Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending

Chapter 48

4.6K 137 35
By RedNos

“Jo?” Mark said carefully when Joanna said nothing for the past hour as they drove away from where she was captive.

She didn’t look at him; she only kept staring at her feet, which were bare and bloody. Her stare wasn’t blank, it was calculative and after long excruciating moments on his part, she finally said, “I’m fine.”

“You are not fine!” Mark snapped, and Joanna looked up and tuned her face at him, shocking him even more with the calm look on her face.

“I mean…” he stuttered, “Well, look at you!”

Joanna kept looking at him with collective face before she looked down at her cloths, “Oh, yeah. We need to change this.” She said, almost humorously.

Mark shook his head in resignation before he sat back and rested his back on the seat. He rubbed on his shoulder a few more times; it was throbbing like a bitch.

The drive continued silently until they reached the meeting point with the others.

Once they were there, Joanna surprised Mark once again as she flung her door open with such enthusiasm that no one would no notice she was kidnapped an hour ago.

They were out of the city lines in the middle of nowhere. Fernando and Aldo were talking feverishly between the other cars that were parked randomly around. Kevin immediately stood up from the front seat he was sitting on in one of the cars once he saw them.

Mark quickly followed Joanna who was walking fast to where Aldo and Fernando were.

“There’s no delaying this no more. I’ll fuck those motherfuckers!” Aldo bellowed angrily.

“We need to regroup and plan this carefully boss.”

“Who the FUCK does he think he is? I’ll make him beg for me to kill him!” Aldo shouted again.

“You should!” someone said before Fernando could retort on Aldo’s statement and both men looked back at Joanna who was standing there, arms crossed in front of her chest.

“Joanna!” Aldo beamed suddenly and walked to her. it took an awkward moment for them to act once he was in front of her. finally Aldo raised both hands and cupped her face in them, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “I’m so happy you’re alright, kid.” He told her as he examined her face thoroughly before he looked down at the rest of her to make sure everything was in place.

“I promise you I’ll make them pay ten times for what they dared to do.” He said in a low and dangerous tone moving one hand around to cup the back of her neck. “I promise.”

“Good. Because I’m coming with you.” Was Joanna’s retort.

“WHAT?” Aldo and Mark said in unison as Aldo released her, but she ignored them both and walked to Fernando who was looking proudly at her.

“You..” she smiled up at him. They didn’t have a chance to meet after she remembered whom he was and what part did he take in taking care of her when she was a child. Without further words, she threw herself in his arms, confusing everyone else including Fernando. He couldn’t ignore the swell of joy in his chest as he slowly hugged her back.

“You’re alright now, kid.” He told her before they pulled apart.

“Thank you.” She said warmly, and the word extended beyond him being a part of saving her only that day.

“Anytime.” He smiled down at her.

“Wait, hold on a fucking minute!” Mark snapped behind them, cutting through their moment, “You want to go back in there?” he bellowed.

“There’s no way in hell am I allowing that!” Aldo said beside him, apparently the two of them decided to gang up against her.

“Yes. I am.” She said slowly and pressingly, making them gap in disbelieve at her stubbornness.

Mark was the first to speak, “I can’t take more of this.” He said, shaking his head and walked back.

Joanna couldn’t help but feel the bang of guilt in her chest. Mark must be hating her right now.

“Joanna. You are not going anywhere near that place or that fucker again.” It was Aldo’s turn.

“Fine, I don’t need your help then. I’ll just go by my own.” She said, her chin held up proudly.

“Why, child?” Aldo said, his eyes suddenly warming. “Why would you want to go back after what we all gone through?”

“I’m not asking you to go back. You said you’ll go back, I’m simply coming with you.” She told him calmly.

“Are you fucking with me?” Aldo yelled uncharacteristically, a vein almost popping on the side of his forehead.

“No, sir. I am not.” Joanna said stubbornly, folding her arms in front of her chest. She did feel sorry for making him this angry, but she’d die first before she gave up on this.

“How about we take a moment to process things over?” Fernando said cautiously between them.

“It’s because of him, isn’t it?” Aldo asked, totally ignoring Fernando and eying his granddaughter suspiciously.

“Of coarse.” Joanna shrugged, her arms still folded.

“Are you serious, girl?” Aldo snapped again.


