ThumbeJimin[A Jimin Fanfic]

By HanaQi

9.8K 631 402

Chloe Summers, 18 There is nothing fair in life. However, it changes when she comes across a little guy, the... More



243 21 23
By HanaQi


Kicking a stone on the pavement, I silently smiled to myself. Hugging my backpack tightly, I walked into Creeks High School. Holidays ended for about more than a week. Just 2 more months and I'm graduating from this hell hole.

It's been approximately 50 days since I started living with Jimin. Every day I wake up into a blissful dream, his arms hugging me close to his chest. Our limbs entwining sweetly with each other, us together, on the same bed.

Thinking about that I giggled and hugged myself.

I didn't bump into Jin since school reopened. From the rumours and gossips I picked up at the cafeteria and hallways, they say he went overseas. Exactly why, nobody knows.

Except for me, I guess. Jimin scared the shit out of him..

"Well, rumour are still rumours," I mutter to myself as I slammed my locker door. Locking it, I threw my hoodie over my head.

 Come to think of it, it has been long since I've seen Namjoon too. I wonder how is he doing. "Where is he even..." I sighed, knowing it's pointless thinking about stuff like that. 

I just hope he is doing well.


Looking at the list of ingredients I've wrote on a plain boring piece of white paper, I started to pick them off the shelves of the mart and placed them in the trolley.

I wanted to make a nice meal for Jimin. Just, to commemorate our 50th day together. I giggled yet again. I wonder how would he react to this. 

I wonder what other food he likes other than pancakes..

Blowing out my cheeks, I rubbed my hands in glee and pushed the cart to the cashier.


I reached out to her side of the bed. Running my palms over the soft yet cold feeling of the mattress, I sighed in frustration for I know it is empty.

I already know that she wouldn't be here for she has school. She has to wake up early in the morning to go to that..that building. But still, I wanted to feel that she is here..

I really want to pull her into my arms, embracing her. I want to cuddle with her, hug her as I looked into her crystal clear brown eyes, my fingers instinctively brushing her bangs away so that I could plant a kiss to her forehead.

Then, smile as I see her blush easily, getting embarrassed in my embrace. I would tease her, and then tickle her as she squirmed about. I sighed, thinking about that. How I wish I could do that forever.

My ears pick up a familiar chirping sound. The air becomes familiar with that uncanny silence.  Sitting up straight, I ruffled my hair as I threw the covers to the side.

"I know you are there, Leo.." I sighed.

Leo peeked out from behind the curtains. Shaking his head, he strode forwards. Then, he sat down on the table with his legs dangling off the edges.

Leo judge me, from top to bottom as I just sat on the bed, wiggling my toes and stretching my body.

" really did it," Leo finally spoke after 5 minutes of awkward staring and silence.

I bit my lip and nod, only to see Leo rolling his eyes as he face palmed  himself.

"I told you to promise me you wouldn't but you did it anyways," Leo started to raise his voice, obviously irritated by my choice.

I remained silent, not wanting us to get into an argument especially just seeing him after this long time. I've been trying to avoid him, for this exact reason.

"It's because of her, isn't it?" Leo exclaimed as he threw his hands up into the air.

He may not tolerate me, but I can't stand people who talk about Chloe like this...

"She was in danger! I had to..." I defended, "It wasn't my wisest decision but, it is the best decision I've ever made," I added.

"Is it?" Leo raised his voice. "IS IT?!" he said as he turned around to face me as he crosses his arms. "Do you seriously think THIS," he gestured to our room before he continued, " Better?!"

I could only remain silent as I bit my lip. Shutting my eyes tightly, I held my head in my hands as I doubled over in frustration. What Leo is implying is right, but still...

Silence prolonged between us till I hear the sharp gasp from Leo, "You didn't tell her yet, did you?" he exclaimed.

"It could be a myth, nobody knows for sure.." I began, knowing well what he is saying.

Leo shook his head furiously, "Jimin, just come back! Come back with me, we'll leave this place!"


I skipped happily to the house. "I have to give him a surprise," I thought as I giggled quietly to myself. Setting the groceries at the kitchen counter, I slowly tiptoed up the stairs. 

I stopped in front of the room. In front of me, the white door remains shut. I heard voices..that sounds like..Leo?

"....we'll leave this place!"

That sounded very much like Leo, I'm sure of it. What is he doing here? What does he mean by leaving?

Instinctively, I placed my hand on the brass doorknob. I needed to see-

"How could I?! If I do, all memories I have of her will be gone! I won't remember Chloe. I sure as hell do not want that!"

That's Jimin, I'm sure. As if I just touched hot metal, I quickly removed my hand from the doorknob. Clasping my hand over my mouth, I tried to suppress the rising fear building up from within me. My legs grew weak and I sat down on the wooden floor.

