Questionable Motives

Por LieBeTold

569 2 2

It's a common fact that Ikebukuro is full of twists, turns, and silly little games in between. Yet, all thes... Más

Sirens in the Distance
A Fake Bliss

He is the Tick

68 0 0
Por LieBeTold

Oh, he was pissed. Extremely pissed.

Subconsciously too, to make things worse.

He was more uneasy than pissed, really. But still. he was pissed.

In an alley, near Russian Sushi.

There he was, taking, but a simple stroll after some debt collection with Tom.

Little did he know of a certain die-hard fanatics duo.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Here.(we found you)."

Two identical voices and fraternal tones. Really now, their personalities were a bit too obvious

"Mairu. Kururi."

The twins nodded. As usual, they were standing side by side. Inseparable.

"Say, could ya tell us where Kasuka is? We'll trade in Iza-ni!" Mairu gave a deceptively innocent smile.

Well hell, it must be hereditary.

Shizuo slumped his shoulders, giving a loud sigh, "You do realise that's your brother you're selling out? It's practically hiring a hit man." Not that I'd complain, really. I'd give that hit man every dime I have.

Kururi's void expression remained. "Disposable. (we don't mind)."

Apparently, twisted minds were also a part of the package.

Initially, Shizuo had two choices. Save his brother the harassment. Or happily watch that flea get what's coming to him.

"Sorry, dunno where he is now."

Freaking conscience.

Mairu's smile dropped, her red-rimmed glasses sliding down the arch of her nose.

"My, how unlucky for you two~"

Oh dear god.

"It seems you two did this all in vain! We should go, now."

That tone of voice.

Mairu pouted, "No way! There's still plenty to do even though Kasuka isn't here!"

"Agreed.(that's the spirit)."

A small sigh, "You optimistic types are quite stubborn. No to mention loud. You never even gave me a chance to introduce myself."

Shizuo focused on the alley even more. Searching for the source of that damned voice. There stood not even five feet away; an icy eyed boy with a smirk plastered on his face. He wore a blue jay coloured jacket with his hands in his pockets.

Shizuo knew that smirk all too well. Along with that tone in his voice. Not to mention that undeniable, sickening feeling he got in the pit of his stomach.

"Just who the he-"

"Aoba Kuronuma."

Tch, impatient brat. "And just what do you want?"

A light chuckle: "Nothing. These two simply dragged me along the way to join them. Nothing more, nothing less~"

Shut up.

"See, it's dangerous to get in between an Orihara and their ways of amusement." Aoba continued on.

Shut up.

"Plus there's the fact that no right minded first year male is going to turn down and invitation from twin sisters." He raised his hands in mock defeat.

Shut. Up.

"You understand, don't you? How impossible it is to defeat an Orihara?"

Shut the hell up!

"Especially in your case, Shizuo Heiwajima. We can only hope you're not framed once again. It'd be quite th-"

"Listen you." He cut the boy off by yanking him in the arm.

"Oh?" He merely raised an eyebrow. His smile was still present. "What do you plan to do? It's not like you can assault a mere child~"

"Just who do you think you are? Do I look worried about that?"

"No. Go on ahead. By all means. I'm not the one that'll be convicted. Izaya would love to hear about this. He'd never let you live it down." He gave a laugh.

It was like a midget-sized Izaya.

Shizuo narrowed his eyes, dropping the kid reluctantly. With a thud, Aoba lost balance. He simply stood up, dusting off his jacket. Mairu and Kururi were already well ahead of him.


The fake blonde glared at him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you." With that, he left, catching up with the twins.

Gritting his teeth, Shizuo slammed his fist in the wall, leaving a considerable indention. God knows how the people within it reacted. But Shizuo didn't care about that.

He had to deal with two headaches now.

Aoba Kuronuma, and Izaya Orihara.

Obviously, 'flea' was already taken by the latter. Therefore, 'tick' would have to do for Aoba.

Either or, a blood-sucking insect. They could take from weeks to months to rid of.

Depressing. Annoying. Most of all.


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