He's My Little Devil (Ouran H...

By foolishlyifailxsmhx

65.1K 1K 371

Ali is in love with Hikaru. What does he feel about her, and what of Mori and his feelings for her? More

He's My Little Devil (Ouran Host Club FanFic)
Chpt. 2
Chpt. 3
Chpt. 4
Chpt. 5
Chpt. 6
Chpt. 7
Chpt. 8
Chpt. 9
Chpt. 10
Chpt. 11
Chpt. 12
Chpt. 14
Chpt. 16
Chpt. 17
Chpt. 18
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20

Chpt. 15

2.3K 42 22
By foolishlyifailxsmhx

"Hey guys, Taylor gave me the best idea ever! We should go on a road trip!" I announced. We were currently helping Misuzu clean up one last time before we left. We have about a week left of summer vacation and we're leaving the pension tonight. It's kinda sad though. This place has grown on me. Poor Hikaru is gonna miss his ice cream. Oh yeah! Me and Hikaru are still together and we're insepereable. Ayako and Kaoru were always around with us tho, of course!

"That's a great idea A-chan! It sounds fun~! Right Takashi?"


"Great! We should start tonight, since we're leaving anyway. And in advance, I WANNA DRIVE FIRST!" Muahahaha! I can't wait!

"Nah! No way bitch! It was my idea so drive!"

"We I believe I should drive. I am, after all, the President of this club."

"Being a gentleman means being kind towards ladies like yourself. Therefore, for you, Ms. Foster,"Kkyouya then leaned over and whispered something in her ear which caused her to blush. WHAT DID HE SAY?! It's not fair! I wanna know what he said.

"Tamaki, it is only fair to let Taylor drive. She was the one who came up with the idea after all."

"Yay! Thank you Kyou Kyou-chan~"

"You're welcome. Now you owe me." he pushed up his glasses, hiding a smirk. He's up to something.

"Very well then. Tonight, we will begin our road trip!"

"Yay~! Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!" Ayako and I cheered.

"You girls are starting to sound like Hika-chan and Kao-chan!" nii-chan pointed out.

"No we're not!"

"Stop copying me!"

"GAH!" FUCK! The twins were laughing at us!


"It's alright babe. I think it's cute." Damn him and his ability to make me blush.

"Quiet or I'll call you by your pet name in front of everyone!" I smirked. I love his pet name. I made it up myself! 

"You wouldn't." He narrowed his eyes. 

"D'awe what's wrong~. You think it's too embarrassing?" teased Taylor. Oh well guess I don't have to say it.

"Shut up or I'll stick Kyouya-Senpai's pen up your-" I slapped my hand on his mouth. DON'T SAY THAT IDIOT! IT'S GROSS!

"Well too late Monkey Buns!! Now they know, all of them know. And nothing can make me take it back" Hikaru instantly turned bright red and moved my hand away.

"You told her?!"

"I only told the girls!" I turned to the others and found everyone laughing. Mori was just smirking.

"It's okay, Hikaru...we won't tell anyone~" Kaoru told him in between laughs.

"Ugh. Shut up Kaoru," he smirks, "or should I say, Cuddle Cakes?" Kaoru instantly stopped laughing, but everyone else continues.

"Shut up! Aya-chan, why'd you tell Ali? You know she has a big mouth!" he mumble to Ayako.

"What was that, Hitachiin?" I glared at my boyfriend's twin.

"Huh? N-nothing!" He laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes and held Hikaru's hand.

"Let's start packing guys!!" I exclaimed.

"Wait~ Don't leave yet, dearies! I will miss you too much~" Misuzu came out of nowhere and hugged us all each.

"Why don't you go visit us sometimes, Musuzuchi?" Tamaki offered.

"Oh but I can't leave my pension! I'll find a way to go one day. I do miss Ranka~" 

"He misses you too" Haruhi smiled. This is getting boring. I'm going to start packing now. I pullHikaru to my room with me. When we got upstairs, I saw Kyouya walking inside Taylor's room. Okay yeah I don't wanna know. 

"Where are we going?"

"You're going to help me pack."

"I-I am?!" I looked at him and noticed he was blushing. 

