Enter The Sandman 2: Karmatic...

By Sandman113091

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The world has fallen, yet the new world has risen. After the Academy's downfall, the boss has almost complet... More

The New World Has Come
Project Delnine Boss
Overwhelming Heat
Enter Adela & Vicky
The New City
GOOD Karmatic Choice: Help Adela
BAD Karmatic Choice: Help Vicky
Time Knows No Bounds
Enter Emanuel
Introducing Our Leader
Someone on Board
Puppet Snake
Number Seven vs Number Seven
Enter Ieli
This Is My Playground
Our Hope Has Returned?
A Meeting
GOOD Karmatic Choice: Destroy the wall
BAD Karmatic Choice: Destroy the ceiling
Someone You Wouldn't Expect
To Reach That Level
Just A Ruse
Controllable Dome
A Secret War
Secret War Part 2
Secret War Part 3
Secret War Part 4
Secret War Part 5
Secret War Part 6
Secret War Part 7
Secret War Part 8
Secret War Part 9
Secret War Part 10
Secret War Part 11 - The Hidden Form
Secret War Part 12
Secret War Part 13
Secret War Part 14
Secret War Part 15
To Surpass Even That
To Irona
Flying First Class
Origin Of The Reaper
Enter Alex
Cocoa Puff
The Strange Robbery
The Seesaw Game
Bothersome Atmosphere
Little Trolls
Hard Target
Seesaw Game Continued
Empty Delnine
Strange Charms
The Guiding Light
Six Versus One
Sands of Time
Sands of Time Continued
Enter Cesar
The Messiah
Whispers of the Name
Hunter and the Hunted
Father Mode
My Angel
Enter Verian
Springtime of Youth
Dreams to Nightmares
The Unusual Life Form
Overwhelming Force
The Nice Agency
War Plans
The Sands of Time Rule
Doom Squad
Zero Technique
Baring Hatred
Young Prodigy
Harmony is Not With Us
Acid Reanimation
The Last Two Pieces
Mind Wreck
I Have Myself
Moves To Be Made
The Knowledge
Tenaki Origins
The World in a New Light
A Hero Doesn't Need a Nickname
Enter Kiruh Black
Enter Caresa
Galaxy Raising Angel
Who Is The Messiah?
The Return
Forbidden Atmosphere

Enter Lilian

448 7 0
By Sandman113091

A meeting starts to form at a distant place, hidden far underground away from all society.

"Boss... looks like the citizens are beginning to worry about your safety.  Everyone is attempting to gather at the temple's ashes..." Billy says while pointing at a news broadcast.

"Cut that off.  We're at a meeting now.  I don't want any disturbances."

"Wow... first meeting you actually take seriously" Hurik says with his usual devious smile.

"You're the last person I want to hear that from."

"Right right... so what're you gathering us all here for anyway?"

"...We are slowly entering the final steps of our plan.  It seems like Sathe was killed, but he managed to extract the Seishunn Soul's power before doing so."

"And did you retrieve it before the place was blown to smithereens?" Billy asks.

"Of course..." Kristy says with a victorious grin.  She raises her arm and thousands of minuscule stars spiral from her palm. 

"So... what were you planning on doing with that?"

"We've already extracted a little bit of power from both Kiruh and Adam... so we've reached the limit.  First thing's first... we will use this power to take over the universe."


Kristy laughs.  "Just kidding, just kidding.  Really, I just want to fuse with this power, and become a whole new being..."

"You're already strong enough... what good would becoming stronger do?"

"This exactly won't make me stronger.  Well, the space will make me stronger.  The other two will enhance my beta to the point of where it gets to my father's level.  Then I can handle creating the technique that will give us permanent peace..."

"Don't give me that crap..." a voice says from the entrance of the room.  Everyone pans their attention over to the figure limping towards them.

This person gives Kristy a deep glare.  "A technique for permanent peace?  Why're you going to lie to everyone like that?  That obviously isn't your goal, oh evil dictator..." 

Billy's eyes grow wide, and she runs over to the figure.  "D-Dan!?  I thought you were killed!?"

"Killed?  I'll admit, the twerp was strong, but he wasn't strong enough to kill me... I just covered my body with darkness and made it look like he burnt me to death..."

"...So you ran away" Billy claims in a dull tone.

"I-I didn't run!  I was just a little overwhelmed..."

"I'd hate to interrupt this reunion..." Kristy says with her head down.  She suddenly appears in front of Dan, with her finger against his forehead.  "...But what do you mean, I'm lying?"

