Telecom High

By zoseok

55.6K 2K 963

Jungkook x reader You are a new student at Telecom high school. Your mom suddenly had to move and her job off... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20 (final <3)

Part 6

3K 113 44
By zoseok

At the beginning there was silence and comfort but now there was an unbearable pain. As Jimin walked toward Jungkook and you, there was complete fear in your eyes. You held your hands up as Jimin towered over the two of you. "what are you doing with (y/n)?" Jimin asked grabbing you and pulling you behind him.

"we were talking Jimin." You say hoping that he wasn't too mad. After everything you just heard from Jungkook, you planned on talking to Jimin about it but not here.... Not now...

"Did he touch you?" He asked placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you in the eyes.

You cringed back in his hold and held a questionable look on your face. "what?" You asked as you struggled under his hold. "who do you think he is Jimin!" You yelled pulling away from Jimin's hold.

Jimin's eyes widened as he watched you stand your ground. He switched his eyes from Jungkook and to you several times before a large smile came to his lips. "You told her didn't you?" He asked rhetorically as he stared at Jungkook.

"what does it matter if i-."

"You always got everything you wanted!" Jimin yelled as Jungkook rose to his feet. Your eyes watched the two boys as they stood in silence.

Jungkook's hand rubbed over his cheeks and he sighed in annoyance. "what are you talking about jim-."

"you know exactly what I'm talking about." Jimin said poking hard at Jungkook.

Jimin changed as the memories between the two boys came to surface. He looked like he would cry and punch something. You squeezed your fist at your sides and ran up to Jimin, tugging on his shoulder. "Jimin lets go back to the dorm." You say worried that the two would fight over something that happened in the past.

"I have never had everything I wanted because you always take it from me." Jungkook says ignoring you and stepping up to Jimin.

You removed your hold on Jimin and stepped back as you watched the scene unleash. "I've never taken-."

"Lauren!" Jungkook yelled pushing on Jimin's chest causing him to fall on his ass. Jungkook hovered over Jimin and pointed at him.

"Jungkook!" you yelled trying to get the two to stop.

"You took her from me, forever..." He said as his eyes burned with tears. He leaned down and grabbed at Jimin's shirt, tugging him towards him. "you didn't even love her did you?" He laughed as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Jimin rolled his eyes to look at your silent figure and then back to Jungkook. He smirked and cupped his hands over Jungkooks hold, "Does it matter?"

You fell numb as the words left his mouth. There was a loud slap and the two boys stared at you as feeling rushed back to your body. You widened your eyes at the large red mark on Jimin's cheek. You grabbed at your hand that was sizzling from the slap. "Why?!" you screamed at Jimin as tears rolled down your cheeks.

Jungkook loosened his hold on Jimin and scoffed. "This is fucking stupid." He said as Jimin's body crashed into the flowers.

"Why what (y/n)?" Jimin asked holding his hand on his cheek and staring at the sky.

Jungkooks eyes landed on your and then shifted to the sky. He titled his head back and laughed. "are you serious?" He asked out loud and pushed his hands on his knees for support as he laughed.

"what are you laughing about?" You asked as you ran your sore hand over your cheeks.

Jungkooks eyes landed on yours and he pointed at Jimin. "He's with you isn't he?" he asked laughing as his eyes became watery.

Your body froze as Jungkook stared at you and waited for an answer. You didn't know what to say. Honestly you didn't know what Jimin was to you anymore. "So what if she is?" Jimin said standing up and standing between you two.

"did you really think that would bother me?" Jungkook said making your knees feel weak at his words. "news flash Jimin!" Jungkook said pushing on Jimin causing him to fall against you. "I don't love her!" He finished and his eyes flicked to yours for a split moment before tearing away.

You held your hand over your chest as the air thinned into almost nothing. For some reason those words destroyed you. Like everything you tried to build up with Jungkook was ripped down and smashed into ashes in front of you. You instantly felt tears rush down your cheeks. Jungkooks eyes landed on you and he froze in shock.

He cleared his throat and wiped his hand across his face. "fuck this." He said as he took off into the fields of flowers. You watched as his figure disappeared against the tree line.

"don't worry he'll be back." Jimin says as he turns around. His eyes widen to your crying figure. "are you crying because of him?" He asks placing his hands on your shoulders again.

As your thoughts stirred inside of your head a large gust of wind blew past the two of you, stirring up the loose pedals of flowers and releasing the fresh scent of summer. You say nothing as Jimin pushes your head to his chest.

"no." you mutter into his chest and push off of him. Your eyes burn as you stare at the blurry Jimin. "what is the deal here." You ask feeling as if you have been to hell and back. "are you using me? Or do you really care about me?" you ask stomping your feet into the dying flowers.

Jimin sucks in an air of breath and lowers his head. "listen (y/n) it's best if we change rooms..." he says and another wave of pain rushes over your body. You hold your hand to your chest and squeeze as you suck in a whimper of air.

No matter how it seemed or felt, you loved Jimin. Not as in a romantic relationship, but as a brother. He always knew how to make you smile and feel welcomed here. As you lifted your head, your eyes landed on Jimin and that's when you knew he never "loved" you.

