Clueless {Scorose}

By mrsgrangerweasley

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Rose Weasley has always been the top of her class. She got it from her mum, the pure determination to soak in... More

Author's Note/Summary
Chapter 1: Summer Nights
Chapter 2: The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 3: Home Sweet Hogwarts
Chapter 4: Quidditch
Chapter 5: Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Chapter 6: The Owlery
Chapter 7: Jealousy
Chapter 8: Potions Class
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Dark Shadows
Chapter 11: Mistletoe
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Girl's Day
Chapter 15: The Monster
Chapter 16: Bathtime
Chapter 17: The Quidditch Queen
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade
Chapter 19: Partying
Chapter 20: Revenge
Chapter 21: Joanna
Chapter 22: Valentines
Chapter 23: Insightful Letters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Easter
Chapter 27: Birthdays
Chapter 28: Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter 29: Wedding Day
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: May 2nd
Chapter 32: Those Voices
Chapter 33: Quidditch Cup
Chapter 34: Not Goodbye
Chapter 35: The Malfoys
Chapter 36: I Can't Explain
Chapter 37: Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 38: Too Late to Apologize
Chapter 39: Missing You
Chapter 40: Counting Stars
Chapter 41: Days of Summer
Chapter 42: 2017
Chapter 43: The New Teacher
Chapter 44: Words Fail
Chapter 45: Yesterday
Chapter 46: Surprise!
Chapter 47: Progress
Chapter 48: Pregnancy
Chapter 49: Somewhere Only We Know
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: A Ball
Chapter 52: The Kitchens
Chapter 53: Frozen
Chapter 54: Hermione's Speech
Chapter 55: Waiting
Chapter 56: The Christmas Ball
Chapter 57: St. Mungo's
Chapter 58: Home For The Holidays
Chapter 59: Truth
Chapter 60: New Years Day
Chapter 61: Sometimes People Suck
Chapter 62: Old Habits
Chapter 63: No Mistakes, Just Happy Accidents
Chapter 64: Downward Spiral
Chapter 65: Hogsmeade 2.0
Chapter 66: Back To You
Chapter 67: Only Us
Chapter 68: Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 69: Bubble
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Last Easter Break
Chapter 72: Eighteen
Chapter 73: The Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests
Chapter 74: The One Where Lily Has a Baby
Chapter 75: You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello

Chapter 14: Engagement Party

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By mrsgrangerweasley

On the day of Teddy and Victoire's engagement party, I went over to Godric's Hollow to get ready with Lily and Jenny. It wasn't too fancy of an occasion, but we were all getting a little more dressed up than usual, and it was fun for us to have something to get ready for together.

Jenny packed herself a few dresses and dress robes from her trunk, for us to wear. The one she wanted me to wear was a light green short-sleeved dress. She also brought with her a whole bag full of muggle makeup supplies.

I knew a little bit about makeup, but I was raised mostly in the wizarding world, so Jenny knew much better than I did, how to use it. She even wanted to put it on Lily and me.

"Not too much though," I told her before she got to use the little black brush on my eyelashes. "I don't want to look like a clown."

She smirked. "Don't worry Rose, I know what I'm doing."

After we were all dressed, the three of us flooed to the Burrow. We didn't wait for the others because we would see them soon enough, also because we wanted to help set up.

Aside from grandma and grandpa, Victoire and her whole family, plus Teddy were already there., Aunt Fleur's parents were there too.

"Hey, you guys!" Teddy was the first to see us, also the most excited, and practically jumped to give each of us a hug. He was dressed in a baby blue button-down shirt that matched his hair and pants, an outfit that I am sure Victoire picked out for him. "You here to help?"

"Yeah, we are," I said, feeling Teddy's contagious excitement. "I thought more of us would be here by now?"

He shrugged and looked towards Grandma Molly's clock. "We have a couple of hours. We need a few more people to set the tents up, but for now, I guess you can help with food."

We followed Teddy into the kitchen, where there lied dishes on top of dishes of food. I saw about a dozen large dishes with pasta in them, some more with chicken, there was also the steak and salads, loads and loads of food, yet this isn't even the fullest I've seen the kitchen.

"Zank goodnees!" Aunt Fleur said when she saw us. She had her hands full with two containers of the pasta, her hair was tied up into a bun on top of her head, and she still had her long socks on. It looked like she was working her arse off, yet she was wearing a blue dress, which was still intact.

