Family Above All (Alexandra...

By Dracaria

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After a big fight between vampires and witch hunters, Klaus sacrificed himself to save his own daughter, Alex... More

The truth
Moving out
Pure soul
Back to Mystic Falls
Family reunion
Welcome To Purgatory!
Army Of Souls
Saving mission
Not the right person
Deal with the devil
New soul
Unexpected Surprise
Blue demon
This Is It
It's nice to be home
Fairy tale
See You Again
Teen drama
Peronal trainer
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Like a lost puppy


961 34 2
By Dracaria

First of all thank you so much for all of your support! Things get better so here is my new chapter.

Maybe it's not what you expected but at least it's something, hope you like it :)

Sorry if its too confusing! 


This dream was different.

It was a cold night and darkness consumed everything around me, except for one bright spot.

A few meter off the road stood Nybbas. His eyes was glowing bright blue and I tried to run away from him but he was everywhere.

„How could you have let this happen?“ he asked me. „How could you let him die?“

„What are you talking about?“ I looked at him, totally confused.

„He was in love with you. And you killed him. You are a monster.“ his words make me shiver.

„I-I don't know what...“

„Your family was right, Ali. You cant control yourself. You're not a witch anymore, you don't have a connection with nature. You're pure evil.“

„No, I'm not.“ I said with tears in my eyes. „It's just a bad dream. Open your eyes Ali.“ I said to myself. „Open your eyes, just open your eyes!“ I ordered myself.


I woke in the dark.

What the hell was that?! I thought. What did he mean? I know I lose my temper easily, but I didn't kill anyone. How could I? My family is always around me and I have a bodyguard.

I looked around myself. My room was clean, I turned on every light in my room and looked in the mirror.

„It was just a dream, stop thinking about it.“

But I didn't want to fell asleep again. Well the whole truth was I didn't want to see Nybbas again. I couldn't control it and it scared me.

Two hours later, I'd eaten everything I found and read a few books from Klaus's library. But in the shadowy corner of my mind, I hadn't manage to forget the dream.

It would be easier to brush off as ordinary dream when I would be normal girl in normal world. But now, after everything, I wasn't feeling very safe.

After a while, I climbed upstairs back to my bedroom. I reordered my books and opened my closet to find some party dress, trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn't be tempted to fall asleep.

Everything was useless so I tried to convince myself that I really didn't do anything bad and that nothing bad was going to happen.

Most likely, I'd wake tomorrow realizing how ridiculously paranoid I'd been...


Sometime later, I looked sideways, I blinked at the numbers on my clock. Four in the morning. But my vision was blurred so I tried to blink it away and bring my normal vision back.

Downstairs, the front door opened with a creak and I knew almost immediately that it was someone who didn't belong here.

Seconds later, the footsteps were on the stairs. My heart started to beat faster and my eyes glew bright red.

Rolling silently out of my bed, I pressed my back to the wall just inside my bedroom door. It was so quiet I could hear myself breathe.

He stepped through the doorway and I found myself face to face with Damien..

„What are you doing here?!“ I asked, completely surprised.

„I have to warn you. There's something you need to know.“

I didn't want to know.

„Did it even occur to you to knock?“ I said, trying to slow down my pulse.

„Expecting someone else?“

„As a matter of fact, yes.“ A psychopath who sent me dream, telling me that I'm dangerous monster...

„It's four in the morning.“ he said. „You were waiting for Damon? I guess he is not that exciting, you fell asleep.“ he smiled. „And you're still sleeping.“ As he said it, he looked satisfied.

„You're jealous!“ I looked at him.

Wait... I blinked. Still sleeping? What he was talking about? Wait. Did I fall asleep?

Damien wasn't really in my bedroom. He was in my dream. But was I dreaming about him or did he actually know he was here? Were we sharing the same dream?

He didn't answered but one look at his eyes told me I was right. He looked at me, at my body. I stood feet away from him in nothing more than a spaghetti-strap top and boy briefs.

Well, there wasn't a lot I could do about it, was there?

