Cartier (Jaden Smith Fanfic)


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Danielle Summers moved to New York from California when she was ten, leaving her best friend Jaden Smith behi... Еще

Prologue: 9 Years Ago
Chapter 1: Remember
Chapter 2: Strangers
Chapter 3: That Girl
Chapter 4: Better
Chapter 5: Birthday Surprises
Chapter 6: The Fans
Chapter 7: How Far
Chapter 9: Meeting the Family
Chapter 10: Ruined
Chapter 11: Friends and More
Chapter 12: Chresanto
Chapter 13: Operation #Janielle
Chapter 14: Enough
Chapter 15: Forgive Me?
Chapter 16: Countdown
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: One Year Since
Chapter 19: Promises
Chapter 20: What She Deserves
Chapter 21: Exciting Moments
Chapter 22: Tour Part 1
Chapter 23: Tour Part 2
Chapter 24: Tour Part 3
Chapter 25: New York Troubles
Chapter 26: Confrentational Dinner
Chapter 27: Back Home
Chapter 28: M.I.A
Chapter 29: Just In Time
Chapter 30: Honey, I'm Home
Chapter 31: Dance
Chapter 32: Preperation
Chapter 33: Battlefield
Chapter 34: Both Of Us
Chapter 35: Halloween Frights
Chapter 36: Road to Recovery
Chapter 37: Welcome Home
Chapter 38: Family Matters
Chapter 39: Runaway
Chapter 40: Double Date + One
Chapter 41: Republic Records
Chapter 42: Deceived
Chapter 43: Getting Ready
Chapter 44: Proposal
Chapter 45: Forever
Sequel- Love & War (Attempt #2)

Chapter 8: Lion and the Lamb

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 Danielle"s POV:

“Bye, Jaden!” I waved goodbye to my boyfriend as he dropped me off in front of my class. He waved back and sped out of the parking lot. As I walked to class I noticed I’m getting a lot less looks of hatred than I did 2 months ago. I guess people are learning to accept Jaden and I. Well, except one person; Stella. You’d think after 5 months she’d be over Jaden but I guess not. You’d also think that after several failed attempts at breaking us up, she’d give in but I guess that’s not happening either. But she seemed to have infiltrated our lives by becoming best friends with Willow so we we’ll tolerate her… For now.

As I entered the classroom I saw Sky sitting in our usual seats in the back of the class, and went to go sit beside her. “Look who finally decided to get out of bed.” She said as she handed me a coffee from Starbucks.

“Well, I wasn’t very excited to come to class.” I said taking a sip of the White Chocolate Mocha.

“I don’t see why… Our teacher is a babe.”

I looked up at our teacher who was just walking in the door. “Not really. And I thought you and Teo had a thing going on anyway.”

“Oh that? I don’t think Mateo wants a relationship. He just wants to have fun.”

“And you think Mr. Keller, who is like thirty might I add, wants to be in a relationship with a student?”

She looked at me with a very serious face. “Age ain’t nothing but a number.”

“And jail is nothing but a room.” I replied.

“Says you.” She continued to gawk at our teacher as he started class.

“Okay class. Here we go. Can anyone tell me the best way to build a successful business?” As he finished his sentence, the door opened and a boy walked in. But not just any boy, this boy was SEXY! He had short brown curly hair, and brown skin that shined, with dark brown eyes, and a great build. “And who are you?” The teacher asked.

“Chresanto August, I’m a new transfer.” His voice was like a choir of angels singing, except it was just him. Who is this guy, and why is he so damn attractive?

“Eh-hem! Ms. Summers!” I felt Sky nudge my arm and I came back to reality. “I said please raise your hand.” I raised my hand as my teacher instructed me to do. “There. You can sit by her, Mr. August.”

Sit by me? What?! No! I won’t be able to concentrate! Why next to me?! The new boy sat in the chair beside me and smiled. Oh my god. Your teeth are perfect.

“Why thank you.” He said now smiling even bigger.

“For what?” I asked.

“You said my teeth were perfect. Thanks.”

Did I really say that out loud?

“Yes, you did.” He said and began to laugh.

