Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

بواسطة itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

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بواسطة itshelbs

Camila's POV

It has been nearly a week since Lauren and I started dating. Fortunately, everything had been sort of easy, there weren't any major problems. The only problems we were having were controlling ourselves during class. We were too affectionate.

Controlling myself was extremely difficult, especially whenever she leaned over my shoulder to help me with a problem. Her vanilla scented body spray made me want to kiss her neck, better yet, her Adam's apple. That was such a turn on.

Like right now, we were in class, she was leaning over my shoulder, close to my face. Since I sat in the very front row, everyone could see us. Lauren had to be very careful, but apparently she couldn't contain herself from getting somewhat close.

"You need to simplify the ones in the parenthesis first," Lauren instructed. Of course, I already knew that, but I had to pretend.

"Ohh, okay." I played along. "I see," I went to work on it.

"Oh my god, Camila is so lucky," I heard someone whispering a few seats behind me. Lauren must have heard it too because she discreetly looked back. A strand of her hair fell into my face making me want to giggle. Lauren fixed herself over my shoulder again, still explaining the steps to me. "Look how close Miss Jauregui is to her," now that I heard the voice again, I could tell that it was Austin.

"Fuck, well Miss Jauregui is lucky too, Camila is hot," by the sound of that voice, it was Ramon.

Lauren definitely heard that, her hand brushed on mine. Her pinky overlapping mine, as if claiming me as hers. That made me feel chills. Lauren made a bit more space between us, in order to be more discreet.

"Either way, I'm going to pretend like I'm having trouble, just so Miss Jauregui can help me like that," Austin squealed silently, yet, I still heard him. Funny how he thought he was being discreet, when in reality, we could hear him clearly.

"Dude, you don't need to pretend, you're already dumb," Ramon laughed. Haha, that was pretty funny. And I would've laughed if it weren't because I was pretending not to hear them.

I looked up to see Lauren trying to stifle her laugh.

She stood up straight, "I hope I was able to help," she spoke professionally.

"Thank you," the end of my led pencil was between my teeth, trying to be seductive. "Although, I think that I still need a little more help," I acted a bit confused. "I still get stuck," I added.

Lauren caught on, "Okay, come here during lunch and I'll help you out," she answered. As she walked to another student who had raised their hand, her hand brushed on mine. Lauren past behind me, she had to squeeze herself between my seat and the one behind me. Her hands slid on my shoulder in the process.

Wanting to giggle, I bit on my thumb.

Just when Lauren had reached the student, Lucy decided to make an appearance at my desk. At first, I kept my head down, pretending like I hadn't noticed her. She stood there, without saying anything, which I thought was weird. It made me uncomfortable. Feeling uneasy, I looked up, acknowledging her.

"Um, do you need anything?" I asked but continued working on the classwork.

"I've been wanting to talk to you for the past two weeks," she spoke softly, almost afraid.

Well I had been avoiding her for the past two weeks, our date never took place either. After the kissing incident, I couldn't stand being around her. Kiss, or no kiss, the date was never going to happen. I was already planning on breaking off the date.

"Okay," I didn't care much. I just wanted her to leave me alone.

"I wanted to apologize for kissing you," well she apologized, not even being quiet anymore. Others heard it as well.

Boom! A loud noise was heard. Being frightened by it, I quickly looked to see what it was. Looking in the direction of where it came from, I saw Lauren picking up a textbook from the ground.

"Sorry," she apologized to the student and placed the textbook back on her desk. Lauren looked up through her eyelashes, making eye contact with me, seeming to not like what she was seeing, and hearing.

Turning back to Lucy, "Okay, well you've apologized, now move on," I continued solving the math problems.

"I see that you're mad," she stated. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. This was becoming annoying. What bothered me the most is that she decided on talking about it right now, here in Lauren's class. From the corner of my eye, I could feel Lauren's stare on me. "Camila, answer me," Lucy sounded in distress.

"Lucy, I don't know what you want me to say," I shrugged, not really making it a big deal. Like if it meant nothing to me. "I'm not mad, I just want you to leave me alone," I stated truthfully.