"What? Afraid you'll see panties or something?" His eyes widened and he shook his head furiously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's just go inside." I giggled as he pulled me inside my room and he sat on the bed.

"Hikaruuuuu~" I jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing?" he chuckled. I just rest my head on his chest. I felt his arms slowly wrap around me. I love him. I love being with him. I'm so happy we're together. I sighed happily. I belong with him. I know it. Remember those weird dreams I've been having? The I could finally see the faces of the rose guys. Mori was the black one and Hikaru was the blue one. The Mori was happy and wished me luck while Hikaru took me in his arms and told me how happy he was. Yeah, my dreams are weird. 

"Ali? Hello? Earth too my babe~" 

"Huh?" He sighed and shook his head. What did I miss?! I didn't even realize he was talking to me!

"Nevermind, air head"

"HEY DON'T CALL ME AIR HEAD!" I pouted and he chuckled. 

"Let's just start packing" He kissed my cheek and stood up, "where's your suitcase?"

"In the closet." I pointed at the closet. I stood up and started pulling out my clothes from the drawers. Yes, I even pulled out my undergarments. If he doesn't wanna see them, he can just look away. Just as long as he doesn't see me in them. A bikini is different though! I sat on the floor folding my clothes.

"I thought you didn't like pink." He took out a pair of panties with a smirk on his face. I blushed and pulled them away from him.

"Just because I don't like pink, it doesn't mean I wouldn't wear it. Now shut up and help me pack." I looked down at my clothes and I heard him laugh. He's such a loser. Ok so maybe I care a little if he sees my undergarments, so I shove every panties, bras, and boyshorts into the suitcase then. 

"You have that many?"

"A girl needs plenty! We don't just wear the same thing every day! That's just gross."

"Well I'm not a girl."

"I know you're not. If you were, I wouldn't be your girlfriend, because I am straight!" He rolled his eyes.

"You're weird."

"But you're still my boyfriend!" I grin and kiss his cheek. La di da di da! I am so bored. He's so cute. I love him. My favorite shirt is missing.

"Hikaru, where's my favorite shirt?"

"You mean the blue one that says 'I love Pasta?'" 

"Yes. That one. Where is it?"

"You're wearing it." I am?

I look down. Oh I am wearing it. Now I feel stupid.

"I knew that!" I scratch the back of my head and laugh. 

"Sure you did babe." I stuck my tongue out. He chuckled. 

•*•*"KYOUYA! TAYLOR! CMON! IT'S TIME TO GO! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I called out. I am not going to wait on them forever! I want to be able to get back home in time to rest at home for like 2 more days!! Plus I think I'm moving out of Mori's house! Mrs. Hitachiin called me last night and we talked for a while. We've been pretty close since the the guys threw me a surprise party at the twin's house. When I told her about me and Hikaru, she was really happy and she offered me the room next to the twins'.

"I think they're still in their rooms." Kaoru said. I sighed.

"Alright. You and Hikaru look for Kyouya in his room. I'll go look for Taylor with Ayako."

"Right." We broke into our groups and searched for our friends. Honestly, I was pretty scared of what I might find. What if they're... Nah they wouldn't do that. Would they?

Walking through the door, I found something I didn't think I would've ever expected to see. I mean, I expected it to happen, but I didn't think I'd see it!

"GET IT KYOUYA-SENPAI!" The twins cheered, along with Ayako. When the hell did the twins get there?! 

"GET OUT!!" Kyouya threw a pillow at us. I closed the door to avoid it. What was it that I saw, you ask? Well this is all that I will say. Kyouya was on top of Taylor. Did they have their clothes on? Thankfully, yes. 

"U-um Taylor! Kyouya! We gotta go. So whatever you're planning on doing. IT CAN WAIT!!" I shouted. Seriously!!! I WANNA LEAVE ALREADY!

"We'll be right there!!" I heard Taylor say. God I wish I didn't see that. The twins were still laughing their asses off. Ayako wasn't laughing but I could tell she wanted to.

"Kaoru-kun let's go downstairs with the others" She said, trying to not burst out in laughter.

"Al..Alright!" He said in a fit of laughter. They went downstairs with the rest. Hikaru, being the idiot he is, is still laughing.

