Magcon, Thomas Brodie Sangste...

By celebbae

466 19 6

Pretty self explanatory,huh? Make sure to read,comment,vote,and request (I take requests) Enjoy More

It's All My Fault(Dylan)
It's all my Fault(part 2)
Knowing Me(not an update)
Him getting hurt(Dylan)
Cheap Thrills(S.M)
It's all my fault(part 3)
Awards Gone Wrong(h.g)

Don't let me down(n.g)

11 1 0
By celebbae

Nash's pov:
I was getting ready to go with Hayes to Kylie,hayes's girlfriend ,cause her parents wanted to meet him and our other family members were on a vacation. So mainly Kylie's parents wanted to meet HIM cause they didn't know to trust him or not after what I did.

Kylie's older sister Julie was my girlfriend, sorry I mean the love of my life who I stupidly lost because I cheated.I regret every moment of that drunk night and I wish I could get her back but it's impossible now.

I put on my red vans as I grabbed my car keys,phone,wallet and went downstairs.


He screamed coming downstairs

"Well I see someone is dressed up"I joked as I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Oh shut up"

Skip car ride cause I'm so lazy😂😂

As we approached the front porch my heart was beating so fast I could have died.Seconds later her mom opened the door with a genuine smile and welcomed us in.

As we entered the living room her dad stood up,shook hands with hayes, and just glared me.I don't blame him though I mean I broke his daughter's heart and I know she was badly depressed about that.

After about half an hour, everyone was in the living room except Julie chatting. We heard the fiddling of keys and a door
shut as Julie peaked in with her beautiful brown hair laying smoothly on her shoulders and her red flannel-stop it Nash.

As she looked at me I saw full hurt and disappointment in her eyes
"Hey"she said calmly as she backed up and sped walking.

Julie's pov:
As I saw Nash, flashbacks roamed my vision of that night. I knew he was coming but I didn't know that I missed him that much and wish he didn't cheat. I rushed my pace up the stairs and into my room as I shut the door quickly and slide down with tears starting to poor out of my eye.

"You need to get over him"I remembered Kylie's words but I knew the truth is that I never can.
I passed near our old picture on our first date(picture at the top) but decided to just shake it off(if yo got it😂😂) and close the window cause it's cold.I got a new simple outfit so I would join them later and decided to take a quick shower.

Skip shower

I brushed my hair after drying it and adjusted my cloth.I opened the bathroom door and a cold breeze blew on my face....wait I closed the window before showering.I stepped toward the wide opened window and weirdly closed it.I then recognized a muddy footstep on the edge and my eyes widened.

Back to Nash's pov:

As we were having dinner, we heard a high pitched scream from upstairs followed by a gun shot.

Wait......upstairs...girl's scream....gun shot.....JULIE

Hahahaha cliffhanger again..I am so evil😈😈

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