Telecom High

By zoseok

55.6K 2K 963

Jungkook x reader You are a new student at Telecom high school. Your mom suddenly had to move and her job off... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20 (final <3)

Part 13

1.8K 79 27
By zoseok

Leaving was extremely hard... But starting over again.... That was too easy. You returned home with no questions asked by your mother. She didn't seem upset and she didn't seem happy... She was just... neutral. Maybe the school called and told her the situation...

The school your mother enlisted you in was a co-ed school. That meant that there were both boys and girls at the school. This school wasn't going to be like telecom at all. It was a normal public school and you always returned home at the end of the day.

You liked everything bout your new start.... Everything but the uniform...

"isn't it too short?" you asked as you turned around to the group of boys in your room. Today was the day before your first day of school. The boys came over to have dinner with you and help calm your nerves before your first day... That, and you missed them too much.

Namjoon's eyes scanned your bare legs and then landed on yours. "I think it's just right." He said with a wink and Jin nudged him. "what I'm being honest." He chuckled.

"you're helping me prove my point." You sigh and rub your hand over your face. Your eyes land on Jungkooks. His cheeks were a small tint of pink as he stared at you in the uniform. You couldn't help but smirk a bit at his attraction towards you in the outfit.

"Monkey it looks fine; you'll have a great day tomorrow." Jimin started as he stood up and ran his hand through his hair. "now can we go? I'm starving."

"I second that notion." Yoongi said as he stood up stretching. "get dressed into something-." Yoongi paused as his eyes scanned your body. "something that's not that." He said making you roll your eyes.

"I don't know." Hoseok began as he went to follow the boys out of your room so you can get dressed. "maybe she wants to go in that." He said with a wink and causing the boys to break out in laughter.

You scoffed to the sound of the door closing and turn around to see Jungkook sitting on the edge of your bed. You loved that he continued to see you over the weeks of you being back at home. It wasn't everyday like Yoongi... But he tried to come once a week. It was hard to get used to, seeing that you were so used to seeing him every second of every day. "does it really look that bad?" you questioned with a smirk as you stood in front of him.

Jungkook smiled and grabbed your waist, bringing you between his legs. You giggled and placed your hands on his shoulder for balance. Jungkook and you have been more passionate together seeing that you were away from each other for a while. But you didn't mind the touchiness. Jungkook knew your boundaries and he never would think of hurting you.

"I think it looks too good." He teased as you leaned down to give him a long soft kiss. "mmm I miss you." He said as you pulled away from the kiss.

Your eyes widened to his sad expression and you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck. "I miss you too but we can do this." You say with a smile as you dip your head back down kiss him. "I kinda like the 'distance' if you know what I mean?" you say rhetorically as you kiss down to his neck.

Jungkook smirked against you and pulled back. "come on we have to go to dinner." He said and you pouted. Jungkook raised an eyebrow and pulled at your tie. "are you disobeying me?" he said falling into character.

Your knees went weak as you loved how much he liked this. "no sir." You say and the two of you break out in laughter. "oh my gosh. Okay get out." You say wiping at your tears from laughing so hard. "I'll see you in a bit." You say as he leaves the room trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

You honestly loved Jungkook so much. He was just perfect. He knew how to make you smile and laugh. He knew what to say and what not to say. You stare down at your pile of clothes and smile. He was the one.

"thank you for this you guys." You say as you hug everyone. Your arms leave the last person you were giving a hug too, Namjoon, and you felt the lump build in your throat again. "I n-needed this." You say as your voice cracks and you stare down at the pavement.

"oh (y/n)." Taehyung says as he runs forward and picks you up in a spinning hug. "you'll be fine!"

"fighting!" the boys all said in unison as you were lowered to your feet.

Your eyes began to become blurry as you watch the boys cheer you on. "ugh I love you all!" you say and crash your hands to your face.

"she cries because she is scared and she cries because she is happy." Yoongi says as he complains about how much you cry. "will you suck it up you baby!" he said walking up to you and wiping your cheeks with his thumbs. "we will always be here for you when you need us okay? Especially me." Yoongi says making you smile.

You sniff and sigh as he removes his hands from you. "you're right." You say as you stiffen your stance. "I got this."

You gulped as you stared at the entrance gates. "I don't got this." Your hands tug on the short skirt as the morning air tickled your bare legs. This felt so foreign to you even though you have worn a girl uniform before. You were just so use to warm pants, you forgotten how it felt to shave once a week.

