Random One-Shots! {Character...

By Blaze-Of-Arendelle

400K 7.2K 2.9K

Random One-shots, random guys. Everything is random, Even Reader-chan. -Requests can be taken, but it would b... More

Author's Notes-er, whatevs.
Pregnancy Issues. ~(Older-ish!) Hiro x Reader~
We'll What?! ~Eggs x Reader~
Jealous of A Ghost ~Norman x Reader~
Hugs and A LOT of Kisses. ~Hiro x Reader~
Not too bad yourself. ~Bill Cipher x Reader~
I Can't Cry Hard Enough. ~Hiro x Reader~
Concerts. ~Bradley Simpson x Reader~
It's a Jungle out There! ~Hiro x Reader~
Family! ~Tadashi x Reader~
Let Her Go, and Move On. ~Glitch x Reader~
Lost Girl ~OUAT!Peter Pan x Reader~
Beautiful Monster ~Hiro x Insane!Reader~
Robot Mission ~Penn x Reader~ (Bh6 and PZPTH Crossover-thingy)
Don't Hurt Her! ~Hiro x Reader x Eggs~
I Came To Say ~(Your Favorite Male Character) x Reader~
The One that Got Away. ~(Y/BF) x Reader~
Come back! ~(Y/BF) x Reader~
BLOOD MOON BALL ~ Marco x Star Butterfly! Reader~
Happy New Year! ~(Older!) Hiro x Reader~
An Adorable Kitty Cat. ~Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Reader~
What if We read a Story? ~Hiro x Reader~
If You didn't Choose Him. ~Elison x Reader~
I'd Like to be with You. ~Guy x Reader~
An Embarrassing SFIT Showcase? ~Hiro x Reader~
Be By Your Side. ~Chuck x Depressed!Reader~
Distractions? ~Tadashi x Reader~
Potato, Tomato ~Nathanaël x Reader~
Why Me? ~Hiro x Reader~
Snowflakes ~Jack x Reader~
Two Names, One Person. ~Penn x Reader~
Stars ~Dipper x Reader~
Stick Wars! ~Eggs x Reader~
Jealous ~Tadashi x Reader~
Eyes Shut ~(Y/BF) x Reader~
Everything. ~Hiro x Reader~
Happiness ~Victor x Reader~
Insecurities ~Hiro x Reader~
Orbs ~Tadashi x Reader~
Home ~(Y/BF) x Reader~
My Hero ~Spider-Man x Reader~
Oops? ~Tom Holland x Reader~
Stop Staring! ~Hiro x Reader~

Mew! ~Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Reader~

9.1K 261 85
By Blaze-Of-Arendelle

So this is somehow a part two of the last oneshot. :3

I hope you enjoyed the last one and might as well enjoy this one. ;)

Ps- yes the titles of the two oneshots are randomly made. XD


Adrien saw the faint red on the girl's cheeks. He smiled at the little thing that happened on the girl he met as Chat Noir, making the girl return the gesture.

"So how would you describe Paris?" Chat asked, a few moments later. (Y/n) sat down on her bed, swinging her legs back and forth. She grinned widely, her hands grasping her covers. "Magical," She honestly told him. "It's so beautiful, and how the lights of each home glimmered in the night was really captivating."

"Like you," Chat mumbled. The (hair color) haired girl looked at him confusingly. "What was that?" She asked. Chat shook his head, his cat ears on top of his head going along the action. "It was nothing."

"Well, okay." Her British accent lingered again. It only made the black cat squirm on his seat. Her voice was so soothing, and it made Chat's stomach churn.

The two spent the night talking about each other, obviously wanting to get to know the other more. Chat, or Adrien, took note of her dislikes and likes. He found it a bit important just in case. Of course a few cookies and biscuits were eaten. Chat's ears perked at the thought that quickly popped in his head.

"Do you know Adrien Agreste?" He asked, curious about how she feels about his alter-ego. She placed her index finger on her chin, sort of thinking. She looked back to the cat in front of her, smiling. "You mean the guy whose picture is always plastered on every advertisement?" Chat felt a little odd of how she described Adrien. But still, he nodded.

"He's a nice guy. Friendly," Then, she blushed, taking Chat by surprise. "Charming." Chat Noir smiled at the compliment he got from the girl he likes.