Damn it Danielle, stop saying stuff out loud. “I’m Danielle Summers.” I extended my hand, but instead of shaking it, he kissed it.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Chresanto.” I began to blush.

“Mr. August, you haven’t been in my class five minutes and are already disturbing it. You and Ms. Summers have a thirty minute detention.”

“Yes sir.” We said simultaneously and Mr. Keller resumed the lesson.

“I guess we can talk in detention.” Chresanto said and I blushed even harder than I was already.

Sky leaned over and whispered in my ear, “So would you like to tell Jaden, or should I?” I pinched her leg, and she began to giggle.


The bell signaling class was over and every one left, except me and Chresanto of course. He and I were sitting at one of the tables in the class so why not get to know each other. “So, tell me about yourself, Chresanto. Why’d you transfer in the middle of the year?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just wanted new scenery, so I picked Cali. What better place, right?”

I chuckled. “That’s right. California is a beautiful place.”

“With beautiful people.” He winked at me and, again, I blushed.

We spent the rest of the time just casually talking about ourselves, school, and just getting to know each other. Time seemed to speed by and before I knew it, detention had ended. Chresanto walked me outside where Jaden was waiting in his car.

“See you later, Danielle?”

“Yeah. Text me anytime.” He nodded and brought me into a tight hug. I saw Jaden put on an angry face as we released the hug and Chresanto walked away.

I walked to Jaden and tried to give him a hug but he stopped me. “Who was that?”

“Chresanto. He’s new in my class. Funny story, we got detention together and-"

Jaden interrupted. “I don’t want to hear about how you were flirting with the new kid, especially when I witnessed it firsthand.”

“What? I wasn’t flirting.”

“Oh really. Danielle you were blushing the whole time, and you gave him your number. It took like a week for me to even get you to smile, and like a month for me to get your number. And that was after we started dating.”

“Okay, now you’re just exaggerating.”

“Whatever, just get in the car.” He opened the door, but I still detected a hint of an attitude.

I slowly walked to the door and before getting in the car, I pulled Jaden in for a deep kiss. I could tell he was surprised, but he didn’t hesitate to kiss back. “I love you and you only, no one else. Got it?” He nodded. “Don’t forget it.” I got in and he closed the door jogging back to the driver side. Before we could pull off I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Chresanto.

From Chresanto:

Hey Beautiful;)

I smiled and replied back. I heard Jaden talking to me but I couldn’t focus on what he was saying. All I could think about was Chresanto.

~Next Week~

Today is March 13th aka Jaden and I’s 6th month anniversary. I know 6 months isn’t such a big deal, but since only our friends and family truly believed we’d last this long, we decided to celebrate. Nothing big just some friends of ours, maybe a few more. Just a small party.

 I was in my dorm room with Willow, Sky, and Madison getting ready. I was wearing a black dress, while Sky wore red, Willow a black and yellow dress, and Madison a white and black dress.  It was now 7:55 so I knew the party was starting soon. I could hear the music playing downstairs and a few voices.

I heard a ding from my phone and saw a text from Chresanto. We’ve been talking almost nonstop since we met; he’s like my guy best friend. Every girl needs one, right?

From Chresanto:

I’m on my way. I can’t wait to see you, I’m sure you look just as beautiful as always, if not more.

I smiled but then felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned around to see all three girls reading the text over my shoulder with suspicious looks.

Sky was the first to comment. “I see you’re still texting Chresanto. Have you no shame?”

“Shame? Why should I be ashamed?”

“Well one, your flirting with someone who’s no your boyfriend.” Madison said.

“I’m not flirting.” I stood up and brushed off my dress making sure there were no wrinkles.

“Well if you’re not flirting with him, he’s flirting with you.” Willow said.

“Whatever guys. He’s just being a good friend, and that’s it. Nothing more.”

“Whatever you say.” They all said.

After making sure all our outfits were perfect we headed downstairs. As we were walking down, the crowd of people started clapping and cheering. I saw Jaden at the bottom of the staircase and smiled knowing he planned this all. “You look so beautiful.” He leaned and kissed me on the cheek then led me and the other girls to what looked like a VIP Section where Moises and Mateo were waiting.

