Harry Potters Twin Book One

By unicornsrule

379K 10.3K 3K

Join Nixie Potter, Hermione Granger, and Bonnie Heart as they go through their first year at Hogwarts School... More

Harry Potters Twin
I Have a Best Friend
The Start of a War
A Talk With A Friend
Annoying Stalkers
Professors Are Cruel
New Seeker
Draco Malfoy's Trick
Bad Morning
Getting the Truth from a Brother
Broomsticks, Trolls, Friends
I Miss You
Slowly Slipping into Madness
My New Friend
Hermione is Back
Nicolas Flamel
That Match
Gullible Hagrid
You Did It
The Death of a Unicorn
Through the Trapdoor
Voldemort Is Always With Him

Pay Back

16.5K 545 172
By unicornsrule

I walked over to Harry, while Hermione trailed close behind. He didn't respond when I stood there in front of him, so I figured it would be a long night and I layed on the floor. Hermione sat next to me, then started to pull at my hair.

"Nothing," Harry said firmly.

I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to play 'big brother' on me, Harry; I know something happened."

Harry glared at me. "I'm not playing 'big brother', I am the big brother. And how can anything be wrong? It's our first full day at Hogwarts."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're older by two minutes, so shut it, and you always get in trouble quickly-"

"You got a detention two seconds after we even entered the school-" he interupted, and he had a point, but I didn't want to listen.

"I said shut it, Harry," I told him. "What was in that bloody newspaper?"

Harry grimaced and looked away from me. "Nothing, Nixie."

I sucked my teeth and turned to Ron, who was shifting uncomfortably in his armchair. "What was in the newspaper, Ron?"

"Erm. . ." he glanced at Harry, who shook his head. "Nothing Nixie."

"You're a terrible liar."

"Just leave us alone, Nixie." Harry said, clearly annoyed.

"I'll figure it out, Harry," I said to him. "Trust me, I will. Come on, Hermione." I said, getting up. I felt my hair and smiled. Hermione had made a long, thick braid.

"Where are we going now?" Hermione asked kindly. She stroked my braid, putting the loose strands of hair back into place.

"The dorm," I said. "We have classes tommorow."

Hermione clapped her hands and skipped up the stairs to our dormitory. I followed her up with much less enthusiasm, I was way too worried for Harry. He always told me everything and now he was sharing secrets with Ron, completely ignoring me.


I woke up earlier then everyone else the next morning, so I decided to get ready. I took a cold shower and realeased my hair from the braid Hermione did the other night. When it came out it was wavy and I didn't even need to comb it through because it was already silky and smooth. I then changed into my robes and left my hair down, my bangs pushed to the side.

"Hermione, wake up." I pushed the lump in the bed that I assumed was Hermione. "Wake up, Hermione!" she continued to sleep. I pushed her fully off the bed and she landed with a heavy THUD!

"Ow." she said groggily. "What was that for?"

"For the start of a new day," I said cheerfully. "Now get your tushie up so we can have some breakfast."

She grumbled a load of insults while she trudged to the bathroom. I looked over at Lavender and Padma to see that they were still sleeping soundlessly.

Well, I thought, I wouldn't want them to miss breakfeast, would I?

I threw open the bathroom door and was glad Hermione had the curtains closed. 

"Who is that?" Hermione called over the sound of the shower. She peaked through the curtains and shreiked, covering her face up again. "What are you doing in here?"

"I have to wake up the suger queen," I said, then I grabbed the empty trashbin that sat next to the sink.

"What are you doing?" Hermione said, peaking through the curtains again.

"Waking her up." I said, the started filling the trashbin with ice cold water. "Didn't you hear me?"

Hermione giggled then behind the curtain. "No, I don't think we would. . . but wait for me, I want to see her face."

I nodded, then, remembering Hermione couldn't see me, I said "Sure."

I carried the now heavy bucket out of the bathroom and over to Lavender. I put it down at the foot of her bed then sat down next to the bucket, waiting for Hermione. Five minutes later Hermione came out, her hair damp and crinkly from the water.

"We'll get in an awful lot of trouble," Hermione said, eying the filled trash bin. I raised my eyebrows at her and she bit her lip, her eyes glinting at the thought of breaking a rule. "Let's do it."

We both grabbed the trash bin and stood over Lavender, grinning evily. "Okay, Hermione. Once she sees us we run out of the room and into the Great Hall, okay?"

"Why the Great Hall?" Hermione asked.

"Because she won't do anything in front of all those people," I said.

Hermione thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

"One, two, three, go," I said and we both dumped all the water on Lavender's sleeping face. The trash bin became light again and we threw it on the ground. Lavender's eyes flew open and she let out a shriek of fustration. Padma woke up with a start.

"What did you do?" Padma said, eyes wide.

"Pay back," I said simply.