“I will not agree to this. I’ll wrap you up in chains if I had to.”

“You can try.”


It was official. She was making him mad, so mad. The cold, collective Big Aldo was far gone by then.

“Joanna.” Fernando said softly, “How about you go speak with your cousin for now?”

Joanna dropped her shoulders in resignation, “Ok.” She told him before she strode off past Aldo in search for Mark.

“If you think for one moment that I’ll even consider…” Aldo started to say to Fernando before the tall man cut him off.

“I don’t care.”


Fernando breathed out slowly, “I saw you do this before, with Maria.” He said, making Aldo’s eyes widen in surprise.

“I never questioned you then. You threw her out and I kept my mouth shut.” He said, placing his hands inside his pockets and turning to face the great desert.

“I’ll not stand by this time, and watch you destroy whatever you have with this girl just because your ego couldn’t handle it.”

Aldo stared at him for the longest moment before he breathed out.

And he started to laugh.

A whole-hearted laugh erupted higher and higher until Fernando was afraid that he finally cracked the old man.

“B.. boss?” he said.

“You know,” Aldo said, wiping his eyes, “My mother always said, ‘women will be the death of you’.” Aldo took a long breath to calm him down, “I just never thought she meant it like this.”

Suddenly Fernando laughed too.

“Mark?” Joanna said slowly to the back of her cousin who was sitting in the middle of the ground facing nothing.

He didn’t turn around to look at her.

“I’m really sor..”

“Don’t you sorry me, Jo.” Mark said angrily. Joanna waited to hear more, but there weren’t any.

“How’s your shoulder?” she tried again.

“Oh, you mean the one I cracked trying to save your life back there. Oh it’s totally fine.” He said sarcastically but Joanna couldn’t miss the bitter tone in his words.

“Mark…” Joanna stopped immediately when she heard her own voice. She was whimpering and the back of her eyes started to harden as a threat.

Apparently Mark heard it to because he turned around immediately with worried wide eyes.

“Shit, I promised myself I won’t cry anymore.” Joanna whimpered as she clamped a hand over her mouth to contain her starnge voice.

“Jo,” Mark said softly, standing up and gathering her to him with one good arm. “shhhh, don’t worry.” He said soothingly.

“It’s just… shit..” she said, taking a long breath to calm her nerves and inhaling his all-too-familiar smell at the same time, “It’s just that this is the worst I’ve put you through and…” she sniffed and Mark moved his hand up and down her back.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said softly.

Joanna pulled away from him and looked up at him, “You’ve done so much, Mark. I never really thanked you.” She said, smiling sadly at him, “He taught me to stop apologizing and start thanking instead.” She couldn’t help the two heavy drops that fell from her eyes.

Mark knew exactly whom she was referring to.

“Jo, listen to me,” he started, grabbing one of her shoulders with his good hand, “He, Julian, have a chance with those guys. They need something from him. But you…” his eyes turned softer, “All they want from you is your life, jo, and you know that.”

“But.. But..” Joanna couldn’t help the sob that escaped from her before it intensifies. Mark was pumicing, he never had to deal with her like this, crying.

“Oh, Jo. Please don’t cry!” he said in panic while Joanna started weeping like a child. It was all too weird and funny despite the situation.

Mark wasn’t sure if he had to hug her or sooth her, so he started patting her head.

“What are you doing?” Joanna said as she tried to wipe her tears with both hands then. Mark seriously wanted to laugh, this was as much open as Joanna could ever get.

“Oh, Jo. I’m just worried about you. Why don’t you let your grandfather and those guys handle it.”

“Because,” sniff, “all they,” sniff, “want to do,” sniff, “is revenge,” sniff, “they..” sniff, “they..”, sniff.

“They don’t really care about Drake.” Mark finished for her, feeling the need to help her out in any way.

Joanna nodded feverishly. “I just want him back.” She said finally.

“But he just helped you escape. Do you think he’d appreciate it if you were to get caught again?” Mark said, trying to reason with her. True, he felt bad for drake, but not that bad as to make his cousin go back and rescue him. He wasn’t even sure she could. He didn’t want to lose her again, not when she was finally safe.

“I don’t give a damn about what he thinks.” Joanna sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I just want him back, it’s the only thing I ever wanted Mark. I..” she sniffed again, this time regaining her calm somehow, “I don’t care if I died trying.”