I went straight towards her to take one of the dishes she was holding. "Let me get that for you."

"Zank you Roze, I'm zo glad you girlz are here." She sighed. I followed her with the dish, leaving Lily and Jenny in the kitchen with Teddy. Aunt Fleur was bringing the food outside, where the party was going to be held, under tents with walls to keep heat in. As of now, there was only one tent set up, and poorly.

The rest of the area that the tents were supposed to be set up, was covered in snow and I was wondering why no one did anything about it. Soon after we had been there, Al, James, and Scorpius arrived and we had enough people to help us out with the tent. I was lucky that I brought my robes, being that it was so cold out while we had to stand here, lifting up the tent and all.

All the guests showed up right on time, at around four o'clock. Victoire had changed into her pink and flowery dress so she and Teddy could greet all the guests.

I shared a table with the boys and Lily and Jenny when it was time for dinner. Though we did enjoy spending time together, I tried to make my way around to most tables and speak with everyone. Lily was reluctant at first, but I got her to go with me.

In the middle of the tents was a small space for dancing, where lots of Teddy and Vic's friends were having a good time.

"I wanna dance," Jenny said. I was still eating, but she was finished, and sitting there waiting for the rest of us, but she looked mostly at Al.

"One sec." He said, his mouth full.

"Oh, I'll go with you, Jen," I said, standing up at once, eager to dance. We danced with some of Teddy's friends that I had met at previous holidays until Al got out there and stole Jenny away from me. They danced together while a slower song came on, leaving me looking around awkwardly for someone to dance with.

My eyes immediately scanned the room for a certain blonde-haired boy, but when I turned towards our table, someone stood in front of me. It was one of Teddy's friends, who I remembered to be called Brian or Ryan, something like that.

"Hello, Rose." He was beaming and holding his hand out to take mine and kiss it. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"Care to dance?" He asked. I nodded and placed one hand on his shoulder, the other holding his. I didn't know Brian very well, but he was always kind to me, not to mention how attractive he was. He had dark hair, gelled up nicely and some subtle lining his jaw. A pair of blue eyes met mine.

"So it's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked, trying to make small talk with me.

"Sure, yeah, weren't you here two years ago?"

"For Christmas, yep." He said. "I'm excited for Teddy and Victoire, they deserve each other."

I looked over to my cousin and basically-cousin dancing together in the center of the floor. Vic was leaning her head on Teddy's chest, him being much taller than her, and her eyes were closed, but a smile remained on her face.

It was contagious. "Yeah me too," I said. The song came to an end after Brian spun me around once. Shortly after I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was Scorpius. He cleared his throat and looked towards Brian. "May I cut in?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah mate." Brian then looked towards me. "See you around Rose."

"See you." The second Brian turned his back, Scorpius swooped in and stole his spot. We both laughed as he awkwardly was figuring out where to place his hands for a slower dance.

"Here." I helped him out by grabbing both of his hands and placing them on my waist, then placing my own hands around his neck.

We were still standing quite far away from each other, so I took a step forward and closed the distance, leaving us only centimeters apart.

"What do we do now?" He asked, quiet enough so that only I could hear him.

I giggled. "Now we just sway," I said. "Like this."

I shifted the weight back and forth from each foot and moving a little each time.

"What about like spins and turns and all that?" He asked.

"Well, we're not, like, dancers," I said.

"We could be." He raised an eyebrow and I saw a shift in the glimmer in his eyes. I opened my mouth to ask him what he was talking about, but I didn't need to.

Scorpius pulled apart from me, but grabbed my hand and stretched apart. He was smiling widely, waiting for me to spin back towards him. I span back laughing, the whole time. Everyone must be looking at us, but I didn't even care.

"Your turn," I told him. I tried to spin him around, but it didn't go as smoothly, as he was too tall for me to reach my hand over his head. Instead, he spun me around about five times until I stumbled forwards into him laughing. People must think we were both drunk.

"Hey, do you want to see something?" I asked him. I didn't really know what I was leading up to, but I wanted to go somewhere with Scorpius alone. Somewhere where my cousins wouldn't be watching and teasing me like I saw that James and Fred were out of the corner of my eye. I ignored their immaturity.

Scorpius followed me back into the burrow, where we grabbed our robes before going outside. It was weird being in the house when no one was in there, too quiet for my liking.

