Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

353K 16.4K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 29. Toasts

6.6K 386 93
By 52Mila52

Once the guys finished arranging Sang's stuff on my... our house, they all went back to their own. We still had college tomorrow and would need to rest.

Walking back into my room I looked around once again, noting the changes. Now her clothes were on my closet, along with my own. Her books were on a new, pink shelf on the wall beside my jujitsu posters, and on the dresser were a few of her clips, her hairbrush and some girlish trinkets Gabriel had gotten for her.

The bed itself now had two pillows, one of them a mismatched pink while the rest of the bedding was a dark red with black undertones. It had driven Gabriel nuts but he liked seeing the contrast of her pillow on his bed. Their' bed.

It reminded him that he wasn't living alone anymore. Now he had her by his side, on his life.

His heart was beating a fast beat at the thought of living with her. He knew their relationship had just started, and he wasn't going to rush her. He wasn't even sure of her feelings, yet. But now that he had her close by, maybe if he showed her how much she'd come to mean to him she might come to love him too.

With his heart still pounding Nathan headed back to the living room and sat down at the couch. Sang had gone to take a bath after everyone was gone. She'd looked a little tired and he'd suggested that she take a relaxing bath before coming down to watch a movie with him.

It was still a little early to be going to sleep straightway.

Stretching his legs he tried to calm down so he wouldn't scare her away. If she came in to find him tense the way he was she might run to the hills and demand to go back to Doc's home, and he didn't want that.

She was exactly where he wanted her, now he just had to keep things that way.

Hearing light footsteps heading his way he looked up to see her entering the room. Her hair was loose and still wet, falling around her shoulders in soft waves. Her pajamas were pink, a t-shirt and a short. She had her towel in one hand, using it to dry her hair while walking barefoot, her tiny feet slapping noisily against the hardwood floor.

He knew she was making the noise on purpose; she seemed to move as silently as a ghost most of the time. He thought it was because she'd gotten used with being silent while in Hell so she wouldn't attract attention to herself and conduct her missions discretely.

"Hi." She said, smiling at him shyly.

She was obviously feeling as awkward about this living together thing as he was.

Trying to make her feel better he patted the place besides him in the couch and indicated for her to sit with him. She smiled and went to hang her towel before coming back to sit with him.

Her body landed a little far away from him, but closely enough he could smell her shampoo and body wash, the scent of recently bathed woman wafting from her and tickling his senses.

This was going to be a long night...


Siting besides Nathan I could feel how tense he really was. I wondered if maybe he was regretting his decision to allow me to live with him. Perhaps he liked living alone without anyone bothering him.

I bit my lip nervously and tried to concentrate on the television, but my apprehension was mounting by the minute. What if he didn't really want me here?

Would he hate me for taking over his space?

I didn't notice I had been twisting my fingers in my lap until his hand covered mine.

I sucked in a deep breathe, my lungs filling with his leather and cypress scent.

Looking down I couldn't help but notice that his single hand was covering both of mine. Nathan was so much bigger than me, his hand full of calluses and hairy, his arms strong, with a muscular body. He was a very handsome boy and I felt seriously attracted to him. He was also kind, thoughtful and fun to be around. She loved him as much as she loved all the others.

"Talk with me, Sang. What is wrong?" He asked, his voice serious and low. Looking up at him I saw his gaze fixed on my face with a serious look that I so often found on him.

Nathan was as much a teenager as the other boys, but he also seemed older sometimes, probably due to the fact that he lived alone for quite some time now.

"Are you sure you are okay with me living with you, Honey? I don't want you to feel pressured into allowing me in your house." I told him quietly. "I mean, I realize now that maybe I forced your hand by asking in front of all the other boys this morning..." Now I was rambling, my nervousness and fear at the thought of him not wanting me around taking over.

He placed his finger at my lips to stop me. The sensation of his rough finger at my mouth made me blush as I looked up at him. He still had a very serious look on his face, but he looked softer now.

"Peanut, if you think I do not want you here with me then you are very mistaken. You should know by now that any of us would love any chance at having you around."

Giving his finger, which was still at my mouth, a little bite I take his hand in mine to remove it so I can speak, "Really?"

He smiled at me, "Of course, we all agreed to the plan after all. It is because we all really like you, Peanut."

I gulped. "You too?" I asked again, still needing reassurance that my presence wasn't unwelcome.

He slid his hands under my thighs and picked me up placing me sideways on his lap. Wrapping one arm around my back, hugging me close to his body, he used his other hand to caress my cheek, making me close my eyes. The caring I had seen on his gaze was almost too much. These past few days had been so full of emotions that I was becoming overwhelmed and I had a feeling that what was about to happen would tie me to these boys a little more.

