Not what it seems

By maddslhorn_x

2.9K 133 41

A girl finally gets what she has worked her whole life towards. She worked hard to get away from her past and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- epilouge

Chapter 13

97 5 2
By maddslhorn_x

Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry for the delay in updating. It has been such a hectic weekend... Anyway, here's the update. I am working really hard on the next couple of chapters to make it perfect and therefore it is taking just a little while longer to write and then edit. Big things starts happening soon so Wooo! Anyway this chapter is quite emotional... You see Lacey display emotions she doesn't normally display. So enjoy. Comment what you think . Share and vote if you love it! Thanks

*Lacey's POV*

It was the the next morning that I woke up cold. My body shivering, I try to turn in to the comfort of Brad but when I do, I am met with an empty bed. My eyes open and I quickly look around the bunk but it's completely empty. Sighing I drag my self up and to the shower.

Stripping from my clothes I stare into the mirror. Looking over my body, the body that surprisingly endured so much but is still in tact. I trace the scars that my body holds from my missions, battles and my survival. There's a shallow slash across my right hip where a knife had caught my skin. There's a a bullet wound on my left rips. I had been lucky that day, distracted and caught off guard I was shot but the bullet had hit my rips; breaking them, and then becoming lodge between two of them. It was easy to pull the bullet out. I think about how easily it could have punctured my lung or heart if it had not ricocheted from my rips. I move my fingers to trace the black bruising my rips and side back now holds. Its sore but nothing I am not used to.

My fingers finally reach the scar, the scar directly above my heart. The scar my own mother had made as she had tried to kill me for disobeying her. She held the knife to my heart and began to push in until my sister had disturbed her. I had never been so thankful for that moment. I hadn't done much to disobey her, I just didn't follow through with her command of killing someone, someone I knew. Someone I knew was innocent. She snapped so quickly at me. That scar holds such a reminder, such pain and distraught as the thought of my mother pining me to the floor and trying to stab me through the heart. It isn't a large scar, its small but deep however, very noticeable to those who looked.

I tear my eyes away from the scarred, slashed, burnt and shot body of mine and instantly get in the shower. Sinking to the floor as I allowed the scalding water to wash over me. The memories all came rushing back but I should have known they would. Just one scar holds a thousand memories, and I was covered in them. I could feel the water burning my skin but I take no notice. I don't allow my self to move away from it. I don't allow my self to be saved from the water downpour.

The tears soon come to my eyes and I don't bother fighting them, only allowing them to fall and race down my face. My arms wrap around my legs slowly bringing them to my chest as close as possible. I bury my face into my arms and knees, hiding from the world around me. From my responsibilities, my fears and my life.

I hear someone knocking on the door and calling out but everything is a blur at the moment. I turn my face towards the door to try and hear clearer. Banging sounds on the door again before hearing someone shout 'Lacey.. Are you in there? It's been an hour'

Tristan. He's the one banging and shouting on and through the door. I re-bury my head not speaking a word. My mind races with memories, thoughts and fears. My fears and thoughts are of the same. What if I am not good enough? What happens if the person wins and gets the boys? How would I find them?

I'm interrupted again as more banging comes from the door but this time it is someone else shouting. 'Lacey let me in baby. Its Brad'

It's like a sudden shock runs through my body and I finally realise what I am doing. I feel the burning on my skin. I shakily try to slide out of under the water by shuffling sideways, but as I do the door is slammed open. I snap my head up towards the door where I see Brad, Tristan, James and Connor.

They all stare for a few seconds before Bradley runs towards me, he reaches for me but quickly brings his hand back while hissing. 'Fuck Lacey that water is scolding hot. What was you thinking?'

He leans over and turns the water off which makes me breath a sigh of relief as the hot water finally stops the attack on my body. The movement he makes is for the towel on the rack, he wraps it around me to cover my boiling body.

'What's happened? You need to speak to me right now' His voice is soft and demanding as he speaks to me.

I look up and quickly meet James' eyes. I stare for some moments, pleading for him to help me somehow. His eyes hold the look of understanding and sympathy. He nods gently before picking my phone up from the worktop.

He clicks a view buttons before he opens his mouth to speak 'Brad it looks like she's been reading the hate on twitter. It must have got to her' he hands the phone over to Brad and he reads the screen for a few moments. His jaw clenching and eyes darkening as he does.

He meets my eyes and pulls me into his body 'Listen what those people say are lies. Your nothing that they say. You don't deserve that at all. Your beautiful, talented, amazing and so incredible. You mean so much to me and to the boys Lacey. Don't believe their lies, they are all jealous that they don't have what you do'

My heart pounds at his words and I couldn't stop the fluttering feeling I had as he held me close. I smile thankfully as my eyes meet James', he simply nods in response.