"Where are we going?" Scorpius asked me. I didn't answer him, but grabbed his hand and led him outside through the front door.

It was cold, but nothing I couldn't handle. Our feet were buried in snow and my shoes were getting wet. I looked past the rolling fields surrounding the Burrow, catching the last glimpse of the sunset.

The sky was filled with oranges and pinks and purples all blended together in one mesh of color. Sunsets and sunrises at the Burrow were so beautiful, but also very rare to catch. I looked towards Scorpius, who was already looking at me.

"It's beautiful." He said. He stepped closer to where I stood. I looked back to the sky as I felt his fingers interlock with mine. We were both cold, but together, our hands weren't too bad.

We stood watching the sunset as it grew darker and darker. It felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. When the sun finally sank below the horizon, I knelt down and grabbed some snow with my hands. I thought it might be fun to shape it into a snowball.

"Oh god," Scorpius said, already moving away slowly from where I was. He wasn't fast enough though, because I stood up quickly and threw the snowball right into his arm. His mouth dropped open and he held his arm sarcastically as if he was hurt. "You're on Weasley."

I knelt back down quickly to make another snowball but I wasn't quick enough this time because I got hit right in the shoulder, some snow even got in my hair.

I threw the next one at his back, which he then followed with one that hit my stomach. I knelt down again to make another snowball, but he didn't hit me with one this time. Instead, he knelt beside me and grabbed my hands, causing the snow to fall back on the ground.

My hands were so cold from the snow that I was starting to lose feeling in them. Even Scorpius's hands were freezing too.

"You're shaking." He said. "Why don't we go back inside?"

I reluctantly nodded but smiled as he helped me up. The both of us were covered in snow, nothing a simple warming spell wouldn't fix, but it still was amusing.

I was just about to open the door but Scorpius had stopped, I heard his tracks end in the snow behind me. When I turned to face him, I noticed he was close behind me, almost touching.

"What's...going on?" I asked. I saw that the laughter had faded from his face but there was still a grin remaining.

"We forgot something." He said. I scanned the area of snow that we just were, I didn't see anything on the ground, except that the snow wasn't just a flat sheet anymore, now it was messed up and played in. "What are you--"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence because now Scorpius took a step closer to me. His eyes were wide and locked on mine, something else showed in them. Something that looked like a cross between fear and nervousness.

It felt like he was moving slowly, as I watched Scorpius's hand reach out to my jaw. He leaned forward, his face moving closer and closer to mine until our lips touched. I almost forgot to close my eyes, but once I did I could focus on the feel of his warm and soft lips.

It was like no other feeling I had felt before, especially not from a kiss. I felt like there were little shots of warmth shooting their way through my body, but there were also goosebumps, and they weren't from the weather.

When we pulled away from each other slowly, the seconds that it lasted, felt like forever. I smiled at him, and he did too. I moved my hand from where it was by my side and placed it on the back of his warm neck. This time, I leaned in towards him.

He forced his tongue upon my lips as if they were a door and he was knocking to get in. I opened my mouth and let him enter, the tingly feelings in my stomach rose to my chest and all throughout my body.

His hands moved, positioning themselves around my back and pulling my body closer to his. I noticed, after a short while, that the music from inside could be heard perfectly well out here.

I pulled away from Scorpius, and moved my head to rest against his neck, where, when both of us stood up straight, is how tall I was against him. He grabbed one of my hands and intertwined my fingers with his. The other hand was still around my back and before swaying lightly while holding each other, he planted a light kiss onto my forehead.


After the engagement party, which went incredibly well, we all stayed behind to help clean up, insisting that Grandma not be doing nearly as much work as she would want to.

Every time that I caught Scorpius's eye from wherever I was across the room, I grinned to myself. I could feel Jenny's eyes beating down on me every time that she caught us, but she didn't say anything, thankfully.

I didn't get a chance to properly say goodbye to him after we left, we were all too drained to do anything. Though I was exhausted, I stayed up, lying in my bed and thinking about how perfect of a day today was.






Hey guys! This is a huge chapter so I hope you enjoyed. Just wanted to let you all know that I didn't really get time to edit this chapter, so I apologize if there was any stupid mistakes or anything. I just wanted to post this already. But if I change it within the next few days, it's probably nothing. SO anyway, thanks for reading!

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