Mine (A reader-insert/Loki fa...

By QueenofAsgard

67.8K 1.4K 291

You grew up in Asgard amoung Æsir. Alongside the Gods of Thunder and Mischief no less. They've always been li... More

Part One: The Engagement
Part Two: First Day
Part Three: Return
Part Four: Brother You Have Returned!
Part Five: The Roof
Part Six: The Morning After
Part Eight: Eir
Part Nine: Search
Part Ten: Jotunheim
Part Eleven: Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada
Part Twelve: The Ring
Part Thirteen: Return
Part Fourteen: Realization
Part Fifteen: Love You
Part Sixteen: Regrets and Explanations
Part Seventeen: Great News?
Part Eighteen: The Dress
Part Nineteen: I Do...
Author's Note ...Actually It's more of a question...
Part Twenty: You'll Have a Happy Ending...

Part Seven: Not All Surprises Are Good

2.7K 66 12
By QueenofAsgard

After breakfast, Thor said there was something he wanted to give you, so you followed him off to his room while Loki slunk off somewhere.  

“Close your eyes,” Thor instructed. Unlike with Loki, you didn't hesitate as Thor did not have the same air of trickery around him as his brother did.

Thor took your hand and led you into his room. The surprise was partially ruined by friendly little meow, but when you opened your eyes you still “aww-ed” at the tiny black and orange kitten. She purred when you bent down and petted her and rolled over onto her back, showing off er fluffy white tummy.

“She's adorable,” you cooed.

“She is yours,” Thor responded. “If you want her.”

“Of course I do!” You picked up the kitten, snuggling her.

Thor smiled. “I am happy that you like her.” Thor expression suddenly changed as if he had a brilliant idea. “You seem to enjoy views from high up.” He paused. “My balcony is almost as high up as the tallest building in all of Asgard, would you perhaps like to look out over the world from there?”

“Sure,” you agreed happily. You set the kitten down and Thor gripped your hand, leading you across his room. Then you spotted it. There laying on the balcony, was a certain something you lost last night.

“Uh, nevermind. I changed my mind I really don't need to see it.”

“Nonsense! It is beautiful! You must see it!”

“No, I'm really okay. I have no desire to-”

Unfortunately, it was too late. Thor had already spotted it. However, instead of the reaction you thought he would give, he immediately turned to you and swore, “I promise you, I do not know how that got here.” Thor was frantic. He thought you had assumed that he'd been with other women. You burst out laughing at how concerned he was considering you knew the truth of how the bra landed there.

“It's okay,” you re-assured Thor between giggles. “I believe you.”

“Really?” he was surprised at how easily you accepted his words.

Then another thought entered his mind. “How did this get here?” Thor picked up the bra, holding at arms length and examining it.

Thor looked up at the roof above him and for a split-second you thought he had figured you out. But your fears were calmed as he shook his head and went back to inspecting the bra.

“Hm.... Perhaps we should ask my mother how this came to be on my balcony,” Thor suggested.

“Why would we ask Frigga? I mean, why would she know? She wouldn’t know.”

“Well, she is the only female who has entered my room besides you, and I know it is not your bra.”

“Right.” You subconsciously pulled your collar higher up on your neck.

Thor traveled out of the room, still holding the bra at arm's length as if it were a foreign object.

“Mother!” Thor called as he walked quickly through the colossal halls.

“What is it dear?” Frigga voice echoed as she came out of her and Odin's bedroom.

“Mother, did you forget one of your bras in my room?” Thor inquired very bluntly.

“What?” Frigga gave her son and odd look.

“I found a bra on the balcony of my room. It was not there before today,” Thor elaborated.

Frigga looked over at you and you squirmed under her accusing gaze. Her eyes widened in shock as she put two and two together. Realization slapped her across her face.

“Oh, goodness,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand. She sunk down into a nearby chair.

“What is it?” Thor wondered. He still had no idea what was happening.

“Oh dear.” Frigga looked sadly up at her son. She placed her hand on the side of Thor face in a motherly, re-assuring fashion. She didn't have the slightest idea how to explain this to her son.

Owning up to your decision, you tried to squeak out the truth. “Thor, I... I let your brother... Loki and I... we... I mean, I wasn't thinking and it just happened. I let Loki-”

“Screw her,” someone finished for you. It was quite honestly the last voice you wanted to hear right now. Loki walked around the corner, smiling triumphantly.

Even Thor, naïve and dense as he was, understood something as blunt as this. You saw a million emotions move across his face. His features twisted into an expression constructed of a mixture of rage and heartbreak. “Tell me it is a lie...” Thor implored.

“Oh it is true,” Loki answered for you. “The pleasured moans that escaped her lips as I fucked her senseless. The desperate pleading look in her eyes when I stopped. The gasping breaths and groans of bliss when I allowed her release from her anguish. The sounds she screamed out as she climaxed. I warned you brother, I would not let you take her. And I certainly did not. Dearest _________  is no longer pure, I have claimed her as my own. Loki pulled down the collar of your dress to reveal the hickey he had given you. “She is mine.”

“LOKI!!!!!” Thor screamed, his fury taking control of him.

“Yes brother?”

“Loki, I will make you pay for violating __________ in such a manner.” Thor grabbed his brother by the shoulders and flung him across the room. Loki hit the wall with a thud and as he staggered away from the wall, you could see the visible indent left from the force of Loki's body colliding with the wall. Thor ran over and gripped Loki once more, this time smashing him into the ground. The God of Thunder sank down onto his knees, and summoned Mjölnir into his hand. He raised his hammer up and-

“Stop!” you yelled. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes and your voice cracked as you called out to Thor.

Thor lowered his arm, looking over at you with pain reflected in his brilliant blue eyes. He raised Mjölnir up into the air again and you thought for a second Thor was going to strike down and kill his brother. However, instead he took off and flew threw the roof, leaving a gaping hole in the ceiling.

The brand new opening in the ceiling allowed you to see the terrible weather outside. It was pouring down rain and lighting struck nearly every second. Deafening claps of thunder filled your ears. The sudden sound made you jump. Frigga looked up at the sky, worried about her son.

Loki wheezed out a breath and you ran over to him. You bent down and helped him up into a half-sitting position. You placed his head on your lap and hoped he would be okay.

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