Psychotic (BVS Lex Luthor x R...

By violaeades

134K 5.7K 1.8K

playlist: - "I love you." You bite y... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
author's note//future stories and sequels for lex
recovery: sequel to psychotic

chapter twelve

5K 233 49
By violaeades

"Hey, Lex, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a cup of coffee after the trial. I just... I just really want to see you, and it wouldn't kill me to get some work done. Just call me, okay? Bye."

You ended the voice mail message and dropped your phone roughly onto the table. The trial wouldn't be starting for another hour, but he hasn't sent you a text or called you. He's obviously a busy guy, so you try to not let it get to you.

You decided to turn on the news and watch the live coverage of the trial. You turn it to the local news channel and sit back on your tiny sofa.

"My gosh," you mumbled. On the screen was an absolute mob. Hundreds of people either protesting Superman or supporting him. It was completely insane. You couldn't help but feel a little glad that you weren't there; it'd be a mess to see anything at all.

The screen switched to the news anchor, who listed exactly what Superman was on trial for. You got up and made a cup of coffee. The trail was starting in two and a half minutes.

Once you sat back down, the trail began. Of course, the scene didn't change, but the news anchors were getting word in on what exactly was happening each moment. You took a long sip of your coffee.

Then there was a loud sound and a burst of flames on the side of the building. The camera man jumped, dropped the camera, and the screen was left fuzzy and unfocused. You shot up, spilling coffee all over your sheets.

"U-Um-" the woman on the television said. "We're not sure what just happened there, but we'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible."

You were frozen in shock. What was that? "No," you breathed. When it finally processed through your head that Lex was in there, a wave of ice moved over your body. "No."

You quickly grabbed your shoes and yanked them on before you dashed out of your door. You flew down the flights of steps. People shot you annoyed looks as you shoved them out of the way. Once you were outside, you nearly jumped in front of a speeding taxi cab to get its attention.

You grabbed the handle to the back door and yanked it. You started to climb in immediately.

"Jeez, lady!" the driver exclaimed. "Couldn't ya-"

"Just get me to City Hall as quickly as you can!" you ordered. "Go! Now!"

He obeyed without another word. He drove a little over the speed limit, but it wasn't fast enough. "Can't you go faster?" you begged.

He shot you a dirty look in the mirror. "Look, I can't afford another ticket," he said.

You groaned and bit down on your bottom lip. You gnawed at it, tapped your feet against the floor, yanked down your sleeves, anything to move. You couldn't help but think about what could've happened to him.

Once the taxi driver got a block away, he was stopped by a policeman. He rolled down his window and the officer shouted. "No, no, you can't drive through here! There's been an accident at the-"

You groaned and threw a wad of random bills on the passenger seat. "Thanks for the ride, keep the change!" You opened the door and leaped out. Your legs were moving before you could even think. You were pushing forward against the crowd that was moving towards you. Police officers called out to stop you, but you couldn't stop.

You kept moving. Your lungs ached and your legs burned. The black smoke that filled the air didn't help. There were firemen running by with hoses. You didn't stop to let them by; you ran to and over the police tape, right towards the steps.

A hand grabbed your arm and yanked you back from the steps. "You're not supposed to have crossed that tape!" the officer shouted.

"No, I have to-"

"You need to get back!" he ordered.

"Wait, someone I know was-" You looked around frantically. He had to be there, he had to be okay. The officer was speaking, but his words seemed as far away as the last time you spoke to one, right after you were mugged. "Someone... was... in..."

Then, there was a flash of orange by the ambulances. You gasped as he turned his head, his familiar icy blue eyes focused on the crowd of people in front. You tore yourself from the grip of the officer and started forward.

"Lex!" you screamed. "Lex!"

He turned and his eyes fell on you. "___?" he said. As soon as you were close to him, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him close. He froze.

"Oh, God, I was so worried," you let out breathlessly. Your fingers tangled through his red curls and you choked back on a sob. "I saw it all happen and I thought you were dead, Lex."

"I'm okay," he said. He grabbed your arms and peeled them away from his neck. "You were... worried about me?" he asked, as if that was the strangest thing in the world.

"Yeah, of course," you answered. "It happened during the trial, didn't it? You weren't there?"

"No," he said. He cleared his throat and shook his head. You noticed that his hands were shaking. "N-No, I was in the bathroom."

You nodded and blinked the tears rapidly away. "I'm just... glad you're okay."

Lex's face melted at the sight of your tears. His eyebrows furrowed together and and sighed. "Don't... don't cry. I'm fine." You nodded and wiped your eyes. He sighed again and yanked you into a hug. You rested your head on his chest; his chin propped up on the top of your head.

You looked out at the crowd. There were dozens of people that were crying. Some were just shocked, their eyes frozen on the flames. You grabbed at the front of Lex's shirt tightly; desperately trying to hang on. You felt insanely guilty as you realized the amount of people lost to the explosion. You were hanging onto the only human survivor of the event. You gulped as your eyes raked at the front of the crowd, where Lois Lane stood. She stared at you and Lex, her gaze not kind, but not cruel. You stared back. A few seconds later, she tore her gaze away and started off.

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