I don't understand. What does he mean by he wouldn't remember me?

"And what? Your death will make her happy?" 

I hear the sound of Jimin groaning and a glass shattering. I covered my eyes and ears as I curled up right outside the room. Our room.

"Don't you ever say that! We never know!"

"Well, nobody has ever lived to tell the tale, do they?"


A sob escaped from my lips. This is all too much for me to bear. I can't-

"Chloe?" Jimin breathed as he opened the room door. Rushing to my side, he too, drop on his knees and hugged me close to him.

I tried to open my mouth but I couldn't make a single sound. I couldn't speak. I couldn't find the words that I want to say.  I have questions, so many of it..and yet.. 

I'm not sure that I will like what I would hear.

The shock was too immense. I couldn't shout, I couldn't cry.

"Babe..." Jimin caress me as he lifted me in his arms and placed me on the bed. He pulled the covers over me and hummed my favourite tune to lull me to sleep.

I buried my face in his chest and hugged him close.



That's...Leo's voice. I opened my eyes. Looking at my hands, they appear translucent. I'm wearing a plain white gown. I'm shrouded by darkness. I couldn't see how far the darkness stretch before me. 

But, I'm alone. "Le..Leo?" I breathed, extremely taken aback by where I am. " I?"

I hear Leo's voice resonates from around me. "You are in a realm of virtual reality. Or simply saying, in my head."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Leo laughed before he continued, "Just try to picture me in your mind,"

I closed my eyes and imagine Leo. When I opened my eyes, there he stood, right in front of me.

"Good job," Leo said as he smiled at me. I raised my hands still confused.

"Your conscience and soul are kind of in my mind. Right now, your physical form is back in bed with Jimin.." he said as he coughed.

I tilted my head, trying to make some sense in whatever he is saying.

"Anyway, the thing that matters now is you have to, Chloe, I repeat, you have to remain calm and emotionally stable for me to keep you here,"

"Ok? Why am I here?" I asked.

"I know that you want answers. And I know Jimin will never tell you the complete story. He never told you about how he became big, like you, didn't he?"

I slowly shook my head. I've asked him a few times but he always seemed to avoid or cover it up with some story that lacks sincerity.

"And..I just thought that you should know. He is my friend and I just want to protect him.." Leo continued.

"What are you saying, Leo?" I began, extremely frustrated.

Leo swallowed hard. "Like I said, he is still my friend, so I'll leave it up to him to tell you the whole story..."

"Leo, just make up your mind..." I said, annoyed.

He laughed, "Glad to see you haven't lose your character...Please..keep remaining that way, would you?"

I raised my eyebrows. Leo clasps his hands together as he cleared his throat. 

"Listen very carefully. It is no coincidence that Jimin transformed into," Leo gestured at me from top to bottom. "Big, I mean..."

"To do that, we have to perform an enchantment, a forbidden enchantment. Somehow, Jimin decided to do that to save you,"

The word forbidden sent chills all over my body and I shivered, involuntarily. I don't like where Leo is going with this.

"This enchantment sounds great. You can live like a human, being big and all that. In your case, Jimin get to spend time with you and do things with you a normal human would be able to do...but it has a catch.."

I looked up at Leo just as Leo made eye contact with me. His voice dropped to a deep whisper, "The enchantment only lasts for 3 months..."

I grew weak with that. It has been 50 days with Jimin.  I tried to summon all the strength I have left in me as I breathed my worst fear, "What happens after 3 months?"

Leo gulped and tried to maintain his composure. "After 3 months....he cease to exist."

"No.." I choked back on my never-ending tears. I collapse onto the dark floor sobbing into the palms of my hands.

"Chloe!" I could hear the faint voice of Leo, panicking. "I'm losing you! Pull yourself together! Chloe-"


"Babe? Chloe? Wake up.." I felt Jimin shaking me, waking me up. I slowly forced my eyes opened.

"You were crying in your sleep," Jimin mutter as he brushed my bangs away tenderly.

Only then did I realise my pillow is soaked wet with my tears. I looked up at Jimin who is on top of me, his thighs on either side of my legs.

Jimin peered into my eyes as he cupped my cheeks and then wiped the remaining tears that poured  out of my eyes with his thumb.

"Did you have a nightmare? It's ok now.." Jimin hushed as he ruffled my hair, affectionately.

"Jimin?" I managed, to croak.


I look at him, with determination. I need to know, the truth

"Tell me..."

  :: posted on 14 May 2016 ::        


A/N :

House of cards fits this chapter so I included the link. YOUNG FOREVER album is so good...TT 

Damn the Jimin feels when he sang "Baby! Calm down!! A little bit more~ Oh, ahhhh~"




I missed you guys:

yoongi_dee ....your comment jjangjjang.




and thank you guys! 



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