of digging around, she pulled out an almost empty perfume bottle.

"Katy!" I exclaimed as a memory struck in my mind.

"What?" she questioned, a little worrisome like, and looked over at me.

"That's the perfume I got you for our one year anniversary! Remember? It was really expensive but I still got it," I loudly and happily said, surprised and overjoyed that she still has it.

She looked puzzled, but then her face lit up.  "Oh, yeah! Oh my gosh... I wear this every day. I forgot that you had got it for me," she exclaimed, her expression surprised and happy as she glanced at the bottle again.

"I can't believe you still have it... and wear it every day" I said as I walked over to her.  The thought that something I gave her is a part of her everyday life made me feel a bit better inside.

"Well, I'm almost out of it," she sadly said as she gently shook the bottle.

"I can get you more of it," I said, happily.

"You probably don't have the money," she replied.

"I can find it somehow. If it brings back good memories, I'll find a way to get it. Plus, it smells amazing. It always made me get attracted to you more," I said with a wink.  

She laughed.  "Yeah, it did. I remember the night of our one year anniversary. I put it on, and whenever we came back to my house, your lips couldn't stay off my neck."

I remember that night like it happened yesterday.  I absentmindedly moved closer to Katy as memories clouding my thinking.  The scent of the perfume filled my nose again and my boy hormones got the best of me.  My mind was completely gone when I pulled her close to me and started gently kissing her neck.  Surprisingly, she isn't even trying to stop me.

I snapped out of it after a few seconds and stepped back.  "Katy... I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, regretting what I had just done... even though I liked it.

She bit her lip in a cute, sexy way.  Damn.  "We don't have to tell Justin," she replied with a wink.  I laughed and she did too.  "Oh and I apologize in advance," she began to say, "if I ever start to flirt with you by accident. Just... pinch me or something if I start to."

I chuckled.  "Okay. But I won't pinch you hard, I wouldn't want to hurt you," I said and smiled.

She softly kissed my cheek.  "I still love you, Ben," she whispered with a small smile.

"I love you too," I said and gave her a quick hug.

We pulled away and I glanced at Katy's face.  I saw something red... like a cut.  What?

"Katy... What's on your face?" I asked, concernedly as I gently touched the spot on her face.  She flinched back a little like she was in pain.  Wait..  What's going on here?

- Katy -

When Ben started kissing my neck, it sent tingles down my spine and all the way to my toes.  Happy tingles.  I felt really happy.  But now I'm trying to push it out of my thoughts.  My heart feels so guilty.

"Katy... What's on your face?" Ben suddenly asked me.  I was puzzled for a minute, then I felt embarrassed.  It's probably food or something.  But then he touched my cheek and I felt a small jolt of pain.  I flinched back.  I was puzzled once again, but then I remembered.  The cuts... from my mom.  Oh shit... the cover up must have ran a little when I was crying!  This is not good.  I'm not ready to tell him about this just yet!

"Uhh... It's nothing," I quickly and awkwardly said, walking away from him.

He tried to say something else, but Justin came back through the door.  "Oh, hey, Justin!" I exclaimed and walked over to him.  I looked at Ben and his expression read "What are you keeping from me?"  I quickly looked back at Justin.

"Hey shawty," he said and he kissed my forehead.

I smiled.  I need happy Justin thoughts to come into my mind.  Keep thinking about Justin, I told myself.  "What did Scooter say?" I asked Justin.

"He was hesitant at first, but I worked on him. He wants to see you though, Ben. I couldn't really tell him what you were like since I don't really know anything about you," he casually replied.

"Okay," Ben said.  "Go through this door?"

"Yep. Then my mom will take you into the next room, which is where Scooter is. By the way, Scooter is my manager, if you didn't know that," Justin said, happily.  I think he's warming up to Ben.  I can imagine them being best friends.  I hope that happens, because right now it's just Awkward City whenever they both are in the same room.

Ben nodded and walked through the connector door.  As soon as I knew he was out of ear shot, I looked at Justin.  "Justin... He knows about the cuts," I nervously said.

Justin looked surprised.  "He never knew before?" he asked, seeming a little bit shocked.

"Nope. Never. I thought he'd become too overprotective and other things. Plus I had waited so long I thought he'd hate me," I replied, my stomach feeling a little sick.

He looked surprised again.  "Wow. I thought of all people he would know. But anyway, how did he find out?" he questioned.

"We quickly hugged and when we pulled away he asked me 'what's on your face?' I was puzzled at first but then once he touched my cheek and I felt sight pain I knew it was one of the cuts. Apparently, this cover up isn't water proof, and it must have ran when I was crying a bit earlier," I explained to him.

He moved closer to me.  "Ooh, yeah, I can see this one on your cheek. Better go put some more cover up on," he informed me.

"What if he questions me about it more?" I asked as I dug around in my duffel bag for the cover up.