"You're lying straight through your teeth... Os-"

Dan suddenly stops talking, and stands there with widened eyes.  He falls to the ground, unconscious.

Oscuro appears through a smoke cloud, and examines Dan.  "He was interrupting the meeting.  I'll throw him outside.  It seems like he was trying to turn on us.  I say from this point on, we ban him as an Empty Agent."

Kristy sighs loudly.  "I don't care, do whatever you want.  I just want to get to the point already."  She walks back towards the meeting table, as Oscuro summons a dark cloud which covers over Dan, causing him to disappear.

Kristy sits back down in her seat, and remains quiet with a dull expression on her face for a few seconds.  She then says, "The boy will do a few drastic things some time in the future.  Which is why I've decided to finally start using my trump cards."

"Wait a minute... you don't mean-" Billy shouts before Kristy interrupts her saying "Yeah.  It's actually convenient that Dan was just recently banished.  Now I don't have to change the numbers."

She nods at everyone, signaling for them to all stand.  Another figure walks out of a secret entrance, and heads towards the crew.  The shadows blinding the figure from everyone slowly fade.

Suiyomi, who has been quiet the entire time, gets a shocked expression.  "Wait a minute, that's-!"

 "Well, what's your decision?" Infinite asks me.

I look up at the sky, with my arms behind my head.  "Traveling to a far off place, training with someone I've never met in my life... obviously i'm a little skeptical."

"Yeah, I guess I could see how you are a little skeptical.  Don't worry, you can take your time in your decision all you want.  I just want to let you know now though... they are planning another attack."


"And this time, as the way you are... you won't be able to stand up against them... they've gotten stronger..."

"Stronger?  They just lost almost all of their men!"

"True... but the Empty Agents, including Kristy..."

I grit my teeth.  "How ridiculous..."


"What's this stupid mess that's going on.  I don't get any of it.  Why did you suddenly show up?  Why do you know everything, and why did they just get stronger?  Who are you, huh?"

"I told you, I'll tell you on the tri-"

I lunge forward and grab this bastard by the collar.  "I asked who are you!?  Don't blow me off like that, if you want to train me so badly, just give it to me straight!"

"Wow, she was right, you do jump ahead all the time..."

"Who was right!?  Are you talking about Brima!?"

"Brima?  Oh... yes, actually.  She told me all about you.  How you were an idiotic, dull minded baboon who couldn't even grasp his mind for a single second to think about his decisions..."

"S-She said that about me?"

"...But you were her idiot.  And she really cared for you a lot."

I tighten my fist, and push him away.  "I'm going for a little walk.  You are going to tell me everything when I get back."

I jump off the ship and walk into the forest, extremely agitated.  After an hour of silently walking, I rest against a tree, and emit a bottle of water in my hand.  I start chucking the water down and throw it in the grass.

Just when I was starting to feel better, I get bombarded with more confusing crap.  I don't even know if this training would be worth it.  Why am I so important to everyone?  I keep fighting, and failing.  It's like I'm going on and on.  At first it was for my own satisfaction, but I don't get satisfaction out of what we are doing now.

Out of all my supporters, I don't gain any sense of satisfaction from them.  Are they just using me for their own goals?  Back in the days, I received plenty of support from my friends, that boosted my morale.

But now it seems like they all rely on me, and I don't receive a single thought on their mind.  I feel left out.

"Hey now... you're feeling like a huge mess, huh?" a voice says to me.  I look around, but see no one.

"Don't look around you idiot, it's me, you don't remember my voice after so long?"


"Who else, idiot?"

"Well I seem to have two others in my mind... one of them I didn't even know about, the other is a fox, and you are just my alternate personality.  Wow... that makes me sound like I'm going insane."

"Why're being so negative now anyway?  I know your girly died and all... but this is something completely different.  You are supposed to be the complete opposite of me, but right now, you are a little too much like me."

"It's none of your business."

"You say that, but I can hear your every thought... well, hell, I am you, so I think it's very much my business."

"Well, have you ever felt left out of things, or just confused at everything that's going on around you?"

"The second one, no.  But the first one, of course.  But I'm the Sandman, why the hell should I care?"

"That 'I don't care' attitude got you where you are today..."

"What're you talking about.  I'm a better person today."

"What are you talking about.  You are dead today."

"Am I dead, really, Kiruh?"

"...I see what you are doing here, but-"

"But nothing.  If you are going to represent our name today, quit being a little punk and man up.  Otherwise I'll never acknowledge you as me."