"Burn!" Ethan thought it would be awesome and appreciative to shout out.  

His seat was next to mine, and I scolded him, making him look the other way.

Once again turning to look at Lucy, I added, "Please, leave me alone," I requested as polite as possible.  

"Are you seeing someone?" Lucy really questioned. "Tell me, I want to know," she was almost demanding. My eyebrows arched as a skeptical laugh escaped my mouth. Lucy was nuts. She had no right to demand anything. It's not like we dated. The date never happened.

"Excuse me," I puffed with attitude. Wow, she actually had the nerve to question me.

"Who's the girl? Hm. Who is it?" her arms crossed, still insisting.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It almost made me want to laugh. Lucy was making a fool out of herself. Was she seriously expecting me to answer her? Did she still expect me to give her a chance? No way in hell!

Someone cleared their throat next to me. I looked up, and saw Lauren.

"Lucy, is there a problem?" she crossed her arms.

"Not at all," Lucy's arms unfolded themselves. "I was just asking Camila for help," she stepped closer to me, to try and make it more believable.

"Well Camila's having trouble herself, so I don't think she'll be of much help to you," she stated. Oh snap, that sure shut Lucy up. Noticing that I was actually almost done with the work, I moved my hand over my paper to cover it. "Why don't you go back to your seat, or ask someone else for help," she suggested. "Or I could help you," she offered.

"I'll do it on my own," Lucy said and walked away. Finally! I definitely had to thank Lauren for this, with a kiss... or a makeout session. Makeout session it was.

I smiled at her, and mouthed a thank you. She smiled back, sliding her hand along my shoulder discreetly. As I watched her walk right in front of me, I couldn't help but think about our relationship. About how lucky I was. Everyone in class fantasized about her. Everyone at school wished to hook up with her. Fortunately, I was the lucky one who got to call her mine.

I was the one who she cared about.

Who wouldn't die to be in my place?


Trying to be sneaky, I made sure my friends were walking ahead of me, while I stayed behind them and hoped to walk away when they weren't paying much attention. Unfortunately, Vero kept looking back, trying to get out of Shawn's grip.

Yes, Vero was talking to me again, without any attitude. It was strange how things happened. Randomly, she started talking to me again, as if nothing had happened. Not wanting to ruin it, I didn't ask questions, or bring the subject up.

Oh and we still hadn't talked about her feelings for Dinah. Either way, I was here for her, whenever she was ready to talk about it.

When all three of my friends were looking straight forward, I began to walk the other way. Taking light footsteps, to not make noise. Just when I was a few feet away from them...

"Camila, where are you going?" Vero caught me, followed by my other friends.

"Are you ditching us?" Dinah questioned, walking over to me. Vero and Shawn walked over too.

Well now I had to come up with a good excuse.

"I have somewhere I need to be," I replied shrugging it off.

"Why were you sneaking off though?" Shawn's forehead creased.

"I wasn't sneaking off," I laughed it off. "I was just being quiet because I didn't want to disturb the other classes," I excused. Hey, that made sense. Shawn fell for it right away. Dinah seemed to be analyzing what I just said, while Vero stared at me skeptically. "Look, I would love to have lunch with you guys, but I really have to go take care of school work," I said in a monotone voice, like I wasn't looking forward to it. In reality, I couldn't wait to see Lauren and to be alone with her.

"Okay, sucks for you," Dinah teased. Her and Shawn were getting ready to walk away, but Vero remained in her spot. "Vero come on," Dinah pulled on her arm gently.

"Um, Shawn and Dinah are waiting for you," I hurried, as if she didn't know.

She turned around, "Let's go," she took heavy steps. Shawn and Dinah turned after her. Well what the fuck was wrong with her? Her bipolar attitude was getting on my nerves already. Sure she was one of my best friends, but I wasn't going to put up with it much longer.

Brushing it off, I walked to Lauren's classroom. When I reached it, I knocked and looked left and right to make sure no one was around. The coast was clear. Lauren opened the door slightly, checking who it was first. Once she saw that it was me, she opened the door completely, allowing me inside.

