The Five Of Us

Da -_TheOneAndOnlyMe_-

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Dani Black has always been a loner. She's too smart for high school, but decided she doesn't want to skip mor... Altro

Chapter Two- All the Gracefullness that is Logan... Not
Chapter Three- Logan Has the Intelligence of a Monkey
Chapter Four- I Finally Find a Friend, or Four
Chapter Five- What the Heck is a Possum?
Chapter Six- I Make Up Multiple Lies
Chapter Seven- I Finally Join the Fun
Chapter Eight- Dilyn Blows Up My Kitchen
Chapter Nine- Sparky is Born
Chapter Ten- My Mom Embarrasses Me... A Lot
Chapter Eleven- Dates and Government Agents
Chapter Twelve- I Deal With Awkward Dinners and News Reporters
Chapter Thirteen- I Unfortunately Don't Get Fired
Chapter Fourteen- Heroes and Villains
Chapter Fifteen-Accusations
Chapter Sixteen- Being Electrified Hurts

Chapter One- The not-so-fabulous First day

330 13 9
Da -_TheOneAndOnlyMe_-

"Welcome to SpringBrookes High School I hope you have a fabulous day!" The secretary in front of me shot me a dazzling smile with perfectly straight teeth. This lady was seriously gorgeous, which made me wonder what on Earth she was doing as a secretary. I had to admit, it was kind of respectable. The only problem was that she was too peppy and excited. Her tone was so sweet I think I got a toothache.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed, giving her an exaggerated fake smile before walking out the doors.

As soon as I exited the office I could see the cliques in this school. There were the cool jocks, the Jv jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, and the cool people that don't play sports. None of which I would fit in to. I was even too nerdy for the nerds, which is sad. My locker was on the third floor of this gigantic school, and my first period was on the first floor. I looked at my a
Schedule and could tell I would have to run to get to most of my classes on time. It's official, I hate my new school. Though it can't be much worse than my previous one.

This year would be pretty simple, note my sarcasm. I'm a fifteen year old trying to fit in as a junior, not to metion it's already March and I'm just now starting here. I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Of course, it didn't help that I walked into my first period late. Everyone's heads shot up as soon as I stepped foot into the room and I could feel their eyes boring into my soul. Thy took in my whole appearance. My tiny five foot one height mixed in with my giant librarian-like glasses, and I was immediately placed into a category labeled 'Uber-Nerd'.

"Hello, you must be our new student, Miss Black." The teacher said, walking up to me. He was shorter than me, which is really saying something, and he vaguely reminded me of the satyr from the Heroes of Olympus series, Gleeson Hedge.

"Yes." I mumbled, shifting my weight uncomfortably.

"Well you have chosen the perfect day to join us, because I'm letting everybody choose their own lab groups." He went on to say a bunch of stuff about how he didn't believe in single person work and everyone had to at least be in a group of four. After that lecture, he gave me a really long speech on lab safety that I didn't pay attention to. I was too busy counting the people in the class. 24, not including me. Which meant I would probably be the odd one out.

My point was proven when he released people to pick their lab groups and everybody immediately found their three best friends. Not surprised, I stood there awkwardly as six groups formed in front of me.

The teacher, who's name I should really figure out, looked at the class in disappointment. He clearly thought that teenagers would be welcoming of the new nerdy kid.

This man knows nothing about teenagers.

"Alright, who will accept Miss Black into their groups. Come on, don't be shy." The silence in the class was deafening. I stood there awkwardly, holing my small binder in my hand as no one spoke up. Eventually he just sighed and said, "Why don't you just sit there Dani, and you can rotate tables during the labs. And since no one was willing to sit with her, I will be picking your groups for this upcoming assignment." Man, this guy was just digging my hole deeper and deeper. If people don't hate me by the end of the day, than I have superpowers.

"Thanks a lot Tiny." Someone mumbled under their breath, causing my face to flush in embarrassment. Really? Tiny? Was that the best they could come up with? Newsflash, stating an obvious part of my appearence doesn't mean it's an insult. At least the people in my old school were creative.

Even if the insult was lame, half the class still snickered. Fortunately, I was able to sit down and be invisible for the rest of class. Unfortunately, as I was hurrying out of class, someone stuck their leg out to trip me. I tumbled to the ground and my glasses slipped off my face.

"Sorry, you were so small I didn't even see you there." The boy sneered before walking out if the classroom. Great, I haven't even been at school for an hour and people have already started picking on me.

I found my glasses on the floor and, thankfully, they weren't broken. I put them on and tried to get to my class before the bell rang. I barely made it inside as the bell rang. This teacher was a stiff old lady, who looked me over and nodded. Of course, as a nerd, teachers usually liked me. The problem always seemed to lie within he students.

That class was uneventful, as were my next few. Lunch came too quickly, and I still hadn't even had a friendly conversation with someone. Shocker. I wanted to avoid the awkward lunch scene from the movies where the new kid unsuccessfully tries to find a place to sit, only to end up eating in the bathroom. Instead, I went to the typical nerd hang out. The library.

Sadly, as soon as I stepped through the doors, it was clear I was not the only one planning to eat in here. The library tables were already filled up with people that also wanted to avoid the cafeteria madness.

