A Talk With A Friend

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Hermione and I were walking down the corrider reading our schedules. Hermione thought it was sort of rediculus to try and memorize every class we had but I insisted that we would look rediculus with our heads bent over a schedule all day while we rush to our classes so we won't be late.

"Oh, Golly," I said, more to myself then to Hermione. "We have potions with that Snape guy and the Slytherins. I can already imagine all the rainbows and butterflies."

Hermione giggled. "Golly? who says Golly?"

"I do." I said defiantly.

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned back to the schedule frowning. "Well, it doesn't matter what house we are learning with... just as long as we're learning magic right?"

"Of course," I said, knowing she was right. "but it would be nice not to have a creepy professor and arrogant Slytherins in the same room at once, you know? It would be nice to have it with those Hufflepuffs, they were the only ones not gawking at my scar - they seem nice and polite."

Hermione nodded sympathetically. "I know, it must be really annoying."

"It is." I said, then changed the subject, because I didn't want to dwell on the negatives. "Tommorow we have Transfiguration with the - oof!" I fell on my butt painfully, pretty sure that I injured my butt bone and looked up to tell off the person who bumped into me.

I wasn't at all surprised to see the annoying and obnoxious Draco Malfoy standing there with his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face. Being him, he most likely thought that I was the one who shouldhave movedout of the way for him.

I would have told him off, but I ended up sniggering at the sight. His face still had a tint of red and gold, but it was disappearing quickly.

"Watch where you're going you filthy little halfblood!" he snapped at me, angry that I was laughing at him.

I scowled at him, getting to my feet and brushing off my robes. "Thank you, kind sir. I never seen such a gentleman." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Malfoy glared at me. "I know it was you! You and your pet Mudblood put that potion into our food!"

Hermione's eyes watered, making my cheekiness go to full out anger. "Watch it, Malfoy," I said angrily. "Or do I have to give you a reminder of our first encounter?"

His cheeks turned a bit pink and he shifted slightly, so slightly that I would have hardly noticed it at all if I hadn't been glaring him down.  "You caught me off gaurd, is all." he lied, trying to keep the small dignity he had left.

"Really?" I said, in mock surprise. "Because I thought I warned you before I attacked. Huh, but it couldn't have went like that because, apparently, you were 'caught off gaurd', and no idiot can be caught off guard after a warning."

I turned to Hermione and linked my arm in hers. "Come on, Hermione, we don't want to be seen with a slimeball Slytherin. We have a Gryffindor reputation to uphold."

We both past Malfoy, who made a rude gesture at us, and skipped out to the grounds. It was a beautiful day out and remarkably chilly, I should have listened to Hermione when she said that I should bring a sweater.

"You're cold, aren't you?" Hermione said when we sat down under that beach tree next to the lake.

"No," I lied.

"You're a lying git," Hermione told me promptly. Then her brows wrinkled in fustration. "Malfoy's a git, too."

"A git and a prat." I said helpfully.

Hermione laughed despite herself. But then she stopped, looking a bit sad. "You know, you're my only friend - you're my first friend, actually."

I looked at her in shock, but she didn't meet my eye. SHe was staring at the lake with an unreadable expression. "That isn't true."

Hermione still didn't look at me. "It isn't that hard to believe."

"Yes it is," I said honestly. "It is really hard to believe."

Hermione didn't look like she believed me. "I think it's pretty easy to believe. Your brother and his friend don't like me at all. . . and the other kids talk behind my back too. They all think I'm a know-it-all."

I scowled. "Hermione, we're both top of the class. I guess that makes both of us know-it-alls. If they're talking about you behind your back then that means that they're talking behind my back too. And don't you worry, Hermione, it's only because they're jealous."

"They don't talk behind your back because they think you're cool. The rule-breaking Nixie Potter with her pretty looks and her good sense of humor." Hermione said.

"You're pretty, Hermione," I said. "And you're funny. The only reason why they talk behind your back is because they're intimidated by you. And don't worry about my brother either, I'll have a talk with him."

"You don't have to," Hermione said, smiling a bit.

"Yes I do," I said. "You're my best friend... I never really thought abou it but you're the only friend I have too. My first and only friend."

Hermione snorted. "Ron, Fred, Goerge, Padma... everyone wants to be your friend..."

"Ron," I said sighing. "He annoys me. He is actually Harry's friend. Fred and Goerge... we talked once and their cool, I guess, but not really friends more like fellow pranksters. Padma is our dorm mate that laughs at my jokes and helps me, it's not really a friendship. And all the others, they only want to be my friend because of my scar."

Hermione looked thoughtful.

Her silence made me think a little about what I said to her. Was it true? Was Hermione really my only friend? It seemed a bit lonely, but I wasn't lonely at all. In fact, I was very happy.

"Let's go," I said, suddenly remembering something.

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked, but got up and brushed off her robes.

I grabbed my schedule off the ground and we started to walk back to the castle. "I have to talk to Harry, I think he's a bit stressed. He has been ever since Ron showed him that newspaper."

Hermione nodded.

We both started to walk to the common room talking about classes we can't wait to start. When we were waiting for the stairs to come back hermione moved to a topic that I didn't much like.

"You think we'll do good in flying?" Hermione asked. "I read alot about brooms and it seems easy enough."

I laughed. "Hermione, my feet aren't really coordinated, even on the ground! I can't imagine how balanced I'll be in the air, I'll probably fall off the second my feet leave the ground."

"I'm sure you won't be that bad," Hermione said. "it's in your blood, after all."

The stairs arrived and we both started to climb them. "What do you mean?" I asked.

She looked at me with an odd look on her face. "Your father was chaser for the Gryffindor team." she said it like it was obvious.

"How do you know that?" I asked in disbalief, I swear she knew more about me then I did.

"There are books about you and Harry, you two are famous after all." I grimaced.

"Funny. I didnt know about them."

We arrived at the portrait and we mumbled the password. The Fat Lady didn't look pleased that she had to strain to hear us but swung the door open either way. When we entered the warm and comforting common room, we saw Ron and Harry were sitting by the fire, both of them reading a potoins book.

"Harry," I said when Hermione and I approached him. He looked up, his eyes full of stress and worry. "What's up?"

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