Scared And Lonely ( a mindles...

By SaronBryant

12.7K 408 42


And the Pain Begins
How I Feel
only time will tell
first day
And my Pride was all that was missing
Jealous Much
yep mainz
too much
true to you
So Long As you Listen
keep it pushin or nahh
Untitled Part 18
Keep calm we'll find him
Keep calm pt 2
If only she knew
All he did...
Would you think....
One + One
Missing You

Scared And Lonely ( a mindless behavior love story)

2.5K 28 9
By SaronBryant

Hi everyone I'm saron and this is my first story! I really hope you like it! Im new at this wattpad thing and will try to update my story as much as possible! So please grab a snack, blanket and a pillow, and enjoy! (: and I must warn you there is some unpleasant words throughout the story.

P.O.V: Kacey

School ended at 3:15, and it was already 3:46 by the time I left. I had to walk home from school because my mom had to work late, my dad was on a business trip to New York working on a serious case. Ally ( my sister ) was either at work or with her boyfriend Jace. All my friends were either in some corner of the school making out with their boy friends, or out and about living happy lives without me.

Matter of fact, the only reason I didn't go with them was because I'd just be a 3rd wheel. Plus I wasn't in the mood to watch my perfect friends with their perfect boyfriends with their perfect relationships.

I mean don't get me wrong, boys do try to get with me, but I pass. These boys ain't got nothing I want.

I stopped by Ms.Smiths store just to say hi, but that turned into an hour long conversation about her store and her son King,  his mom is like a second mother to me, she basically helped raise me. She went on and on about how much she missed him because he was on tour for 6 months, he only had 3 weeks left before he came home and Ms.smith was planning a huge welcome back party for all of the boys, and of course I was going to help. King is like my brother.
Ms.Smith finally stopped talking when she noticed she had a customer. So I got my bag and started to leave. " bye Ms. Smith!" I yelled as I walked out of the store. It was 4:53 when I left the store, as I was walking, It felt like someone was watching me. When I turned around, I saw no one. I walked past a big boarded up house and felt the eyes on me again, so I sped up my pace. It was too creepy.

So how do you like it? I'll update the next chapter we soon as i get back from school tomorrow. Sorry its so short, trust me this will be the only one! so like vote and comment!

P.O.V: ???

I stared at Kacey as she walked by, she was pretty and young but that didn't change what I wanted to do to her.

P.O.V: Kacey

As soon as I got to my street I felt safe mostly because I knew everyone, and everyone on this street stayed outside until the street lights came on. I greeted everyone as I walked past and soon I was at my door step. I walked into a silent house, the lights were on but it was silent that was until I pushed the kitchen door open. There I saw Ms. Perez, Ms. Newman, Ms. Smith, Ms. August, and of course, my mom, as soon as they heard the door squeak all of the attention was mine "hi moms" I said smiling as I gave around of hugs. I walked to the fridge as they continued planning out the welcome home party for the guys.

I grabbed a water bottle and headed out, but got called back in "yes" I said as I leaned against the door frame. "Honey You know you can come help plan this party out " Ms. Smith said "oh, I thought my part was picking the guys up from the airport, handing out the invitations, and getting the gifts situated" I said "yeah but honey you can do more if you want I'm sure theres something else you'd love to do" Ms. Perez said I knew exactly what she was talking about but I think he could be less interested, Ms. Perez has been trying to get us together for the longest. "I'd rather not, I don't want to mess anything up"I said. They all stared at me with doubt in their eyes. "Well if you don't mind moms I'd like to get started on my homework" I said as I walked towards the staircase. I knew that no matter how many times I declined Ms. Perez would never give up. I went to my room and started on my Spanish homework.

Next morning

I woke up to the sun beaming in my window, I guess I forgot to close my blinds. I slowly got up and trudged to the bathroom and did my hygiene. I wore a black crop top that had sexy written on it in gold, some dark blue ripped shorts, my high top black and gold pastries, I put on my gold hoop earrings, my gold necklace that said sexy and my two finger ring that said sexy I wore my hair down and slid on my black beanie that read sexy in gold letters. I made my way down the stairs taking it two at a time. I grabbed an apple and yelled bye to my mom as I closed the front door.