"Cmon Monkey Buns. Before Kyouya comes out to kick your ass." He finally calmed down.

"R-Right. Heheh! That was funny." I rolled my eyes. 

"The earlier we leave, the sooner we'll get your favorite ice cream before we leave."

"Awesome!! Let's go!!" He picked me up and ran downstairs.

"You two are simply adorable." Huh?

"Shut up, boss. Let's just go to the car already cuz I want some Ice cream before we leave!"

"HIKARU PUT ME DOWN~" I giggled being carried over his shoulder. I can walk myself. Geez!

He put me down in front of the the Ford Escape Hybrid we rented for The twins, me, Ayako, Taylor, and Kyouya. Tamaki, Mori, nii-chan, and Haruhi got stuck with the Ford Transit Connect EV. You should've heard Tamaki complain and argue. 'I SHOULD GET THE PRETTY ONE! I'M THE PRESIDENT! THOSE DOPPLEGANGERS DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN SUCH A CLASSY AUTOMOBILE!' Can you imagine that? Cuz it really happened, and the sad thing about it is, I was next to him and now I can barely hear out of one ear.

"CMON GUYS!" Hikaru called out to them. The first to come out was the freaky couple, Kyouya and Taylor. Both blushing like crazy. Kyouya looking pretty angry. Hey you should lock the door next time. Next to come out was Kaoru and Ayako, holding hands like always, and then it was Mori andnii-chan. 

"Hikaru, Kaoru, Ali, and Ayako.." Kyouya had his eyes closed, and I'm glad they were, because knowing him, he'd had the scariest glare ever. Not that It would faze me, but it's still a bit scary to look at. 

"Yes, Kyouya?" I forced myself to look at him. His hair was still a bit messy. I said this before, I'm glad they had their clothes on.

"You four, should learn now to knock." He finally opened his eyes glaring at us with his famous lethal stare. Yeah, I hid my fear pretty well, but you could see the other 3 shiver.

"W-we're sorry Kyouya-kun~ We d-didn't see anything! I swear!!" Ayako tried to tell him, hiding behind Kaoru. He huffed and stuffed his bags in the back of the van then got in the passenger's seat. 

"So Taylor. What exactly were you two thinking of doing?" I asked. Ayako looked straight at her in the eye.

"Tell us now, you!" Taylor rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Well actually, he was trying to see if he could make me squirm. Cause he knows that I hate showing weakness, cause I'm so damn stubborn" I could see her blush. Okay I believe her. BUT!

"Then explain the kissing!" I smirked.

"Told me to move, I said no. End of story" She pouted, crossing her arms and refusing to answer any more questions. That really didn't explain much, but whatever!

"Can we go now?!?!" whined an impatiant Hikaru.

"Hold your horses Hika-kun! That ice cream isn't going anywhere!" Ayako laughed and got in the van with Kaoru next to her. Hikaru rushed in and I sat next to him. Tamaki and the others got in the other van.

"ONWARD MY FRIENDS! TO THE GREAT LAND OF NAGOYA!" I pointed forward and grin. I can't help it! I'm excited!

"Silence, you moron. You sound like Tamaki." WHA?! 

"KYOUYA, YOU'RE SO MEAN!!" I puffed my cheeks and pouted. Ayako was giggling.

"What are you laughing at?!"

"Oh nothing!!" she snickered.

"Quiet! Cuz I'm driving and I don't need you hoes fucking me up or we'll all die!!" 

"Taylor that's not something you should say when you're driving us somewhere far!!" Ayako cried. I agree. Now I'm remembering Final Destination 2.. I'M PARANOID!!

Once we got Hikaru his ice cream, we left. Nagoya, here we come. I sure hope there won't be any traffic accidents! Damn Ayako for reminding me of the movie! Anyways, it's like 9pm and it takes like 4 hours and a half to get to fucking Nagoya. 

"Babe. I'm going to sleep. So wake me when we get there." I yawned.

"No prob!" He wrapped his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his chest.

*•*•"Quiet! I don't wanna waker her."

"Aw, does Monkey Buns want to be a good boyfriend?"

