Mine (A reader-insert/Loki fa...

By QueenofAsgard

67.8K 1.4K 291

You grew up in Asgard amoung Æsir. Alongside the Gods of Thunder and Mischief no less. They've always been li... More

Part One: The Engagement
Part Two: First Day
Part Three: Return
Part Four: Brother You Have Returned!
Part Five: The Roof
Part Seven: Not All Surprises Are Good
Part Eight: Eir
Part Nine: Search
Part Ten: Jotunheim
Part Eleven: Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada
Part Twelve: The Ring
Part Thirteen: Return
Part Fourteen: Realization
Part Fifteen: Love You
Part Sixteen: Regrets and Explanations
Part Seventeen: Great News?
Part Eighteen: The Dress
Part Nineteen: I Do...
Author's Note ...Actually It's more of a question...
Part Twenty: You'll Have a Happy Ending...

Part Six: The Morning After

3.1K 67 6
By QueenofAsgard

Yeah, I couldn't think of a more creative title, so....


When you awoke the following morning, you were still wrapped up in Loki's arms. At least, that's what you thought until you noticed the arm around you was blue. You slowly peeked back over your shoulder, letting out a shrill scream when you saw the sleeping blue face. The man's red eyes shot open when he heard you shriek. You jumped up and backed into the wall, Loki's coat falling from your figure.

“What's wrong?” the man asked concernedly in a very familiar voice.

“Loki?” you looked over him. Besides the fact that he was now an icy shade of blue and had completely red eyes, he looked just like the God of Mischief. He had the same glistening, long, black hair, the same narrow cheekbones, the same mischievous demeanor. After some inspection, you finally figured out it was Loki. You had never seen him in Jotun form before, but after the initial shock, you determined he looked quite majestic.

“Oh,” he said, down glancing at his arms. “I apologize, I must have subconsciously slipped into Jotun form last night. It was not my intention to frighten you."

Loki stared down at his hands and the blue slowly drained away, his skin returning to it's normal pigment. Eventually his whole body was back to its usual, pale skin color.

You and Loki stood in silence for a moment doing nothing more than staring at each other in the morning sunlight.

“You know, you are very beautiful,” Loki complimented you, reaching up to touch a stray strand of your hair.

You stayed quiet and just smiled back at him. You had never been one to take compliments without being really awkward.

“I truly mean it,” Loki assured you. “Everything about you from your hair to your soft, silky skin is absolutely flawless.” Loki's tone was genuine, and his eyes reflected that he was speaking truth. He really thought of you as perfect.

You were trying to formulate a response to what Loki had just told you when he spoke again. “We should probably return downstairs now,” Loki suggested. “Thor will surely notice you are gone.”

“Right.” You nodded and began picking up all of your scattered clothes. “Loki? Where'd my bra go? I mean I know I was wearing it. And I thought I just had- Oh.” You remembered what had happened to that certain undergarment last night. You ran to the side ad looked off the edge of roof. Surely enough, there was your bra, laying in the middle of someone's balcony.

“Shit...” You mumbled. You knew that eventually someone would find that. Thankfully it didn't have any recognizable markings, so it couldn’t be tied to you. But you were still concerned. When you turned around, you saw Loki fully dressed and ready to head down. You quickly threw your clothes back on (minus both of your undergarments) and the two of you started the walk back down.

You didn't say much on the stairs. It seemed both of you were too absorbed in thought. Most likely reflection on the previous night. You walked in silence, only the echoing of your footsteps bring an noise to the quiet stairwell.

After walking out of the door to the stairs, you snuck off to your room to clean up as you smelled of the overpowering scent of sex. Loki followed you, apparently not wanting to return to his own quarters.

When you arrived at said room, you drew a warm bath and got in. After a moment of peace and quiet, you were interrupted. Loki strolled into your bathroom, stripped of all clothing. You watched him in a questionable manner as he stepped over the edge of the tub and sat on the side opposite to you.