He likes..

Boy, he's going to get used to this.

The black cat-themed hero couldn't help but to ask, "Do you-" He felt his cheeks grow hot. He was certainly shy about the question he's about to ask. "-I don't know, uh, like him?"

(Y/n)'s (eye color) orbs widened. She was startled by the sudden question. She was unsure on what to answer. Sure, she knows the guy is a friendly type of person, he's rather shy, and a cutie himself-

But does she like him?

"I-I don't know," (Y/n) answered. "I mean, I just met him and all," Chat nodded, noticing her uneasiness. He smiled and gave her a comforting touch on the shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sorry that I asked,"

"It's alright." (Y/n) nodded. Her eyes drifted to the black ring the alley cat was wearing. "What a fine ring you're wearing." She complimented. Chat chuckled, raising his right hand. The pawprint on the ring was still five. "It's my miraculous," Chat told her. "It's what gives me powers."

"I see," The girl nodded, understanding. The masked hero's green cat eyes drifted then to the gray bracelet watch she was wearing. It showed the time, the short hand pointing to the 10 and the long hand pointed to the 6. It was 10:30 in the evening, Chat thought.

But he didn't notice that he was staring too long. The girl looked at him nervously, pulling up her right wrist. She grasped on the gray watch, feeling slight sweat dripping down her forehead. Chat noticed her nervousness but didn't question. He instead blushed, apologizing for his sudden staring.

The watch was so similar to what La Tigresse was wearing. Only it was orange, and a tiger pawprint was there instead of the long and short hand pointing to certain numbers. Chat noticed the resemblance of the watch but he shrugged off the thought of (y/n) being Tigresse. It was a bit impossible.

"G-Gift of my grandmother," (Y/n) tried to lie, hoping that Chat bought it. He did apparently, since he nodded. "It's a nice watch." He complimented.

The two talked until Chat's ring beeped, and knowing that his kwami Plagg was growing tired he decided to leave. He bid goodbye to the girl, telling her that he was about to detransform. He also told her that he would see her soon and he enjoyed the night, earning an agreement from her. He jumped out the window and extended his staff from the ground until he went out of the property.

(Y/n) sighed in relief after Chat left. She held her watch gently as the tiger kwami went out of its hiding spot, flying towards the girl. It hugged her cheek. "That was a close one, (y/n)." It told her, its eyes fluttering.

(Y/n) smiled at the kwami. She nodded, "It was indeed, Felicce."


"Good morning, (Y/n)." The girl heard a familiar voice greet her. She was currently talking to Mylene, her classmate and friend in school. It was more than a week after she met and talked with Chat. Ever since then the feline kept visiting her every night and got very close with her.

She turned around to see her other classmate, Adrien. She smiled at the blonde, waving. "Oh hey Adrien! Good morning."

Adrien felt the familiar fluttering in his stomach. He feels better whenever he sees that charming smile of hers. It only made him like her even more. His civilian self also grew very close with (y/n) that they get to spend the time together whenever the two have the time.

Meanwhile, Chloe Bourgeois burst out from somewhere. "Adrikins!" She called out, quickly wrapping the poor blonde with a tight hug. (Y/n) frowned, as well as Marinette.

(y/n) frowned because of Chloe's sudden entrance. Marinette frowned because of Chloe's entrance as well, but also because of Adrien and (y/n)'s frequent bondings.

"Alya, does Adrien like (y/n)?" She asked her brunette with reddish ombre friend. Alya's brown eyes drifted from her phone to the (hair color) haired girl, trying to pry Chloe politely as possible away from Adrien. Alya chuckled. "Don't worry girl, Adrien doesn't like anyone. I'm sure you have a way towards his heart."

"B-But what if I'm already too late?" Marinete worriedly asked. Alya peeled her eyes away from the screen of her phone, giving her bestfriend a weak smile. She laid a hand on Marinette's shoulder, in a caring manner.

"Then I guess fate planned you to be with someone else." She told her.

Adrien thanked (y/n) once she pried Chloe off of him. The girl told him not to thank her, for she was simply helping a friend out. Adrien insisted anyway, so (y/n) just obliged.