After closing and locking the door, she came up behind me, "Hey beautiful," she kissed my cheek. My hands held her arms, as they slipped around me. Wanting a proper kiss, I looked to my right and tilted my head back a bit.

My hand held her jaw while we kissed.

"Hello," I smiled, feeling really tingly.

Lauren turned me around, "I've been waiting for the past two minutes," her forehead rested on mine while her hands rested on my hips. "What took you so long?" she pecked my lips.

I giggled while resting my hands on her neck, "It was only two minutes, that's nothing."

"Well it felt long," she teased, nuzzling our noses.

Her eyes narrowed, looking directly at my lips. My eyes shifted to hers, desperately wanting to kiss them again. Not being able to control myself anymore, my lips pressed against hers. Her hands pressed on my lower back bringing me closer to her. Feeling her body sent chills down my spine. Lauren then directed me to walk backwards. During this, I couldn't stop nibbling on her lower lip, teasing her with little bites. Lauren quivered, which made me feel really confident.

We came to a stop, apparently we had reached her destination.

Now that our lips had parted, I had a chance to catch my breath. I noticed that we had reached her chair behind her desk. Lauren and I released one another.

Taking a seat, she tapped her lap, "Sit," she smirked and winked.

Wow. This seemed hot. Following her request, I sat on her lap. At first, it felt strange, after rearranging myself, I got the hang of it. During the past two weeks, we hadn't done this before. Well we also didn't see each other much during school, only when we really couldn't wait, like today. This morning, having her so close, god, I'm surprised that I didn't pounce on her in class.

"I like this," I said with a grin, trying to appear cute.

"I love when you do that," she pecked my lips. My arms slipped around her neck once again. While one of her arms slipped around my waist and the other rested on my thigh. "Now, I would like to talk to you about something that happened in class today," uh-oh, she remembered. For sure, it was about Lucy and the kiss.

"Uh," I looked anywhere but her eyes.

Lauren chuckled, holding my chin between her index and thumb fingers, directing me to look at her.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk it over," she clarified. "I know that you have a good explanation," she assumed. Well, I didn't really have one. Just that she stole the kiss from me, and that I tripped, followed by me crawling to the corner like a pussy.

"Sort of," I kissed the corner of her eye, causing her to shudder. Wow, I didn't know that was a sensitive spot for her. Awesome, now I knew. Again, I kissed the corner of her eye, making a small moan escape her lips.

"W-w-what d-do you m-me-mean?" she had trouble with her words. God, I loved it so much. Such a turn on. Hearing her stutter like that because of the effect I had on her... I couldn't have asked for more at the moment.

"You're talking about the kiss right?" I wanted to make sure. She nodded. "Well she stole the kiss from me, and well, I crawled away like a pussy," I grinned awkwardly.

Lauren's brows connected in confusion, "Huh?"

"Me being me, I tripped while pushing her away. I was so shocked that I stayed on the floor, and crawled away from her," I explained further. Lauren burst out laughing. "Hey don't laugh, it was a horrible experience for me," I smacked her arm lightly.

"Ouch," she pouted. Oh come on, I didn't even hit her that hard. "Sorry," she emphasized on the pronunciation of the word. Ha, sure you are Lauren. "Seriously, sorry," she meant it this time.

"It's okay," I shrugged it off. I was just joking too. "Any further questions?"

She shook her head, "Nope. Just kiss me," she pouted. That I liked. Teasing her though, I kissed the corner of her mouth. Her face kept moving, trying to catch my lips, but I kept pulling away just on time. "Stop it," she giggled.

"Uh-uh," I laughed, while holding her face in my hands and playing with her cheeks.

"You're such a child," she squinted at me.

"Yup," I didn't care, I was still going to play with her face. Not being so rough anymore, I gently traced her face, caressing it, and giving it light kisses. A small smile appeared on her lips, aw, she was enjoying this. She looked really relaxed. "You look exhausted, have the students been stressing you out?" I asked. Starting a new conversation.

"Yes," her head tilted back, but her eyes narrowed down to look into mine. Her Adam's apple was more noticeable because of the position her neck was in. Automatically, I kissed it. My hands cupped her jaw, and my thumbs massaged her cheek bones; it looked funny, but it seemed to help her relax.

