By moonmuuse

1.8K 67 48

(Sans x reader) !~**~! "How did you get down here anyway?" Sans asked, turning to me with a raised eyebrow. D... More

~!* Chapter 1 *!~
~!* Chapter 2 *!~
~!* Chapter 3 *!~
~!* Chapter 4 *!~
~!* Chapter 5 *!~
~!* Chapter 6 *!~
~!*Chapter 7*!~
~!* Chapter 8 *!~
~!* Chapter 9 *!
~!* Chapter 11 *!~

~!* Chapter 10 *!~

73 4 1
By moonmuuse

I sat on the floor by the window. The house was silent, due to Papyrus and Sans not being here. Snowflake was sleeping on the couch. The soft snowflakes fell from the sky, landing in the window then after a few seconds, turning into little drops of water.

The dream I had last night didn't seem to leave my mind. For the most part, I kept wondering if Ter was just a mere piece of my mind's imagination, or if he is actually what he says he is. Maybe I was feeling so lonely, my mind decided to make a friend, or at least some random thing to talk to. It's strange what a human's mind could do.

I sighed, resting my arm on the windowsill, and my head in my palm. I winced as a small headache made itself noticeable. I got 10 hours of sleep last night, so the source of the headache isn't known. I turned around as I heard soft growling from Snowflake. Turning my head, I noticed the pup was staring right at me. "Snowflake? What's up?" I asked, careful not to make any sudden movements. The pup kept growling, his fur had raised up as well.

My headache didn't help at all. I slowly stood up, and carefully made my way to the kitchen. Snowflake's gaze never left me. I closed the kitchen's door once I was in. To be honest, having a dog growl at me is pretty scary. You never know what he will decide to do next.

"And that's why I don't trust dogs."

I gasped, turning around in circles, trying to find the owner of the voice. The window is closed, so no one could have been there. And the voice didn't come from behind the door either. "S-Show yourself!" I exclaimed, grabbing a knife from the counter and holding it up in defense. Everything was quiet, too quiet. Were the skeleton brothers playing a prank on me? No, I didn't hear them come in...

"It's been a few hours and you've already forgotten all about me.." With fake sadness, the voice spoke again. Furrowing my brows, I couldn't help but wonder where have I heard this voice before. Then, it hit me. "Ter?" I whispered softly, as if there was someone listening from behind that door. The voice chuckled, echoing in my mind. "So you remembered."

In shock, I couldn't process wether this was just another dream or reality. "How-- Why-- How are you here?" I asked, taking a seat and looking around, trying to spot the spirit. "Well, I'm not really there, but I'm in your mind. And this isn't a dream, sadly." Ter said as I sighed. "Why are you talking to me?" I ask. He didn't seem to respond. Maybe he had left?

"Since you were all alone with that creature, I figured you'd want company." He replied. "I know it can get rather lonely." I nodded, not sure if he saw me though. It's strange to have someone talking to you in your mind. It's like someone is right besides you, but in reality, there's no one. Just you, alone.

"I see.." I murmured more to myself than anyone in particular. "You have to learn how to talk to me in your mind. Because from afar, someone might think you're crazy talking to yourself. Just...think what you want to say." I raised a brow. "Like this?" Without moving my mouth, I thought about what to say. In a way, it's like talking to yourself. "Yeah! You got it." I smiled. "Thanks, I guess."

Snowflake was now scratching at the door, barking quite loudly. "What's up with that dog?" I tried to ignore the little pup. Maybe Papyrus is gonna calm him down once he arrived.

Ter narrowed his eyes at the door, scowling softly. But I couldn't see it, instead, I tried to strike up a conversation. "So what's the weather like over there?" I asked. "Are you serious?" Ter asked, chuckling softly. I nodded, not sure if he could see me or not. "Well, it's quite dark today. Any day is dark here. It's like living in a black hole. Your mind is boring."

I rolled my eyes. "Gee thanks. Is everyone's mind like that? Black?" I asked, putting the knife away. For a second, my arm hesitated to let go of it. But the feeling went away. Ignoring it, I decided to make spaghetti. The bro's seem to like it so this will be my way to say "thank you".