He thought for a minute.  "Just tell him it was some lipstick or lipgloss that accidentally got on your cheek whenever you were putting it on," he suggested.

"Clever. But wait. I'm not wearing lipstick or lipgloss right now. He could ask 'why aren't you wearing any then?'" I responded.

"Hmm... Say that when you and I were making out it all came off," he teased.

I laughed.  "Haha, no. How about that once I put it on, I didn't like the color, so I took it off?" I suggested, although it sounded stupid in my head.

He thought about it.  "Yeah, that's believable," he replied.  I still wasn't quite sure but he wouldn't lie to me so I stuck with it.

"Great," I said, and I started to head to the bathroom where I could quickly put some more cover up on.  When walked back out of the bathroom, Justin was now sitting on our bed.  "Does it look better?" I asked him.

"Beautiful. Like always," he said with a smile.  I smiled back and sat down by him.  "I was thinking about it, and I felt like this would be a good time for me to get to know you better," he spoke up and said after about a minute of silence.

I thought about it.  "Yeah, it would," I replied with a smile.

I started telling him everything about me that came to mind, which was mostly everything.  I felt like I was rambling on and on, and that he wasn't enjoying it, but he was smiling and it made me feel better.  Maybe this whole thing can work.  You know, the whole "me dating Justin while being best friends with Ben" thing.  I'm hoping it will.

"I now know a bunch of things about my shawty," Justin said once I finished as he put his arm around me.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence, then he started to stand up.  "I'll be right back. I wanna get something for you," he quickly said and he walked into his mom's room.  About thirty seconds later, he came back into the room, holding an acoustic guitar.  The same one he had onstage last night.

"Yay you're giving me a guitar!" I teased.

He chuckled.  "No," he simply said as he sat down beside me.  He started to strum his guitar to a familiar tune... I just can't quite remember what it is.  One of his songs, though, because I remember it from the concert.  Then, he started singing.

"I always knew you were the best, the coolest girl I know. So prettier than all the rest; the star of my show. So many times I wished you'd be the one for me. But never knew it'd get like this girl, whatchu do to me? You're who I'm thinkin' of, girl you ain't my runner up, and no matter what you're always number one.

My prize possession, one and only. Adore ya, girl I want ya. The one I can't live without; that's you, that's you. You're my special little lady, the one that makes me crazy. Of all the girls I've ever known, it's you, it's you. My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl.

You're used to goin' out your way to impress these Mr. Wrongs. But you can be yourself with me; I'll take you as you are. I know they said 'Believe in love is a dream that can't be real.' So girl let's write a fairytale and show 'em how we feel. You're who I'm thinkin' of, girl you ain't my runner up, and no matter what you're always number one.

My prize possession, one and only. Adore ya, girl I want ya. The one I can't live without; that's you, that's you. You're my special little lady, the one that makes me crazy. Of all the girls I've ever known, it's you, it's you. My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl. Baby, it's you. My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl.

You take my breath away, with everything you say. I just wanna be with you, my baby, my baby, ohh. Promise I'll play no games, treat you no other way, than you deserve 'cause you're the girl of my dreams.

My prize possession, one and only. Adore ya, girl I want ya. The one I can't live without; that's you, that's you. You're my special little lady, the one that makes me crazy. Of all the girls I've ever known, it's you, it's you.

My prize possession, one and only. Adore ya, girl I want ya. The one I can't live without; that's you, that's you.  You're my special little lady, the one that makes me crazy. Of all the girls I've ever known, it's you, it's you. You're my favorite girl. My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl. My favorite girl is you."

He strummed the last note on the guitar, and he laid it down beside him.  I feel happy, like really happy, right now.  Happy tears are practically coming out of my eyes.  I've hardly ever had boys sing anything to me in my life.  Ben used to sing for me here and there.  There's always been something special about guys singing to me.  I just feel a lot more special and loved after they do.  I can't really explain it; just know that I feel really good inside.

"Justin... Thank you so much," I whispered as I gave him a tight hug.

He smiled.  "So I assume you loved it?" he asked.

"Very much so," I replied and hugged him again.

He set his guitar on the ground and laid back on the bed.  He gently tugged on my arm.  "Come here shawty," he quietly said using a sexy voice that's honestly irresistible.  Damn.  I chuckled and laid down next to him.  He put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest.

After a few minutes of peacefully sitting there, I looked up into Justin's sparkling hazel-brown eyes.  "I feel safe with you," I whispered.

Happiness spread across his face.  "I'm happy I can make you feel that way. I feel safe with you too," he said with a big smile on his face.  He ever-so-softly kissed my lips.  Ah, he gets me every time when he kisses me like that!

I was regretting the fact that I picked Justin a little bit before, but now I'm not.  He's like the sweetest guy ever.  I couldn't ask for better.  I just know he's going to be something special in my life.


Author's Note: Hm...I don't think I have anything to say at the moment! Well...read/vote/comment/fan! I appreciate every single one of you readers! :D

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