"you must be the new girl." The lady at the front desk smiled as you laid the school forms out on the desk. Your hands shook a little as you removed your hold form the paper. "first days at a new school is never fun." The lady said as she took the forms and began typing on the computer. "but I feel like you will enjoy your stay here." She smiled handing you the schedule.

"Thankyou." Was all you could say as your mind circled with thoughts and questions. You kept thinking about how embarrassing it would be to walk into the wrong homeroom. You felt fine with messing up around the boys at telecom.But why do you feel like this now?

There was a strange feeling in your throat as you slid the door to your homeroom open slowly. The teacher dropped the discussion they were having and all eyes fell on you. You squeezed your hands around your schedule and bowed smile towards the teacher. "hey I'm-."

"you must be (y/n) the new girl" The man said sweetly as he opened his hand out for your schedule. "come here and I will discuss your schedule with you for a moment." He said motioning for you to enter the room completely.

As you walked across the classroom you couldn't help but feel judgmental stares follow you. You subconsciously tugged on your skirt feeling like you were completely exposed in front of everyone.

The teacher whispered to where you would sit and you followed his instructions. As you situated yourself in your desk you look up to see everyone turned to look at you.

"everyone treats (y/n) with the utmost respect." Mr. Jones stated and the class turned their heads back towards the board. "alright let's discuss Anglo Saxon period...."

You sighed as you traced little doodles into your notebook seeing that you have already learned most of this information at telecom. You could already tell that this was a lesser school than telecom because they were already past this period when you were there.

"that's cute." You jumped from the voice directed at you and snapped your head up to see who was speaking to you. Your eyes land on some beautiful ones of the girl in front of you. She had long black hair and bright eyes. Her skin looked so soft and clean. You didn't know her name and you already envied her.

You cleared your throat before whispering back. "there just little doodles." You say referencing to the paper as you lower your head back down to make it look like you were taking notes.

"what school were you from?" the girl asked again obviously not caring on the topic Mr. Jones was trying to teach us.

You slowly lift your head and lock eyes with her. "shouldn't you be focusing on the board?" you asked rhetorically and the girl raised her eyebrow. "or do you already know about this?" you scoff and lower your head back down to the paper.

"you're right. I don't." she said and your pencil lead snapped against the paper. "but obviously you do." She said with a cocky tone as she jabs at the doddle on your paper.

You smirk at the girl thinking of Yoongi's smug attitude. "I think we're going to get along great." You say and the girl chuckled.

"(y/n) would you like to explain to the class about the Anglo Saxon period?" Mr. Jones said making your eyes widen. You gulped and shook your head as the girl in front of you chuckled. This was going to be a long day.

"that was so embarrassing." You say as you stir your food around. Your head leaned against your hand as you thought back to how you got in trouble on the first day.

"yeah it was." The girl in front of you said chiming into your own conversation. She smiled and placed her lunch besides yours. "I'm going to go ahead and save you from further embarrassment and say that you were directing that comment to me and not you-." She paused as she pointed to the chicken on your fork. "chicken."

You smirked and shoved your fork in your mouth. After removing the fork from your mouth you pointed at the girl. "you're the smart-ass that got me in trouble." You laugh as you pick at more of your food.

"hey." She said getting your attention as she brushed her bangs out of her face. "smart-asses think alike." She winked making the both of you laugh. "what's your full name?" she questioned sipping at her water.

"why you want to know?" you scoffed and leaned in. "you plan on taking my identity?" you teased and she simply lifted a corner of her mouth in a smirk. You didn't know what it was about this girl, but it was fun to mess with her. "my name is (y/f/n) (y/l/n)"

The girl smiled and rubbed her napkin on her pink lips. "that's a pretty name." she laughed. "you know I feel like I have heard that name before."

You smiled and rubbed your hand through your short hair. "oh really? What's your name?" you asked grabbing for your water bottle and softly sipping at the cool liquid.


You suddenly felt the water slip down he wrong pipe and you were heaved over coughing up a lung. You held your hands against the desk for support as you took in the name that left her mouth. Could that really be what you heard?

You tensed as you felt Lauren glide her hand on your back sweetly. "are you okay?" she asked as she helped you removed the water from your lung. Your eyes landed on hers and you felt like your insides were going to be ripped open. You saw what Jungkook and Jimin saw in her, you.

It was like looking in a mirror for a split second. You blinked your eyes several times trying to erase her image and hopefully wake up from your hell but you couldn't. because this was reality and Lauren was here.

Was she really here? Jungkook and Jimin saw her die. They saw the car ram her down and not turn back. but what about the funeral? Jungkook and Jimin never mentioned one...

You lifted your head as she continued to stare into you.

Is this really you.... Lauren?

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