'Thank you Bradley'

'Hey why don't we go on our date today, go get dressed and we will spend the day together, just us for our first date'

I nod eagerly as he helps me stand in front of him, the towel still on my body as I look around to the other boys 'I'm sorry for causing such trouble'. I don't wait for a reply as I just quickly walk back to get ready for Bradley and I's first date.


I had quickly got changed wanting to completely forget what had just happened not even 40 minutes ago.

Walking out I see the boys talking quietly but they stop as they see me. I stare questioningly, raising an eyebrow 'so your whispering about me or do I look crap?'

'No no baby, you look great. So beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous'

I laugh quietly before quickly pecking brads lips . I turn to James 'we need to talk later okay?'

He silently nods before I turn and grab brads hand as we walk from the bus and into the street . Not bothering to really hide our identities, I know there's a group of girls following us but we continue to walk. Hand in hand. It feels So right, so safe.

'Why do you need to talk to James later?'

'Oh we are writing a song. Well we've finished it and I wanted to talk to him about singing it with me' it's not a lie but not exactly the whole truth

'Oh can't wait to hear it baby, want Starbucks?'

I nod smiling nicely as he enters the Starbucks, leaving me outside in the shining sun.

'Hi L-Lacey, c-can I get a p-picture?'

I turn around and see a young teenage girl smiling sweetly holding her phone up for me to see.

I nod and stand next to her smiling as she takes a picture, she shouts a quick thank you before running away.

It's not long before I am passed a drink, then Bradley and I begin our walk to the rest of our date

'So baby, I was thinking we could go to the cinema and see the new jungle book film?'

'Oh you like a bit you of Disney?' I smirk

'Who doesn't love a bit of Disney. So is that a yes? I have been dying to see it' I laugh at his cuteness before nodding and grabbing his hand

It's not long until we are sat and watching the film. We hold each others hands until half way through the film where he tugs my arm a little bit. I turn to look at him and he is smiling cheekily at me

'Lace.. Sit on my lap would ya?' I look questioningly at him before just giving up and taking the sit in his lap.

He holds me tightly as I cuddle into him continuing to watch the film. It's not long till I feel and hear his whisper
'Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old mother nature's recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life'

I giggle quietly as he tries to copy the voice of the bear in the film. He stops singing and demands 'sing with me baby'

I clear my throat before gently singing not bothering to stop the giggles as I do
'Wherever I wander
Wherever I roam
I couldn't be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree
To make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants
And take a glance at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few'

We sit tightly cuddled together as we continue to sing the song together

'The bare necessities of life
Will come to you
They'll come to you!

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life'

It wasn't long until we had finished burst into a fit of laughter. 'Your my fluffy cuddly bear, my bear' I exclaim in a whisper as if it was a secret

'Am I really? Well your my blue' I stare with a raised eyebrow

'Yes you are, and I can't be blue that's the bear' I say almost defensively

'No baby, Baloo is the bear. But blue, blue is for me every time I get lost in those amazing eyes of yours. That's why your my blue. And that's also why these names are for only us'

I blush as he stares fondly at me 'okay bear' I whisper nuzzling his neck and placing a tender kiss there

'Okay blue'


We have finished the film and was currently waking back towards the bus, walking past the mall that held a massive fountain outside we heard screaming.

Still holding hands we turn to see a massive group of girls running out way, they were all screaming and shouting for our attention. Although mostly if not all for Bradley .

We take a few steps back and we want to run but the girls were already on us, mobbing us. We are pushed backwards with the momentum. I lose my balance and let out a scream 'bradley'

I don't have enough time to really do anything before I feel water surrounding me and a massive hit to my head. I hear more shouting and screaming but I can't comprehend anything. My head is pounding and this is the second time by body has been attacked with water today.

I can't seem to breath and I can't seem to work my way out. My body is stopping me from working... It's as if my mind is saying I deserve this. I deserve this torture. This pain.

I gasp as my body is pulled from the water, my vision blurry as I open them. I am leaning on a body beside me as they call my name but I don't hear it not until I hear a whisper 'blue, baby, blue look me please'

My eyes meet Brad's and I whisper in reply 'I'm okay bear. Just hit my head'

He holds me tighter as I hear gasps and shouts 'Lacey are you okay?'

'We are sorry Lacey. We love you'

'Shoulda drowned bitch'

'Dont touch that disease brad'

'Are you being hit Lacey? What happened to your face? Are you okay?'

We ignore them as Bradley helps me half walk and stumble back to the bus. It's not long until I am able to walk probably without trouble. I still have Bradley holding me, but I'm sure that more for his comfort than my own.