There my friend Mia waited in her nice gray range rover, I've always wanted one maybe just maybe my parents will get me one next month for my sweet sixteen. "Hey Mia" I said as I put my seat belt on "hey girl look at you all sexied up" Mia said as she laughed "you know it, so how was your little date last night?" I said as we pulled out of the drive way. "It was amazing girl we... Wait you don't care so why are you asking?" Mia said "you right you right I don't but I know you and your going to tell me later and make me listen so I might as well get it over with hahaha" I said as I laughed "whatever girl you know you want a relationship and you definitely know you want it with Drew, stop frontin" Mia said as she pulled up to the school, "first of all Mia I don't want a relationship full of make out sessions.. Although that wouldn't be a bad thing..." I sort of whispered "What!" Mia nearly screamed I laughed "and fights, I want a mature relationship" I finished "yeah OK, come on" Mia said as we hooked arms and walked into school, we got a lot of attention.

As I opened my locker I was nearly shoved inside by a boy "Ouch" I yelled "sor-ry" the boy said as he looked at me "wow you are sexy" he said licking his lips "I'm sorry I didn't get your name" "not interested" I said grabbing my books "girl you know..." He started "not interested" I finished and walked in the other direction. I walked into homeroom and sat down in the far back, waiting for the bell to ring.

Drew's P.O.V 

Just two more weeks and then I'll be able to see Kac- I mean my mom, I miss her so much" I said "dude you and I both know you meant Kacey" Chris said laughing "Awww Drew has a crush on Kacey" Trey sang "shut up" Drew said. Speaking of Kacey look at this picture of her, before I could finish Drew jumped up and ran over to King "dude slow down this picture is not going anywhere" King  joked "damn" everyone except King said suddenly the screen went black and we were now staring at King's straight face "what?" Chris said "don't be damnin her, she's like my sister " King said as his phone rang "oh look who it is ..." Trey said "the one the only Kacey Lunez!!" Chris said "you mean Kacey Perez cause once I talk to her she'll be mine" Drew said "I'm sorry dude but Kacey has turned down every single guy that tries to get at her, cute or not" King  said as he answered his phone.

"hey Kacey, your on speaker" King said "hey guys" Kacey said "hey Kacey " we all said in union "was sup Kacey" "just calling to talk to my brother, I haven't talked to you in awhile so I decided to call" Kacey said "aww I miss you sis" King said "I miss you too" Kacey said ring ring ring ring "what is that?" Kacey asked over the phone "are you going to answer that" Drew asked before Trey answered the phone. "Hey..... Ok ....Really.... That's amazing.... Thanks...." Trey hung up "guys guess what , that was Keisha and guess what she said" Trey said "the tour was cut short and we get to go home this weekend." Chris said "even better we get to go home tonight" prodigy yelled "yo for real" Chris yelled "what happened?" Kacey asked "we get to come home tonight" King yelled "I'm picking you guys up " Kacey said before screaming over the phone "King!!" Kacey yelled and then it went silent "don't say a word " ?? Said over the phone and then the phone hung up. "What the fuck!!" We all said.

P.O.V  Kacey

I was scared but I swear I've heard that voice somewhere. I thought hard about where I heard that voice from as I was pulled into some building . I felt myself being lowered "what do you want " I asked "I want you" he said the voice sunk in and I finally got it "your that guy from the locker, the one I'm not interested in" I said "yeah but you'll be interested when I'm done" he said as he began stripping me "WHAT!!" I yelled. I couldn't stop him because my hands were chained together, I cried in pain his hands roamed my body and he laid kisses all over my body.

I was in tears, I couldn't believe I was being raped, soon I had the strength to slide out of the cuffs and punch and kick him I grabbed my clothes threw them on and ran, the guy said something but I just ran home. I was sore, hurt, mad, sad but most of all I was scared and lonely. As soon as I got home, I ran to my room. I felt dirty, so I forced myself to get in the shower, I put the ripped clothes in a bag, but it didn't seem to work I still felt disgusting. My phone was ringing non stop but I ignored it. I laid in bed cuddled up with my blanket. I couldn't go to sleep, so I just laid their silently crying and sobbing, I just stared at the wall as I cried, soon I heard my bed room door open "Kacey" mom whispered, I didn't feel like talking so I just laid there, I broke down into tears silently. When the door closed I began sobbing.

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