Demeter's Call

By quietcity

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"So my mom Demeter is kidnapped by the goddess of gossip?" "...You could say that but the proper term is-" "O... More

I. In Which I Get Hit In The Head By A Rogue Broomstick
II. Travis Deals Illegal Cheese Whiz
IV. Janus, A Very Ungodly God, Tells Me To Shut Up
V. Never Trust Safeways That Appear While Trying To Find A Bathroom
VI. My Failed Attempt At Jazz Hands Turns Out To Be Worse Than Apollo's Puns
VII. If Anyone Sees Kronos Please Give Him A Slap In The Timely Face For Me
VIII. Does Eating a Chair Count as Veganism?

III. A Nymph Scares The Living Daylights Out Of Fern

832 81 184
By quietcity

III. A Nymph Scares The Living Daylights Out Of Fern (Which I Can't Say I Didn't Enjoy)


Just when I thought that this day couldn't get any worse, Fern appeared. Eyeing my limp body sprawled out on my bed with a look of disdain, Fern perched herself on the bed beside mine. The smirk on her face made me turn my head even farther away from her. I could sense smugness practically radiating off of her.

Sisters have this thing where they can sort of tell what one another is feeling.

I mean, smirking? Who does that anymore other than in those cliché romance books.

"Did you hear? I also got the location of where mother is." She stated smugly.

I shrugged.

Her face grew sour. (by that I mean more so then what she looks like on a regular basis.)

"At least my name isn't Tania. I mean who names their child Tania? Oh wait, our beloved father." She dragged out the word beloved, taking her sweet time to relish in my annoyance.

"You are named after a vascular plant." I muttered under my breath. I didn't realize she heard me before she continued, flipping her silky brown hair over her shoulder.

"What do you mean? My name is very sophisticated and—"

"The only Fern I've ever heard of is the one from Charlotte's Web." I muttered, crossing my arms sulkily as I felt Fern's glare on my back.

"Humph." was all Fern said before standing up, getting off of the bed that she was perched on. I watched her, staring daggers into her back as she flounced away, her hair glistening as she walked.

It was almost curfew but hey, at this moment I wouldn't be too sad if she got eaten by a harpie.

I thought back to Ella; one of the only good harpies out there. The thought made me smile.

Ella and I were friends. Not the kind that you tell all your secrets and crushes to, the kind that when you pass them you each give a little smile and if you are in the same room as them you come over to talk to them.

Ella was just so darn beautiful and her boyfriend Tyson? Tysella for the win people.

My mind trailed off as I watched Fern get praised by other demigods for how Demeter had talked to her in her dream.

It wasn't like I was jealous or anything...

Okay fine, maybe a tinge.

What it all came down to was basically the fact that my sister was getting all the praise and everything for the quest that I too was going on and maybe risking my life for.

Sibling rivalry at its finest.

As I laid in bed I couldn't quite shake the bad feeling that I had. The last two lines of the very short prophecy came to mind.

A goddess to save will mean the end of your days.

Beware the one who will raze.

Those were the two lines of the prophecy that in the meeting everyone decided to 'brush over' in a way.

Why? Did everyone think that I would go all wimp-mode on them and decide not to go on the quest?

If so, then they were right. I was actually a pretty big wimp...

I could feel the coolness of my pillow on my cheek and I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep but to no avail. I had been diagnosed with slight insomnia and let me tell you, it is not fun.

By the time I had fallen asleep it was past midnight and everyone else was sound asleep.

My last thought before I drifted away was that I could only hope that there were no more demigodish dreams for me.


The next morning was bright and sunny—as if the weather was oblivious to the fact that a quest was to be held to rescue some cereal eating goddess.

One of the Demeter cabin stereotypes was that all of her children were obsessed with cereal.

On the contrary, I actually hated cereal. You could go as far to say that I despised it.

I shuddered, silently gagging as I realized something. Could Demeter read minds?

Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, I thought, chanting the phrase over inside my head for a few seconds before stopping, pleased that I didn't become something on the camp's menu.

Fried Tania, fresh for a limited time only!!

Pushing the rather strange thought out of my mind, I sighed in contentment, relieved that my sleep had been peaceful.

If you were so ignorant as to ask me why then fine, I'll tell you why.

Waking up gasping for breath because my mother summoned me into an ocean and left me there (whilst drowning, mind you) didn't exactly aide my decreasing mood scale.

I could hear Fern muttering to herself as I left the cabin, something about how she hated the bright orange colour of the Camp Half Blood t-shirts.

To be honest, I wasn't fond of the brightly-coloured t-shirts myself. I mean shouldn't they be camouflaged or something? It's like waving a red flag in front of a bull. The orange shirts practically screamed, hey monsters, want a snack? There's some half bloods right there in the orange shirts, pretty hard to miss.

I mean, even my partially-blind grandma noticed me from far away and that is saying something.

But nope, I was not agreeing with Fern today.

Making my way to the Big House, I noticed that a small crowd had formed and I stood, watching everyone as I adjusted my backpack straps. I had packed the backpack last night before falling asleep.

I looked over at Grover, noticing that he was clutching a backpack too.

"Ugh, nymphs." Fern muttered distastefully as she walked by me, picking at her dirty nails, a scowl on her otherwise perfect face.

I gave her a slight nudge before walking over towards Grover and Chiron who were fervently discussing something. By their creased eyebrows and solemn expressions I could tell that  we weren't going to an amusement park or anything of the sort.

That was actually pretty saddening, in all of my fifteen years of living I had only gone to an amusement park once but I had loved it.

"You ready for the quest?" Grover asked and I turned to him, nodding and donning a smile.

"Well, as much as I'll ever be...You?"

He nodded. "I've been on a few before, I know how they work."

Grover was the satyr that had rescued me from a Minotaur and delivered me to Camp Half Blood. After that we had talked a couple of times and I was inwardly cheering because I would have died if I'd had to go alone on a quest with Fern.

A sharp scream tore me out of my stupor. We all turned towards the source of the ear-piercing sound.

What I saw made me want to burst into a chorus of Alleluia.

Fern was sitting on the ground, eyes wide in anger. A nymph stood behind her, looking in shock at Fern.

It took a few seconds for the implications of the situation to be clear and I started snickering, earning twin glares from Fern and a poor lovesick boy from the Apollo cabin named Justyn.

I sighed.

I felt bad for the Justyn dude, falling in love with my sister.

Chiron interrupted the silence, clip-clopping over to where Fern stood—or rather sat.

"It's time." He said and I nodded, his voice sounding kinda spooky. It sounded like a line out of a move ya know? Where the evil villain dude says that it's time and then sets off a bomb or something.

Except this was Chiron, a kindhearted centaur.

Not the Joker but that would be pretty sick if my camp director was the—

Ahem, off topic.

Bidding us farewell, the campers resumed theirs tasks, not caring that the three of us were about to risk our lives.

Well then again, that was part of the job description of being a demigod: constant fear and worry for your lives along with lies you have to tell your mortal parents.

For example my dad thinks that I'm at a boarding school right now.

I hadn't realized that I was standing still, staring at Camp Half Blood mournfully until Grover shouted at me to come on.

It was at that moment that I let the terrifying thought surface in my mind.

This might be the last time I ever see Camp Half Blood.

And I would certainly miss the food, that's for certain.

I half-heartedly trudged after Grover and an extremely annoyed Fern.

Won't this be a lovely way to spend my could-be-last days on this earth?


I'm sorry *hides behind a tree*

The one time I make an updating schedule and I majorly fail lol.

And it's short soooooo oops? updating schedule for me. I've been really busy and all that shist lately but yay there's finally a chapter cx.

I knew that nothing really happened but they are going on the quest now so hopefully that will be a bit more interesting lol.

Thank you so much everyone for voting and commenting!! I really appreciate it.


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