Training Wheels ♥︎ Book 1

By staygoldstiles

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{Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens AU} {Book 1 of 3 in the staygoldstiles Kylux Trilogy} Instagram: @thatski... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
General Questions About My Writing/ Training Wheels

Chapter 10

422 21 17
By staygoldstiles

Happy Star Wars day my lovely readers! May the Fourth be with you! <3 :)
"Yeah Finn, don't worry about it. My dad will cover all the expenses for the repair of the two doors. He'll also be replacing the chairs and he'll hire someone to fix the hole in the wall." Hux said.

Ben opened his eyes slowly, nearly blinded by the sharp light. He was wrapped in grey sheets and was facing the window. He was in someone's bed. He looked down. Same clothes as he was wearing last night.

Ben didn't know where to start. He couldn't even think straight. He reached his hands up to wipe the sleep out of his eyes, but he felt a sharp cut. He looked at his hands in shock. There were bits of glass and tile and wood in the knuckles of both his hands, both traveling all the way up to his elbows. Ben was horrifyingly shocked.

Since he heard Hux talking to someone, he peeked through the top of the sheets. There, at the doorway, he saw Hux wearing nothing but a muscle shirt and sweatpants. Hux wasn't all that toned, but the appearance was still hot, nonetheless. 'Damn', Ben thought. Ben turned to see who he was talking to.

"Ok, Brendol." Ben saw Finn say. Ben saw Finn glare over at Ben quickly, not knowing he was awake. Ben quickly closed his eyes. Finn turned back to face Hux .

"I just don't know why he would tell you all of that and not tell me." Finn said sadly. "I mean, I hope he was going to tell me soon, it's a shame that I found out about his anger issues through this whole episode. I hope me and Rey have it in us to forgive him." Ben heard 2 pairs of footsteps retreat, so Ben knew he was in Hux's room alone (or he assumed it was Hux's room). 

Ben remembered having an emotional breakdown last night, but he couldn't remember what triggered it. He hoped that Hux or Finn would come back into the room and explain everything to him, because he was tired of trying to figure it all out himself. He was drunk last night... he wouldn't remember anything. He just remembered shoving Rey, and he prayed that he didn't hurt her.

Ben could smell bacon frying downstairs. He wanted to get out of bed to see what and who was cooking but he was too tired to get up. He wasn't sure if he needed a doctor or not either... the materials in his arms could be giving him an infection or something, but Ben hoped not.

He heard footsteps approaching, and he knew that Hux was coming. Ben opened his eyes as he saw Hux walk through the doorway, holding a serving tray with 2 plates on it. One of them had a few slices of pepper bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach, and 2 slices of brown toast. The other had a couple cuts of medium warm butter.

"I know you're awake." Hux said. Ben felt his weight land on the foot of the bed. Ben pushed himself to sit up in bed, staring at the array Hux had brought him. He looked at Hux. "Why are you doing this?" He asked.

Hux stared into Ben's eyes, pushing Ben's raven hair out of his face. "You've noticed the splinters in your skin, yes?"

Ben looked at his hands and arms again, nodding.

Hux said. "I'm going to get them out for you after you eat this. Then, I'm going to test you if you have an infection by just pressing on your arm and asking you questions. But let's not worry about that now. You should eat."

Ben could feel Hux's eyes on him as he picked up a piece of bacon and tore a piece off of it, putting it in his mouth. Ben wondered if he should ask Hux what happened. He did try to ask Finn last night and Finn wouldn't tell him, maybe Hux would be the same.

"Hey, Brendol," Ben started. "Can I ask you-"

"Yes, you can. You're probably well enough to take it right now, and you're sober.

"So last night, I took you away from the party and up to my room to talk. You told me a lot: about your issues with your mum, your depression and intermittent explosive disorder, about your girlfriend.. not much about her though." Hux swallowed. "And then I asked you about your sexuality. I don't even know why I did it, it just felt like... I don't know. The conversation was slowing down, and I wanted it to pick up again, I liked talking to you.

"Anyway, you said you were straight and the question seemed too awkward for you to continue the conversation, so you freaked out and left the room. That's all that I experienced. But here's what your friend Finn told me.

"He said that you were drinking the vodka punch downstairs and you didn't know that it had alcohol in it. Finn said he forgot to tell you, but most upperclassmen know about our infamous party vodka punch. Then he said that you were about to have drunk sex with that local campus slut in Finn's cousin's room, I don't know her name, but everyone knows that she's a slut, and Finn burst in and threw water on you. You got mostly sober, and Finn got the slut away from you and he left you to sleep in his cousin's room until morning, when you were sober enough to hear the truth about what happened to you.

"That would've went according to plan if you hadn't snuck out through the window and back into the party. All I saw was you, looking like you were possessed or something and you were about to attack Finn with a chair. I saw this girl on the ground next to Poe, your cousin I assume? Anyway, I had to literally tackle you to the ground to keep you from hurting Finn. And that's about all I know.

"Finn didn't want anything to do with you. He thought you were crazy and he was about to call the cops. So I told him about your medical anger issues, and he softened, but I'm pretty sure he's still pissed. You scared the shit out of him. That wasn't wise, Ben. I know that a disorder mightn't be something you can really control, but still. You should've tried to stay calm and not flip your lid on your friend and your cousin."

Ben had eaten all the bacon while Hux was speaking to him, and he started eating the eggs. He thought for a little while, taking it all in. He'd had another breakdown last night, hurting both his new best friend and his cousin. Everyone at the party saw him, and now he was probably the campus crazy. He didn't even want to start thinking about the sex he almost had last night. Somehow, he believed everything that Hux was saying. After all, why would he lie to him about that kind of thing?

