Saving Brooklynn *revising*

By KerstonLatchaw

23K 587 60

*Hello! I am working on re-writing and revising this. I started it when I was a sophomore in high school and... More

{Chapter 1} "To The Sexually Awkward Times!"
{Chapter 2} Party Time
{Chapter 3} Meeting Daniel
{Chapter 4} Long Walks And A Party Invite.
{Chapter 6} Late Night Swims
{Chapter 7} Daddy Doesn't Like The Boy
{Chapter 8} Wait, What?
{Chapter 9} Being A Little Reckless
{Chapter 10} Ugh, School.
{Chapter 11} Unexpected
{Chapter 12} Surprise?
{Chapter 13} Stay
{Chapter 14} Decisions, Decisions
{Chapter 15} Home?
{Chapter 16} A Day With Theresa

{Chapter 5} Ryan And Audrey.

1.3K 39 1
By KerstonLatchaw

I stepped off the front porch and my eyes instantly found Grayson's big black lifted truck. He opened the passenger side door and held his hand out to assist me, so I could climb up into the huge truck. He closed the door and hurried to the driver's side, mumbling something as he got in and started the vehicle.

"What?" I asked and looked over at him.

He cleared his throat. "I said, you look nice."

I felt my cheeks heating up and turned my head to look out the window. "Thanks." I said as a smile formed on my gloss covered lips, ignoring the butterfly feeling currently forming in the stomach.

"So, why exactly did you come to Texas? I know to meet your dad, but I can't imagine a girl like you coming here on your own free will."

"It's a long story." One that I really don't want to tell you. I turned to look out the window, hopefully forcing this conversation to end. For some reason, telling this boy about my mother's drug dealer boyfriend who was going to come after me didn't seem like a good idea.

We drove a few miles out of town before pulling into a long driveway leading up to a gorgeous log cabin. And let me tell you, that place is HUGE.

I opened the passenger side door and Jumped down out of the monstrous truck.

"Welcome to my friends Ryan and Audrey Smith's house." Grayson said; coming around the front of the truck and standing by me.

I just stood and stared. I couldn't get over how beautiful this place was.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the house. "C'mon" he said with a laugh.

My legs started working again and I followed Grayson.

"Hey, uh you can let go of my hand now." I said with a smirk.

"No can do. You don't know anyone here, I wouldn't want you to get dragged off. You're staying with me. No If's, And's, or But's about it." he gripped my hand tighter and pulled us through the giant wooden front doors.

The inside of the house, however, looked completely different from the outside. Considering that there were maybe a hundred or so high school kids inside with red solo cups laying around everywhere. The music was so loud you couldn't hear a single thing. You wanted to talk to someone, well you'll just have to go outside.

It was wild in here, a free for all. And I loved it.

We made our way through the place, weaving around the intoxicated teenagers and empty cups that were scattered on the floor.

He led me onto the back deck and over to a blonde girl who was chatting with a few of her friends.

"Hey Audrey!" Grayson yelled.

The blonde's head snapped over towards our direction and she immediately smiled; standing up from her chair and walking towards us. Blonde hair, bright green eyes. She was pretty.

"Grayson!" she shouted and pulled him into a hug.

His hand slipped from mine and it felt wrong. Like his hand belonged in mine. and now it was gone.

He pulled away from Audrey and introduced me to her.

"Nice to meet you!" she shouted over the loud music.

"You too!" I shouted back.

Her and Grayson exchanged a few words and she went back over to her friends. He started walking back towards the house and I followed. He reached back and his hand found mine again. He turned around and whispered in my ear "Wouldn't want you to get lost." He said with a smirk.

"Good thing because I probably would." I felt my cheeks turning red.

He pulled me towards another big room and over towards a boy leaning against the far wall. He looked like Audrey, but he had a more muscular body structure.

Grayson walked over to him and did some sort of handshake thing.

"This is Brooklynn!" Grayson shouted and pointed to me.

Ryan looked from Grayson to me before taking a step towards me.

"I'm Ryan!" he said and stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Brooklynn!" I shouted back.

"Nice to meet you!"

"You too!"

And that was the conversation.

Audrey must've come in when I wasn't paying attention, because she was standing beside me. A song started to play, and she looked at me.

"Oh my god! I love this song! come dance with us!" She shouted.

She dragged me into the main room; the living room, and we started dancing.

I let the music relax me and just moved with it.

'Like ships in the night,

You keep passing me by,

and just wasting time

trying to prove who's right

and if it all goes crashing into to the sea

if it's just you and me

trying to find a light

like ships in the night.'

The song soon ended, and some people disappeared from the crowd, probably to get a drink.

Speaking if drinks, I wouldn't mind having one right about now.

I left the living room and searched for the kitchen. I found it quickly and looked through their drink assortment.

Quickly scanning over my options, I went with some schnapps. I poured my drink and ventured out to try and find Grayson.

I started down a long hallway before coming into what looked like a game room. There were a few people sprawled out around the room, but none of them were who I was looking for. I turned around and came face to face with a redheaded girl, who looked a little angry.

"So, you're the girl Grayson brought tonight. I saw you two come in earlier and couldn't help but wonder what kind of trash he's bringing around this time."

"Excuse me?" I felt a twinge in my chest, the anger already starting to build up. "I don't know you, which makes it safe to say that you have no idea who I am. So why are you coming up behind me trying to start something that you won't be able to finish?"

"Oh please, everyone here knows that Gray will be tired of you within a week and come crawling back to me."

"So, this is about a guy? Wow thought I caught a whiff of desperation when I turned around. To be clear, I just met him twenty-four hours ago. I could care less if he'll be 'tired of me within a week'."

"I am not desperate."

"Clearly you are if you're starting a petty fest with me just to get his attention, because he obviously isn't giving you any. Now, if you'll excuse me." I shoved past her and made my way back through the house.

I found Audrey standing in the foyer with her brother. I thought about asking them if they had seen Grayson, but they looked like they were in a pretty heated discussion.

I decided to just take my alcohol outside and sit on the porch until he resurfaced. I sat on the porch swing, listening to the muffled music coming from inside the house while sipping on my drink. I can't believe I haven't even been here a full day yet and have already gotten into an argument with Daniel.

"Brooklynn." a stern voice said.

I slowly turned my head towards the direction the voice came from, and standing right in front of me, was my dad.


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