'Nearly there my blue. I'm so sorry'

We reach the bus and the door slams open. 5 bodies; including joe and dean, jump form the coach

'What happened?'

'She was pushed into the fountain as we were mobbed. Hit her head. She just needs to rest but she's okay. However the make up to cover her bruises has washed off. She might have to publish a statement otherwise they will think she's being hit'

They quickly nod in agreement as I make my way to the bunks to change and lay down. Bradley is sorting out the statement I should publish with joe while James comes back to see me

'You okay Lacey?' His voice gentle as he sits beside me

'Yeah I'm fine. Just caught me off guard and I hit my head a bit. Anyway I need to discuss something with you'

He stares for a moment, just watching my movements slightly. 'Mhm okay this doesn't sound like something I'm going to want to hear. But go ahead'

'Well.. The first thing is will you perform our song we wrote with me tomorrow and the second thing is erm... I'm worried. The attacks and attempts are happening more and more. What if I can't beat the next person. So I've decided... Your going to have to have a tracker. So I can trace you wherever you go'

'Of course I will sing with you. I can't wait. And er the second thing that's fine I don't mind carrying a tracker on me'

I take a deep breath as I know he might not like that I say next. 'No James er you can't wear it or have it in an object. They can easily find that and destroy it. I have a microchip that I can inject into your body. It will naturally dissolve in 3 weeks. Where I will inject another. It is only to keep you and the boys safe. If I am over powered or killed before I can save you. Either I .. If I don't die or Paul and Tyson can find you'

He stares for so long completely silent and I see him physical flinch when I say I might be killed.

'I er Lacey. No no you won't be killed. Don't you dare say that-'

I got him off as I slam a hand over his mouth quickly hissing 'don't shout. They could hear'

He sighs and nods 'I will have the injection if you have one to. I want to be able to find you incase anything happens to you. Deal?'

I look at him for a while, a gentle small smile gracing my lips. 'Of course. Anything to keep you safe'

James goes to speak but is interrupted by Bradley walking over to me holding his phone and smiling

'Hey baby, how you feeling? How's your head?' I nod at James as he heads out and brad takes his place

'Im fine bear, I'm fine. No worries'

He hands me over his phone after staring at me for a while to see if I was telling the truth or not. 'You have to post a statement. Basically saying your alright. Since you fell in the water your phone is wrecked. Joes already sorting a new one'

I take the phone smiling gratefully. Going straight to twitter I quickly make a tweet.

"Hey guys Lacey here. My phone had a fight with water today and lost so I stole Bradley's. Anyway thank you for all your concerns. But I ensure you I am completely fine, I had an accident a couple days ago which caused the bruises. I'm just to clumsy. Thank you. Love you all xoxo"

I send the tweet smiling and reading through the newsfeed when I come across a story

Warning- this is not a drill . The Bradley Simpson seen out on what appears to be a date with the Lacey Keating.

Okay so as you can see from the heading Brad Simpson lead singer from The Vamps band was seen out with Lacey Keating the brand new opening act for the band on their tour.

They were seen walking down towards Starbucks hand in hand quite cosy and very happy . Bradley was seen walking into Starbucks as Lacey took pictures with fans outside .

They walked to the cinema and were seen inside watching The Jungle book. How cute . It had been said that they were holding hands until Bradley pulled Lacey into his lap where they continued to whisper to each other and cuddle together.

Now no one could hear what they were staying to each other but it appeared that they were very happy, giggling and very affectionate with one another.

However, what seemed like the perfect date quickly ended in tragedy. The couple were once again walking together. They were mobbed by fans which caused Lacey to take a tumble into the fountain.

She was under water for quite a while, as brad fought his way through the crowd to get to her. He grabbed her from the water where it showed bruising and cuts on her face.

He was quick to usher her from the crowd and back to their tour bus. Nothing has been heard until 10 minutes ago where Lacey had finally tweeted, that she was very clumsy and was perfectly fine .

We hope Lacey is well! And we can not wait to hear about what is going on between Bradley and Lacey, they are so cute. We ship it!!

I finish reading and quickly show Bradley. He reads through and laughs slightly.

'We are very cute. I was so scared when you fell into the fountain and didn't get back up. My heart skipped a beat. Lacey please never scare me like that again'

I feel a light blush to my cheeks as I smile at him 'I won't Bear. I won't. You mean so much to me. More than anyone else ever has'

'You mean a lot to me to blue.'

That was it. We slept together, cuddling so closely together silently. It wasn't awkward but actually comforting. It was what we both needed in that moment . But I knew , I knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

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