Lavender jumped out of bed and glared at Hermione and I, we both sniggered at the sight of her soaking wet 'perfect' blonde hair. "Pay back? I'll show you two pay back."

Hermione and I jumped up but Lavender never went for us, she went for the trash bin. We were confused when she ran into the bathroom, but we knew perfectly well when we heard the water running what she was doing. We were out of the door when we seen her dripping wet and holding the trashbin in her arms.

"Lets see how you two feel," she shrieked. "When I wet you!"

She ran after us. When we went down to the common room it was empty, I'm guessing everyone was at breakfast already. I heard Lavender hop down the last three steps, already on our tail. I was completely shocked at how fast she was because she didn't look like the kind of girl who worked out.

The sight of her made Hermione and I run even faster, if that were possible. I pushed open the portrait and held it open for Hermione, who ushered a quick 'thank you' and scampered through it. I jumped through but I didn't close it, so Lavender jumped through easily. What surprised me was that she hadn't dropped a bit of water.

Hermione and I ran down the stairs and reached the Great Hall double doors. We both stopped to catch our breath but it didn't last long because Lavender was a yard behind us.

I sighed in exasperation. "How fast does this girl run?" I demanded.

Hermione just gave me a helpless, tired shrug and she threw open the doors, which we burst through the second they were open. The Hall, which was always loud and chattering, grew silent very quickly when we ran through. Some people looked at us in confusion, but when Lavender burst in, hair dripping wet and damp flowered pink pajamas, they smiled in amusement.

I thought that Lavender would have blushed and ran out in embarrassment, but her eyes glinted with revenge. I grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her through the four tables. Lavender ran at full speed. I was faster, though, and I dragged a slow Hermione till we reached the end of the lane and had no where else to go. We both looked behind us and seen Lavender smiling as she approached us, bucket raised.

She threw the water at us but Hermione and I ducked at the last minute. Instead of the water making a splash on the marble ground  behind us, it seemed to have hit something softer.

Hermione and I twirled around as Lavender started to stammer apoligies and the whole Great Hall gasped.

There stood a soaking wet Professor Snape. Hermione flushed and started to apologize just like Lavender, but she nudged me hard in the ribs for giggling in amusement.

"Detention." he said through gritted teeth. "For all three of you."

I scoffed. "Why? Hermione and I didn't wet you! It was Lavender."

"And why, Miss Potter." he said slyly. "Would Miss Brown want to wet both of you?"

I thought for a minute then said. "... Good point... but Hermione and I already have detention."

"Then you will come after your done with that one." he said angrily.

"Alright, Snivellus, calm down." I said.

When I called him that his usually lifeless eyes shone murderously and Hermione, Lavender and I took a big step back without our own permission. But noticing my act of unbravery I puffed out my chest and held my chin high. Hermione tugged on my arm and pulled me to the Gryffindor table, leaving helpless little Lavender to fend for herself. Once we sat everyone in the Great Hall started to conversate on what just happened.

"Nixie, you have three detentions already," Harry said angrily. "Calm down or your going to get expelled!""

"Calm down, Harry," George said, sitting next to me. "She hasn't done anything that was worst then what we do. She'll be fine."

I glared at Harry. "Stop acting protective, Harry. To tell you the truth, it's really annoying."

"Well, you need protection. Did you see the way Snape was looking at you? It looked like he was going to murder you on the spot!"

"Shut it," I snapped. Harry looked hurt, but it disappeared so quickly I thought it was a trick of the light. I felt guilty, but before I could apologize, he turned to Ron and they started a conversation of their own.

"He's right, you know," Hermione said worriedly. "You have been getting alot of detention."

"I know, but I got detention for all good reasons. The first detention I was protecting you and now look at us, we're best friends! The second detention was to put the Slytherins in their place... although that detention could have been avoided if it wasn't for Lavender... the third deteniton was for payback - and you helped so you can't complain about that!" I added at Hermione's expression.

"Plus," I added to bring in a lighter note. "The second detention is going to be fun. The first detention could be alright, McGonagall seems nice... though the third detention is going to be bloody boring."

Hermione nodded in agreement and we both ate on. Once in a while looking at Lavender and bursting into a fit of giggles, which gave us odd looks and a glare from Harry which we both ignored.

"Come on, Nixie." Hermione said. "It's time for our first class."

"Okay," I said "But we have to promise eachother one thing."

Hermione looked at me quizzically. "What?"

"When we're in class we won't have smart mouth and we'll earn as much house points as we can." I said grinning, knowing I was the only one with the smart mouth.

Hermione laughed. "I'll be fine keeping that promise, but can you?"

I mocked a hurt expression, which only made Hermione laugh harder. "Of course I can, Hermione. Why would you ask something like that? I am a perfect angel!"

"On the outside, yes, but the inside you have the mind of the devil." Hermione said, poking my stomach when she said inside.





big fan, big fan

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