There wasn't a single seat open, so I left and walked into the science classroom. It was a rather large room, with big tables instead of tiny deasks. The teacher, who's name I learned was Mr.Kiliardian (everyone just calls him Mr. K.) was at his desk. He looked up from his eork and smiled at me.

"Hello Miss Black, how can I help you?" He asked politely.

"Um, can I eat lunch in here?" I asked.

He smiled at me reassuringly. "First day troubles?"

No thanks to you.I wanted to bite back, but instead said "Yeah."

"Sure, just go ahead and take a seat." He gestured toward the array of desks, and I sat at my assigned seat from his class. I ate my lunch quickly, though I didn't know why I was in such a hurry. I had nothing waiting for me outside this room. The only person who would willingly spend time with me was my chemistry teacher.

But nonetheless, I finished my lunch way before the period was over. I managed to sit still for about thirty seconds before I started to gt restless. To fix that, I pulled out a sharpie and started drawing on my brand new binder. When I got tired of that, I started tapping my fingers on the desk. Eventually, I think Mr.K just got fed up with me, because he spoke up tk stoo my tapping.

"Can you help me with something?" I nodded and he brought me to the supply closet in the backmof his room. He pulled out a large tray of beakers filled with a strange blue goop, each of them topped with a cork to keep it from spilling. "I know this seems rather far fetched, but I was trusted with testing this new material, along with a few teachers from other schools. I was wondering if you wanted to help me."

"Am I allowed to?" I asked. I'll admit, I was excited like the extreme geek that I am.

"I think so." He replied confidently.

"Alright." I grinned and picked up one of the beakers. "What do you want me to do?"

We spent the rest of the class period looking at the goop, but never found anything interesting. When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and walked to my next class. It was one of the only ones I wouldn't have to run to make it there on time.

The rest of the day was uneventful, and before I knew it, it was time to go home.

The people on my bus were loud and boistrous, but for the most part ignored me. My new house was empty when I got there, and there were boxes scattered around in multiple places. My parents were probably at work.

My dad was an orthodontist, which is a profession I could never do. I would never be able to put my hands in other people's mouths. It's disgusting.

My mom, however, had a proffession in which I'd love to follow in her footsteps. She was a stay-at-home mom. I know, I'm two grades ahead and in all advanced classes and that's not going to help me when I'm a mom. Unless I decide to home school my kids. Which, knowing how much high school kids suck, I might just do that.

I walked into the kitchen to get a snack, but was met by empty cupboards and a note from my mom.

Hey sweetie, I went to the grocery store and probably won't be home for a while. I left some money in the drawer under this note. There's a gas station about a quarter of a mile away. Go ahead and get yourself a treat.


There was a ten dolar bill in the drawer, which I pocketed. Was there really a gas station so close to our house? How had I not noticed it when we moved in? And where exactly was it? Because knowing me, I'm going to get horribly lost.

I was right, of course. Five minutes after I left, and I had no clue where I was. I wasn't even sure if I was in the same state anymore. (Though to be honest, that's just me being dramatic. I'm nowhere near that fast.)

I wandered aimlessly for another few minutes before stopping. Maybe I should just sit here until my parents call the police to look for me. That would probably be the fastest way for me to get home, since my navigation skills will only get me more lost.

I considered asking someone for help, but that would involve human interaction, and I don't trust people. Not to mention I couldn't ask someone directions to my house, since I have no clue which one it is.

I decided it would be best for me to keep walking. I figured there was no way I could get even more lost than I was.

Boy was I wrong.

Within only five minutes I couldn't even figure out where my neighborhood was. In fact, was that the school over there?

Yes, yes it was.

Well, at least I know where I am know. I guess I can call my mom and ask for directions. I dialed her number and she answered almost immediately.

"Hey Sweetie, what's cooking good looking?" I cringed.

"What did you just say?" I was mortified.

"What? Isn't that some of the new lingo you guys have?"

"No mom, no it is not."

"Please. You're just jelly that you're not as cool as me."

"Mom no! Stop! Can you please come pick me up from school?"

"Now why on Earth are you still at school?" Afer I explined to her, she said "Lol, LMAO."

"Mom! Please stop!"

"You just don't appreciate me." She replied defensively. "So you can find your own way home."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"It's baseball season right now." She continued. "I'm sure you can get a ride from a handsome boy."

"Mom! I'm only fifteen, I don't need to be thinkjng about boys yet! Dad won't even let me date until I'm sixteen!"

"Your dad is such a buzzkill. You're in the same grade as seventeen year olds, I'm sure you can start dating."

"No! No I can't! Please just come pick me up!"

She chuckled. "Just ask a nice boy. Maybe you'll hit it off and I can stop worrying about you being an old cat lady."

"Mom!" I shouted. "I don't want to get a ride from a teenage boy! There's an 89 percent chance he'll be a perve!"

"Use protection!" She called, before hanging up.

"Mom!" I sighed. Great. Now what? I could walk home, but I have no clue where it is. Not to mention, no one can drive me home since I don't know the address. Suddenly, my phone beeped, and I saw a text from my mom.

6743 Anderson Drive ;)

I hate my mom.

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