“Please Mark! Understand.” She begged. She wasn’t really waiting for his approval, but she needed it so that she could get past the guilt. “I need him in my life.”

Mark searched her face hopefully for any hesitation, but to his disappointment there was none. He exhaled in resignation, his shoulders dropping as he said, “Yeah, I understand.”

Joanna’s face lit up uncharacteristically before she threw herself in his arm. It was all too weird, Mark thought. But then he decided he liked this change in her, she was more… well, open.

“But I’ll be with you all the way. And I’ll not accept any less.” He said, ruffling through he hair.

Joanna giggled, again unexpectedly, “Ok.”

“I hope I can be in as well.” Fernando’s deep voice startled the both of them, making them look at him.

“Of coarse you are.” Joanna beamed at her old rescuer. “Sooo, What happened to my Pappy?” Joanna smirked and Fernando chuckled.

“He’ll come around. He’s already warming up to the idea.” He told her and Joanna felt relief. Yes, she would’ve done it without him if she had too, but knowing that his forces would be with her made her relax a little.

Kevin also approached them, giving Joanna a knowing look and a hint of a smile. Joanna didn’t expect any more from the stone guy.

“How about we tend to your shoulder now before it’s too late. Your muscles must be soaring already.” He told Mark.

Joanna looked at the people around her. She didn’t see discomfort, she didn’t feel suffocated or over stepping. All she could see was the overwhelming feel of belonging, of caring.

Julian helped her see that.

She dragged in a deep breath at that thought while she looked around looking for the one missing person…. Isaac.

She left the gathering and walked toward the jeep. Isaac was still sitting on the driver seat; his head was bent over the steering wheel.

Joanna took another breath to gather her courage before she placed her hand on the passenger door.

Isaac was in deep thoughts. He didn’t know what else to do. What could he do?

Julian was gone.. He was taken.. He was gone!

Just then, the passenger door beside him opened, and he pulled his head up to look at the unwelcomed intruder.

“Mind if I joined you?” Joanna stood there, looking unsure, as always.

Isaac shrugged. He honestly didn’t care for her company at that moment, but he didn’t want to shoo he away.

Slowly, she climbed in and shut the door behind her. “How are you?” she asked.

The natural thing for him to say was ‘fine’, ‘good’, hell, even ‘hanging in theer’ was an option, But Isaac couldn’t stop himself from saying,

“Like stinking shit, thanks to you.” He said in a low tone before he looked back at the steering wheel. He didn’t know if he looked away because he felt bad about saying that to her, or because it was the normal thing to do.

Joanna flinched but did nothing further to show he discomfort at his statement.

“I’m sorry.” She said, looking away as well and staring down at her knotted fingers. “I guess you are not so happy with me.”

“The hell I am.” Isaac said in the same low tone. Somehow he felt so tired to snap or shout, even though he wanted to so badly.

Suddenly, she perked up, turning to face him and said, “Look, Isaac. I am going to get him out. I promise.”

To that, Isaac looked back at her face. She looked like hell, with all the bruises and dirt on her face, but he had to give her credit, she looked pretty determined.

But he didn’t give a shit.

“Oh, yeah?” he snapped, “No you care? Huh?” he turned at her as well, suddenly all the bottled emotions surfacing up in an ugly dominion.

“Where were you when he was busting his ass to help yours? Hmm?” he bellowed, not caring about the hurting look that crossed her face, “you were whining about how life’s unfair and how sad yours is. You didn’t care to believe him! It was all you, you, you!” by that time, he was stabbing a finger at her direction. Joanna stayed still, her face held mixed emotions but her body stood still like a stone.

“You’re right.” She said finally, “I was a real bitch. I couldn’t handle his generosity to help me. I was stubborn, a crybaby and a fucking bitch.” This speech must have made him happy because he relaxed a little and sat back on his seat.

“I realized the truth too late. I broke his heart, as well as mine over some stupid childish issues.” She continued, “That’s why I will not stand aside when he needs help. This time, I am going to help his ass!” by the time she reach that point, she was practically yelling.

The car fell silent for a long moment before Isaac surprised her by bursting into laughter.

Joanna felt irritated, she didn’t think what she said was funny.

