I am not a Ghost ... You just...

By iye360

12K 272 72

Kara has lived most of her life as a Ghost, invisible to everything and everyone. She witnessed her parents m... More

I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see me
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [2]
I am not a ghost... You just can't see me [3]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [4]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [5]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [6]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [7]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [7.5]
I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see me [8]
I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see me [9]
I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see me [10]
I am not a Ghost ...You just can't see me [11]
I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see me [12]
I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [14]

I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [13]

322 11 2
By iye360

The hallway is silent, further more supporting my thesis that the other residents are fast asleep in the many bedrooms that line the hallway. I can’t help wondering what is it that makes this peculiar pack of young people so intriguing. 99% of the time I have very little interest in my housemates daily lives, mostly I just observe and pick out what it is freaks them out the most and run with that until they evacuate the residence permanently. But with this group it was different. There was something off about them, more so than the strange dynamic that is a horde of 16 young men and 1 young lady living under the same roof. So intriguing in fact I am tempted to postpone my ‘Fright night spectacular’ to learn more.

I don’t realize that I am so lost in thought until I stumble over the large couch in the living room, stubbing my toe in the process. I flop unceremoniously over the back of the couch on to the large cushions. I should have guessed that tonight’s research would not be very productive. I lay sprawled across the seats staring at the clear night outside the large glass windows. The dark wall of forest idle is its seeming endlessness. I can’t hold off sleep much longer, I had to face it sooner or later and my body was screaming for it now! My eyelids close and ‘the dream’ begins again.

 I wake up about an hour later and decide that I probably do something to begin my haunting schedule so I start with the TV. I sneak back up to the attic to find my notebook where I have scrawled some simple spells that I had stumbled upon out of boredom as well as a DVD that I had made with a loop of static and ghostly figures sliced between some late night football games. With both the notebook and DVD under my arm I head back to the living room. As I leave the attic I swear I hear a faint but ghostly ‘hello?’ I look around to find nothing except Lucus sound asleep in his box fort.  I continue my way down stairs, I was short for time as it was and I needed to get started on my haunting before they got comfortable here.

 I find the DVD player in a draw under the TV. I put the DVD in and set it up to play. It was now time to deal with the TV itself. I grab my notebook and flip to the page where I had scribbled down a spell for self-powered appliances. After reading through it a couple of times I am ready to begin.

 ‘fac spatium industria influit per hoc doctas verbis meis vocavi te, et usque ad me’

 The TV flashes on and starts playing the DVD, I turn it up maximum and plop back on to the couch and prepare myself for a front row seat to some early morning mayhem.

Mari is the first to investigate the noisy disturbance as she sleepily walks into the room I can hear her mumbling something about a bunch of idiots who aren’t bright enough to turn the television off before they go to bed. She reaches for the remote and tries to turn it off. When it doesn’t work she checks that is has batteries, then walks up to the TV and tries to turn it off there. When that doesn’t work she goes straight for the power point. For a second the screen goes black and Mari begins to head back to her room when it flicks back on again. Instead of jumping in shock as I had really hoped she would she sighs and mumbles something along the lines of ‘it is too early to be dealing with this crap’ and stomps back to her room.

Rather disappointed with Mari underwhelming response to my first haunt I close the spell and lay on the couch contemplating what I could of done to actually spoke these people. While I am lying on the couch staring at the ceiling, I feel the cushion near my feet depress as if something had sat down there. I lower my gaze to find nothing there. Oh the irony I am the one being haunted tonight apparently. ‘hello?’ , I hear it again but this time it is not at faint and sounds as if it is only at my feet. I sit up and stare at the empty space at the end of the couch. ‘Hello?’ I reply not really expecting a response, so when I hear a tentative ‘hi’ I admittedly jumped a little. I reach my hand out towards the empty space and feel it warm as what feels like a hand wraps around mine before I feel a sharp pain in my hand. Instinctively I pull my hand away to check what happened to my hand. When I look at my hand I can’t see any evidence that anything had hurt it. No cut or burn. I reach my hand back to the empty space but the warm hand doesn’t meet my own.

Satisfied that enough strange events had presented themselves tonight I head back to the attic where for once I am looking forward to sleep as I know exactly what to expect from my dreams. As I reach the top of the staircase I can see through the window that the sun was peering its head over the horizon and soon the house would be buzzing with life, unaware of what had happen during the night. With one last sigh I climb the last of the stair to the attic and retreat to my own box fort for a couple of hours of rest.

Lucus POV

 As I wrapped my hand around hers a sharp pain flows through my hand up my arm, reflexively I release her hand and I am shocked awake from my dream. I had never been woken by anything within my dreams before. I had never found myself in a environment that I knew prior to when the pack moved into this house and I had most definitely never seen anyone form my pack in my dreams.

I reach over to my alarm clock to check the time, 5:55 am. Disgusted at the early time I lay back down and try to get a few more hours of sleep before I have to begin another day surrounded by meatheads. As I close my eyes I see to beginnings of the sun rising through the small attic window, so I grab one of the boxes and place it to obscure the sun when it rises fully in a few hours. Just as I begin to fade into sleep I swear I hear the clicking of the attic door closing, but I am too tired to care enough to investigate. Soon I am engulfed in a dreamless and restful sleep.

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