Suddenly I felt lips at my temple, kissing softly, the warm breath stirring my hair. "Me too, Peanut." He whispered. "I would never lie to you. You are very important to me." he kissed the side of my face, "I am not sure when I fell for you. These feelings sneaked up on me taking me by surprise until all I could think about was you."

I sucked in a sharp breath at his revelation, my eyes opening to lock on his. He lowered his head again and kissed my cheek.

"I can only think of your laughter, your smiles and giggles, those beautiful green eyes so full of emotions, your spirit, so caring and strong. I need you in my life, Peanut, I love you. You are my home." he smiled then, with a mischievous spark on his eyes. "No pressure." He said and winked at me.

I laughed. My hand rose to caress his cheek too and this time he was the one to close his eyes. Feeling giddy at knowing that he loved me too, I leaned in closer and kissed him on the lips.

He started at my daring, his eyes snapping open only to close as he fused his lips to mine, my own eyes closing in pleasure.

His mouth moved over mine with surety and need, displaying clearly how much he needed me. His lips slanted so he could deepen the kiss and his tongue licked across the seam of my lips, asking for entrance, which I allowed.

He hugged me closer to him, but never moved his hands from my waist and the back of my head. I was glad he wasn't pushing for anything more than a few kisses. I wasn't ready for more yet, no matter what my own body seemed to think as it heated from his nearness.

Softening his kiss, Nathan started to slow down until we were just barely brushing our lips against each other.

Staring into his beautiful blue eyes I said, "I love you too, Honey."

He smiled at me, an smile full of happiness and laid down on the couch, taking me with him and adjusting my body until he had me cuddling close to him, my head resting on his biceps, one of his legs between my own, his other arm over my waist and mine over his, hugging him close.

We cuddled like that, talking quietly and hugging, sometimes kissing, until it was time to go to bed.

When I laid down in his strong arms that night I felt safer than I had in a very long time and fell into a dreamless sleep, with the knowledge that I was home and safe.


Waking up early the next morning, Nathan opened his eyes and simply stared at the tiny, beautiful girl, lying in bed with him.

She looked like an angel and most of the time acted like one.

Thinking back to her confession of love from yesterday he could barely believe his luck. This incredible girl loved him too.

He had known she might like him, since she'd agreed to the plan and moved in with him, but he hadn't dared to hope that she would love him.

Reaching out with a hand he moved her hair out of her face, letting his fingers trail delicately over her cheek.

She looked far too inviting, her body leaning against his, all soft and warm. He knew he needed to get out of that bed, and soon. He was having a "guy problem"...

Being careful not to wake her he moved her body a bit to the side so he could slip out of bed and got up, walking silently to the bathroom to take a shower.

Dressed in the PowerPuff Girls t-shirt she'd given him and some jeans he put on his shoes and grabbed his school bag from the room before heading into the kitchen to start preparing their breakfast.

He had to make enough for two from now on, and make sure she was eating right, or North would kill him. He supposed most teenagers would balk at the thought of having someone living with them who they would have to care and provide for. He just felt giddy at the thought of taking care of Sang.

That girl had him seriously wrapped around her little fingers, and he suspected she wasn't quite aware of that yet.

Of course, considering how much like a fool he thought he'd be acting around her, she would soon know it.


Waking up in an empty bed, Sang stretched until she felt a few of her bones snapping while humming contently under her breath.

She was feeling pretty comfortable in Nathan's bed and didn't feel like getting up, but the smell of frying bacon and hot coffee made her stomach rumble and complain from hunger, convincing her to get up.

Getting out of bed she headed into the bathroom and took a quick bath before coming back to the bedroom to get dressed for their day.

Putting on a red dress that Gabriel had convinced her to buy on their trip to the mall and Victor had paid for, she grabbed her bag and put on her black flats before heading into the kitchen.

Seeing Nathan in front of the stove she headed for the table after making sure he didn't need any help.

Once he was done with whatever he'd been doing he came over to the table and set her plate in front of her along with a mug of cappuccino.

On her plate were a few strips of bacon with eggs and toast. Her toast, however, had a heart cut out of it and an egg filling the space.

He was being cute. And a little silly too, but mostly cute. I beamed up at him as he sat down on his place in the table with a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Looking down at the t-shirt he was wearing I saw that it was the one I had bought for him with Buttercup at the front. I started giggling.

"What are you doing, Honey?" I asked him once I had managed to control myself.

