The Death of a Unicorn

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I visited Hagrid to explain to him what had happened. I shouldn't have been surprised that he was on Harry's and Hermione's side, but I was still disappointed. Bonnie was on their side, too.

“It's time for you to go to Hogwarts, Nixie,” Hagrid advised me as he picked up his bow and arrow. “I have to serve your brother's detention.”

I sighed. “Alright.”

I got up and left the hut. Halfway up the path, I saw something move near the castle doors. I ducked behind a close rock and made sure the thing couldn't see me.

It turned all the way around, making sure that no one was there, not seeing me. When it was satisfied, it swept toward the Forbidden Forest.

I should have went back to the castle; I should have told McGonagall – or maybe even Hagrid. But I couldn't shake the feeling that this had something to do with the stone, with Voldemort, and I followed it. If I had told a professor, they never would have given me information on what the thing was doing sneaking around school grounds. I ran behind tree after tree, not wanting it to see me. I turned around frequently, so being caught following it was very likely.

“We are being followed,” it whispered in a high, cold voice. I shivered; who was it talking to?

“I can't see them, My Lord,” the familiar voice hit me like a ton of bricks. It was Quirrell, and that other voice... that other voice was Voldemort? So which one was under the cloak?

“They are hiding!” Voldemort yelled. “Just kill the unicorn and be done!”

“Yes, My Lord,” the figure walked away.

Kill the unicorn? I thought worriedly. I've got a bad feeling about this.

I followed them, not seeing any way out of the situation. I didn't know my way back. I hoped that Quirrell, who I am guessing is the one under the cloak, wouldn't shake me off his trail before we got to the castle. That wish was just thought when I heard something that made my heart bleed. It was a high and musical sound, the most beautiful music I had ever listened to. It should have been filled with happiness and joy, but instead it was crying out with misery and pain.

I felt fresh tears slide down my cheeks. I slid down the tree, my feet too weak to keep me up. I crawled to the side to see what was making that beautiful noise and saw Quirrell sucking a unicorn's blood. The sight was terrible; the unicorn was still alive, and was staring straight at me with gorgeous, silver eyes that pleaded me to put it out of it's misery. I strangled gasp escaped my throat, and Quirrell whipped around.

His watery eyes were shining under his hood.

All the studying, all the training to fight evil, and all I could do was stare at the monster in fear. My mind was screaming for me to run, but my legs were stiff under me.

“My Lord, she has seen us,” Quirrell whispered, silver blood coating his thin lips.

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