“I figured I should clean up as well,” Loki explained. “It would be unfavorable for mommy-dearest to get any ideas. She is the smart one of the family after all, aside from myself."

“Uh-huh.” If it was possible to nod sarcastically, you just had. You adjusted your sitting position, bringing your legs back toward your body. Loki, on the other hand, stayed fully stretched out in the tub.

“Well, um, I suppose we should wash our hair?” You suggested. You didn't think anything could possibly more awkward than this. That is, until you both went down into the water to rinse out the shampoo. You had a fairly large tub, but with both your bodies spread out, it suddenly seemed very small. Your legs were practically wrapped around Loki, and the feeling brought a twitch to his member.

You both mutually agreed that conditioner was unnecessary, wanting to avoid any further uncomfortable situations.

Hopping out of the tub, you and Loki both grabbed towels and dried off. After you were mostly-dry, you acquired clean clothes and a new bra, considering you had lost your other one. When you dressed, you made sure to wear something that covered up the mark Loki had left on you. Loki didn't have any clean clothes to put on, but he settled for yesterday's clothes, deciding they didn't smell too obscenely. That is, minus his jacket, which you had used as a blanket and had absorbed the salty smell of sex from your body.

You hid the strongly scented clothing beneath your bed and sauntered nonchalantly out of your living space.

As you walked out, you could clearly hear Thor's voice calling for the two of you. You heard him yell: “Where have you run off to, _________?”

You knew you'd have to face your fiance sooner or later, so you bravely came around the corner. Loki was right behind you with a stupid-ass grin plastered on his face. You felt like smacking him, thinking even Thor would notice something as obvious as that.

“_________! Brother! I have been very worried about you! I had thought that you had been attacked and and kidnapped by the Jotun!” Thor said in his typical loud manner.

You almost wanted to burst out laughing at irony of what Thor had jut said, but you contained yourself. Even Loki, who was usually a bit sensitive to the subject, had an amused look on his face.

Thor grabbed you and pulled you into a kiss. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Loki cringe. “I am so happy that you are alright, _________.”

“Sorry for worrying you,” You responded. You faked a smile.

“Where have you been?” Thor pressed the question harder.

“Loki took me up to see the sunrise,” you lied through your teeth.

“But _________, the sun rose an hour ago,” Thor pointed out.

“Well, it was such a beautiful view. I didn't want to leave.”

Thor seemed to take you excuse to heart and questioned on the subject no further.

“Come with me ________! You must be in need of breakfast!” Thor motioned for you to follow before he ran down the hall. You and Loki looked over at each other, shrugged, and chased after Thor.

“Mother! Father! I have found ________ and Loki!” The announced as he entered the familiar gold-trimmed dining-hall.

“Loki and ________ were together?” Frigga asked suspiciously. She knew her son very well. And, she knew he had quite the little “crush” on you.

You noted the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes and explained to her using the same lie you'd told Thor earlier. “He was simply taking me up on the roof to see the sunrise.”

Frigga looked at you like she didn't believe a word you had just uttered, but she didn't pursue the answer any further. “Well, I am glad you are back darling. You had your fiancé worried.”

“So, shall we eat then?” Thor asked rhetorically.

“Your father and I already eaten dear,” Frigga explained to her son. “But you are welcome to eat breakfast. We will leave the three of you alone, I doubt you want us hanging around to pester you.”

“I bid you farewell then.”

“Goodbye sweetie.” Frigga pecked a kiss upon the mess of blonde hair that was the top of her son's head. “Loki, be good,” she added, shooting her son a warning glance before smiling sweetly.

“Yes, mother,” Loki replied with a blank expression, although his sly grin clearly showed in his eyes.

“See you later darling,” Frigga said lovingly to you, then turned towards the door. “Oh and _________, avoid making any decisions you might regret.”

And with that, Frigga and Odin exited the room, leaving you with the two boys. The three of you consumed breakfast in a rather awkward silence. Thor ate like, well, Thor and you and Loki kept glancing up at each other between bites. It seemed neither if you were very hungry.

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