"Shut up, Kaoru." I was half asleep now and I could feel my Hikaru's arms holding me then replaced by something soft and comfortable. I'm guessing a bed.

"She looks so peaceful."

"That is so cute. I've never seen you act so sweet Hikaru-kun." That was Ayako. Hikaru didn't reply.

"Ayako and I are going out. We'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Got it. Just don't get lost." After that. The door closed. I felt somebody move beside me. I wrapppedmy arms around this somebody. I know it's Hikaru. Unless there was someone else in this room other than Hikaru. Which I doubt. Just in case tho, I opened one eye.

"Awake?" he smiled. He kissed me softly and moved a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Hey." I whisper.

"We're at Nagoya. Everyone else are asleep."

"What time is it?" I sat  up and looked around for a clock.

"It's 1am." Well I got a great sleep...Now I won't be able to sleep all night.

"Did you sleep?" I asked. He shook his head then shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep, but you should go back to sleep. We're gonna go somewhere in a few hours. The boss has something planned for tomorrow."

"Oh ok. Where did Kaoru and Ayako go?"

"Kaoru told me they're going for a walk." He gently pushed me back down so I would lay down again. I snuggled up against him as he wrapped his arm around my waist. He's so warm and comfortable. I feel safe in his arms.

"Now. Let's go to sleep." He kissed my forehead. I realized he's sleepiing in the same bed with me. I don't mind though. He is my boyfriend.


Don't think dirty people!


Hikaru was so comfortable, I managed to doze off.

The next morning, we all met up at the lobby.

"Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen!" grinned a wide awake Tamaki," I hope everyone had a pleasant sleep?" I yawned and stretched. My eyes were closed. I almost killed Hikaru for waking me up, but then I remembered it wasn't his idea. It was Tamaki's so once I saw him I had to be held back before I kicked him where the sun don't shine.



"ALI! WAIT CALM DOWN!" Hikaru was holding me back along with his brother. Ayako and Taylor were trying to calm me down.

"HYAAA! ALI! I'M SORRY! I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE WAKING UP! But trust me you'll love where we're going!"


"Ali! Calm your lazy ass down!"

"I was asleep! I was comfortable! I WAS HAPPY!" I frowned and stopped squirming for a bit. Tamakiwas hiding behind Haruhi. 

"A-chan is scary!" pouted nii-chan.

"You owe me, Tamaki!"

"I'll do anything! Just don't kill me!" he cried and begged on his knees. I sighed. I guess I'm overreacting a bit. But he will pay.


"So where are we going, Tama-chan?" nii-chan asked.

"You'll see Hani-Senpai!" He grinned.

"We're going to the Port Of Nagoya Public Aquarium!" he chimed.

"YAY! FISHIES!" I exclaimed with Taylor and Ayako. 

"Does this mean you forgive me, Ali?!" I heard Tamaki ask in a childish voice. I thought about it for a moment. 

"Tamaki-kun. My dear big "princely" brother. I will forgive you, if you buy me a clownfish plush." I grinned.

"A clownfish plush?"

"Yeah! So I can call it ChibiTama!" my grin got wider. Yep. My clowfish will be named after Tamaki. Why Chibi? Because Tamaki acts like a child. I know I do too, but that's different! I was suddenly picked up in to a tight hug.

"Tamaki!! Let go of me!!" I struggled in his grip and was starting to feel dizzy cuz he was spinning me around! 

"Oh I'm sorry." He slowly put me down and I gasped for breath. Too dizzy to move - i get dizzy easily - I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes.

"You fail, Ali."

"Quiet Taylor!"

"Nevur." she smirked. Hmph! Once I was finally NOT dizzy, I stood up and we headed straight to the Aquarium.

•*•*"Look Hikaru!! That fish looks like Tamaki!!" I grinned hugging my fish plush, ChibiTama. I was pointing at a yellow and pink fish that was swimming around really fast. It's cute, but not cute enough to make Tamaki happy about my comment.

"Hey you're right! It does look like the boss!"


"Tamaki-Senpai. You're overreacting. I think you look more like this one." Haruhi pointed at a bright yellow one that was swimming around bubbles that was made by a little treasure box toy. 