When they saw us they stood and hugged us all. “You guys look beautiful.”

“Muy bonita.” Matoe agreed.

We smiled and all said thank you. As the music began to boom, I looked around and saw Jaden sitting in a chair patting his lap telling me to come and sit with him. When I got to him, I sat in his lap and intertwined my fingers with his. “Did you really plan all this? It’s a bit much don’t you think?”

“Only the best for you babe.”  He kissed my hand, and up my arm.

“How did I get someone as great as you?”

“You got lucky. If you didn’t have me you’d probably end up with someone like Moises.” I laughed at Jaden’s joke and he kissed my hand once more.  “I’ve been keeping something from you.” I looked at him with confusion as he continued. “I’m going on tour for a while… Ten Months to be exact. But I’ll be back home after six for our year anniversary.”

“When do you leave?” I asked.

"2 weeks. I know I should’ve told you earlier but-"

I brought my hand to his cheek and rubbed small circles with my thumb. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I leaned in and kissed Jaden on his soft lips. We continued for a while before being interrupted by our friends.

“Hey! Stop sucking face and let’s dance!” They pulled Jaden and I out of our seat and to the dance floor. We danced to the beat and gave it our all. We didn’t care if we looked weird, because we were being weird together.

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist as a very familiar scent covered my nose. “You look so sexy in that dress. I just want to rip it off.” Jaden began to kiss my neck and I knew by the time he decided to stop, there’d be a noticeable hickey.

 I turned in his arms and hooked my arms around his neck. “You might just be able to by the end of the night.” I brought Jaden into a deep kiss. He pulled me closer to him, and I began to feel something touching my thigh. I smiled in the kiss, and pecked him one more time before turning around and grinding on him, moving my hips to the beat of the music. I placed his hands on my waist and brought my body closer to his. I tilted my head giving him access to my neck that he seemed to never get enough of.

“I have a bit of a surprise for you tonight.” He whispered in my ear.

“Can’t wait.” I pushed myself extra hard against him and kissed him as well as biting his bottom lip, and I knew that’s something that caught him off guard. While he stood in shock, I walked off and got lost in the masses.

While moving my way through the crowd, I bumped into someone knocking his drink all over him. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I looked up at the guy and realized who it was. “Oh, Chresanto, it’s just you.”

“I’m glad I’m of importance to you.” he said sarcastically.

 I laughed. “Sorry. Come upstairs and I’ll get you another shirt.” He followed me upstairs to Jaden’s room. “Just sit on the bed while I find something for you to wear.” I walked in the closet and found a MSFTS shirt that would fit Chresanto perfectly.

I went back into the room and gave him the shirt. "Here you go. You can change in the-" Chresanto stood up and took his shirt off leaving me speechless. He had perfectly toned abs and biceps, and his glowing brown skin only made things better. “Wow.”

He smiled and put on the shirt I handed him. “I think we should get back to the party. They’re probably looking for you.” he held out his hand and I took it. When we got downstairs I saw Jaden coming towards us. I guess Chresanto did too because he instantly let go of my hand.

“Hey babe, I have an announcement. Come on.” He glared at Chresanto before we walked away to the front of the crowd. “Excuse me everyone. I have something to say.” The music stopped and everyone’s eyes turned towards us. “As you know this is me and Danielle’s Six Month Party. I can honestly say that these last six months have been the best. I’ve never been happier. I love Danielle so much, and there’s no one else I’d rather be with.” He paused and looked at me. Quoting from my favorite movie he said, “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…”

I smiled feeling a tear run down my cheek, and another, and another. “What a stupid lamb.”

“What a sick, masochistic lion.”


A/n:   BAM!!! So what do you think? Jaden is going on tour and Dani has a new guy friend. Hmm... I wonder what that will lead to. *Wink Wink* And for those that might not have known, Chresanto is Roc Royal from MB.

Thank you to everyone who's read the story so far. You guys never comment, but you keep reading so i guess you guys are liking it. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being different. Thank you for being yourself. Unitl the next update.  

 Smilies, Hearts, Roses, and All That Good Stuff.

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