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Thanks for reading my story! Please, enjoy next chapter and let me know what do you think about it! :)


It's almost four years since I left. Four years of research and new hope, four years without my family.

Since then, I live alone, away from society, until I find a new possible way. I see people only when I have to.

I am out of the edge and I am screaming like a fool at the top of my lungs. Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I am all right, but it is never enough.

Sometimes I think I am crazy. It's almost year since I heard some new spell to save my father. No spell, no story, no gossip, no whisper, no nothing.

I can't give up and I don't want to go home to Mystic Falls. I don't want to admit to failure.

Now I am here all alone, my echo is the only voice coming back, my shadow is the only friend that I have.

„Father," I whispered. „How could you save me? I wish you could come back and end all this craziness. I don't wanna to be without you!" I yelled and my echo yelled three times after me.

„I just wanna alive and get to see you again. Just one more time..."

But I have to stay strong, especially today. This witch can be finally my last stop before Klaus's return. It seems I finally have a chance to move on and I really don't want to miss this big opportunity.


We supposed to meet at the edge of small town Pedhill. An old witch lives here, with a lot of experiences. People make fun of her and think she is crazy but I believe she is the right one.

The whole time I felt as if someone watching me, but I brushed it off, it's most likely nothing.

I stopped in a little forest, perched up in a tree, hidden from moon light.

Everywhere was peace and quiet but then I heard scream. I headed at full speed towards it and there I found woman on the ground. Witch.

„It's OK, I will heal you, I can heal you." I whispered and I wiped the blood from her face, she still has a heart beat but she was dying. It was too late...

She shook her head, trying to tell me something, but she was too weak.

I could give her my blood, but I know witches have their own rules and she would never except that and I have to respect her.

„Please, not again." I had tears in my eyes and the old witch died.

This was the third time, the person with whom I was supposed to meet because of information about my father, died.

Now I know it wasn't just an accident.

Someone seriously doesn't want my father back to life but I won't give up. Whoever it is, I won't hesitate and I will kill her or him at the first opportunity.

Full of anger I was walking along the dark street. I had the feeling that I am not alone there. I turned around and before me was Dorian. He stood there just like that with smile on his face.

„Dorian! What the hell are you doing here?"

All this years I tried to be hidden, that no one could found me.

„Ok, I waited better welcome." He looked a bit disappointed. „Maybe a little kiss on the cheek. Long time, sweetheart."

I looked around nervously.

„Don't worry." he sighed. „Nobody knows where you are. I came alone."

After his words I calmed down a little bit. „How did you find me?"

„I have to admit I wasn't easy. Your mum taught you well. But did you forget? You are not the only one with power."

He came closer to me and he hugged me.

After such a long time it was nice to see some familiar face and have someone to talk with.

„So? How you doing?"

I told him everything I know.

Right after my moving out of house, or after my escape, I went to Bonnie. But we couldn't find anything in her book about bringing Klaus back. Nothing about reversing the ritual in which my father sacrificed himself.

For four years I have met with many people. Witches, vampires, werewolves, Indian elders, wild people from jungle with their own legends. Their legends don't have a place in the modern world today, but they can be still based on truth.

"...and then there is someone who is trying to destroy all my plans."

Dorian looked at me and he smiled.

„I know. You think I am an idiot, admit it."

„Look, I don't understand this. Why is finding him so important to you? Your father is dead, Ali."

I shook my head when he called me with the nickname my mother gave me when I was just a little baby.

„I can't stop replaying that night in my head." I tried to explain to him. „I just... I thought I was gonna die."

„But you didn't."

„Yeah, because of my father."

„You don't owe him anything."

„You're wrong! I owe him everything." I shook my head stubbornly, I believe in my own truth.

He gave me a questioning look.

„I can't go back to the way things worked, I can't just go back to be nothing, without mum and dad. Family above all."

„But you ran away from your family."

„Because they didn't want to help me."

„You know that's not true."

„It is true, Dorian. My mum always told me to be better than who I am. And when I found my father, it was my chance to have a new life. I can't explain it. I feel like... my life is connected to his."

He sighed and then he nodded.

„So let's find him."

I looked at him in disbelief.

„I can tell this means a world to you. And you mean a world to me. So let's find him. You and me."


Wow, so it's almost four years since she left! Time get's away so quickly! Dont you think? :)

Please, VOTE & COMMENT and just be awesome like you already are! :-*

Family Above All (Alexandra, Klaus's daughter - TVD FF) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now