A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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I know it took me forever to write this chapter.

Last few weeks were rough. I broke up with my boyfriend after five years. I moved out and I changed my school. So I don't know anyone in my class, they don't know me and I feel like a stranger... 

I really don't have time to write, I have three exams next week and I'm freaking out!


“Just switch your humanity off.” Aaron said like it was so easy.

“You think it's something you can switch on and switch off? It's part of me!”

I should have never agreed to train with him.

“You can calm down with ten-mile run.” he said and pointed toward the densely wooden area in front of us.

I hesitated. I didn't feel really great about it.

“Think about yourself as about human being. No hybrid vision, no supernatural speed.”

I nodded and I ran as hard as I could, trying not to cheat.

“Faster!” he barked right behind me. Looks like he is enjoying his new job. “Try to run lighter on your feet.”

I took his words to heart, lifting my feet the moment they hit ground, repeating this process with every other step, making myself as noiseless as possible.

“Try to catch me.” he raced ahead, blowing past me with ease.

Chasing after him, I put all my human strength on my slow and uncoordinated body but he moved like an animal and soon I'd lost track of him altogether.

I slowed, looking around me. Nothing. But a moment later he bounded out of the darkness ahead.

“Pretty pathetic.” he criticized. “Again.”

I spent next hours sprinting after him, hearing the same over and over: Again. And again. And again.

My muscles were so tired and exhausted I wasn't even sure if I could make one more step.

“Good work. I'm impressed that you didn't try to cheat and use your hybrid power.” he punched me lightly in the shoulder.

I really didn't want to cheat. Because I wouldn't be cheating on him but on myself.


When we arrived home it was already evening and I completely forgot about Kol's party.

The music intensified as we came to our road and I assumed it meant we were headed at the just right time.

Cars were parked down both sides of the street and as we came closer, the music reached an all-time high, vibrating the floor beneath our feet.

I ran into to house with a smile on my face.

“Wait!” Aaron yelled at me but I didn't stop.

The front door was open, leading to a dark hall with half naked bodies gyrating to LMFAO.

I sashayed into the living room and I did a jaw drop. Teen girls wore black bras and short shorts, nothing more.

“Kol.” Aaron and I said unison.

“I cant believe he invited all these hormonal teenagers to our private party!” I said with my mouth still opened.

“Your father's gonna kill him.”

“No doubt.” I nodded.

“OK, lets go. We need to tell them to go away from here and we definitely need to find Kol.”

“What? No! I like it!”

Aaron turned his attention from all these teens back to me. “Say it again.”

“I like this party! Look, you want me to act like human and now I can. I'm gonna be a normal teenage girl just for one night.”

“All right but I'm warning you. If I see a single pair of panties or used condoms they are out of here.”

“Eew Aaron! You are disgusting!” but I knew that chances of seeing both were fairly high.

We were saved from further discussion by Kol, who came out of the darkness holding a punch bowl.

“Finally! Where were you, Ali?”

“We were...” I looked from Kol to Aaron and back to Kol. “It doesn't matter. But where is my dad? And Elijah? They 're gonna kill us!” I said with a laugh.

“Don't worry, they aren't home!” he shouted in my ear, trying to be louder then the music.

Several couples were tangled together around us and the center of the room was filled with dancing bodies and drinking and laughing people.

“I need to shower and a new clothes.” I looked down at my leggings and large hoodie. “I'll right back.”

Isprinted to my bathroom, taking the stairs up three at a time and shut the door. I took off my sweaty clothes and hung them over the shower rod to dry.

Forty minutes later, I had finished showering and was standing in front of my mirror. I did a quick inventory of my closet. I decided on a black long sleeve top, a miniskirt with corset belt and high heels. I did my makeup and sprayed perfume in the air and walked through it for a light scent.

I quickly dried my hair just enough to give my curls definition and walked downstairs. “Ready!” I told Kol.

“I invited some cheerleaders for me and the whole football team for you.” Kol smirked at me

“Kol, I have a boyfriend. Damon, remember?” I rolled my eyes.

“That's not why they are here for.” he chuckled.

I looked at him a little confused. “What do you mean?”

“Follow me.” he said and walked into my father's library.

I walked to the door right behind him and saw two identical twins, high school football players, standing there.

“Kol...” I started but then something met my nose. A delightful scent that had my mouth watering. Blood. I saw a two little bite marks on their necks.

The boys came closer to me gave me a quick full-body scan. They were tall and well built, I could tell that. Their jeans hung dangerously low on their hips and they wore a simple blue t-shirts.

“Have fun.” the corners of Kol's mouth turned up and he walked out.

So much for being a human...


Only a few chapters left!

And here is Ali's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=101089139

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