"Ah! Yes! I am elegant and graceful like the fish, aren't I?" Tamaki blushed.

"I should've stayed quiet.." she mumbled. Tamaki, of course, didn't hear her. 

"Tha fish.." Kaoru pointed at an Idol Fish. It looked exactly like Gill from Finding Nemo.

"Looks creepy.." Hikaru pointed at the same fish, finishing his brother's sentence.

"Hey look Kyou Kyou-Chan! It's you! Aww so cute!" Taylor laughed pointing at the same fish. Kyouya just cleared his throat and tried to hide a very noticable blush.

"I don't know what you're talking about Taylor.."

"Of course you do Kyouya-kun~" Ayako smirked at her scary friend.

"Kyouya-Senpai is just embarrassed of the fact that his girlfriend called him cute."

"Fuck you Kaoru!" Blushed Taylor.

"So you're saying you're not his girlfriend?" Ayako asked. I was curious of their status too. They were quiet.

"I won't admit to something that I'm not sure of myself." Kyouya finally said. He closed his black notebook, where he was writing who-knows-what, and walked away towards the shark tank. Taylor sighed then followed Kyouya. We all watched them closely and strained our ears to try and listen.

"Kyouya, if you're not sure, why not ask me?" Kyouya looked like he froze in place, but collected himself before anyone would notice. Too bad I did notice. He grabbed Taylor's hand and picked it up towards his lips. He kissed it softly and looked at her. We couldn't hear anything he said after that, but whatever he said made Taylor blush and nod. Kyouya smirked and we saw him kissing her! They walked back towards us, hand in hand, both blushing. Taylor more than Kyouya who always seems to know how to hide himself a whole lot better than anyone else in this club.

"Sooooo~?" The twins smirked. Kaoru standing next to Kyouya and Hikaru next to Taylor.

"What do you two want?" Kyouya asked a bit annoyed at their nosiness. Ayako and I stood in front of them, Ayko in front of Kyouya and me in front of Taylor.

"We want to know." Ayako started.

"If you two are really going out." I finished. Yeah nii-chan is right, we are acting like the twins. Oh well! Kyouya sighed and ran his hand through his hair then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, are you happy now? Now move bitches!" Taylor snapped. The twins, Ayako and I all grinned and backed up.

"Yes, we're all happy!" All four of us said at the same time. Oh sweet Jesus. I have become one of them! I mentally slapped myself for that.

"YAY! TAY-CHAN AND KYO-CHAN ARE TOGETHER!" nii-chan cheered. He was on Mori's shoulders at the moment. Mori just smirked.

"Well I congradulate you two! As the Leader of this club, I give you my blessing." Tamaki hugged them both.

"Yea thanks but..Whatever just move" Taylor growled.

"Get off me, idiot." Kyouya also growled.

"Geez! You two are so tsundere sometimes!!" I stuck my tongue out at them. Tamaki let go of them and we continued enjoying ourselves looking at all of the sea creatures. Tamaki cried insisted that a shark was on to him and Haruhi complained every now and then about how she shoud be studyin. That loser. The twins teased Kyouya and Taylor. Ayako and I joined in most of the time,and nii-chan and Mori just enjoyed the company of their amusing friends. Then guess what. We got kicked out. Know why? Because stupid Tamaki was arguing with a shark. Something along the lines of 'YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!' Yeah. My play brother's an idiot.

"Tamaki, why did you have to get us kicked out?" I frowned.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S THAT SHARK! IT WANTS TO EAT ME! DIDN'T YOU SEE HOW IT WAS STARING AT ME?! GEH-" Kyouya hit him in the back of his head with his notebook.

"Be quiet."

"Tama-chan is funny!" nii-chan laughed.

"So where should we go now?" Ayako asked.

"Yeah, boss. Where should we go?" Kaoru wrapped his arm around Ayako's shoulder and holds her hand.

"How about we go to the Carnival?"

"You mean the Nagoya Port Sea Train Land. I guess we could go for a few hours."


"FUCK ROLLER COASTERS!" Taylor yelled.


"CLOWNS!" Ayako cheered.


"Relax! I'll make sure the clowns won't do anything to you, loser!" laughed Hikaru.