"That's so sweet of you to do that." Ter said. I couldn't make out if the tone in his voice was meant to be as a nice thing or..complete opposite. "Thanks? But you didn't answer my question." I grabbed a pot and walked to the sink. The sink was pretty high up for no reason, so I grabbed a chair and stood on it, filling the pot with water. "Hm..and no. Not all minds are like this, black and empty. Most are sunny, some are rainy. It really depends on the person, how they think." Ter answered. "And why is mine black? I mean, I'd imagine my mind being (rainy and cold/warm and sunny)."

"You have no memories, that's why." He stated. Of course, that's why.. I sighed as I put the pot on the stove and waited for the water to heat up. "Do you think I'll ever get all my memories back?" I asked. Ter hummed and sighed. "To be completely honest, I don't know. It really depends how determined you are to actually get them back. You lost a lot of determination in the ruins, when you were okay with never getting your memories back." I bit my lip, looking away from the stove and out the window.

"But now I'm pretty determined.." Standing up, I walked to the stove and put spaghetti in the boiling water, and then walked to the window. "That's not enough. You, my friend, need more." Ter flatly said and crossed his arms, which, of course, I didn't see. "Okay, and how can I get more?" I asked, as I watched the snow fall. "That's a stupid question." Ter chuckled. "You'll find a way, I'm sure of it." He smirked.

"Well, thanks for the 'encouraging' words, Ter.." I sarcastically said, once the spaghetti was done, I put it on a nice, big plate. Cautiously, I opened the kitchen's door. "No problem!" I rolled my eyes, surprised that Snowflake was not around. I put it on the table in the living room. "So, you're just gonna be in my mind and always talk to me?"

"As if! For your information, I have better things to do." Ter replied, almost too calmly. "Mhm." I hummed and walked back in the kitchen. I opened the fridge, surprised to see so many ketchup bottles. I picked out two and brought them back to the table. "Like what?" I decided to question, just to keep the conversation going.

"That's none of your concern." He cooly replied. I shrugged and brought three plates and glasses to the table along with forks and (any) juice I found in the fridge. "I understand."

I heard the front door slam open and Papyrus greeting a very happy Snowflake, who was now back. Where did that dog go earlier? Shrugging I sat down on the couch. The table was set just in time. Papyrus was the first to notice his favorite dish. "Oh my god! Sans!" He exclaimed, grabbing a grumpy Sans by the arm. "What is it, Pap?" "The human made us dinner! Why didn't you ever do that? Lazybones!" Letting go of Sans, he walked up to me. I waved at him, with a smile. "Hey there! If you're wondering why I did this..then consider it as a little "thank you for letting me stay here" thing."

"How nice of you! I, the great Papyrus, love spaghetti! And this is an amazing "thank you" gift! Wait, I'll get the camera, I need to save this moment." With that, he ran upstairs. I giggled and looked over at Sans, who was still standing by the doorway, staring right in my eyes.

I shifted uncomfortably, and oddly enough, I couldn't look away. His gaze made me feel weird, as if my whole body was frozen. Why was he staring at me? Did I do something wrong? I tried to say something, but I couldn't make up anything at all. My mind was blank. Completely empty besides that one question sticking around.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. I clutched on the table for dear life and brought my palm to my forehead. I gritted my teeth, as I felt pain slowly taking over. Why won't the headache leave? By now, Sans had snapped out of it and quickly made his way towards me. He put a hand on my shoulder and leaned down slightly.

"You okay there, kid?" He asked in a normal tone, but to me it felt distorted and somewhat shushed. I let go of the table and leaned on his arm for support. I still had my eyes shut while clutching my head. "I-I..need to lie down." I mumbled, feeling my knees get weak like noodles. Sans led me to the couch and made me sit down. Quickly, I lied down and sighed. "Thanks.."

Letting myself rest, I began to fall asleep, even if I wasn't tired. The last thing I saw was Papyrus covering me with a blanket and Sans casting me a suspicious glance. What ever the reason was, my mind was unable to process anything at all.


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