"I am trying to woo you, my silly Peanut." He told me with a straight face.

I giggled some more. "Why? I already am your girlfriend and we are living together." I asked him, a little puzzled.

He smiled at me. "Nevertheless, I will still woo you, Peanut. Because you deserve it, and even if you already said you love me I will keep wooing you so you will keep on loving me for all of our life."

I practically melted at his words. He was being too sweet. The sudden knock at the front door interrupted our moment. I heard the sound of someone unlocking the door and coming inside, closing the door behind them before walking into the kitchen.

The scent of spices reached me before his voice did. "Good morning, Sweetie." Kota said as he leaned down to kiss my temple.

"Good morning, Baby." Nathan answered for me, making me giggle again.

Kota just raised an eyebrow at him, his green eyes amused behind his black glasses.

"Are the two of you ready to go after breakfast?" he asked as he sat down on the table with us.

"I am." I told him along with Nathan. "Did you eat already?" I asked.

Pushing up his glasses with a finger he smiled at me "Yes, my mother made us breakfast." Looking down at my half eaten plate he added. "Of course, if I had known there would be heart-shaped toast here I would have come over." He shot Nathan a teasing look and the other boy blushed slightly.

"I wouldn't make it for you, nerd." Nathan replied.

Feigning hurt, Kota asked "Don't you love me anymore, Honey?"

"Dude! Stop! You're creeping me out!" Nathan exclaimed, raising his hands to his hair and pulling.

Kota just laughed at him.

Soon we were all leaving in Kota's car. Kota was telling Nathan about Luke and North's mission the previous day and how they had found no one at the house they had gone to check out.

Nathan thought it was suspicious that the house would be empty on the day they had sent their team there when past reports always stated that there was always someone in that house.

The whole thing was a little strange, but the boys didn't seem overly worried. This was a mission they had picked up from another team just recently, and didn't have all the details yet.

Arriving at the college Kota parked in the parking lot and we all stepped out with Nathan opening my door for me.

As we walked through the entrance corridor I saw the rest of the boys walking just ahead of us.

Spotting them too, Kota called. "Hey, guys!"

They turned around and stopped at seeing us. As soon as we reached the group Gabriel pulled me into hug, picking me up until he raised my feet from the floor.

"Good morning, Trouble!" his voice was muffled against my neck, his breathe tickling me lightly, but I could hear him.

"Good morning, Meanie." I answered before he put me back down, his arm over my shoulders, keeping me close to his side.

Victor came up on my other side and took my hand in his. "Morning, Princess." He said before kissing my cheek.

The other gave their own greetings as we started walking back to the courtyard so we could sit at our table.

Looking around I noticed that out of my seven boys one was missing. I couldn't spot Luke anywhere and started to wonder where he could be. The boys had gotten into the habit of telling me whenever they needed to go on a mission.

Sitting down on Victor's lap with Nathan besides us, North and Silas sitting on the other side of the table and Kota and Gabriel standing by a tree talking quietly between them I turned to North and asked, "Where is Luke?"

North shrugged his shoulders. "Heck if I know. When I woke up this morning the little bastard was gone, and so was my bike." North scowl at the mention of Luke stealing his bike was forbidding. Someone would get a scolding when he chooses to come back.

I was still distracted thinking about what Luke might be doing right now when I smelled Spring Soap.

"If he comes to class today, Mr. Taylor, please tell your brother to meet me at my office." Owen's voice, coming from behind me, was clipped and sharp like a blade.

North eyes were practically bugging out of his head as he stared at Owen and Silas looked just as surprised.

Victor suddenly gasped as he caught sight of whatever the others were staring at.

I turned around quickly to see what was wrong and saw Owen, his hair perfectly styled, as always, his glasses perched on his nose, his face completely expressionless, his marron tie in place and his suit...

His suit was perfectly pressed, like always, but it wasn't grey.

Or even black.

Nor was it brown.

No, it was HOT pink.

Mr. Owen Blackbourne had come to school in a hot pink suit, and people were staring while he just stood there with a serious face.

I heard a "thunk" and then Kota called, "Guys! I need some help here! Gabriel just fainted!"

I turned around, and sure enough, Meanie was fallen in the ground, with his eyes closed, face twisted in pain.

I couldn't take it anymore, I started to laugh. Deep, loud, breath-stealing, body-shaking laughing.

Owen glared at me which just made me laugh more.

A camera flash went off and we all turned around to see Sean, behind North and Silas, holding up a phone and taking photos.

Owen jumped over the table and started chasing after his friend who was running across the campus while laughing maniacally.

This is a real family.

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