"Oh my god," Ben ran his fingers through his hair and buried his face in his palms. "Brendol, what do I do? I mean, last night I didn't even know what I was doing, and then I hurt Rey and Finn... my god, I feel so guilty-" Ben was speaking rapidly, but Hux cut him off.

"Shhhh..." He shushed Ben. "You're right, you did not know what you were doing, but yes, you should still feel guilty at the same time. But don't beat yourself up about it. I personally don't wanna hear you whine, no offense to you."

"Brendol! How do I make up with Finn first, to get him to forgive me?"

"Why aren't you focusing on Rey first? She should be your main focus, she is family after all."

"I know that. It's just that... Rey will always forgive me. Just like you said, she's family and family always forgives one another."

"Touché." Brendol stood up, smoothing down his clothes. "You should finish eating breakfast first, take a nap, get some R and R. But before you do that, let me take out your splinters. When you're done getting some rest, I'll give you an idea to get things right with Finn again." Hux left the room, leaving Ben to finish eating his eggs and toast. Hux came back with a splinter remover and a sanitizing wipe. He sat down on the bed again, telling Ben to put out his arm.

"You're going to feel a little pain, but not much. Just let me wipe your arm down with this and I'll get rid of the bits of wood and wall." Hux did what he said, wiping Ben's arm with the sanitizing wipe and plucking the splinters out. Ben winced, feeling the pain of the splinter being removed from his arms and hands along with the sting of the alcohol in the wipe. Once Hux was done, he wiped down Ben's arms and hands one more time.

"Now that those things are our, it shouldn't hurt for much longer now. Good thing you don't have any huge scars. Your arms should be taken care of now."

Ben nodded. "You act as though you've been doing this for a long time."

"Oh. Well, when I was younger and my parents would be out of the house filming movies and such, I would live with my uncle. He worked at a quarry, and he would let me stay with him at work after school. When I finished my homework, he would sometimes let me do minor things with him that had nothing to do with his work, like shaping wooden blocks into animal shapes and using a small hammer to pound nails into a homework desk he was making for me. Well, I would sometimes get splinters in my fingers while doing that, and being a little kid and all, I would cry because I felt like I'd failed. But then my uncle would comfort me, saying that stuff like that would happen all the time at the quarry to the other workers and the pain would help me grow into a man. It sounds ridiculous saying this right now out loud to someone, but my uncle was a real inspiration to me as a little kid. He still is, in a way. He died 2 years ago, and I think about him everyday. I never told anyone that, you know." Hux stopped talking and twiddled his thumbs. "Oh, but I didn't answer your question. When I got the splinters, my uncle would patch them up for me the same way that I patched up yours. I watched him do it so many times than I eventually learned how to do it. So I guess I have been doing this for a long time." Hux lightly laughed. "Does anything hurt or sting? There's no redness. If there's no pain, then you don't have an infection."

"No, there's no pain, thank God. And I'm sorry about your uncle, Brendol." Ben said. "Thanks for telling me that."

Hux breathed out through his nose. "No problem, Ben. You opened up to me, I'll open up to you."

"Brendol? Speaking about family, how's Rey doing?"

"Oh. Finn just told me that she's totally fine, but she's really ticked off at you. But like you said, she'll forgive you, won't she?"

"I hope." Ben was upset at himself. He wasn't feeling angry at what he'd done, but sad that it happened.

"She will. I'll help you make up with both her and Finn. One other thing, we should do it sometime before 10-ish, because the sorority guys will probably get mad that I'm keeping you up here. People who are not in the drama sorority can't stay in this house, so technically I'm breaking the rules. Snoke's rules, I'm sorry, Ben. I promise."

"Well ok, Brendol. I hope Rey forgives me when I do this thing you'll tell me to do later. I don't remember what she's like when she's angry, and if I've seen it before, I probably forgot it for a reason. I don't want to face her while she's still pissed at me."

"Understandable. But Ben, can I ask you one more thing before I leave? Well, more like tell you?"

"Sure, I guess so."

"I'm pretty certain you're not completely straight to be honest. Are you bi? I feel so terrible for asking this... but I just want to know."

"I'll be honest with you: I'm questioning my sexuality right now, and I have been since I broke up with my girlfriend this summer. How do you know this though? Do I have like, some sort of characteristics that gay people have or something?"

"Oh, no, not at all. I was just wondering. Why would you tell me you're straight though, like you did last night? Why couldn't you just be honest with me?"

"I don't remember ever telling you that I was straight last night, remember? I was drunk, and I lost lost f my memory of last night after I got sober. I was probably... nervous talking to you, you know. But now, after taking to you, even though we've known each other for such little time, I sorta feel like I can trust you, Brendol."

"And I feel like I can trust you, Ben. It feels good to have someone you can talk to like this. That's something I haven't had in a long time." Hux stood up, took away Ben's breakfast plates and made his way toward the door. "Have a nice rest, Ben." He was about to leave, but Ben stopped him.

"Wait, Brendol, you still haven't answered my question. How could you know that I wasn't completely straight if I don't, like, show it, apparently? It just seems a bit confusing to me." Ben started to blush.

Hux turned around to face Ben one more time, laughing lightly again. "Ben, love," Hux started, smiling brightly. "The last time a girl looked at me the way you do, I almost got laid. I'll see you when you wake up. Have a good rest, Ben." Hux slipped out the door, leaving Ben shocked for what felt like the thousandth time.
Author' note: I'm taking a short hiatus from writing this fic and then I'll start on part two soon. But please do comment about the story below, any compliments, questions you have, etc. It feels good to be writing a fluffy kylux fanfic after seeing and reading all the filth this fandom draws and writes on tumblr. Follow my Instagram: @thatskinnyscottishbloke. Goodbye for now, guys :)))) - staygoldstiles

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