"(y/n) you understand why I did this right?" he asks dipping his head trying to keep eye contact with you.

Did you? Of course you don't understand. You couldn't even think of a logical reason to why Jimin was doing this to you. Not only that, but why were you so hurt by it? Maybe it was because this ruined two relationships? You didn't know but you knew you had to get out of here before you were mentally damaged.

So, being the agreeing girl you were, you nodded your head and pushed past Jimin. The squeeze the remains of your tears out of your eyes as your shoulder bumps into Jimin's. He doesn't follow you... He doesn't even say goodbye as you leave the dorm... He said nothing...

Yoongi quickly agreed to let you stay with him when you came pounding on his door that night. Yoongi, the guy you always picked on, was now holding you as you cried. He didn't ask questions, he just let you cry until you couldn't anymore.

After that night he excepted you to tell him what happened and you were going to. You wanted to see if Yoongi had an advice he could give you. You would take anything at this point, you were tired and you didn't know how to face Jungkook anymore.

You stared up at the night sky as the summer clouds rolled by. You jump to the sudden pressure against your shoulder and then relax as you look up at Yoongi's smiling face. Tonight you were going to tell him everything you knew of the "Lauren" story and hopefully he would have some insight on it.

You rubbed your cheeks after you finished talking for what felt like hours. Yoongi never once interrupted, he listened closely and wiped your tears away as you told the leaving part of the story. "What do I do Yoongi?" you ask as you watched Yoongi's blonde hair stir in the warm wind.

Yoongi wiped his thumb across your cheek one last time and cleared his throat. "Jimin and Jungkook's family's use to be best friends." Your eyes widened to the beginning of his story. "but that was until the marriage turned upside down for the both of them. Jungkooks mom ended up with Jimin's dad and vise-versa."

You gasped at the strange family affairs. "how do you know this?" you asked making sure you weren't falling into the 'gossip' lies again.

Yoongi smirked a little before speaking again, "my father was their lawyer."  

"I knew the legal part because my father would talk about it at dinner, he always said it was 'the most bizarre case' he has ever worked." Yoongi said rolling his eyes. "I mean I can see why; you should have seen how we played with each other after."

"played together? How old were you guys?" You asked trying to picture a miniature Yoongi.

He smiled and held his hand to about thighs length. "small." He laughed causing you to smile again. "We were all really close when we were little." He says referring to the others. "But after Jimin and Jungkooks parents split, things changed..."

"Did they live in the same house together?" you asked rubbing your finger against the cold wood of the bench.

"No, Jimin lived with his mom and Jungkooks dad and Jungkook lived with his mom and Jimin's dad." He cleared his throat and snapped his eyes back on you. "But Jimin starting acting differently towards Jungkook after about a week of the separation."

You squeezed your hands together in your lap as you leaned in to hear more. "How different?"

"Jimin wanted to pull these pranks on Jungkook. At first we did it because it was tiny pranks but then they got more personal." Yoongi lowered his head to his chest as he went into thought. "He made us break all of his favorite cd's"

Your eyes widened to Yoongi as the words left his mouth. "so what he just got bored of breaking everything he liked and took his girlfriend?" you asked sarcastically crossing your hands to your chest.

Yoongi held his hands up in defense. "hey we backed out after it started getting that bad. We honestly had no idea it was happening (y/n)."

"just why? Why did he have to do that?" you asked shoving your head in your hands.

"You know it could have just been because Jungkook was always getting more attention in that family..." Yoongi said making you lift your head.

You sighed and leaned back against the bench and stared at the night sky. "well its none of my business anymore." You say as you feel the warm summer night breeze flow over your body. "I'll be gone this summer and away from this drama."

You finished out the rest of the semester with saying nothing to Jimin and Jungkook. You ate outside with Yoongi by the waterfall and enjoyed small talk with him. You learned several things about Yoongi and you felt closer to the boy you use to make fun of.

"are you really leaving?" Yoongi asked as sat up in his bed. You sighed because you wanted to sneak out before he woke up, you knew this conversation would come up and you wanted to avoid it.

"Yeah I have to go meet my train soon." You say squeezing your hand against the door handle.

"Alright stay safe (y/n), see you next semester." He yawned and rolled back towards the wall where he would fall asleep again.

You smiled at the sloth-like Yoongi and squeezed harder on the handle. You sighed and wiped at the tear that rolled down your cheek as you looked at your empty bed. "see you later Yoongi." You said knowing you weren't going to return to this school. For the moment your mom sees you, she would beg you to stay at home and work in the shop with you; and you would.

You said your goodbyes to the others a while back but you avoided Jimin and Jungkook; for they didn't really wanted to talk to you that much. You didn't really mind because you felt the same way. You were too afraid to bring up whatever feelings you use to have for the two.

You took one last look at the school before turning around and stepping in the taxi that would take you home. As you situated yourself in the car your eyes caught on Jungkooks from the entrance of the school. You heart skipped a beat as you wanted to run out of the car and wrap your arms around his neck and say goodbye...... But you held yourself back.

You watched as the school and Jungkook disappeared from view...

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