"Grrrr. You're so lucky you're my boyfriend!" He grinned then kissed my cheek. Nu! >///<

•*•*"WHOO!! YEAH-HA!!" I screamed as the ride went up, down, and upside down. I love roller coasters!!

"WAAAAAA!!! MAMAAAAA!!" I heard Tamaki crying and holding on to Haruhi for dear life.


"LOOK TAKASHI! IT'S ANTOHER LOOP!! RAISE YOU'RE HANDS WITH ME!" nii-chan giggled excitedly. The ride made another loop making us go upside down. Hikaru and Kaoru were laughing their asses off at Tamaki's and Taylor's reactions towards the ride. Ayako joins nii-chan in raising their arms as the ride made another loop. Then it stops and starts going backwards! YES!! 

Once the ride finished, Tamaki and Taylor jumped out of their seats. Tamaki ran towards the exit and Taylor waited for me to get out of my seat so she could kill me.

"I love you too Taylor~" I laughed.

"No you don't! You ho'!"

"Oh boo hoo!" I laughed, "Your expressions and screams were hilarious! More hilarious than the time you were pushed on the swings back in America!" At this, I laughed even harder. That memory will always be one of the most hilarious things ever!! I was clutching my stomach and leaning against the wall trying to keep my balance. She glared at me then walked over to Hikaru whispering something in his ear. 

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU TELLING HIM?!" Hikaru smirked and nodded.


"Nothin babe. Let's go!" I pouted and reluctantly followed the group out of the exit. I'm afraid of what he's gonna do. I'm curious as to exactly what Taylor told him. Knowing her, it'd be something to get revenge for the roller coaster thing. I felt Hikaru's arm creep around my shoulder.

"H-Hikaru.. What are you doing?"

"What?" he acted oblivous, but he still had that smirk on his face. He leaned over then... KISSED MY NECK! EEEEEEEEEE~! I jumped back and turned around hiding a huge blush on my face. Dammit dammit dammit


"What did I do?" she asked "innocently". I turned to look at my evil boyfriend and saw him laughing uncontrollably. I glared at him.

"A-chan? What is it?" nii-chan was trying to hide a giggle and Mori was snickering. Ugh. Ayako, Kaoru, and Kyouya were laughing. Yes, Kyouya was laughing. See how evil he is?!

"Hikaru, sweety." I called after him, in a somewhat seductive tone. He stopped laughing and became aware of my murderous aura.


"Come here baby. I want to tell you a secret." He shook his head and instead of walking closer, he moved back 2 steps.

"Hikaru. Come here."

"W-what are you g-gonna do?" he stuttered. I walked up to him instead and stopped to where our bodies were just inches away. I pulled him towards me by the front of his shirt, our bodies now touching. I made sure we were close enough to get him to blush furiously.

"If you do that in public again. You'll get hurt." I whispered in his ear then kissed his jawline. I pushed him away gently, winking at him before I walked off. Taylor and Ayako do cat calls with Kaoru, and Kyouya's just standing there awkwardly while Tamaki tries to share his cotton candy with Haruhi, even though Mori and Hani are just running around there, oblivious to all of it.

"That's some girl ya got there, Hikaru! Bet you didn't see that comin!" I heard Kaoru laugh at his brother.

"S-shut up, Kaoru. Just wait till Ayako does something like that to you!!"

"Psh! I doubt it!"

"You never know, Kaoru-kun~" I turned around just in time to see Ayako wink at her boyfriend and make him blush. I swear we're all crazy. 

Right after the twins' blush died away, we continued enjoying ourselves. Me getting back at Taylor by making her get on another roller coaster then letting her spend time with her new, and evil, boyfriend. Tamaki spending a lot of time with Haruhi. They're so cute. Mori and nii-chan running around eating as much pastries as possible. Ayako and Kaoru have their lovey dovey moments, and Hikaru laughs everytime I lose a skill game, then me laughing back at him when he loses. Yep, great night.


Hey guys. Sorry for the LONG WAIT. Trust me, I'm mad at myself for taking so damn long. xD Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Next chapter there will be some dancing from the boys ;D sexy, right? lmao xD Love you guysssss~ ^^

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