Unbreakable (Slowly Editing)

By BesoLove

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Life doesn't always play fair. It's a game of fight or flight. What happens when the unexpected, unexplainabl... More

The Breakup (Chapter One)
Change (Chapter Two)
Cheater (Chapter Four)
Surprise (Chapter Five)
What Did You Say? (Chapter Six)
My What? (Chapter Seven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Eight)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Nine)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Ten)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Eleven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Tweleve)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Thirteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fourteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fifteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Sixteen)

Over It (Chapter Three)

1.5K 29 6
By BesoLove

Over It: Chapter Three


Is she laughing......at me?

I didn't get it... Mayson told me if I said sorry, things between me and Ellie will be the okay, and she will understand about what's going on.

I guess not.

Well, I guess she took the whole break up thing more seriously than I thought she would. Maybe I ended thing badly?

But I already knew for a fact that I couldn't tell her the real reason why I needed to end things, it was all more complicated than I ever expected it be.

She would probably NEVER speak to me again if I ever told her. And I really would never want that to happen.

Before I could even stop myself I asked a question I could already knew the answer to.

"Ellie, do you... I mean, are you.. um,do you still love me?" She just stared at me.



He has gone mad.

Completely lost a couple screws up top.

I am almost a thousand percent certain of it.

There is no way in hell he can possibly be doing this right now.

I mean yeah, of course I still 'loved him,' but refuse to act like one of those idiot ass girls that let their boyfriends treat them like crap then go crawling back whenever they want them around. Hell no. He'll probably try to use it against me.

Without giving it much thought I did the first thing that came to mind and flipped him the bird with a smile.

"Please, never in your life should you ever think that I will now or will ever again love you." I said with a nonchalant shrug of my shoulder, then folded my arms across my chest.

I knew he was taken about, begin as we hadn't be separated for long he probably assumed I'd still be wallowing over him and come right back.

Not this time. Not ever. I thought to myself.

I expected Joey to react badly to my behaviour, but he just stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Not really seeing much need to stand here and stare, I gave him a final look and stormed off.

I know it may seem like I'm begin a bit of a brat here, but he was really bringing out a side of me I did not like.

I was just walking with no destination in particular mumbling what a grade-A jackass of an ex-boyfriend I have there. when I finally reached my locker.

I was having an internal battle with myself when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, nearly giving me a heart attack!

"Oh!" I exclaimed, clutching the left side of my chest.

Thank goodness it only turned out to be my best friend Jen standing there looking like a picture of perfection.

Her real name is Jennifer-Marie, but as you can tell that's a mouthful.

"Silly Ellie, what's up, where's Joey?" she said wiggling in a suggestive manner.

I groaned.

"Eliana? What's wrong? What happened?" she asked with concern thick in her voice.

"JOEY, he's what happened, that idiot asked me if I loved him." I said almost taking my locker door off of its hinges with the unnecessary amount of force I used shutting it.

"Ah! Right," she said with a nod of her head "but, I'm not really seeing the issue here sweets. he's your boyfriend. He always asks you that." She said looking at me funny.

Then it just came to mind that I hadn't told her yet!

"You see, about that..." I said not really wanting to tell her.

I was half hoping she would put two and two together so I wouldn't have to repeat the story and half hoping I could possible just drop dead right here and now.

When I figured she wasn't really getting my message I spoke again.

"He actually is not..." I trailed off, hoping she would pick up what I meant by that. And judging by th look on her face she obviously did no. "Well he was my boyfriend and now he's not because he kinda break up with me.... Now he's asking me if I forgive him." I sighed in frustration.

I know I was acting strong but I was really trying to fight back unwanted tears.

I hate crying but it's all I've seen to be doing lately.

And yet still, a few stray tears slipped through my sting hold I thought I had on them.

Almost immediately Jen rushed over to give me a comforting and well needed hug.

"Everything will be okay sweets, don't worry." she said reassuringly.

After a few moments my tears subsided and I calmed down a little bit.

Jen gave me one last hug before stepping back but keeping a reassuring arm around my shoulders while asking, "So what are you going to do?"

I don't know why but I got mad all over again and started to pace.

"I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed.

Jen was a little shocked and taken aback by my tone and I felt terrible instantly for taking my anger out on her.

"I'm sorry Jen, I just.. I want things to be normal, and I'm not even sure why the hell Joey broke up with me to begin with. And I honestly don't want to know anymore. I'm just mad at him, I shouldn't yell at you." I apologized.

She sighed and looked relieved.

"Anytime Ellie, and I can't blame you, I know it's hard. And you know I will always be here no matter what." she said.

I laughed humourlessly, "of course, and I'm always here for you aswell." I said giving her one last hug.

With that she smiled and turned to leave. Waving her goodbye.

I sighed and slid my back down the locker until I was in a crossed legged sitting position with my head in my knees. I didn't want to but I silently started to cry, again.

I was sitting there for about five minutes, until I started to feel uneasy.

Almost like someone was watching me.

Wiping my tear stained cheeks, I looked up to see the second annoyance in my life.

Joey's best friend, Mayson.

I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to catch a break.

He looked worried, creep.

I wondered how long he'd been watching me – I guess it must be their new thing, to be both jackass and creep? – snapping out of my thoughts I wiped my face one last time with my sleve, and stud up as quickly as human possible.

I started to walk – more like run – away, when he finally said something.

"Eliana, may I ask you why you were crying?" He asked from behind me.

Aww, he sounded worried, how cute...NOT.

I just slowed down without stopping, he caught up to me. I slowly turned around looking at him. Trying to figure out what him and his best friend where playing at.

I mean really? This guy never talks to me unless necessary...

"Please, just please." I said getting irritated. "Why do you even care?" I said, just wanting this conversation to be over already, not even caring if I was being rude at this point.

"I don't know. I mean you're crying, and I saw you and Joe in the cafe?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah I know, that won't be happening again" I said with a almost irritated sigh, tried to hide my frustration.

He did not look like he believed me for a second he didn't look convinced, what's wrong with this guy today?

Getting a little annoyed I decided I'd had enough of my double dosage of idiots today and decided this was as far as our conversation needed to go.

"Look Mayson, class will be starting soon. So I'd better go." I stated without giving him a chance to reply.

I took off in the direction of my Math Class.


After Math I only had one class left. Sadly it was with both Joey and Mayson.

"Looks like I'll be going home early" I muttered to myself, as I closed my locker.

I started in the direction of the entrance door, but someone stood infront of me blocking my escape route.

"And just where do you think you are going missy? School's NOT over yet." she said crossing her arms over her chest.

I groaned.

Oh joy.

Jen laughed, and grabbed my hand, heading for our history class.

As we entered, I saw Mayson telling Joey something, probably telling the jackass I was crying.

Great, just what the hell I need.

Joey looked up at me, with guilt in his eyes. I wore a scowl and sat in my seat. Which was sadly right next to him.

Here comes HELL, I thought.







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