By KatjaXXXO

87.9K 4.3K 310


Excerpt & Synopsis
Chapter One - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Two - Beckoning
Chapter Three - Out Of The Frying Pan & Into The Fire
Chapter Four - You're A Vampire, Sweetling
Chapter Five - Taunting The Wolf
Chapter Six - I Need One Dance
Chapter Eight - Surprise!
Chapter Nine - Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Ten - Silver Lining

Chapter Seven - Awaiting Our Reuinion

7.2K 382 37
By KatjaXXXO

Chapter Seven

Luna watched as Sean retired from the bedroom. Her heartbeat was hammering against her chest as she tried to recover her wits from their exchange of kisses. No doubt about it, this man was dangerous. She's been kissed before, but never like that. Never with such skill and compelling emotion of love and hate, all wrapped into one scorching kiss.

Covering her face in embarrassment with her palms, she steered her thoughts towards a more urgent topic. Leo must be worried. What would Rissa think? Reflecting back, she's never gone AWOL before. Since her parent's tragic incident, she's always placed her brother first. His happiness and well-being were her main priorities.

Would she be able to soak the sun into her skin at the beach with Leo anymore? Would she be able to dig her toes into the hot sand as he designed and created immaculate sand castles? Could she even accompany him to the playground and watch as he socialized and made friends?


She couldn't, because as of now she's a creature of the myth. Luna was wracked with emotions. She wanted to launch her fists in the face of the vampire who converted her; the vampire that murdered Christie and at the same time wanted to break down into uncontrollable sobs knowing that she weren't able to enjoy the simple activities that brought her and Leo joy in life.

Get a grip on yourself! There's nothing to gain from stressing over something that cannot be fixed!

Breathe in, breathe out.


Luna recalled Sean mentioning, 'Realm of Metaxu'. He sounded unfamiliar with Connecticut. Who would? It's considered one of the original thirteen colonies. That rules out leaving before him. What if she runs into another creature? As she gave it more thought, she realized there were more cons than pros to leaving alone.

I guess I could put him to use.

But why did the thought of using and discarding him afterwards leave an awful taste in her mouth? It shouldn't! The way he speaks about using her as a baby machine without considering her feelings should lessen the guilt.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Who cares though, right? She thought to herself, as she fluffed the pillows before resting her head to catch some Z's.

"Come," he summoned with a flick of his index finger. Sean was seated in a marble tub, its sheer water dressed with crimson rose petals. His eyes were a lustrous blue, reflecting wicked intentions as he lazily traveled his gaze down her naked body.

Luna sauntered in his direction; his focus followed the sway of her hips as she placed a foot inside the steaming bath. The water rose to the bottom of his pectoral muscles as she immersed her body in the liquid.

"Closer," he lured, with a sinful smirk, his arms were spread to the side, and rested above the tub.

She nibbled on her bottom lip nervously, and closed the distance with her body. Her bare breasts wet, brushed against his chest as she leaned against his sturdy frame.

Sean cradled her head in his hand and without preamble, pressed his mouth against hers. A kiss unlike the other, this wasn't a claiming. This kiss was desperate, full of need and longing.

As if he's waited an eternity for just this one kiss.

She panted, submerged in carnal arousal.

"More," Sean commanded as he palmed a rounded breast.

Luna jolted awake, feeling every bit aware of her sensitive body. She's heard of wet dreams, but not once did she have the experience.

What's wrong with me? First, drinking his blood, now I'm dreaming about him?

A knock sounded on the door. "Come in," she called. Readjusting her clothes, feeling as if she was caught taking action in something illegal.

Sean stepped inside, approaching with a small pile of clothes. He laid them beside her, along with a pair of sneakers, "Get dressed."

Recalling the dream, she flushed, incapable of looking at him in the face. Luna reached for the items, "Privacy?"

He scowled, "You have none."

"That's nice," she muttered underneath her breath sarcastically.

After a moment passed by, she realized, he was not joking. Thinking better of wasting time arguing with someone as stubborn as a brick wall, she decided to turn her back against him and quickly dress into the jean shorts and a printed Tee of Guns and Roses. Even the shoes were a perfect fit.

"Should I even ask how you got the right size?" Luna raised an eyebrow in question.

Sean simply swatted at the question as another red head with similar facial features to Melinda entered the bedroom. "This is Maribelle; Melinda's cousin," he introduced, not too pleased.

Maribelle held a sweet and innocent appearance. Her face brimmed with interest as she hastily grasped Luna's hand, giving it a hearty shake, "I wanted to take a good look myself at the lucky lady! Glad to see that my clothes fit you fine."

"Thank you for them," Luna smiled back.

Lucky lady?

Sean might be the most attractive man she's met and even the best kisser she knows, considering she's only kissed less than the number of people she can count on one hand; but he had this superiority complex that she cannot deal with.

"Enough with the chit-chat, can you produce the portal or not?" Sean asked Maribelle. She noticed he took a shower. His hair was half wet and the scent of fresh pine carried off him. The fact he looked that good in a grey v-neck sweater should be a crime.

Why does he have to smell so good on top of looking so fine?

"With that boon you've granted me in exchange, I can produce anything for you," she wagged her eyebrows, and threw a grin at him teasingly. "You know, you need to change your attitude, someone else can sweep Luna off of her feet right beneath your nose!" Maribelle flicked her nose with her thumb dramatically.

He grunted with a somber expression, "I'll hang the man that tries with his own intestines."

Maribelle rolled her eyes, "Ugh, Lycaon's and their over possessive tendencies! Anyhow, I'll need Luna to imagine the location she wants return to."

"Just like that," Luna asked, "That's all I need to do?" She could finally head back!

"Yeah, of course, I'll need your hand though. You might feel a titillating sensation wash over you, but that's just my magic transferring your thoughts so I can form the portal to your place," Maribelle took Luna's hand into her manicured ones.

Luna pictured Rissa's quaint little house in her head. A soft electric current swam through her body, and in the middle of the room, a seven foot oval portal materialized. It shone brightly with an array of colors. The scene was otherworldly; she didn't think she could ever get used to seeing the portal.

"Run along now," Maribelle gestured towards the radiant portal, looking like a proud mama bird watching her babies fly off for the first time.

Sean seized Luna's wrist and tugged her with him through the portal. Her hair stood on ends as if she rubbed it against a static balloon. She felt a current flow through her body as she passed the portal and stepped into Rissa's empty Kitchen.

Luna couldn't contain her excitement, she ran towards the living room. "Leo!" She exclaimed, but what awaited her was not Leo, but instead Jax looming over her friend's mother.


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