"Would you like a shoulder massage?" I offered.

"Yes please," her green eyes sparkled.

My hands dropped from her face as I stood from her lap. Lauren remained seated while I walked behind the chair. My hands held her shoulders, and I began to rub them. They felt tensed, my hands were cramping up. She needed to let loose. This made me wonder how bad the students in her other classes were.

"Laur, relax. Breathe in and out."

"I'm trying," it sure didn't sound like it. Stress was heard in her voice. Following my instructions, she inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly. "I think a kiss will help," she put her best puppy dog face on, I pecked her lips. "Much better, but I need more." Her head tilted all the way back. Her head was upside down, I kissed her for a few seconds. I slipped my tongue in her mouth, struggling, since I wasn't used to kissing like this. My hands still rested on her shoulders, then I felt them relax. Hmm, I guess the kiss did help.

Our lips parted, "Hey it worked," I noted feeling accomplished.

"I knew it would." she grinned. Now that her shoulders were loose, I massaged them. Already knowing that she was enjoying it. "Mm, so fuckin' good," I could hear the relaxation in her tone of voice now.

Suddenly, Lauren stood up from her chair and pinned me against the cabinet closet. A smirk was plastered on her pretty face. I smiled big, wondering what she was doing. Not much wondering had to be done, by the look on her face, I could tell she wanted to get touchy. Seeing her smirk and then bite her lower lip made my knees weak. My body shuddered, feeling electricity run through my body.

"What are you doing?" I asked while she still had my wrists pinned to the cabinet.   

Lauren remained smirking, without answering. Instead, she nibbled and sucked on my neck, causing my back to arch off the cabinet, thus causing my front to collide with hers. Her teeth grazed my skin, mm, I couldn't think straight. My mind was all over the place thanks to the pleasure that I was feeling.

Unbelievable, there was a knock at the door. I sighed. Lauren stepped away from me immediately.

"Go to a desk," she rushed me.

While running to a desk, I fixed my clothes, making sure nothing was out of place. Quickly, I found a desk, and took out the Algebra 2 textbook. Lauren fixed herself and waited a few seconds to open the door.

It was a guy. Must have been a student from one of her other classes.

"Miss Jauregui, you okay?" was the first thing out of his mouth. "You seem out of breath?" he noted.

"Yeah, I was just looking for a document, but I haven't been able to find it," she lied. "But please, come in," she invited. I rolled my eyes.

"You must have really been looking for that document."

"Yeah, but who knows where I left it," Lauren went along with it.

The guy saw me, "Hi Camila," he greeted. Um, I didn't know this kid. I'm pretty sure that I had never met him before. I knew a lot of people, but he wasn't one of them.

"Hi," I greeted to be polite. "No offense, but do I know you?" I couldn't help my curiosity.

"No, but I know you." He answered with a grin, seeming happy to be having this conversation. Creepy. By the way that he was dressed, he could've been categorized as the not popular group. In fact, the geek group. That was better, but those things didn't matter to me really.

"Oh, well nice to meet you." I extended my hand to him.

He took it, "Thanks. I'm Evan," he officially introduced himself. I smiled in response; I mean he already knew my name, I didn't know what to say or do next.

Letting go of my hand, he turned his attention to Lauren, "I came to ask you for help," he stated. "I don't quite understand how to find the graphing points," he stated his confusion.

"Take out your textbook and I'll explain," she replied with a smile to make him more comfortable.

Even though Lauren was going to be busy with Evan right now, I still wanted to stay for the rest of lunch to admire her as a teacher. Lauren was just so caring, and she wanted her students to succeed. I wanted to stay here and watch her, maybe admire her beauty a little bit too.

While Evan took out his textbook, Lauren looked at me and blew me a kiss.

A/N: I would just like to say I have nothing against Lucy Vives! I would also like to apologize for not updating for a couple days; I've been stressing about my AP test that's coming up, and all of my final projects for school. I promise I will try and update tomorrow and Sunday.

Hopefully you liked this chapter, vote and comment for me loves.

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