I click my tongue and squint my eyes.

"Hey now... it's not nice to litter in the forest" another familiar voice calls out to me from behind one of the trees.

I quickly stand up and pan my eyes all over the place.  "Who's there!?"

Volcanic sand picks up the bottle, and crushes it.  Hurik then walks out from behind a tree, with an insane smile on his face.  "Long time no see, eh?"

"Actually I just saw you a few hours ago..."

"But that's such a long time for me.  How have you been, eh?"

"Well gee you murderous bastard, I wonder how I've been."

"Whoa whoa there... name calling?  That's a little uncalled for."

I immediately blast sand at him, but he easily intercepts it with sand of his own.  "Come on now... I'm not trying to fight you here.  You're just too weak as you are right now."

"Then why'd you come here!?  How did you even know I was here!?"

"Well I was ordered by the boss, to show you a little gift."


"Yeah... I'm sure you'll just love this one."

"If she wanted to show me a gift, why didn't she just come herself, huh?"

"She's a little busy, fusing powers and stuff, you know?  All in preparation to murder all of your comrades."

"I'd like to see her try..."

"Alright, alright.  Come on out, five.  He's waiting for you."

"...Five?  Dan?"

"Nah... forget that guy, we got someone much more useful.  Who'd of thought the boss was hiding this up her sleeve?"

Another person falls from the sky, and when they land, electricity bursts from their feet.

I almost instantly recognize them.


She looks up at me, with a blank expression.  Her right eye looks completely cybernetic, and she's wearing an Empty Agents robe.  She opens her mouth and says "...Who are you?"

I can feel my heart beat hard, as anger quickly dwells within me.  I quickly take a glare at Hurik, and black beta begins to leak from my body.

But before anything can even happen, Infinite suddenly appears in front of me and snatches me away.  He runs at an amazing speed, and carries me as if I weighed nothing.

"There are some things even you shouldn't see..." he says, calmly.

"Let me go!  That bastard has my mother!  They did something to her!  I have to go back, or else-"

"What are you going to do?  Turn into the reaper again?  Did you know that millions of people died at the hands of a single attack from that thing, and it killed an entire forest?"


"And you're saying you want to repeat that?"

"I-I didn't know!"

"Look... just come with me back to the ship.  I'll explain everything."

Hurik only looks in the direction they ran off to, with a bored face.  "Ah, looks like they got away.  Whatever though... looks like everything boss said was right.  Whatever she's planning... it doesn't look like it's going to fail."

He signals for Briaunna to follow him, and they walk off back towards their hidden base.

We eventually make it back to the ship, and walk inside.  Things seemed to have gone a little haywire since I was gone, because it's a mess in the main room.  However, everyone seems to be having a good time.

"What'd I miss?" I say, putting on an act.

"Looks like we have two new members, so we're celebrating!" Rina cheers.

"I joined cause I was pretty bored" Golem says with her arm wrapped around Orion's neck.

"And I joined because I'm going to take your position as boss" Kyeru claims.

"...Wow what stupid reasons" I say quietly without a single pause.

"Anyways, while celebrating our two new members, we are also preparing a funeral for the people we lost during that last mission" Yein says.

I look down at the ground.  "I see..."

"Anyways..." Infinite says as he steps forward.  "I have a small announcement to make."  He looks over at me before saying "That is, if you've decided, Kiruh..."

"Things are just happening left and right... even after what I just saw... but I'm actually a little bit relieved..."


"...My mother is still alive, even if she's in that state of mind... that gives me another goal to step towards..."

Yein secretly looks shocked as I say that, but attempts to hide his expression.

"And what's that goal?" Infinite asks me.

"I'm going to crush Kristy and bring my mother back to her senses.  And since Kristy can control time and bring people back... I'm going to make her bring back everyone that has died in front of my eyes."

"That's a pretty bold goal there."

"...I can't do it without your help" I say, as I look over at Infinite.

He starts to chuckle.  "Just a few minutes ago, you were about to bust out the Reaper!  And now you are all relieved, and even have a bit of inspiration... mom was right... you are a weird one..."


He chuckles once more, and begins to unwrap the bandages.  I begin to notice... this guy wasn't a guy.

The bottom of her green hair falls out over her shoulders.  Her green hair fades to white the further her hair goes up, just like Brima's.   She has completely white eyes, so I'm assuming she's blind.  She has tanned skin, and burn scars around her eyelids.

"Nice to finally meet you... I'm your daughter, Lilian Black."

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