Once the bell rang, the young girl dropped her things by accident. She gasped, startled by the sudden ringing. Adrien chuckled at her little clumsiness, hurrying to help her up with her things. (Y/n) ducked to get her things, and as Adrien picked some of her notebooks, she couldn't help but to notice the white ring he was wearing on his right hand's middle finger. She widened her eyes, realizing and placing up the pieces altogether.

Adrien finished getting her things, and after they stood up they smiled at each other. There goes yet another fluttering in Adrien's tummy.

"We should probably go to class," Adrien told her, which (y/n) nodded along to.


As the nights of visiting from Chat Noir continued, (y/n) just left her window open in order for the cat to come in. They have been getting along lately, and after months of waiting, Chat finally decided to confess. He hadn't done this towards Ladybug, afraid that he might get rejected. He was also afraid to get rejected now, and he didn't want to break his and (y/n)'s friendship. They were so close now, much like Ladybug and him but only as partners.

Oh, Ladybug noticed his stop of name calling. She didn't question it though, she was happy that Chat had moved on from her. She was happy that her feline friend had finally liked someone else, like what he told her.

Chat went inside (y/n)'s bedroom, and got greeted by the same old biscuits from her family that he never gets tired of. He decided to take the opportunity to tell her, "(Y/n), there's something I should tell you." He munched on the biscuits. (Y/n) smiled warmly, nodding. "Sure. What is it?"

"I-" Adrien swallowed the chewed biscuits, "I've been always captivated by you, and I've always adored everything about you. I didn't know how to say it but,"

"I like you, a lot. I have ever since I caught a glimpse of you months ago. I've been keeping it to myself since I don't want to ruin our friendship." Chat was proud that he didn't stutter the whole time, but was nervous of what her response would be. He scratched the nape of his collared neck, smiling awkwardly at the girl.

(Y/n) didn't know what to say. Of course, she's returning Chat's feelings. She did months ago as well, when she found out everything about him.

And by everything, I mean everything.

"Oh Adrien," (Y/n) laughed. Chat's ears perked up at the mention of his real name. He widened his cat eyes in surprise. Did she just? "You know who I really am?" He asked unbelievably.

(Y/n) grinned, then nodded. "Of course! I have since I'm not a stupid person," She stated like it was so obvious. "I noticed your ring, and Adrien's ring. They both are in the same place, and you two resemble each other. Whenever I see Adrien I see Chat, and vice versa," She smiled.

Chat blushed, and let out his transformation. A green light flashed from his body, as his black cat kwami flew out of his ring. His normal attire appeared, and the messy hair he has as Chat turned to a neatly tossed hair. "Well, you really are smart."

"Of course!" She smirked. Then she sighed. "Well to be fair, I also have something to say."

A tiger kwami flew out of its usual hiding spot, surprising Adrien. "She's Felicce. And she's my kwami." (Y/n) explained. "I know that it's forbidden to know each other's identities, but eventually we will find out so why not now?"

"You're La Tigresse," Adrien said. (Y/n) nodded.

"And...for the confession you did," She started to speak again. This made Adrien flinch. "I-I'm glad that you return my feelings, Adrien."

"Returned? You mean-" He widened his eyes, and before he could continue, (y/n) nodded once more. "Yes. I-I like you too, not only as Adrien, but as Chat. I like both sides of you."

Adrien grinned widely. He couldn't believe the girl he likes liked him back. It was a miracle, and he was glad that his bad luck didn't affect (y/n)'s feelings. Adrien hugged her tightly, thanking her for everything. (Y/n) responded with a thanks as well, for everything indeed.

Adrien pulled away from their hug, slowly cupping (y/n)'s face. She didn't resist, instead she went along with it. He started to lean to her, and she started to lean as well. Their lips were merely centimeters apart, until finally, they closed the gap.

They stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying their first kisses. His lips were warm, so soft, and as well as hers. It filled him with joy that he haven't felt before, and he enjoyed it.

As they pulled away, the two smiled softly at each other.

"Jet'aime," Adrien mumbled under his breath, but (y/n) understood what it was.

"I love you too." She hummed in reply.


Okay okay since my other book (JLH) is about to ennnnd, I have no plans yet what to do. ;-;

Any requests? I'll try to do them after I finish the book. ^v^

Anyways, that's it! I hope you did enjoy. Baiiii~


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