I cleared my throat. „So, Damien. You came to tell me something.“

„It's too dangerous.“ he sighed. „Nybbas, he wants you on his side. He needs you. And he's going to do everything in his power to make you do whatever he wants.“

„What?! How do you know that?!“

„It doesn't matter.“ he shook his head.

„You know what is he planing, don't you?“

His face paled and his body went rigid.

„Do you trust me?“ he finally asked when he found his voice again. Judging by his behavior, I could tell there was something he was keeping from me.

„Of course I do.“ I nodded. „But... how do you know all of that?“

„I cant tell you.“

„You're planning something with him?!“

„You kicked me out of your life!“ he yelled at me. „I was so mad! What did you want me to do?!“

„You left, I thought you understand! And all you did is that you found him and told him that you want to work with him?!“

„You love Damon! Damon! You hated him, Ali! You wanted to kill him, he wanted to kill you and now he is the love of your life?“

„It's not like that. I didn't want to hurt you. I did love you, Damien.“ It hurt me so bad to see him like that. „I'm sorry.“

„No. No you're not. I didn't mean anything to you You just used me!“ he said with anger in his voice.

I shook my head. „Out.“ I pointed at the door but he didn't move. „I said get out of my dream!“

But he walked me backward until I came up against the wall. I wanted to call him the worst name I could think up but he pulled me even closer to him. He kissed me and I felt his lips on mine.

Everything was so real. He was in my dream. We were sharing it together.

The sound of our hearts pounded between us.

„Damien, I...“

„I have to go. He is waiting for me.“

„Who? Nybbas?“

„It's complicated.“ He shook his head.

„No. Don't tell me it's complicated. Do you know who he is? What he is? Do you even know what he has done? And his creepy dreams...“

„Wait, what did you just say? What dreams?“

„I had a dreams about him. Or he was in my dreams, just like you are right now.“

„You dreamed about Nybbas?“ His voice was calm, but something in the way he looked sharply at me made me think he was surprised by this news.

„Yes. And it's so confusing. I don't get it, why do I have this kind of dreams? I mean, I'm not a witch anymore.“

„I probably shouldn't be telling you this but I don't care about consequences. Not anymore.“ he sighed.

„When you bring Nybbas here from the Purgatory, you broke the rules. You almost died and your magic is gone but you're still the only one who had so much power to do that. You're special. And he wants you on his side.“

„Maybe he does but that's not gonna happen.“

He nodded. „And he knows that. He is already two steps ahead of you. He knows you have your family and they gonna protect you no matter what. He needs to get rid of them.“

„What do you mean?“

„He knows that without them you will be more willing to do what he wants.“

„So now he is going after them?“

He nodded again. „And he has no limits.“

„Don't worry, I can protect myself.“

His eyes stayed on me a moment longer. „No you cant. Not without your magic.“

„I'm a hybrid. I'm fast, I'm strong.“

„You cant fight like the others can. You were born a witch, you are just half hybrid.“

„But now I'm...“

„No. You are still just half hybrid.“

„So what about my other half?“ I asked him but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to know the answer.

„Without your magic you're just a human.“

„You're kidding...“ I whispered but he wasn't.

„Do you heal slow?“

I didn't answer but he already know the truth.

I was freaking out. Everyone around me is in danger. Because of me. Once again. And I cant even protect myself.

„Damien, you have to tell me everything.

He didn't answer. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the necklace. It was a simple gold chain with a beautiful pendant.

„What is it?“ I whispered.

„It can protect you from his dreams, it's full of herbs.“ he clasped the necklace around my neck.

I looked in his eyes but there was something different about him.

The edges of the dream vanished behind him, and after a moment’s hesitation I started after him, afraid I’d disappear too, if I didn’t stay close.


I wake up gasping for air.

I clicked on the lamp and I sat up, a hot flash of adrenaline warming my skin. Reaching for my neck, I felt Damien's necklace. It was there. I swept my fingers across the chain.

It was real.


There's the necklace on the right side :)

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