“I’m sorry..” Isaac managed to say, “I really am.” He tried to finish off his last giggle by taking in a long breath and blowing it out slowly.

“It’s just that..” he started again, calmer this time, “You get in trouble, he helps you out. But then he gets into trouble, so now you will try and get him out. And if you get into trouble because of him.. What then?” Isaac shrugged and raised his hands at the level of his shoulder in a questioning gesture.

Joanna couldn’t help it, she burst into laughter as well.

“I guess we’ll keep on at it.” She said, and Isaac looked at her, “Until what?”

“Until,” she said, wiping the tear away from her eyes, “… we both are out and safe, I guess.”

“You believe that he would help you out the next time you’re in trouble?” Isaac asked.

Joanna smiled and looked down as if to remember something before she looked up again, “I trust him with my life.”

“Well, it’s about damn time.” Isaac said and sat back on his seat, somehow feeling relieved. “You’ll get him out.” He said, sounding too sure for their situation.

“Of coarse I am!” Joanna said, sounding offended, “I have the mind for it. After all, I’m Big Aldo’s granddaughter. That should have its advantages.” She said proudly before she smiled at him.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that!” Isaac smiled too, and somehow, it felt like a war had ended between them, and that they finally reach an agreement.

Suddenly a loud scream came from outside and they both looked out in alarm. Joanna jumped out quickly when she realized it was Mark’s voice.

“What happened?” she yelled as she walked quickly to the small group of men.

Fernando was the first to turn around, “It’s just your cousin. His friend put his shoulder back in its place.”

Joanna bit her lips as she imagined the pain and she felt bad for her poor cousin, but he would survive, she thought.

“So,” she turned back to look at Fernando, “what do we do now?”

“Well, first of all, we must hide out and regroup.” He told her, “I know a friend who own a property close by. We’ll be heading there.”

“Do you trust this friend?” she asked.

Fernando didn’t say anything for a moment, “more or less.” He said finally.

Joanna didn’t know if she should feel ok about that statement but she knew that they had no choice for the time being, so she decided not to argue. After all, this was a professional. And she had to trust him.

“All right, men!” she bellowed around, earning everyone’s attention, “Let’s get going!”

And so, everyone climbed back into their cars, and the drive to the unknown began.

Julian opened his eyes to utter darkness. It’s not that it was night, or maybe it was, but something was obviously covering his head.

Suddenly, that cover was yanked away, and a blinding light hit him, making him squint and groan. It took him a while to adjust to the light and three figures appeared before him.

“Oh, boy,” he chuckled at the site in front of him, “If it isn’t Deja Vu.” He smirked at the man in the middle.

“Well, hello to you too, Julian Drake.” Peter white said with a smirk of his own. “Deja vu would look ridiculous in here.”

“Looking good for a dead man, Greg.” Julian spat and Peter chuckled darkly.

“It was a close call.”

“I should’ve made sure.”

“Yeah, you should have. But it’s too late to regret now, don’t you think?” Peter said, leaning down so that his face was at the same level as Julian’s, and Julian realized he wasn’t able to move because all of his limbs were tied up, even his waist. Paranoid wouldn’t even begin to describe this man. “Right now, we could be real buddies.” He said, smiling and showing all of his ugly teeth.

“Yeah, noooo.” Julian mocked, making a great deal of pronouncing the Os, “I don’t think that’s possible, buddy.”

Peter straightened up, looking irritated. “You really don’t give up, Drake.”

“I really don’t.” Julian retorted, widening both his eyes and smile to further irritate the man.

Peter breathed out in frustration, “Well, have it your way then.” Peter spat. “Let’s see how much you can take, Hacker boy.” He said finally and motioned for his lap dogs of bodyguards to follow him out.

Julian immediately started to do a quick assessment to his surrounding. Wide, large empty room. Concrete high walls, concrete floor. There were widows but too high to reach and too narrow to climb out, not to mention covered with bars. Nothing was in the room except him and his chair.

This was definitely the warehouse. The other location on the map.

P.S. to readers:

Another 3 or 4 chapters are left until this awesome story is finished. I love you people. Your support made me happy. Truly!

Anyways, hope you liked this one, and I’d love to read your thoughts about it. So be generous.


C ya soooooon <3


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